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- index.md
- - Localization methods: localization-methods
+ - Launch localization: localization
- Launch perception: perception
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- - index.md
- - Eagleye: eagleye-guide.md
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-# Localization methods
-Current localization launcher implemented by TIER IV supports multiple localization methods, both pose estimators and twist estimators.
-`tier4_localization_component.launch.xml` has two arguments to select which estimators to launch:
-- `pose_source` : an argument to select pose_estimator, currently supporting `ndt` (default), `yabloc`, and `eagleye`
-- `twist_source` : an argument to select twist_estimator, currently supporting `gyro_odom` (default), and `eagleye`
-## NDT scan matcher: a LiDAR and pointcloud map based pose estimator (default)
-By default, Autoware launches [ndt_scan_matcher](https://github.com/autowarefoundation/autoware.universe/tree/main/localization/ndt_scan_matcher) for pose estimator.
-In order to launch this explicitly, you need to specify as follows:
-ros2 launch autoware_launch autoware.launch.xml ... pose_source:=ndt ...
-Note that currently `pose_source` is set to NDT as default, so you can skip this argument.
-## Gyro Odometer: an IMU & wheel odometry based twist estimator (default)
-By default, Autoware launches [gyro_odometer](https://github.com/autowarefoundation/autoware.universe/tree/main/localization/gyro_odometer) for twist estimator.
-In order to launch this explicitly, you need to specify as follows:
-ros2 launch autoware_launch autoware.launch.xml ... twist_source:=gyro_odom ...
-Note that currently `twist_source` is set to Gyro Odometer as default, so you can skip this argument.
-## YabLoc: a camera and vector map based pose estimator
-You can use YabLoc as a camera-based localization method.
-For more details on YabLoc, please refer to the [README of YabLoc](https://github.com/autowarefoundation/autoware.universe/blob/main/localization/yabloc/README.md) in autoware.universe.
-To use YabLoc as a pose_estimator, add `pose_source:=yabloc` when launching Autoware.
-By default, the `pose_source` is set to `ndt`.
-By specifying this command-line argument, YabLoc nodes will be automatically launched while the NDT nodes will not be started.
-Here is an example of a launch command:
-ros2 launch autoware_launch autoware.launch.xml ... pose_source:=yabloc ...
-## Eagleye: a GNSS & IMU & wheel odometry based pose and twist estimator
-You can use Eagleye as a GNSS & IMU & wheel odometry-based localization method. For more details on Eagleye, please refer to the [Eagleye](eagleye-guide.md).
-Eagleye has a function for position estimation and twist estimation, namely `pose_estimator` and `twist_estimator`, respectively.
-When running Eagleye in twist_estimator mode with other pose_estimator such as ndt_scan_matcher, Eagleye is still helpful since it can improve scan matching by providing accurate twists using GNSS doppler.
-You can use Eagleye by specifying the `pose_source` and `twist_source` accordingly through command-line arguments.
-**Example of using Eagleye as the pose twist estimator:**
-ros2 launch autoware_launch autoware.launch.xml ... pose_source:=eagleye twist_source:=eagleye ...
-**Example of using Eagleye as the twist estimator:**
-ros2 launch autoware_launch autoware.launch.xml ... twist_source:=eagleye ...
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+# Localization methods
+## Overview
+The Autoware localization stacks start
+launching at `autoware_launch.xml` as we mentioned at [Launch Autoware](../index.md) page.
+The `autoware_launch` package includes `tier4_localization_component.launch.xml`
+for starting localization launch files invocation from `autoware_launch.xml`.
+This diagram describes some of the Autoware localization launch files flow at `autoware_launch` and `autoware.universe` packages.
+The Autoware project is a large project.
+Therefore, as we manage the Autoware project, we utilize specific
+arguments in the launch files.
+ROS 2 offers an argument-overriding feature for these launch files.
+Please refer to [the official ROS 2 launch documentation](https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Tutorials/Intermediate/Launch/Using-ROS2-Launch-For-Large-Projects.html#parameter-overrides) for further information.
+For instance,
+if we define an argument at the top-level launch,
+it will override the value on lower-level launches.
+## tier4_localization_component.launch.xml
+The `tier4_localization_component.launch.xml` launch file is the main localization component launch at the `autoware_launch` package.
+This launch file calls `localization.launch.xml` at [tier4_localization_launch](https://github.com/autowarefoundation/autoware.universe/tree/main/launch/tier4_localization_launch) package from `autoware.universe` repository.
+We can modify perception launch arguments at tier4_perception_component.launch.xml.
+The current localization launcher implemented by TIER IV supports multiple localization methods, both pose estimators and twist estimators.
+`tier4_localization_component.launch.xml` has two arguments to select which estimators to launch:
+- **`pose_source:`** This argument specifies the pose_estimator, currently supporting `ndt` (default), `yabloc`, `artag` and `eagleye` for localization.
+ By default, Autoware launches [ndt_scan_matcher](https://github.com/autowarefoundation/autoware.universe/tree/main/localization/ndt_scan_matcher) for pose estimator.
+ You can use YabLoc as a camera-based localization method.
+ For more details on YabLoc,
+ please refer to the [README of YabLoc](https://github.com/autowarefoundation/autoware.universe/blob/main/localization/yabloc/README.md) in autoware.universe.
+ Also, you can use Eagleye as a GNSS & IMU & wheel odometry-based localization method. For more details on Eagleye, please refer to the [Eagleye](./eagleye).
+ You can set `pose_source` argument on `tier4_localization_component.launch.xml`,
+ for example, if you want to use eagleye as pose_source,
+ you need to update `tier4_localization_component.launch.xml` like:
+ ```diff
+ -
+ +
+ ```
+ Also, you can use command-line for overriding launch arguments:
+ ```bash
+ ros2 launch autoware_launch autoware.launch.xml ... pose_source:=eagleye
+ ```
+- **`twist_source:`** This argument specifies the twist_estimator, currently supporting `gyro_odom` (default), and `eagleye`.
+ By default,
+ Autoware launches [gyro_odometer](https://github.com/autowarefoundation/autoware.universe/tree/main/localization/gyro_odometer) for twist estimator.
+ Also, you can use eagleye for the twist source, please refer to the [Eagleye](./eagleye).
+ If you want to change your twist source to eagleye, you can update `tier4_localization_component.launch.xml` like:
+ ```diff
+ -
+ +
+ ```
+ Or you can use command-line for overriding launch arguments:
+ ```bash
+ ros2 launch autoware_launch autoware.launch.xml ... twist_source:=eagleye
+ ```
+- **`input_pointcloud:`** This argument specifies the input pointcloud of the localization pointcloud pipeline. The default value is
+ `/sensing/lidar/top/outlier_filtered/pointcloud` which
+ is output of the [pointcloud pre-processing](https://autowarefoundation.github.io/autoware.universe/main/sensing/pointcloud_preprocessor/) pipeline from sensing.
+ You can change this value according to your LiDAR topic name,
+ or you can choose to use concatenated point cloud:
+ ```diff
+ -
+ +
+ ```
+You can add every necessary argument
+to `tier4_localization_component.launch.xml` launch file like these examples.
+In case, if you want to change your gyro odometer twist input topic,
+you can add this argument on `tier4_localization_component.launch.xml` launch file:
+**Note:**: Gyro odometer input topic provided from velocity converter package. This package will be launched at sensor_kit. For more information,
+please check [velocity converter package](https://github.com/autowarefoundation/autoware.universe/tree/main/sensing/vehicle_velocity_converter).
diff --git a/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/launch-autoware/perception/index.md b/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/launch-autoware/perception/index.md
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@@ -15,10 +15,14 @@ This diagram describes some of the Autoware perception launch files flow at `aut
-The Autoware project is large. Therefore, as we manage the Autoware project, we utilize specific
-arguments in the launch files. ROS 2 offers an argument-overriding feature for these launch files.
