These instructions are for installing mpd_oled using source on Moode 7 (with a 32-bit kernel architecture).
A binary package is also available, but may not include the very latest code, see Install instructions for Moode 7.
Install Moode. Ensure a command line prompt is available for entering the commands below (e.g. use SSH, enable in the Moode UI at Configure / System / Local Services / SSH term server, log in with default username 'pi', default password 'moodeaudio').
Install all the packages needed to build and run cava and mpd_oled
sudo apt update
sudo apt install autoconf make libtool libfftw3-dev libiniparser-dev libmpdclient-dev libi2c-dev i2c-tools lm-sensors git libasound2-dev
mpd_oled uses Cava, a bar spectrum audio visualizer, to calculate the spectrum
If you have Cava installed (try running cava -h
), there is no need
to install Cava again, but to use the installled version you must use
mpd_oled -k ...
Download, build and install Cava. These commands build a reduced
feature-set executable called mpd_oled_cava
git clone
cd cava
./configure --disable-input-portaudio --disable-input-sndio --disable-output-ncurses --disable-input-pulse --program-prefix=mpd_oled_
sudo make install-strip
Download, build and install mpd_oled.
cd .. # if you are still in the cava source directory
git clone
cd mpd_oled
CPPFLAGS="-W -Wall -Wno-psabi" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install-strip
Configure your system to enable I2C or SPI, depending on how your OLED is connected.
I use a cheap 4 pin I2C SSH1106 display with a Raspberry Pi Zero. It is wired like this.
In /etc/modules I have the line i2c-dev
sudo nano /etc/modules
In /boot/config.txt I have the line dtparam=i2c_arm=on
The I2C bus speed on your system may be too slow for a reasonable screen
refresh. Set a higher bus speed by adding
the following line dtparam=i2c_arm_baudrate=400000
/boot/config.txt, or try a higher value for a higher screen refresh
(I use dtparam=i2c_arm_baudrate=800000
with a 25 FPS screen refresh)
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
Restart the Pi after making any system configuration changes.
I use a cheap 7 pin SPI SSH1106 display with a Raspberry Pi Zero. It is
wired like this.
In /boot/config.txt I have the line dtparam=spi=on
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
Restart the Pi after making any system configuration changes.
Enable the Moode metadata file, which includes information about the current song. You can either do this in the Moode UI at Moode / Configure / System / Local Services / Metadata file, or by running the following command
sqlite3 /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db "update cfg_system set value=1 where param='extmeta'" && mpc add ""
Go to the Moode UI and set your timezone at Moode / Configure / System.
Starting with Moode 7.2, the Moode UI provides an option to create a copy of the playing audio. Go to Configure / Audio / ALSA Options, set ALSA Loopback to ON and click on SET. Now Configure mpd_oled and set to run at boot.
The audio copy will be made using an ALSA configuration. To enable this configuration a graphic equalizer must be set (in the Moode UI).
Install the audio copy with
sudo mpd_oled_moode_audio_copy_install
Read the report that is printed. If you already have a similar configuration
in /etc/asound.conf
it will not be overwritten, and you may need to delete
it first and rerun the command (or leave it if it is already working).
If the installation completed successfully (or is assumed to be compatible with mpd_oled) then reboot the machine
sudo reboot
When it has rebooted, open the Moode UI and enable a graphic equaliser (e.g. Graphic Eq with the 'flat' setting) if one is not already set.
An audio copy should now be available to read from plughw:Loopback,1
(see below).
Note 1: enabling the loopback device may change the card number of your playback device. If you hear no audio then reselect your device in the Moode UI.
Note 2: some Moode settings (e.g. certain SoX settings) may be incompatible with the graphic equaliser, and therefore produce an ALSA error when the equaliser is enabled. If you need these settings then you will need to customise the ALSA configuration.
Please report issues, or ask for help with the spectrum display not working, at Moode ALSA audio copy issues.
Note: The program can be run without the audio copy enabled, in which case the spectrum analyser area will be blank
Install a service file. This will not overwrite an existing mpd_oled service file.
sudo mpd_oled_service_install
The mpd_oled program can now be run with sudo mpd_oled_service_edit
options), and this also sets up mpd_oled with the same options as a service
to be run at boot. Rerunning sudo mpd_oled_service_edit
with different
options will stop the current running mpd_oled and start it again with
the new options. (Test commands can also be run with mpd_oled
options), and stopped with Ctrl-C, but ensure that no other copy of
mpd_oled is running).
The OLED type MUST be specified with -o from the following list: 1 - Adafruit (SSD1306, SSD1309) SPI 128x64, 3 - Adafruit (SSD1306, SSD1309) I2C 128x64, 4 - Seeed I2C 128x64, 6 - SH1106 (SSH1106) I2C 128x64. 7 - SH1106 (SSH1106) SPI 128x64.
An example command, for a generic I2C SH1106 display (OLED type 6) with a display of 10 bars and a gap of 1 pixel between bars and a framerate of 20Hz is
sudo mpd_oled_service_edit -o 6 -b 21 -g 1 -f 20 -c alsa,plughw:Loopback,1
For I2C OLEDs (mpd_oled -o 3, 4 or 6) you may need to specify the I2C
address, find this by running, e.g. sudo i2cdetect -y 1
and then specify
the address with option -a, e.g. sudo mpd_oled_service_edit -o6 -a 3d ...
If you have a reset pin connected, specify the GPIO number with option -r,
e.g. sudo mpd_oled_service_edit -o6 -r 24 ...
. Specify the I2C bus number,
if not 1, with option -B, e.g. sudo mpd_oled_service_edit -o6 -B 0 ...
For, SPI OLEDs (option -o 1 or 7), you may need to specify your reset pin GPIO number (option -r, default 25), DC pin GPIO number (option -D, default 24) or CS value (option -S, default 0).
If your display is upside down, you can rotate it 180 degrees with option '-R'.
Once the display is working, play some music and check the spectrum display is working and is synchronised with the music. If there are no bars then the audio copy may not have been configured correctly. If the bars seem jerky or not synchronized with the music then reduce the values of -b and/or -f.
If you run sudo mpd_oled_service_edit
without options the service
file will open in an editor, allowing the full service file to be
changed, and not just the mpd_oled options.
If the mpd_oled options are valid the display will be started after the editor is closed, and will also be configured to start a boot
Check the program is working correctly by looking at the display while the player is stopped, paused and playing music.
Commands from the following list can be run to control the service (they do not need to be run from the mpd_oled directory)
sudo systemctl enable mpd_oled # start mpd_oled at boot
sudo systemctl disable mpd_oled # don't start mpd_oled at boot
sudo systemctl start mpd_oled # start mpd_oled now
sudo systemctl stop mpd_oled # stop mpd_oled now
sudo systemctl status mpd_oled # report the status of the service
Uninstall the mpd_oled service (just the service, not the mpd_oled programs or documentation), and the audio copy with
sudo mpd_oled_service_uninstall
sudo mpd_oled_moode_audio_copy_uninstall