The docker-compose deployment scheme uses Mysql + IoTDB as the dependent storage service of Hertzbeat.
This solution will start three container services Mysql, IoTDB, HertzBeat
- Download and install docker environment & docker-compose environment
Please refer to Docker official website documentation, Compose installation
$ docker -v Docker version 20.10.12, build e91ed57
Download the hertzbeat-docker-compose installation deployment script file The script file is located in
link [script/docker-compose]( hertzbeat-mysql-iotdb) -
Add MYSQL jdbc driver jar
Download the MYSQL jdbc driver jar package, such as mysql-connector-java-8.0.25.jar. Copy the jar package to the ext-lib directory.
Enter the deployment script docker-compose directory, execute
docker compose up -d
Browser access localhost:1157
to start, the default account password admin/hertzbeat