Standard units are located at the vehicle_signal_specification at the (data_unit_types)[] file. It's not possible to overwrite current units, but if you want to add extra units you can create a new file using the same pattern as the current (config.yaml)[].
Suppose I have this file called my_config.yaml
label: lux
description: Illuminance measured in lux
domain: illuminance
The main use is in the Unit.add_config(my_units)
Here follows a code that you can use in your part to add units:
import yaml
from typing import TextIO, Dict
from vspec.model.constants import Unit
def get_config_dict(yaml_file: TextIO, key: str) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]:
yaml_config = yaml.safe_load(yaml_file)
configs = yaml_config.get(key, {})
return configs
with open('my_config.yaml') as my_yaml_file:
my_units = get_config_dict(my_yaml_file, 'units')