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File metadata and controls

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Defold Editor Systems Overview


The Defold editor runs on the Java Virtual Machine. We bundle our own JVM with the editor and use a simple launcher executable to boot the JVM with a particular set of command-line arguments. The entry point is in editor/src/java/com/defold/editor/, which starts up a JavaFx Application subclass. A splash screen is displayed while a custom ClassLoader loads all the classes required to show the Welcome dialog. While it is shown, the custom ClassLoader keeps loading the classes required by the editor on all available background threads while the user ponders which project to open. Once that happens we await loading of all the remaining classes, then proceed to loading the project from disk.

We load the entire set of editable project data into memory, but non-editable resources such as images can be loaded on demand. From this, we create the project graph, which represents the complete state of all editable resources in the project.

Graphs, nodes and connections

The Defold editor uses a graph-based data model. A graph consists of nodes and connections between these nodes. Nodes can have inputs, outputs and properties. Inputs can be connected to outputs or properties on other nodes. Properties are used to store state in a node, whereas outputs are pure functions that may depend on other outputs, inputs and properties from the same node. Node types are declared using the g/defnode macro, and can inherit from one or more node types like in an object-oriented programming language.

When a node output is evaluated, the connections are followed upstream until all the dependencies are satisfied in a recursive manner. For example, the :scene output of a ShapeNode might depend on a :texture-image input in the same node that is connected to an :image output on a PngImageNode. In this case, evaluating :scene on the ShapeNode means that we'd first have to evaluate :image on the PngImageNode.

Doing all this evaluation can take time, so the editor makes extensive use of caching. The value produced from any output marked as :cached will be stored in a cache for fast retrieval the next time it is evaluated. Entries will be evicted from the cache if any of their upstream dependencies change.

The inputs and outputs are generally constrained to a particular data type, but any output can also produce a special type of value called an ErrorValue. Error values will be propagated and in a sense "infect" anything downstream of them in the graph. As the error propagates, its path in the graph is recorded until it eventually reaches an input that is able to handle it by specifying a :substitute function. Typically the error value reaches a some sort of view where the error can be presented in a meaningful way and allow the user to navigate to the source of the error. Beware that evaluating an output programmatically may return an unexpected ErrorValue as a result of a upstream connection in the graph.


The graph is modified by executing transactions using the g/transact function. It takes a (possibly nested) sequence of transaction steps and ensures all of them or none of them are applied. Each transaction step only performs a small operation like "Create Node", "Set Property" or "Add Connection". Larger operations like adding a component to a game object are composed of many small steps. It is possible to evaluate the graph on a background thread by obtaining an evaluation-context, which contains a snapshot of the graph state, and supplying it with all graph queries. However, running g/transact from a background thread is not allowed, so a background thread must post g/transact calls to the main thread using something like ui/run-later.

Multiple graphs

There might be several graphs in play at any one time. Typically all the project data (i.e. "model" data) resides in one graph, whereas any number of views (as in user-interface elements) can have their own graphs whose node inputs are connected to the project graph. Closing a view discards the view graph but leaves the project graph intact.

The project graph has history enabled, which means that it keeps an ever-growing list of graph states that we append to every time an undoable action is performed. Undoing and redoing becomes a simple matter of pointing to one of the previous graph states. However, care must be taken when introducing state as any programmatic change to the project graph creates an undo step.

The workspace

Alongside the project graph, there is also the workspace graph. The workspace is associated with the project directory on disk, and keeps track of files in the project. It does not host any of the editable state derived from those files - that is all in the project graph - rather, it keeps track of changes to the file system and is responsible for notifying the project graph of external modifications to the project files, etc. It also acts as a registry of the various resource types (effectively based on file extensions) and the recipes for loading each type of resource into the project graph.

Resource sync

Whenever an operation may have modified the files in the project folder, we trigger what is known as a resource-sync. During a resource-sync, the workspace figures out what has happened and updates the project graph to reflect the updated state. Files may have been added or deleted, moved to new locations, or changed their contents entirely. In response to this we might re-create parts of the project graph related to the modified resources from scratch. Every file in the project has a corresponding ResourceNode, in the project graph. In addition, the :load-fn registered with the resource type in the workspace might create additional nodes for objects that reside in the file. If such a file needs to be reloaded from disk, we delete the old ResourceNode and any nodes connected to a :cascade-delete-marked input, recursively. We then create a new node in place of the old ResourceNode and re-run the :load-fn. This may create a new set of additional nodes based on the updated contents of the file. We then reconnect the outputs from the ResourceNode to whatever other node inputs the old ResourceNode was connected to.

