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executable file
160 lines (111 loc) · 4.62 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
160 lines (111 loc) · 4.62 KB

ASCII Editor

travis badge

       _    ____   ____ ___ ___   _____    _ _ _             
      / \  / ___| / ___|_ _|_ _| | ____|__| (_) |_ ___  _ __
     / _ \ \___ \| |    | | | |  |  _| / _` | | __/ _ \| '__|
    / ___ \ ___) | |___ | | | |  | |__| (_| | | || (_) | |   
   /_/   \_\____/ \____|___|___| |_____\__,_|_|\__\___/|_|   

The basic idea of this project is to have an editor to design schemas, tables, drawings, etc. for making technical documentation that can be used into the ubiquitous README files with import and export functionality.

There is already some tools in internet like the awesome asciiflow, but I need something more professional and the asciiflow tool is not open source; so I have decided to cook my own stuff and share it with the world :)

Try it!


This is an example of what you can draw with the app

|                        |                                              
|                        |      connector                               
|    BOX STYLE 1         |──────────┐         ┌──────────────────────┐  
|                        |          │         │                      │  
|                        |          │         │                      │  
+------------------------+          └─────────┤    BOX STYLE 2       │  
                                              │                      │
                                              │                      │

News (01/08/2018)

  • Refactored project structure
  • Removed gradle combineJs plugin

Next release

  • Working on connectors...
  • Working on moving source code to TypeScript


  • HTML canvas technology
  • JavaScript ECMAScript6 technology (Classes + Inheritance)
  • Object oriented design. Classes, Inheritance,
  • Patters design: Layers Pattern, Decorator Pattern
  • JQuery framework (just for manipulating DOM)

Features implemented

  • Canvas controller (mouse click, mouse wheel, mouse drag, key down, key press, key up)
  • Canvas grid (100 x 200)
  • Scrollable canvas (mouse wheel)
  • Zoomable canvas (shift + mouse wheel)
  • Movable canvas (shift + mouse drag)
  • Resizable canvas (on windows resize)
  • Canvas cursor & pointer (arrow keys can control the cursor)
  • Write chars
  • Draw with different line styles
  • HTML Storage support to resume work
  • Tools:
    • Add / Edit text
    • Draw / Resize boxes (move lines also)
    • Select Area / Clear / Move it
    • Select Box / Move it
    • Clear canvas
    • Export to ASCII (so you can copy / paste)
    • Draw lines

Still to be implement

  • improve connectors (reposition connector when its crossing the box)
  • draw lines
  • import ASCII
  • cut / copy / paste
  • trim to export (remove unnecessary lines, columns)
  • export indented (so it can be copied then to files - should start with 4 spaces)
  • make size of canvas configurable / resizable
  • undo / redo

Nice to have

  • text behaviour: resize shape if writing text inside
  • save / restore configuration (zoom for example)
  • implement tables (add columns, add rows)
  • select shape / move shape (not just boxes, but tables)
  • implement chars library (choose char from unicode list)
  • integrate ASCII library
  • improve / beautify UI
  • fix state machine for all tools (like I did in SelectTool)
  • handle keyboard functions: printing F2 / handle find F3 / handle full screen F11
  • many more...



gradle combineJs

Final Notes

You are free to use this program while you keep this file and the authoring comments in the code. Any comments, suggestions or contributions are welcome.



  • 2018/08/01
    • (f) Removed gradle combineJs plugin
    • (f) Project structure refactored
  • 2017/03/24
    • (n) Refactored to file per Class
    • (n) Project moved to gradle
  • 2017/03/19
    • (f) Fixed backspace for removing chars
    • (n) Added support for handling carriage line return key when entering text