Pipeline-Tools is a collection of command line tool for manipulating and summarizing VCF files.
Pipeline-Tools is currently designed only for Linux systems. You will need to install and configure the following tool:
Python v2.7.*
You can check your Python version by running the following command in your terminal:
$ python -V Python 2.7.10
To install the correct version of Python, visit the official Python website.
Python packages: numpy, scipy, pandas, matplotlib, and pyVCF
You will need pip to install the above packages. After installing pip, run the following commands in your terminal:
# Upgrade pip sudo pip install -U pip pip install numpy pip install scipy pip install pandas pip install matplotlib pip install pyVCF
Clone the Pipeline-Tools repo
# clone the repo git clone https://github.com/alexwaldrop/Pipeline-Tools.git
Pipeline-Tools is maintained as a docker image and can be ported anywhere Docker is available.
The only pre-requisite here is the Docker client. Please execute the following command line to see if your system already have Docker-client installed or not.
$ sudo docker --version
If Docker is not installed on your system, you can get it from Docker-client.
After the Docker set up, please pull the Pipeline-Tools Docker image from the Docker Hub. To do so, please run the following command line:
$ sudo docker pull alexwaldrop/pipeline-tools:latest
You can run any of the Pipeline-Tools modules as Docker containers as follows:
$ sudo docker run --rm --user root alexwaldrop/pipeline-tools:latest "RecodeVCF.py --help"
$ sudo docker run --rm --user root alexwaldrop/pipeline-tools:latest "CatRecodedVCF.py --help"
$ sudo docker run --rm --user root alexwaldrop/pipeline-tools:latest "SummarizeVCF.py --help"
$ sudo docker run --rm --user root alexwaldrop/pipeline-tools:latest "CatVCFSummary.py --help"
At present, Pipeline-Tools contains two tools for VCF processing:
Transforms VCF genotype calls, annotations into searchable/sortable RecodedVCF format. Complete Documentation found here.
Summarizes variant features based on annotations contained in a VCF. Complete Documentation found here.
Pipeline-Tools is actively under development. To request features, please contact the author listed below.