On Thursday September 11th, 2003, the open source GPS community gathered for the first time at an ION meeting. We met in a session room after the last session on Thursday, and about 35 of us spent almost an hour talking. Here's a summary of what we discussed, roughly in order:
- Introduction by Andrew Greenberg of (Portland State University... that's me).
- Dr. Clifford Kelley (Boeing) spoke on the history and current state of OpenSource GPS software.
- Doug Baker (Navman) spoke on the hardware development kit he's working on that will work with OpenSource GPS: a Zarlink Gp2021 RF board that interfaceswith the ISA slot on a PC (which is meant specifically to run with OpenSource GPS software).
- Andrew Greenberg spoke on the GPL-GPS project, open source software for Zarlink-based OEM receivers.
- Stephan Esterhuizen (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder) spoke on his refactoring of the OpenSource GPS code for the GPS Architect hardware.
- Carl Carter of SiRF announced that SiRF is opening up the SiRF Star II for educational projects via some sort of API for the chip.
- There were a few other announcements: Please email me and I'll post them here.
We then broke up for informal discussion. It was a great first meeting, and a nice chance to meet people we've been emailing or reading about for quite a while.
Those who could then jumped on the Portland MAX and Streetcar and headed to a very crowded Bridgeport Brewpub in NW Portland for the quintescential Portland micro-brewery experienced. About a dozen of us sat down and talked GPS over pizza and beer... what more could you want?
My thanks to all who attended and to all who are pursuing open source GPS software and hardware. See you next year, at ION GNSS 2003!
Name | Affiliation | Project | |
Andrew Greenberg | Portland State University | Open source software for Zarlink OEM receiver boards: http://gps.psas.pdx.edu | andrew(at)uad(dot)com |
Doug Baker | Navman and db Engineering | Zarlink GP2021-based ISA carrier board meant for OpenSource GPS project: http://home.earthlink.net/~cwkelley/gps1000.htm | dbengineering(at)compuserve(dot)com |
Clifford Kelley | Boeing | Author of the OpenSource GPS project: http://home.earthlink.net/~cwkelley/ | cwkelley(at)earthlink(dot)com |
Carl Carter | SiRF Technology | Open SiRF chipset | ccarter(at)sirf(dot)com |
Stephan Esterhuizen | Univ. of Colorado, Boulder | Refactored OpenSource GPS code: See http://www-ccar.colorado.edu/opengps/ | Stephan.Esterhuizen(at)colorado(dot)edu |
Am I missing you or someone you know? Either sign your self up and add your info, or email me at andrew(at)uad(com).