Releases: apache/camel-karavan
Releases · apache/camel-karavan
- Camel 3.20.1
- Export to Quarkus and Spring Boot application in VS Code
- Deploy to Kubernetes and Openshift from VS Code
- Quarkus and Spring Boot in cloud-native mode
- Kamelets
- Route Configuration DSL
- Quarkus 2.16.0.Final
- Spring Boot 2.7.7
- Code snippets for custom Processor and AggregationStrategy
- Route and EIP DSL copy/paste (experimental)
- First preview of Karavan Operator
- Kamelets 0.9.2
- Camel 3.18.3
- Quarkus 2.13.3.Final
- Deployment from VS Code
- First preview of Dashboard
- Export routes as PNG image
What's new:
- Support minikube for cloud app
- OpenAPI YAML import in cloud app
- Quarkus 2.13.0.Final
- Improved performance in web-based IDEs
- Search Kamelets by description
- Improved Deployments and Pods monitoring with Watchers
- Editor window for Expressions
- Password-editor for Sensitive keys from camel-core
- Camel 3.18.2 DSL
- Kamelets 0.9.0
- SSO/Keycloak integration for Karavan cloud-native application
Hot-fix preview release 3.18.2
- Incorrect YAML generated for doTry/doFinally
Hot-fix preview release 3.18.1
- Upgrade to Camel 3.18.1 and jbang 0.97.0
- DSL Elements could be moved (drag-and-drop) to Step DSL as steps
- Fixed issues with Drag-and-Drop
- Fixed issues with Beans and REST disappearing
- Fixed issues with run local with jbang in
- Camel 3.18.0+ DSL
- [vs-code] Export to Camel-Quarkus, Spring-Boot and Camel-Main
- [vs-code] Default
- [vs-code] camel-jbang and Maven for local development
- [cloud-native] Projects and integration with Git
- [cloud-native] Tekton Pipeline, Task and Build Image
- [cloud-native] Camel-Quarkus Runtime
- [cloud-native] Component/Kamelet/EIP properties from Kubernetes/OpenShift ConfigMaps, Secrets and Services
- [cloud-native] Upgraded to Quarkus 2.11.1.Final
This preview release includes:
- Camel 3.17.0+ DSL
- Generate REST DSL and Routes stubs from Open API
- Build Runner to Run, Package Uber-Jar, Build Image, Deploy to minikube and OpenShift
- Profiles for Run, Package, Build and Deploy
- Catalogue of EIP
- Catalogue of Kamelets
- Catalogue of Components
- Multiple UI improvements
- Kamelets 0.8.1
This preview release improves usability:
- Camel 3.16.0+ DSL
- Insert new step between existing steps
- Clone REST and REST Method
- Clone Bean
- Clone Dependency
- Copy/paste EIP DSL element
- Security and Scheduler parameters are hidden by default for Components (Expandable Section)
- Advanced parameters are hidden by default for EIP (Expandable Section)
- Open Integration, Open YAML, Run with Jbang context menu in Karavan view in VS Code
- Build-in route creation Tour