- Compare model versions - Compares two different model versions. The versions can be either in the same or another tracking server (workspace). The registry models of each version are compared as well as their run models.
- Check model version - Validate a version's MLflow model. Checks that a model version's run model artifact (run_model) matches the cached model registry model (reg_model).
See Databricks notebook versions.
Model Version and its MLflow models
An MLflow model version has two sources of truth for the MLflow model it wraps:
- Run (run_model): MLflow model as a run artifact. The version has a field source that points to the run's model artifact path.
- Registry (reg_model): "cached" version of above. Its path is obtained by the MlflowClient.get_model_version_download_uri method.
In Databricks both MLflow models are DBFS paths:
- run_model:
- reg_model:
Model Version Diagram
Comparison Implementation Notes
The standard Python filecmp module is used for comparison. For MLflow model flavors whose native model format is one file (e.g. one pickle file for Sklearn) filecmp.cmpfiles is used. For other flavor whose native format is a directory (e.g. SparkML or TensorFlow), filecmp.dircmp is used.
A file/directory hash is also calculdated, but is included in the output only as a convenience.
is the canonical comparison method.
- Compares two model versions. Checks that:
- The "cached" registry models (pointed to by the
) are the same. - The run models are the same (pointed to by
- The "cached" registry models (pointed to by the
- The model versions can be in different workspaces.
Sample output report: compare_model_versions.json.
Run example
compare-model-versions \
--config-file config.yaml \
--download-dir /tmp/scratch_download \
--report-file compare_model_versions.json
. . .
"equals": true,
"tracking_server_1": {
"path": "/tmp/scratch_download/reg_model/server_1/model/model.pkl",
"hash": "3027220482473d3951e8cbf591943655"
"tracking_server_2": {
"path": "/tmp/scratch_download/reg_model/server_2/model/model.pkl",
"hash": "3027220482473d3951e8cbf591943655"
"run_model": true,
"reg_model": true
Configuration - config.yaml
host: databricks://test_env
model: Sklearn_Wine
version_or_stage: staging
native_model: model.pkl
host: databricks://prod_env
model: Sklearn_Wine_Imported
version_or_stage: staging
native_model: model.pkl
- host - tracking server host
- model - registered model name
- version_or_stage - either the version number or stage (production, staging, archived)
- native_model - relative artifact path of the native model in the MLflow artifact.
compare-model-versions --help
Compare two model versions: check that the cached registry models are the
same and the run models are the same.
--config-file TEXT Configuration file [required]
--download-dir TEXT Download directory for artifacts [required]
--compare-run-models Compare run models
--compare-reg-models Compare registered models
--verbose Verbose
Validate a version's MLflow model. Checks that a model version's run model artifact (run_model) matches the "cached" model registry model (reg_model).
Sample output report: check_model_version.json.
Run example
check-model-version \
--model Sklearn_Wine \
--version-or-stage production \
--download-dir /tmp/scratch_download \
--report-file check_model_version.json
. . .
"equals": true,
"run_model": {
"download_uri": "dbfs:/databricks/mlflow-tracking/e090757fcb8f49cb9822f65f2fe7ed91/3c0b2decc41c4dc0becd3d60bc814a4d/artifacts/model",
"local_path": {
"path": "/tmp/scratch_download/run_model/model",
"hash": "3a8c2e4dd75843b0e4cdb2aeb3b8ceade8fe9b73"
"reg_model": {
"download_uri": "dbfs:/databricks/mlflow-registry/4c27e4f25ad54488afc84b8cff227457/models/model",
"local_path": {
"path": "/tmp/scratch_download/reg_model/model",
"hash": "3a8c2e4dd75843b0e4cdb2aeb3b8ceade8fe9b73"
Equals: True
check-model-version --help
Usage: check-model-version [OPTIONS]
Validate a version's MLflow model. Checks that a model version's run model artifact matches the cached model registry model.
--model TEXT Registered model name [required]
--version-or-stage TEXT Model version or stage [required]
--download-dir TEXT Download artifact scratch directory
--report-file TEXT Output report file