Port to MATLAB the modern python implementation by Óscar Nájera and crosscheck the basic output it provides.
Check the effect of the self-consistency condition by inspecting the spectral functions at one loop vs at convergence, with both the initial guesses for the bath. [it requires to implement a proper self-consistency control, possibly with linear mixing]
Analyze the U-driven MIT by extracting the quasiparticle weight from the self-energy, determining Uc2 and Uc1 points at some relevant temperatures and capturing first-order behaviour in between.
Complete the original tutorial by inspecting the T-driven MIT and defining the supercritical behaviour (bad metal and pseudogap phases).
Compute a mottness-marker based on the divergence of the scattering rate (Im[Sigma(0)]... very sensible, basically inexpensive), so to obtain sharper phase diagrams with respect to the Z-derived ones. It should also give insight about the supercritical phases: bad metal and pseudogap. [this yet to check]
At the moment we implement the "strenght of correlations", S = norm[Sigma(0)-Sigma(∞)], as defined in
PRL 114 185701 (2015)
, with actual neat results: the marker is almost zero accross the whole FL phase and starts increasing very fast in the Mott insulator. -
Compute the Luttinger integral, as defined in
PRB 90 075150 (2014)
. Since it appears to be quantized at very low temperatures, it could become the definitive flag for quantum phase diagrams; much better than Z or S for it is an integer. [→ easier phase-boundary recognition!]Luttinger Theorem currently works for very low temperatures only. It might well be an inherent limitation, restricting its domain to the quantum Mott transition. Also note that to have a sharp first order step-up at the transition a very highly frequency resolution is needed, so to make the IPT solver performance-critical! [solved brilliantly with fast convolutions, see the
section below] -
: make the SOPT run faster, by optimizing the needed convolutions. [implemented a pow2-optimized FFTW-based custom algorithm that actually greatly improves the cpu-time for thewres=2^15
calculation: almost a x10 overall speedup!] -
: insert a "restarting" protocol for lines and full phase diagram spans. The gloc0=0 condition appers to be too unstable to obtain accurate UC1 values. Furthermore this would most probably speed up a lot the convergence, by lowering the required number of iterations. -
: configure an interface to cluster facilities and define the scheduling resources for optimal running [no distributed computing, just built-in handling of shared-memory parallelization] -
Implement an ergonomic 'full-roundtrip' protocol, so to enable suitable explorations of the coexistence region.
Start writing markdown docs, with the aim to document the implementation details (usage instruction should go directly on the README instead...)
Add a bunch of different particle-hole symmetric lattices, such as finite-coordination Bethe, honeycomb, 2d-square, 1d-chain, 3d-cubic, 3d-bcc... the main inspiration comes from the mighty GFtools by DerWeh.
Rewrite the code for the particle-hole broken case so to enable even more lattices, like kagome, fcc, triangular.
Write an efficient analytic continuation to the imaginary-axis, so to retrieve the Matsubara representation of gloc and sloc.
Overload the quantities that can be computed with both real- and imaginary-axis formalism. Determine which version is to be preferred and when.
- Quasiparticle weight:
Z = 1/(1-Im∑(iπT)/πT)
- Luttinger integral:
look at arXiv:2202.00426
- Quasiparticle weight:
Add relevant quantities that are accessible only via Mastubara summations [e.g. double occupancy, ref. to
Phys. Rev. B 93, 155162 (2016)
] -
Compute the Local Entanglement Entropy, as defined in
Rev. Mod. Phys. 80, 517 (2008)
(section V.F) and used inMod. Phys. Lett. B 2013 27:05
to characterize the MIT on the Bethe lattice.
- Try to reproduce the main result of
PRB 102 081110(R)
, namely the Lanczos tridiagonalization of the self-energy leading to the mapping of the quantum MIT to a generalized SSH SP-TQPT. The original result is achieved within DMFT/NRG and an insane bath dimension, so if we succeed this could be even a ReScience submission (given everything is Octave compatible).