- Directly copy an experiment or run from one tracking server to another.
- This functionality is less often used (and therefore less tested) then export/import so your mileage may vary.
- Basically it is deprecated and not supported.
- Copy tools work only for open source MLflow.
- Copy tools do not work when both the source and destination trackings servers are Databricks MLflow.
- This is primarily because MLflow client constructor only accepts a tracking_uri.
- For open source MLflow this works fine and you can have the two clients (source and destination) in the same program with some workarounds.
- For Databricks MLflow, the constructor is not used to initialize target servers. There is only one set environment variables (MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI, etc.) that is used to initialize the MLflowClient, so only one client instance can exist in a program.
- To copy experiments when a Databricks server is involved, use the the two-stage process of first exporting the experiment and then importing it.
Copies an experiment from one MLflow tracking server to another.
Source: copy_experiment.py.
In this example we use:
- Source tracking server runs on port 5000
- Destination tracking server runs on 5001
python -m mlflow_export_import.experiment.copy_experiment --help
--src-uri TEXT Source MLflow API URI. [required]
--dst-uri TEXT Destination MLflow API URI. [required]
--src-experiment TEXT Source experiment ID or name. [required]
--dst-experiment-name TEXT Destination experiment name. [required]
--use-src-user-id BOOLEAN Set the destination user ID to the source
user ID. Source user ID is ignored when
importing into Databricks since setting it
is not allowed. [default: False]
--export-metadata-tags BOOLEAN Export source run metadata tags. [default: False]
python -u -m mlflow_export_import.experiment.copy_experiment \
--src-experiment sklearn_wine \
--dst-experiment-name sklearn_wine_imported \
--src-uri http://localhost:5000 \
--dst-uri http://localhost:5001
Copies a run from one MLflow tracking server to another.
Source: copy_run.py.
In this example we use
- Source tracking server runs on port 5000
- Destination tracking server runs on 5001
python -m mlflow_export_import.run.copy_run --help
--input TEXT Input path - directory or zip file.
--experiment-name TEXT Destination experiment name. [required]
--use-src-user-id BOOLEAN Set the destination user ID to the source
user ID. Source user ID is ignored when
importing into Databricks since setting it
is not allowed. [default: False]
--import-metadata-tags BOOLEAN Import mlflow_tools tags. [default: False]
export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=http://localhost:5000
python -u -m mlflow_export_import.run.copy_run \
--src-run-id 50fa90e751eb4b3f9ba9cef0efe8ea30 \
--dst-experiment-name sklearn_wine \
--src-uri http://localhost:5000 \
--dst-uri http://localhost:5001
"last_updated_timestamp": "1601399504920",
"latest_versions": [
"name": "keras_mnist",
"version": "1",
"creation_timestamp": "1601399113486",
"last_updated_timestamp": "1601399504920",
"current_stage": "Archived",
"description": "",
"source": "file:///opt/mlflow/server/mlruns/1/9176458a78194d819e55247eee7531c3/artifacts/keras-model",
"run_id": "9176458a78194d819e55247eee7531c3",
"status": "READY",
"run_link": ""