At present, the node ids of the recreated substructure will not match up to the node ids from the old, deleted nodes. Objects might have been removed or added in a different order to the modified file, so it is difficult to retain the structure. Because of this, we must clear the undo history whenever this happens.

Deleted files are handled in a different fashion. Here the old ResourceNode remains in the graph along with all its connections to other nodes, but the resource node is marked as defective. In this state, its outputs are jammed with an ErrorValue denoting the file as missing. Anything that depends on the deleted resource will produce an ErrorValue referring to the deleted resource. If the deleted file reappears on disk, the defective resource node will be replaced with a non-defective one during resource-sync.

View types

Along with resource types, view types are also registered with the workspace. Current examples of view types include a code editor used for textual editing and a scene view used to arrange visual elements. The same scene view component is used to edit collections, tile maps and texture atlases. It is also used to preview assets such as meshes and cube map textures.

Every resource type can support editing through one or more view types, specified when registering the resource type. The actual contract required to edit a resource using a particular view type is loosely defined by an expected set of properties and outputs on the edited ResourceNode. The :make-view-fn provided when registering a view type is responsible for connecting the view node to the edited resource. For example, a resource can be opened in the scene view if it includes the :scene type among its supported :view-types when the resource type is registered. When the view is created, the :make-view-fn connects the :scene output of the ResourceNode to the :scene input on the SceneView node. The scene is described as data, and the ResourceNode simply needs to provide the data required to render its scene.

Scene view scenes

A scene is a map that typically contains a local transform, a local-space axis-aligned bounding box, a renderable, and optionally a vector of child scenes in the same vein. Each renderable specifies a render function and some user data that will be supplied to the render function along with render-args that include the world-space matrices and so on. Rendering is split into passes so that transparent elements can be blended correctly onto opaque elements, among other things. The renderables specify which passes it should be rendered to.

When rendered, the scene hierarchy is flattened so that each renderable obtains a world-space transform. The axis-aligned bounding boxes of parent scenes are expanded to include the transformed bounding boxes of child scenes. Similar renderables are batched together, and the render function is called with all the similar renderables in one go. Renderables can specify a :batch-key to control which renderables are batched together.

The scene cache

Frequently there is a need to create an object that is managed by the OpenGL context. This can be done directly in the render function call if you've previously registered an object type with the scene cache system. You provide functions for creating, updating and destroying the OpenGL-managed objects, and can then request an object from the scene cache from directly within a render function. The scene cache will create an instance of the requested object if it had not been requested before, return the existing one if the parameters match, or update the existing one if they differ. If the render function does not request the object during a render call, it is pruned from the cache automatically. This way, users do not have to worry about explicitly creating or destroying OpenGL resources in response to scene changes.

Save data

Any node that connects to the :save-data input of the project node will be saved when the user invokes the Save command. Each save data entry is a map with a :resource and a :content field. The content is an array of bytes that should be written to disk and the resource is a file in the project the data should be written to. Unless explicitly prevented from doing so, all resource nodes that correspond to editable project files will be automatically connected to the :save-data input of the project node when loaded. Typically resource nodes do not implement the :save-data output themselves, but depend on the implementation provided by the base ResourceNode. The subclassing ResourceNode instead provides a :save-value output and gets automatic dirty-state tracking by comparing against the save value obtained from the :read-fn registered with the resource type.

Build targets

In order to run the game, the project resources must be compiled into a binary format for the engine runtime. In the graph, the "recipe" for such a binary output file is called a build target.

Build targets are maps containing all the necessary information to produce a binary from a particular resource that can be loaded by the engine runtime. Build targets specify an output build :resource (i.e. an output file below the build output folder for the resulting binary), a :build-fn that will be called to produce the resulting binary, and :user-data that will be given to the :build-fn as an argument. The build function is expected to return a map with the above build :resource and a :content field. The content is an array of bytes that should be written to disk at the location denoted by the build resource. The contents of the :user-data is hashed along with the build function and later used as a key in a disk-based build cache to speed up subsequent builds.

A build target can optionally specify a list of :deps - build targets that it depends on. The build functions of all dependent build targets will be run before the depending build target is built. The build system will also attempt to fuse equivalent build targets into a single build output file if possible in order to save memory in the running game. Each build function must update any internal references to the fused build resources from its dependent build targets by looking up the original resource in the dep-resources mapping provided to the build function as an argument.