The application consists of two microservices. A backend written in Golang and a frontend written in Node JS.
To get frontend artifacts, use this commands:
npm install
npm run build
And if you want to launch webserver with service:
npm run serve
To compile backend binaries:
go test -v ./... # Unit-tests
go build ./cmd/api
Run service:
chmod +x api
Each service is assembled into a docker image. Which are stored in the Gitlab Container Registry. Dockerfiles are stored in the appropriate directories.
At the moment, the repository contains 3 branches. Main - the main code for the release on production. Development - to develop and implement new functionality and deploy to test server. Infrastructure - to change our IaC code and infrastructure settings.
The infrastructure is stored in terraform and deployed in Yandex cloud. At the moment it consists of two s3 buckets. To store the terraform state and to store the files required for the application. Kubernetes cluster for production and deployment of applications from the main branch. As well as a virtual machine for test operation.
All changes should be carried out in a separate branch and, after the review, merged into the main branch for the infrastructure.
Application versioning corresponds to Semantic Versioning.
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
- MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes.
- MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner.
- PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.
After the development of a new feature and review and confirmation of the merge request, the CI/CD pipeline is turned on.
Build stage
- Run unit-tests and compile ordinary artifacts and binary files.
- Build docker images
Test stage
- Run SAST Gitlab tests.
- Run SonarQube tests
Release stage. If all tests are succesful:
- Mark artifacts with correct version and send them to Nexus repository
- Download last docker image and mark it as latest.
- Release new helm chart for k8s cluster
- Manual for main branch. Just upgrade fo last helm chart.
- Automatic for developmet env. Install new version with ansible. Deploy in docker via docker-compose
Cluster and application monitoring via Grafana
There is a potential to implement even more functionality. But it takes a huge amount of time to study it. I plan to improve and develop this repository as well as add new interesting features in the future.