End-to-end ML pipeline: training, model registry, deployment and prediction with MLflow scoring server.
Basis of subsequent CI/CD pipeline.
- train.py - Run several sklearn training runs with different hyperparameters.
- register_model.py - Find the best run and register it as model version
. - batch_score.py - Batch score with sklearn and pyfunc flavors.
- deploy_server.py - Launch a scoring server and submit scoring payload to
endpoint. The scoring server can be either local web server or local SageMaker container. - test.py - Test above steps - train, register, batch score and deploy.
See conda.yaml.
conda env create --file conda.yaml
conda activate mlflow-examples-e2e-ml-pipeline
Key default values - see common.py.
Name | Value |
Experiment name | e2e-ml-pipeline |
Model name | e2e-ml-pipeline |
Model URI | models:/e2e-ml-pipeline/production |
Port | 5001 |
Docker image name | sm-e2e-ml-pipeline |
Program: train.py.
Run several sklearn training runs with different hyperparameters.
Name | Required | Default | Description |
experiment_name | no | e2e-ml-pipeline | Name of experiment |
data_path | no | ../../data/wine-quality-white.csv | Data file |
python train.py
experiment_name: e2e-ml-pipeline
data_path: ../../data/wine-quality-white.csv
Experiment ID: 5
Params: (1, 2, 4, 16)
0.820 1 ae9b699cfc5e42f9bca2bd83f95f9524 5
0.785 2 5ae2374d1b524a4e8051c4fa1d7dbcc8 5
0.759 4 4c3da779aa8d48ff97f0c0ed9cafe47c 5
0.867 16 319b94e45b63483cbc8225d0d3a8d6bc 5
Best run: 0.759 4c3da779aa8d48ff97f0c0ed9cafe47c
Program: register_model.py.
Find the best run and register it as model version models:/e2e-ml-pipeline/production
Name | Required | Default | Description |
experiment_name | no | e2e-ml-pipeline | Name of experiment |
data_path | no | ../../data/wine-quality-white.csv | Data file |
model_name | no | e2e-ml-pipeline | Registered model |
python register_model.py
experiment_name: e2e-ml-pipeline
data_path: ../../data/wine-quality-white.csv
model_name: e2e-ml-pipeline
Best run: 4c3da779aa8d48ff97f0c0ed9cafe47c 0.7592585886611769
Found model e2e-ml-pipeline
Found 0 versions for model e2e-ml-pipeline
Reg Model: <class 'mlflow.entities.model_registry.registered_model.RegisteredModel'> {'_name': 'e2e-ml-pipeline', '_creation_time': 1584292037095, '_last_updated_timestamp': 1584302072077, '_description': '', '_latest_version': [<ModelVersion: creation_timestamp=1584302072077, current_stage='None', description='', last_updated_timestamp=1584302072077, name='e2e-ml-pipeline', run_id='4c3da779aa8d48ff97f0c0ed9cafe47c', source='file:///Users/ander/work/mlflow/server/local_mlrun/mlruns/5/4c3da779aa8d48ff97f0c0ed9cafe47c/artifacts/sklearn-model', status='READY', status_message='', user_id='', version='35'>]}
Version: id=36 status=READY state=None
Waited 0.01 seconds
Version: id=36 status=READY state=None
Version: id=36 status=READY state=Production
predictions: [6.24342105 6.24342105 6.68112798 ... 6.68112798 5.94352941 5.35624284]
Program: batch_score.py.
Score the best model with sklearn and pyfunc flavors.
Name | Required | Default | Description |
model_uri | no | models:/e2e-ml-pipeline/production | Registered model URI |
data_path | no | ../../data/wine-quality-white.csv | Data file |
python batch_score.py
sklearn score
predictions: [6.24931129 6.74246575 6.74246575 ... 6.24931129 6.74246575 6.24931129]
pyfunc score
predictions: [6.24931129 6.74246575 6.74246575 ... 6.24931129 6.74246575 6.24931129]
Program: deploy_server.py.