-Please refer to [the official ROS 2 launch documentation](https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Tutorials/Intermediate/Launch/Using-ROS2-Launch-For-Large-Projects.html#parameter-overrides) for further information. For instance,
-if we define an argument at the top-level launch, it will override the value on lower-level launches.
+The Autoware project is a large project.
+Therefore, as we manage the Autoware project, we utilize specific
+arguments in the launch files.
+ROS 2 offers an argument-overriding feature for these launch files.
+Please refer to [the official ROS 2 launch documentation](https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Tutorials/Intermediate/Launch/Using-ROS2-Launch-For-Large-Projects.html#parameter-overrides) for further information.
+For instance,
+if we define an argument at the top-level launch,
+it will override the value on lower-level launches.
## tier4_perception_component.launch.xml
@@ -31,7 +35,7 @@ that we want
to change it since `tier4_perception_component.launch.xml` is the top-level launch file of other perception launch files.
Here are some predefined perception launch arguments:
-- **occupancy_grid_map_method:** This parameter determines the occupancy grid map method for perception stack. Please check [probabilistic_occupancy_grid_map](https://autowarefoundation.github.io/autoware.universe/main/perception/probabilistic_occupancy_grid_map/) package for detailed information.
+- **`occupancy_grid_map_method:`** This parameter determines the occupancy grid map method for perception stack. Please check [probabilistic_occupancy_grid_map](https://autowarefoundation.github.io/autoware.universe/main/perception/probabilistic_occupancy_grid_map/) package for detailed information.
The default probabilistic occupancy grid map method is `pointcloud_based_occupancy_grid_map`.
If you want to change it to the `laserscan_based_occupancy_grid_map`, you can change it here:
@@ -40,7 +44,7 @@ Here are some predefined perception launch arguments:
-- **detected_objects_filter_method:** This parameter determines the filter method for detected objects.
+- **`detected_objects_filter_method:`** This parameter determines the filter method for detected objects.
Please check [detected_object_validation](https://autowarefoundation.github.io/autoware.universe/main/perception/detected_object_validation/) package for detailed information about lanelet and position filter.
The default detected object filter method is `lanelet_filter`.
If you want to change it to the `position_filter`, you can change it here:
@@ -50,7 +54,7 @@ Here are some predefined perception launch arguments:
-- **detected_objects_validation_method:** This parameter determines the validation method for detected objects.
+- **`detected_objects_validation_method:`** This parameter determines the validation method for detected objects.
Please check [detected_object_validation](https://autowarefoundation.github.io/autoware.universe/main/perception/detected_object_validation/) package for detailed information about validation methods.
The default detected object filter method is `obstacle_pointcloud`.
If you want to change it to the `occupancy_grid`, you can change it here,
@@ -85,7 +89,7 @@ we will apply these changes `tier4_perception_component.launch.xml` instead of `
Here are some example changes for the perception pipeline:
-- **remove_unknown:** This parameter determines the remove unknown objects at camera-lidar fusion.
+- **`remove_unknown:`** This parameter determines the remove unknown objects at camera-lidar fusion.
Please check [roi_cluster_fusion](https://github.com/autowarefoundation/autoware.universe/blob/main/perception/image_projection_based_fusion/docs/roi-cluster-fusion.md) node for detailed information.
The default value is `true`.
If you want to change it to the `false`,
@@ -96,7 +100,7 @@ Here are some example changes for the perception pipeline:
-- **camera topics:** If you are using camera-lidar fusion or camera-lidar-radar fusion as a perception_mode,
+- **`camera topics:`** If you are using camera-lidar fusion or camera-lidar-radar fusion as a perception_mode,
you can add your camera and info topics on `tier4_perception_component.launch.xml` as well,
it will override the `perception.launch.xml` launch file arguments: