external help file | Module Name | online version | schema |
HPESimpliVity-help.xml |
HPESimpliVity |
2.0.0 |
Display HPE SimpliVity physical disk information
Get-SvtDisk [[-HostName] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
Shows physical disk information for the specified host(s). This includes the installed storage kit, which is not provided by the API, but it derived from the host model, the number of disks and the disk capacities.
Shows physical disk information for all SimpliVity hosts in the federation.
Get-SvtDisk -HostName Host01
Shows physical disk information for the specified SimpliVity host.
Get-SvtDisk -HostName Host01 | Select-Object -First 1 | Format-List
Show all of the available information about the first disk on the specified host.
Get-SvtHost -Cluster PROD | Get-SvtDisk
Shows physical disk information for all hosts in the specified cluster.
Get-SvtHost Host1,Host2,Host3 | Get-SvtDisk
Shows physical disk information for all hosts in the specified list
Show information for the specified host only
Type: String[]
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.
Author: Roy Atkins, HPE Services