- Fetches the best model from the model registry.
- Launches a scoring server with this model
- By default it launches a local web server - see mlflow models serve.
- Optionally can launch a local SageMaker container - see mlflow.sagemaker.
- Submits scoring payload to
Name | Required | Default | Description |
port | no | 5001 | Port |
docker_image | no | none | Docker image name |
model_uri | no | models:/e2e-ml-pipeline/production | Registered model URI |
launch_container | no | false | Default is to launch local server, if true launch local SageMaker container |
data_path | no | ../../data/wine-quality-white.csv | Data file |
Executes the following mlflow command:
mlflow models serve --port 5001 --model-uri models:/e2e-ml-pipeline/production
python -u deploy_server.py
port: 5001
docker_image: sm-e2e-ml-pipeline
model_uri: models:/e2e-ml-pipeline/production
launch_container: False
data_path: ../../data/wine-quality-white.csv
Command: mlflow models serve --port 5001 --model-uri models:/e2e-ml-pipeline/production
Process ID: 27572
Calling scoring server: 4/10000
. . .
Calling scoring server: 8/10000
Ran pip subprocess with arguments:
['/Users/andre/miniconda/envs/mlflow-9373994feef365bde89b7072d1498bdbc226ba90/bin/python', '-m', 'pip', 'install', '-U', '-r', '/Users/ander/work/mlflow/server/local_mlrun/mlruns/2/868ce3ccb7c448fe9939c5b21c29ff0a/artifacts/sklearn-model/condaenv.kdzq1ifu.requirements.txt']
Processing /Users/ander/Library/Caches/pip/wheels/6d/72/87/348958818bec20c3a64243396065e34600ada290199f96abfa/mlflow-1.7.0-py3-none-any.whl
Collecting cloudpickle==1.2.2
Using cached cloudpickle-1.2.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (25 kB)
. . .
2020/03/15 22:44:36 INFO mlflow.models.cli: Selected backend for flavor 'python_function'
Done waiting for 4.36 seconds
Done waiting - OK - successful deploy - predictions: [5.335031847133758, 5.050955414012739, 5.726950354609929]
Done waiting - killing process 27572
Executes the following mlflow commands:
mlflow sagemaker build-and-push-container --build --no-push --container sm-e2e-ml-pipeline
mlflow sagemaker run-local -m models:/e2e-ml-pipeline/production -p 5001 --image sm-e2e-ml-pipeline
python -u deploy_server.py --launch_container
port: 5001
docker_image: sm-e2e-ml-pipeline
model_uri: models:/e2e-ml-pipeline/production
launch_container: False
data_path: ../../data/wine-quality-white.csv
Starting command: mlflow sagemaker build-and-push-container --build --no-push --container sm-e2e-ml-pipeline
. . .
Successfully built a03004c4fa63
Successfully tagged sm-e2e-ml-pipeline:latest
Done waiting for command: mlflow sagemaker build-and-push-container --build --no-push --container sm-e2e-ml-pipeline
Starting command: mlflow sagemaker run-local -m models:/e2e-ml-pipeline/production -p 5001 --image sm-e2e-ml-pipeline
2020/03/15 22:48:34 INFO mlflow.models.docker_utils: Building docker image with name sm-e2e-ml-pipeline
Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072kB
Process ID: 27632
Calling scoring server: 0/10000
. . .
Calling scoring server: 23/10000
. . .
Done waiting for 65.36 seconds
Done waiting - OK - Successful deploy - predictions: [5.335031847133758, 5.050955414012739, 5.726950354609929]
Done waiting - killing process 27632
Program: test.py.
Test above steps in sequential order - train, register, batch score and deploy.
By default launches a local server. If you wish to launch the docker container: export LAUNCH_CONTAINER=true
py.test -v test.py
test.py::test_train PASSED
test.py::test_register_model PASSED
test.py::test_batch_score PASSED
test.py::test_deploy_server PASSED
============================== 4 passed in 6.17s ===============================