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ωBNF — super awesome parser engine

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ωBNF is pronounced "omega BNF".

Grammar Syntax Guide

An ωBNF grammar file consists of an unordered list of rules (called productions) or comments.


A Comment can be either C++-style // This is a comment to the end of the line or C-style /* This is a comment which may span multiple lines */


A rule is defined in terms of terms, or terminals in the form of NAME -> TERM+ ;:

  • a -> b; indicates a rule named a which is made up of single term (in this case the rule b)
  • a -> b (c d)*; indicates a rule named a which is made up of several terms (in this case the rule b followed by the sequence of terms c and d, which may occur zero or more times in succession)
  • a -> "Token"; indicates a rule named a which is made of a single terminal (in this case the string Token)
  • a -> \d+; indicates a rule named a which is made of a single terminal (in this case the regex \d+)


  • Strings are quoted text which match exactly the same sequence in the input text. They may be quoted by " or ' or ` (backquote)

  • Regular Expressions in the form /{RE}, where RE is the expression to match. The entire match will be consumed. The parser will use the first capturing group to populate the output node, or the entire match if there is none.

    Regular expressions mostly conform to RE2 syntax, with the following exceptions:

    • Whitespace is ignored and may be used to indent complex regular expressions across multiple lines. The space character can be matched with \_.
    • When outside a character class, } must be escaped with \}.

    The following simple RE forms may omit the surrounding /{…}:

    • ., ^ and $
    • […] and [^…]
    • \d where d is an RE2 character class.
    • \pN or \PN where N is a single-letter Unicode character class
    • \p{…} \P{…}

    All simple forms may include a quantifier: ?, *, +, {m,n?}, {n} and, optionally, an additional ? to make the quantifier reluctant (finds the shortest matching input).

    A sequence of the above simple forms with no whitespace in between is treated as a single regexp, e.g.: ^[a-z][a-z0-9]*$.


Terms can be grouped in various ways to build up rules.

  • Sequence

    a -> left [-+*/] right;

    This rule requires a left followed by one of the math symbols followed by a right.

  • Choice

    a -> ("hello" | "goodbye") name;

    This rule requires either the string hello or goodbye followed by a name.

  • Simple Multiplicity

    +, ?, and * may follow any term to indicate how many occurrences of the term will be matched.

    • + indicates 1 or more occurrences.
    • ? indicates 0 or 1 occurrence.
    • * indicates 0 or more occurrences.

    a -> b* ("x" | "y")+; matches any amount of b followed by at least one of either "x" or "y"

  • Delimited repetition

    One of the design goals of the grammar is to minimise the amount of repetition in each term. If we wanted to create a rule to accept a comma separated list of words the simple version would be:

    word -> \w*;
    csv -> word ("," word)*;

    The rule word appears 3 times in that tiny snippet! This can be eliminated with the use of the : operator after a term: csv -> \w*:","; expresses the same rule. (More on this operator below)

  • Min/Max repetition

    a -> "x"{3,9} indicates that a string of at least 3 x up to 9 will be accepted.

    • If the first number is missing, 0 will be the assumed minimum.
    • If the 2nd number is missing, unlimited with be the assumed maximum
  • Precedence Stacks

    Languages often require some way to define the order of operations (remember BODMAS from school?).

    The simple form of a math parser would include something like:

    expr    -> braces+;
    braces  -> ("(" multdiv+ ")") | multdiv;
    multdiv -> addsum (("*" | "/") addsum)*;
    addsum  -> number (("+" | "-") number)*;
    number  -> \d+;

    This again has heaps of repetition both in each rule and between rules (as each refers to the next in the precedence order).

    The > operator can help with this (newlines are generally ignored by the parser).

    expr -> @:[-+]
          > @:[*/]
          > "(" @ ")"
          > \d+;

    In each line of the stack, the @ term implicitly refers to the next line down. Terms further along have a higher precedence than earlier terms.

    The above grammar will parse the expression 1 + 2 * 3 as the following nodes:

    1  "*"
      2   3

    giving the result 7.

  • Named Terms

    Terms in a rule may be named as a convenience item.

    expr -> @:op=[-+]
          > @:op=[*/]
          > "(" @ ")"
          > \d+;

    This is the same math grammar as above, except two lines have op= for the delimiter term name.

  • Referenced Terms

    TODO: Fill in, not sure how to word this

Further Details

Delimited Repeater

This is the definition of the delimited repeater op=/{<:|:>?} opt_leading=","? named opt_trailing=","?.

  • op describes the associativity of the separated terms. All forms of the term a op b will match sequences of the form a b a ... b a.

    • : denotes a non-associative delimiter. The term a:b will produce trees conceptually like the following diagram. The parser will emit a single node with all terms and delimiters in it:

        b       b
      ┌─┴─┬ ─ ─ ┴─┐
      a   a       a
    • :> denotes a left-to-right associative delimiter. This will produce a chain of binary nodes. The term a:>b will produce trees looking like this:

          b   a
        b   a
      a   a
    • <: denotes a right-to-left associative delimiter. The term a<:b will produce trees looking like this:

      a   b
        a   b
          a   a
  • opt_leading and opt_trailing are optional markers used to allow the separator to start and/or end the sequence.

    • If opt_leading is present, the sequence is allowed to start with the separater term.
    • If opt_trailing is present, the sequence is allowed to end with the separater term.
    • Both are allowed together also.


    • x -> a:b, - Allows ab...aba or ab...ab (where ... represents any amount of ab)
    • x -> a:,b - Allows ab...aba or bab..aba (where ... represents any amount of ab)

Parser Configuration Commands (pragmas)

Some special commands are defined in the grammar to control the way the parser executes.

.import relative_filename Allows the wbnf file to merge the grammar of the imported filename into the current grammar (equivalent to #include in c)

.macro Name(args) { term } Allows the use of macros to minimise repetition in the grammar (see below)


Macros can be used when a common pattern is required through the grammar which cant easily be converted to a rule.

Macros are conceptually the same as C-style #define's, except rather than simply substituting text, a full expression can be used.

We will explain how to use macros by implementing the equivalent of the delimited repeater. First a macro is defined .macro Delim(term, sep) { term (sep term)* }, and used %!Delim(a, "<"? ":" ">"? )

This would expand to a (("<"? ":" ">"?) a)* which is equivalent of a:("<"? ":" ">"?)

Magic rules

Rules prefixed by a . are special rules governing the parser's overall behaviour. The following rules are recognised:

.wrapRE -> /{some () regex}

This rule instructs the parser to wrap every regular expression with this one. The actual regex is inserted into the ().


  • .wrapRE -> /{\s*()\s*}; ignores all whitespace surrounding every token in the grammar.
  • .wrapRE -> "--" | [0-9] | /{\s*()\s*}; ignores surrounding whitespace, as above, but excludes any instance of terms "--", and [0-9] (including /{[0-9]}) from wrapping.

Useful recipes

Below are a collection of helpful rules which can be dropped into your grammar.

  • block -> indent=(\n+ %indent="\n" \s+) stmt:%indent; accepts an indented stmt node.

  • .macro Indented(term) { indent=(\n+ %indent="\n" \s+) term:%indent } Macro to simplify adding indentation (use like %!Indented(term))

The ultimate example: ωBNF is self-hosting!

The ωBNF syntax described above is itself implemented in ωBNF. The following grammar is auto-generated from the formal grammar used in the ωBNF parsing engine.

// Non-terminals
grammar -> stmt+;
stmt    -> COMMENT | prod | pragma;
prod    -> IDENT "->" term+ ";";
term    -> (@ ("{" grammar "}")? ):op=">"
         > @:op="|"
         > @+
         > named quant*;
named   -> (IDENT op="=")? atom;
quant   -> op=[?*+]
         | "{" min=INT? "," max=INT? "}"
         | op=/{<:|:>?} opt_leading=","? named opt_trailing=","?;
atom    -> IDENT
         | STR
         | RE
         | macrocall
         | ExtRef=("%%" IDENT)
         | REF
         | "(?=" lookahead=term ")"
         | "(" term ")"
         | "(" ")";

macrocall   -> "%!" name=IDENT "(" term:","? ")";
REF         -> "%" IDENT ("=" default=STR)?;

// Terminals
COMMENT -> /{ //.*$
            | (?s: /\* (?: [^*] | \*+[^*/] ) \*/ )
IDENT   -> /{@|\.?[A-Za-z_]\w*};
INT     -> \d+;
STR     -> /{ " (?: \\. | [^\\"] )* "
            | ' (?: \\. | [^\\'] )* '
            | ` (?: ``  | [^`]   )* `
RE      -> /{
                 | { (?: (?: \d+(?:,\d*)? | ,\d+ ) \} )?
                 | \[ (?: \\. | \[:^?[a-z]+:\] | [^\]] )+ ]
                 | [^\\{\}]
           | (?:
                 \[ (?: \\. | \[:^?[a-z]+:\] | [^\]] )+ ]
               | \\[pP](?:[a-z]|\{[a-zA-Z_]+\})
               | \\[a-zA-Z]
               | [.^$]
               )(?: (?:[+*?]|\{\d+,?\d?\}) \?? )?

// Special
pragma  -> import | macrodef {
                import   -> ".import" path=((".."|"."|[a-zA-Z0-9.:]+):,"/") ";"?;
                macrodef -> ".macro" name=IDENT "(" args=IDENT:","? ")" "{" term "}" ";"?;

.wrapRE -> /{\s*()\s*};