layout | title |
default |
Form Library |
Other languages : français | ...
The form module of allows the ability to generate html forms, get user input, and validate it before processing it or adding it to a database.
The form module defines 2 primary classes: the Form class, and the Input class. Forms are instantiated with one or more inputs, and optional validators. Inputs are instantiated with a name variable, and optional arguments and validators. The Input class is subclassed into the following html inputs (html type in parens):
- Textbox - free form single line input (input type="text")
- Password - free form single line that hides input (input type="password")
- Textarea - free form multi line input (textarea)
- Dropdown - mutually exclusive input for lists (select and options)
- Radio - mutually exclusive input for a few options (input type="radio")
- Checkbox - binary input (input type="checkbox")
- Button - submit the form (button)
A basic login form would look like this:
login = form.Form(
This defines a basic form. Once defined, you should call it again to get an copied instance, and then you can call the render method on it, like so:
f = login()
print f.render()
This outputs the following HTML:
<tr><th><label for="username">username</label></th><td><input type="text" id="username" name="username"/><div class="post" style="display: none;"></div></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="password">password</label></th><td><input type="password" id="password" name="password"/><div class="post" style="display: none;"></div></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="Login"></label></th><td><button id="Login" name="Login">Login</button><div class="post" style="display: none;"></div></td></tr>
Which looks like:
username | |
password | |
Login |
The form inputs support several additional attributes. For example:
form.notnull, #put validators first followed by optional attributes
class_="textEntry", #gives a class name to the text box -- note the underscore
pre="pre", #directly before the text box
post="post", #directly after the text box
description="please enter your name", #describes field, defaults to form name ("firstname")
value="bob", #default value
id="nameid", #specify the id
In addition to the attributes above, any html attributes can be entered in the same manner. For example:
myform2 = form.Form(
maxlength="12" )
Dropdown inputs allow a unique description and value for each item in the dropdown list. To do this, create the dropdown list with tuples like this:
form.Dropdown('mydrop', [('value1', 'description1'), ('value2', 'description2')])
In addition individual input validators, supports entire form validation which allows comparisons of fields. The validators get passed as a list as the variable 'validators'. For example:
signup = form.Form(
validators = [form.Validator("Passwords didn't match.", lambda i: i.password == i.password_again)]
Once the form data has been posted, it can easily be put into a database (if the database scheme has names consistent with your webpy form). For example:
def POST(self):
f = myform()
if f.validates():
web.insert('data_table', **f.d)
#don't do web.insert('data_table', **web.input()) because malicious data could be submitted too
import web
from web import form
render = web.template.render('templates/')
urls = ('/', 'index')
app = web.application(urls, globals())
myform = form.Form(
form.regexp('\d+', 'Must be a digit'),
form.Validator('Must be more than 5', lambda x:int(x)>5)),
form.Dropdown('french', ['mustard', 'fries', 'wine']))
class index:
def GET(self):
form = myform()
# make sure you create a copy of the form by calling it (line above)
# Otherwise changes will appear globally
return render.formtest(form)
def POST(self):
form = myform()
if not form.validates():
return render.formtest(form)
# form.d.boe and form['boe'].value are equivalent ways of
# extracting the validated arguments from the form.
return "Grrreat success! boe: %s, bax: %s" % (form.d.boe, form['bax'].value)
if __name__=="__main__":
web.internalerror = web.debugerror
And sample formtest.html (place this in the templates subdirectory):
$def with (form)
<form name="main" method="post">
$if not form.valid: <p class="error">Try again, AmeriCAN:</p>
<input type="submit" /> </form>