-based dockerization of update_requirements, the utility for updating requirements files
The program updates Python requirements.txt
files (optionally in-place), sorts them, and updates the version numbers therein. NOTE: Currently, version numbers are updated without regard for the version comparison operators already in the requirements file, this can do bad things in non-trivial requirements files. This limitation is likely to change in the future.
The source code for this image is hosted on GitHub in the backplane/conex repo.
The following text is printed when the program is invoked with the -h
or --help
usage: update_requirements [-h] [-d] [-i] file [file ...]
Update requirements.txt files (optionally in-place); NOTE: Currently, version
numbers are updated without regard for the version comparison operators in the
requirements file, this is likely to change in the future
positional arguments:
file path to the requirements.txt file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug enable more verbose output (default: False)
-i, --inplace update the file in-place instead of printing to stdout
(default: False)
The following example demonstrates using the container:
docker run --rm --volume "$(pwd):/work" backplane/update_requirements --inplace requirements.txt