**API Documentation**
The below documentation will use as the base URL for Gamez and the api_key of "ikzFRzA1Y8I1UajNJAOQ803TbTYk1vLB64A9SxrAxAw"
The API function for Gamez is accessed through the '/api' page (http://localhost:8085/api)
JSON responses will be returned.
If the URL is accessed without any parameters, an error will be returned in the format: [{"Error" : "Error Message"}]
The API Key is a required parameter
Currently, Only Search API actions are implemented.
API_KEY - The Gamez API Key (Can be retrieved from Settings page) MODE - The type of request. Valid values: ["search"] TERM - Used with search and should be part of the game name SYSTEM - The name of the system corresponding with the action
This mode searches for a game. A json response will be returned containing all games matching the search term. The term parameter should be supplied. If it is blank or not supplied, all games will be returned
Get list of all games:
&Anbsp;Search for games that contain "Super" and are only for the Wii:
This mode returns a list of the games that have been requested. The result is in the same format as the SEARCH mode. No additional parameters are needed.
Get Requested Games:
To Be Added
To Be Added
This mode updates the Status for a selectet Game on your list. A json response will be returned with either an error or success message. There are two parameters needed
First is &status and allowed values are { Wanted , Snatched , Downloaded}
The second paramter is &db_id. Here must enter the db DB Id number of the game
Set game with ID 1 to status Downloaded:
To Be Added
To Be Added
This mode updates the Game List in Gamez from the Gamez.org web service. A json response will be returned with either an error or success message. No additional parameters are needed.
Update game list: