diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/OGL.txt b/data/homebrew/discworld/OGL.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..500d972 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/OGL.txt @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a + +The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. + +1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement. + +2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. + +3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. + +4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. + +5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. + +6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. + +7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity. + +8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. + +9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License. + +10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute. + +11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so. + +12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected. + +13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. + +14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. + +15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE +Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. +System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. +PCGen dataset conversion for the System Reference Document Copyright 2001-2004, PCgen Data team (Including, but not limited to Andrew McDougall (Tir Gwaith), Doug McMill, Paul W. King, Chris Chandler (Barak), Michael Gray (Taluonr Iscandar), Kenneth Walters (GldDragon35), Mike Sledge (zodar6), Patryk Adamski (Ruemere), Larry Davis (Sir George Anonymous), James Dempsey, Bryan (Merton Monk) McRoberts, Thomas Jannes (chipoulou), Samuel Hendricks (NotMousse), Sigurdur H. Olafsson, Jayme Cox, Jeremy "Illrigger" Turnley, Emily Smirle, Martin Fagerström, Chris McLaughlin, Raymond Yao, Eddy Anthony (MoSaT), Thomas Clegg (Arknight), Andargor, Devon Jones) diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/abilities.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/abilities.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2dacba1 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/abilities.lst @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com SOURCEDATE:2008-01 + +# Class Feature Blank +# KEY:xxx ~ +# CATEGORY:Special Ability +# TYPE:xxx Class Feature.SpecialQuality +# SOURCEPAGE:p. +# DESC: + +# Race or Racial Trait Blank +# KEY:xxx ~ +# CATEGORY:Special Ability +# TYPE:xxx Race Trait.Race Trait.SpecialQuality +# SOURCEPAGE:p. +# DESC: + + +#insert your data here + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Feat File tags" to find +#out how the tags in the feats file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical +#listing of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. +# +# Abilities are the newest method for all aspects of class & race abilities. Currently we use hidden feats to emulate +# class and racial abilities. The advent of Abilities allows us to use one standard format for a variety of things. +# Generally Abilities are exactly the same in format as a Feat with the exception of a NEW tag CATEGORY which tells +# PCGen what the ability is to be categoried as - example: My Ability is part of the my_abilities category, So I can add +# points only to the my_abilities allowing very small and restricted lists. Another example would be Fighter Bonus feats. +# +# Feat and ability are used through out this example as they almost the same thing - ABILITY can also be used to add "Feats" +# using the CATEGORY:FEAT tag. +# You can also use PREFEAT for any CATEGORY:FEAT, for the rest you'll need to use PREABILITY:x,CATEGORY=,Foo,TYPE.Bar (x is the number) +#####1st Example + +#My Ability CATEGORY:my_abilities TYPE:General.DataMonkey DESC:See Text SOURCEPAGE:Custom +#My Second Ability CATEGORY:Special TYPE:MonkeyFoo DESC:This is the great second ability. SOURCEPAGE:Custom PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=my_abilities,My Ability + +###SAMPLE FOR 'Ability by Skill' +#Ac Ba CATEGORY:AbilitybySkill TYPE:AbilitybySkill.Movement VISIBLE:YES !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=AbilitybySkill,Ac Ba PRESKILL:1,Tumble=12 PREVARLT:AbilitybySkillCount,AbilitybySkillMax DEFINE:AbilitybySkillCount|0 DESC: BONUS:VAR|AbilitybySkillCount|1 + +##### +#Each ability takes one line, just like a feat, and the first field must be the abilities' name. In the Example the name of the ability is My Ability. +#When naming feats you should only use parentheses at the end of the name if the name is not duplicated elsewhere. This is +#because of how PCGen names abilities which can be taken multiple times. For example, the Feat/ability Weapon Focus when taken will display +#as Weapon Focus(Dagger). Another example is Armor Proficiency (Light), there is no feat named Armor Proficiency so this name +#is fine. What is happening is when PCGen finds a feat with parentheses that duplicates the name of another feat it assumes +#that feat is an instance of the one without parentheses and does not display the one with parentheses. +# +#The TYPE tag is holding a . (period) delimited list of the types the ability/feat is. +# +#The DESC tag is used to hold the description of the Ability/Feat. In our files we usually keep the description brief, so the user +#still need to own the book to make use of the data, but for your personal files can get as elaborate as you want there. +# +#The MULT tag determines if a ability/feat can be taken multiple times. If the value is set to YES, then you MUST also use a CHOOSE +#tag. +# +#The CHOOSE tag must be paired with a MULT:YES tag in feats for it to work properly. It will display a popup window that asks +#for a selection according to what is being called for. There is a multitude of existing CHOOSE tags in PCGen. If you are +#looking into the documentation under List File Tag Index, you can find them listed under the topic "CHOOSE tags". +# +#The BONUS tags are a group of similar tags, that grant some form of Bonus to another already existing tag. To read a description +#of them, look in the List File Tag Index under the topic "Bonus tags". +# +#The SOURCEPAGE tag can be used to hold a reference to where you can find the feat. This will be displayed in PCGen. diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/abilitycategories.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/abilitycategories.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01287c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/abilitycategories.lst @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Thu Feb 22 13:04:59 2007 -- reformated by prettylst.pl v1.36 (build 2045) +#SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPFC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com + +#insert your data here + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Feat File tags" to find +#out how the tags in the feats file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical +#listing of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. +# + +# +# Ability Categories +#Example of a SuperSet or Parent +#ABILITYCATEGORY:Special Ability CATEGORY:Special Ability EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO FRACTIONALPOOL:NO VISIBLE:NO +#ABILITYCATEGORY:AbilitybySkill CATEGORY:AbilitybySkill EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO FRACTIONALPOOL:NO POOL:AbilitybySkillPool VISIBLE:QUALIFY PLURAL:AbilitybySkills +# No TYPE and Matching ABILITYCATEGORY and CATEGORY names designates these as SUPERSET/PARENT. + + + +#Examples of a Subset or Child +#ABILITYCATEGORY:My Class Ability CATEGORY:Special Ability EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO FRACTIONALPOOL:NO VISIBLE:QUALIFY TYPE:MyClass DISPLAYLOCATION:Class Abilities PLURAL:My Class Abilities + +# VISIBLE TAG will take YES, NO or QUALIFY - QUALIFY won't display the Category unless it has one valid selection or the number is 1 or higher in the pool. +# New tag - DISPLAYLOCATION: will allow you to group ABILITIES together in the same "tab" +# New tag - DISPLAYNAME: serves the same function as OUTPUTNAME is showing what is displayed +# Using TYPE will populate the category with any ABILITY with a matching type. Example: +# ABILITYCATEGORY:Fighter Feats CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Fighter +# That will make all the Feats with TYPE:Fighter appear +# The POOL tag allows you to set a variable that will be added to the pool, this must be a valid variable DEFINEd or hardcoded elsewhere + +# DONE +# diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/biosettings.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/biosettings.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..319b2e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/biosettings.lst @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Thu Feb 22 13:04:59 2007 -- reformated by prettylst.pl v1.36 (build 2045) +#SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPFC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com +#Biosetting files cannot have SOURCE tags in them so if you want to keep them in you must comment them out. + +#insert your data here + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Bio Settings tags" to find +#out how the tags in the biosettings file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical +#listing of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. +# +# +# +# +#####Example + +#AGESET:0|Adulthood +#RACENAME:Half-Giant% CLASS:Barbarian,Rogue,Sorcerer,Soulknife,Wilder[BASEAGEADD:3d6]|Bard,Fighter,Paladin,Ranger,Psychic Warrior[BASEAGEADD:2d6]|Cleric,Druid,Monk,Psion,Wizard[BASEAGEADD:4d6] +#RACENAME:Half-Giant% SEX:Male[BASEHT:76|HTDIEROLL:2d4|BASEWT:220|WTDIEROLL:2d6|TOTALWT:BASEWT+(HTDIEROLL*WTDIEROLL)]Female[BASEHT:73|HTDIEROLL:2d12|BASEWT:180|WTDIEROLL:2d6|TOTALWT:BASEWT+(HTDIEROLL*WTDIEROLL)] +#RACENAME:Half-Giant% BASEAGE:30 MAXAGE:59 AGEDIEROLL:5d4 HAIR:Blond|Brown EYES:Blue SKINTONE:Tanned|Pasty +# +#AGESET:1|Middle Age BONUS:STAT|STR,CON,DEX|-1 BONUS:STAT|INT,WIS,CHA|1 +#RACENAME:Half-Giant% BASEAGE:60 MAXAGE:79 AGEDIEROLL:6d4+1 +# +#AGESET:2|Old BONUS:STAT|STR,CON,DEX|-3 BONUS:STAT|INT,WIS,CHA|2 +#RACENAME:Half-Giant% BASEAGE:80 MAXAGE:119 AGEDIEROLL:6d4+1 +# +#AGESET:3|Venerable BONUS:STAT|STR,CON,DEX|-6 BONUS:STAT|INT,WIS,CHA|3 +#RACENAME:Half-Giant% BASEAGE:120 MAXAGE:520 AGEDIEROLL:6d4+1 + +##### +#Bio Settings set the parameters for height, weight, eye color and other traits which can be randomly choosen in the description +#tab. +# +#The AGESET tag defines the age ranges for each race and age category. Each age category should have it's own AGESET tag +#with a different Text field for a name. Each AGESET tag should be sequentially numbered starting at 0, for the youngest +#age category. +# +#The RACENAME tag Defines the name of the race. Will appear under every AGESET tag. If the name is followed by a "%" symbol +#then that BIOSET will apply to all subsets of that race name. For example RACENAME:Elf% will apply to Elf (Drow), Elf (Wood) +#and all other Elf races. +# +#The CLASS / BASEAGEADD combination is used in AGESET:0 to define the number of years to add to the base age, for each character +#class of this race. +# +#The SEX / BASEHT / HTDIEROLL / BASEWT / WTDIEROLL / TOTALWT combination determines how the Description tab randomizer generates +#height and weight for the different genders. +# +#The BASEAGE, MAXAGE and AGEDIEROLL tags are used to set the limits for character age within the ageset for the given race. +# +#The HAIR, EYES, and SKINTONE tags are used by the Description tabs randomizing function. +# +#The BONUS tags are a group of similar tags, that grant some form of Bonus to another already existing tag. To read a description +#of them, look in the List File Tag Index under the topic "Bonus tags". diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/classes.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/classes.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3e04ec --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/classes.lst @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com SOURCEDATE:2008-01 + +# Blank Class Template - Has all the normal tags, plus anything extra +# CLASS:xxx HD: TYPE:Base.PC.Prestige.Monster +# MAXLEVEL: +# ROLE: +# CLASSTYPE: +# SOURCEPAGE:p. DEFINE:xxxLVL|0 BONUS:VAR|xxxLVL|CL +# CLASS:xxx BONUS:COMBAT|BASEAB|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|TYPE=Base.REPLACE|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateBABProgression,0 +# CLASS:xxx BONUS:VAR|ClassBABPoor|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalBAB,1 +# BONUS:VAR|ClassBABModerate|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalBAB,1 +# CLASS:xxx BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Fortitude|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC") +# CLASS:xxx BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Reflex|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC") +# CLASS:xxx BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Will|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC") + +# CLASS:xxx PRETEXT: +# CLASS:xxx STARTSKILLPTS: CSKILL: +# CLASS:xxx BONUS:CASTERLEVEL|xxx|CL+CasterLevelBonus SPELLTYPE: SPELLSTAT: MEMORIZE: +# ADD:SPELLCASTER| +###Block +# ABILITY:xxx Class Feature|AUTOMATIC| +# NOTE: CLASSTYPE, SPELLTYPE & ABB are being PHASED OUT and Replaced with FACT:x (with x being the previous name) + +#insert your data here + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Class File tags" to find +#out how the tags in the classes file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical +#listing of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. +# +# +# +# +#####Example + +# Class Name Hit Dice Type Abbreviation Max Level Source Page Save checks bonus Combat bonus +#CLASS:Rogue HD:6 BONUS:VAR|ClassBABPoor|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalBAB,1 TYPE:Base.PC ABB:Rog MAXLEVEL:20 SOURCEPAGE:ClassesII BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Reflex|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/2+2|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Fortitude,BASE.Will|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/3|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:COMBAT|BASEAB|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")*3/4|TYPE=Base.REPLACE BONUS:VAR|ClassSavePoor_Fortitude|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 BONUS:VAR|ClassSaveGood_Reflex|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 BONUS:VAR|ClassSavePoor_Will|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +# Class Name Skill Pts/Lvl Class Skill +#CLASS:Rogue STARTSKILLPTS:8 CSKILL:Appraise|Balance|Bluff|Climb|TYPE.Craft|Decipher Script|Diplomacy|Disable Device|Disguise|Escape Artist|Forgery|Gather Information|Hide|Intimidate|Jump|Knowledge (Local)|Listen|Move Silently|Open Lock|TYPE.Perform|TYPE.Profession|Search|Sense Motive|Sleight of Hand|Spot|Swim|Tumble|Use Magic Device|Use Rope +###Block:Proficiencies +#1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Rogue Weapon Proficiencies|All Automatic Proficiencies ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Simple Weapon Proficiency +#1 ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Armor Proficiency (Light) +###Block: Level progression +#1 BONUS:VAR|RogueSneakAttackLVL|CL ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Trapfinding|Sneak Attack|Rogue Sneak Attack +#2 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Evasion +#3 BONUS:VAR|RogueTrapSenseLVL|CL ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Trap Sense Ability|Rogue Trap Sense +#4 BONUS:VAR|UncannyDodgeFlankingLevel|CL|TYPE=EachClass.REPLACE BONUS:VAR|UncannyDodgeLVL|CL/4 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Uncanny Dodge ~ Base +#10 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Rogue Special Ability|min(4,(CL-7)/3) + +##### +#Class files are where each class is listed, given it's important information for the correct output and functioning of the +#class. Each class has 2 components to it: The main class line and the class level line. The class line begins with CLASS +#and the class level line begins with a level # (0, 1, 2, etc). +# +#The CLASS tag tells PCGen the class name and sets up the relationships with skills and spells. This line can be entered +#multiple times in a single class entry (appearing on separate lines) for purposes of making the lines easier to read in an +#editor (so as to not have to scroll forever to reach the end of the class line). THIS MUST BE THE FIRST TAG!!! +# +#The HD tag sets the Hit Die used to determine hit points at each level gained. +# +#The TYPE tag is used within the filters of PCGen to sort the classes by their respective types (makes it easier to find a +#specific class). +# +#The ABB tag can be used to hold a 3-5 letter abbreviation of the class name. +# +#The MAXLEVEL tag sets the maximum number of levels of the class you can add to a character. You can use MAXLEVEL:NOLIMIT in addition to a number. +# +#The SOURCEPAGE tag can be used to hold a reference to where you can find the class. This will be displayed in PCGen. +# +#The LANGAUTO tag is holding a list of languages that the character automatically gains. +# +#The BONUS tags are a group of similar tags, that grant some form of Bonus to another already existing tag. To read a description +#of them, look in the List File Tag Index under the topic "Bonus tags". +# +#The STARTSKILLPTS tag determines how many skill points a character gains per level. +# +#The CSKILL tag grants the listed skills as class skills. When used in a classes.lst, it grants the class skills only to the +#class it is actually in. +# +#The FEATAUTO tag holds a list of feats that the class automatically gets. +# +#The SA tag is holding a text that will be displayed as Special Ability on the output sheet. +# +#The ADD:FEAT tag will give the character a choice of one from the feats listed in the parentheses. If the feat being added +#has a chooser ADD:FEAT is the only tag which will activate it (VFEAT, MFEAT and FEATAUTO will not). Besides of ADD:FEAT, there +#is a multitude of ADD tags in PCGen. You can look them up in the List File Tag Index under the topic "ADD Tags". diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/companionmods.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/companionmods.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d3b9e6d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/companionmods.lst @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com SOURCEDATE:2008-01 + +#insert your data here + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Companion Modifications File tags" +#to find out how the tags in the races file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical +#listing of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. +# +# +# +# +#####1st Example + +# Version for 6.05.03 - this is all tab deliminated on one line, newlines to make for easier reading: +#FOLLOWER:FamiliarLVL=1 +# TYPE:Familiar +# ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Familiar ~ Empathic Link|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,CF_CompanionEmpathicLink +# COPYMASTERBAB:MASTER +# COPYMASTERCHECK:MASTER +# COPYMASTERHP:max(1,MASTER/2) +# USEMASTERSKILL:YES +#FOLLOWER:FamiliarLVL=1 +# TYPE:Familiar +# ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Companion ~ Share Spells|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,CF_CompanionShareSpells +# ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Improved Evasion|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,CF_CompanionImprovedEvasion +# DEFINESTAT:MINVALUE|INT|5+((1+MASTERVAR("FamiliarLVL"))/2) +# BONUS:VAR|AC_Natural_Armor|(1+MASTERVAR("FamiliarLVL"))/2|TYPE=NaturalArmor.STACK +# RACETYPE:Animal/Magical Beast DEFINE:MasterLevel|0 +# BONUS:VAR|MasterLevel|MASTERVAR("FamiliarLVL") + + + +# Old Version +#FOLLOWER:FamiliarLVL=1 TYPE:Familiar COPYMASTERBAB:MASTER COPYMASTERCHECK:MASTER COPYMASTERHP:MASTER/2 USEMASTERSKILL:YES SAB:Empathic Link SAB:Share Spells SAB:Improved Evasion (Ex) DEFINE:LOCK.INT|6 DEFINE:EvasionUsable|0 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|1|TYPE=NaturalArmor.REPLACE RACETYPE:Magical beast + +##### +# +#####2nd Example + +#MASTERBONUSRACE:Bat TYPE:Familiar ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Familiar (Bat) ABILITY:FEAT|VIRTUAL|Alertness + + +# This would go in your Ability File - Note we use the naming to prevent stacking. Newest File wins. +#Familiar (Bat) CATEGORY:Internal BONUS:SKILL|Listen|3 + +##### +#These files specify the bonuses that "enhanced companions", such as familiars and a Paladin's special mount, receive from +#associating with the character. Unlike other LST files, these do not start with a name field. The first Example shows the +#entry for a familiar that is associated with a 1st level wizard/sorcerer. The second entry is for the bonus that a bat grants, +#if chosen as familiar. +# +#The FOLLOWER tag is holding a delimited list of classes or variables. If the "master" meets the required level or value in the +#tag, then the companion gains all the benefits as described by the other tags in the line. +# +#The TYPE tag is used to define what the creature is for purposes of display on the resources tab. +# +#The tags COPYMASTERBAB, COPYMASTERCHECK, COPYMASTERHP, and USEMASTERSKILL can be used to define whether the creature uses +#those values based on its master. +# +#The SAB tag is holding a text that will be displayed as Special Ability on the output sheet. +# +#The DEFINESTAT:MINVALUE|INT| tag prevents the specified ability score (Intelligence) to be no lower than the indicated value. +#This allows higher intelligent creature to retain their natural intelligence if higher. +# +#The BONUS tags are a group of similar tags, that grant some form of Bonus to another already existing tag. To read a description +#of them, look in the List File Tag Index under the topic "Bonus tags". +# +#The RACETYPE tag changes a regular animal to an "enhanced companion" type. +# +#The MASTERBONUSRACE tag is used if you need to define the advantages that the master gains when having that particular races +#as the given type. (here: Familiar). The following tags are then granted to the master. +# +#The ABILITY:FEAT|VIRTUAL| tag is holding a list of feats that the character gains as virtual feats. Virtual Feats are granted to the character +#regardless of the prerequisites. diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/deities.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/deities.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66e8952 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/deities.lst @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com SOURCEDATE:2008-01 + +# Use only in 6.05.x or higher. +#XXX +# KEY:Group ~ XXX +# ALIGN: +# SORTKEY:1 +# FACT:Title| +# FACT:Symbol| +# FACT:Worshippers| +# FACT:Appearance| +# FACTSET:Pantheon|Group +# FACTSET:Race| +# DESC: +# DOMAINS:____|PREALIGN: + +#insert your data here + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Deities File tags" to find +#out how the tags in the deitis file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical +#listing of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. +# +# +# +# +#####Example + +#Mosat DOMAINS:Chaos,Knowledge,Animal|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG,TN,CG,CN DESC:The CONTENTed One SYMBOL:a Kitten on a keyboard DEITYWEAP:Tiger claws ALIGN:CG PANTHEON:BoD SOURCEPAGE:not recorded yet + +##### +#The first field is the Deity Name, this is a required field and does not have a tag. +# +#The DOMAINS tag is a list of domains that the deity grants to it's divine spell casting followings. The domain name MUST +#match the domain names listed in the domain list file. +#To limit alignments allowed for classes (such as cleric) to gain domains, use PREALIGN on the DOMAINS tag. +# +#The DESC tag is used for a quick description of the deity. +# +#The SYMBOL tag is used on the output sheet to display what the holy symbol is for this deity. +# +#The DEITYWEAP is holding a list of the deity's favored weapon(s). The Weapon name MUST match exactly what is listed in the +#weapon proficiencies list file. +# +#The ALIGN tag holds the two letter abbreviated alignment of the deity itself. +# +#The PANTHEON tag is used to specify what pantheon the deity belongs to. +# +#The SOURCEPAGE tag can be used to hold a reference to where you can find the deity. This will be displayed in PCGen. diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/discworld.pcc b/data/homebrew/discworld/discworld.pcc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..92cc402 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/discworld.pcc @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Fri Dec 9 22:23:18 2005 -- reformated by prettylst.pl v1.35 (build 553) +CAMPAIGN:Discworld +GAMEMODE:Pathfinder +RANK:9 +GENRE:Fantasy +BOOKTYPE:Homebrew +SETTING:Discworld +TYPE:Homebrew.PathfinderHomebrew +PUBNAMELONG:Discworld +PUBNAMESHORT:Discworld +PUBNAMEWEB: +SOURCELONG:Discworld +SOURCESHORT:DW +SOURCEWEB: +ISOGL:NO +COPYRIGHT:Copyright 2016 Benjamin Winger + +#INFOTEXT:To display an Information in the Source Info section on the Source Materials tab, replace the text after 'INFOTEXT:' with your text and remove the '#' + +ABILITY:abilities.lst +ABILITYCATEGORY:abilitycategories.lst +BIOSET:biosettings.lst +CLASS:classes.lst +COMPANIONMOD:companionmods.lst +DEITY:deities.lst +DOMAIN:domains.lst +EQUIPMENT:equip_arms_armor.lst +EQUIPMENT:equip_general.lst +EQUIPMENT:equip_magic_items.lst +EQUIPMOD:equipmods.lst +ABILITY:feats.lst +KIT:kits.lst +LANGUAGE:languages.lst +RACE:races.lst +SKILL:skills.lst +SPELL:spells.lst +TEMPLATE:templates.lst + +ARMORPROF:profs_armor.lst +SHIELDPROF:profs_shield.lst +WEAPONPROF:profs_weapon.lst + +### You can hide TYPEs in the GUI - TYPEs are handy for organization, but some are only used for internal functions. +#HIDETYPE:EQUIP|SpecialSuppressor +#HIDETYPE:SKILL|Science +#HIDETYPE:FEAT|Leadership + +#Remove the '#' in front of those lines referring to files that you actually want to load +#Remember to set the GAMEMODE to the one you really want. +#Options in the Open Source data are 3e, 35e, Modern, Deadlands, Sidewinder, Spycraft, or Xcrawl. + +#If you use this framework to set up a dataset of your own, then you may want to rename the folder and files to something +#different. Otherwise if you ever should install a newer version of PCGen into your existing directory or needed to re-install +#your existing installation of PCGen, your changes would get overwritten and thus be lost. diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/domains.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/domains.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8e8f70 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/domains.lst @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Sat Nov 23 14:46:39 2013 -- reformated by prettylst.pl v1.50 (build 22134) +SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com SOURCEDATE:2008-01 + +#insert your data here + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Domain File tags" to find +#out how the tags in the races file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical +#listing of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. +# +# +# +# +#####Example + +#Travel CSKILL:Survival SOURCEPAGE:SpellListI DESC:For a total time per day of 1 round per cleric level you possess, you can act normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement as if you were affected by the spell freedom of movement. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times per day (up to the total daily limit of rounds).This granted power is a supernatural ability. SPELLLEVEL:DOMAIN|Travel=1|Longstrider|Travel=2|Locate Object|Travel=3|Fly|Travel=4|Dimension Door|Travel=5|Teleport|Travel=6|Find the Path|Travel=7|Teleport (Greater)|Travel=8|Phase Door|Travel=9|Astral Projection + +##### +#The Domain files are used to specify domain pertinent information The first field is the Domain Name, this is a required +#field and does not have a tag. In the Example the Domain Name is "Travel" +# +#The CSKILL tag grants the listed skills as class skills. When used in a domains.lst, it grants the class skills only to the +#classes that grant the domain. +# +#The SOURCEPAGE tag can be used to hold a reference to where you can find the domain. This will be displayed in PCGen. +# +#The DESC tag is used for a simple explanation of the domains granted powers. +# +#The SPELLLEVEL:DOMAIN tag assigns spells to a domain at a level specified. diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/equip_arms_armor.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/equip_arms_armor.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..310f71a --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/equip_arms_armor.lst @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Sat Nov 23 14:46:39 2013 -- reformated by prettylst.pl v1.50 (build 22134) +SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com SOURCEDATE:2008-01 + +#insert your data here + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Equipment File tags" to find +#out how the tags in the races file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical listing +#of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. +# +# +# +# +#####1st Example + +#Dagger PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Dagger TYPE:Weapon.Resizable.Melee.Finesseable.Ranged.Thrown.Simple.Standard.Piercing.Slashing.Dagger COST:2 WT:1 CRITMULT:x2 CRITRANGE:2 DAMAGE:1d4 EQMOD:STEEL WIELD:Light RANGE:10 SIZE:M + +##### +# +#####2nd Example + +#Saddlebags TYPE:Goods.Container.Mount.Resizable CONTAINS:UNLIM|Any=UNLIM COST:4 WT:8 SOURCEPAGE:Equipment + +##### +#The Dagger is an Example of a weapon, while the Saddlebags is an item that is set up to be used as a container for other +#items. The first field is the item's name and is required. +# +#The PROFICIENCY tag is only used with weapons, armor and shields. It tells PCGen what Weapon Proficiency name to use from the weapprofs.lst, armorprofs.lst or shieldprofs.lst file. +# +#The TYPE tag is used for many filtering and PRExxx tags. TYPE:Armor items should also have the type of SLOTS it uses. This +#is usually TYPE:Suit. TYPE:Container is a special type name. It activates the CONTAINS tag in the item. Every TYPE:Weapon +#item must be also have either TYPE:Melee or TYPE:Ranged (TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Foo). TYPE:Double is a special weapon tag. It +#activates three ALTxxx tags for the second head statistics. +# +#The CONTAINS tag is used to define how much and what a container can hold. Any object with CONTAINS must also be TYPE:Container +#for the CONTAINS tag to be activated. +# +#The COST tag sets the cost of the item. +# +#The WT tag is holding the item's weight. +# +#The SOURCEPAGE tag can be used to hold a reference to where you can find the item. This will be displayed in PCGen. +# +#CRITMULT, CRITRANGE, DAMAGE, WIELD, and RANGE are tags that are associated with weapons. They can be used to set up the +#various weapon stats. + +#The SIZE tag determines the size of the Item. F=Fine, D=Diminutive, T=Tiny, S=Small, M=Medium, L=Large, H=Huge, G=Gargantuan, +#C=Colossal. + +#The EQMOD tag calls an equipment modifier to be applied to the base item before looking at other tags. You will need to use +#the equipment modifier's KEY with this tag, not it's name. diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/equip_general.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/equip_general.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..310f71a --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/equip_general.lst @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Sat Nov 23 14:46:39 2013 -- reformated by prettylst.pl v1.50 (build 22134) +SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com SOURCEDATE:2008-01 + +#insert your data here + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Equipment File tags" to find +#out how the tags in the races file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical listing +#of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. +# +# +# +# +#####1st Example + +#Dagger PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Dagger TYPE:Weapon.Resizable.Melee.Finesseable.Ranged.Thrown.Simple.Standard.Piercing.Slashing.Dagger COST:2 WT:1 CRITMULT:x2 CRITRANGE:2 DAMAGE:1d4 EQMOD:STEEL WIELD:Light RANGE:10 SIZE:M + +##### +# +#####2nd Example + +#Saddlebags TYPE:Goods.Container.Mount.Resizable CONTAINS:UNLIM|Any=UNLIM COST:4 WT:8 SOURCEPAGE:Equipment + +##### +#The Dagger is an Example of a weapon, while the Saddlebags is an item that is set up to be used as a container for other +#items. The first field is the item's name and is required. +# +#The PROFICIENCY tag is only used with weapons, armor and shields. It tells PCGen what Weapon Proficiency name to use from the weapprofs.lst, armorprofs.lst or shieldprofs.lst file. +# +#The TYPE tag is used for many filtering and PRExxx tags. TYPE:Armor items should also have the type of SLOTS it uses. This +#is usually TYPE:Suit. TYPE:Container is a special type name. It activates the CONTAINS tag in the item. Every TYPE:Weapon +#item must be also have either TYPE:Melee or TYPE:Ranged (TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Foo). TYPE:Double is a special weapon tag. It +#activates three ALTxxx tags for the second head statistics. +# +#The CONTAINS tag is used to define how much and what a container can hold. Any object with CONTAINS must also be TYPE:Container +#for the CONTAINS tag to be activated. +# +#The COST tag sets the cost of the item. +# +#The WT tag is holding the item's weight. +# +#The SOURCEPAGE tag can be used to hold a reference to where you can find the item. This will be displayed in PCGen. +# +#CRITMULT, CRITRANGE, DAMAGE, WIELD, and RANGE are tags that are associated with weapons. They can be used to set up the +#various weapon stats. + +#The SIZE tag determines the size of the Item. F=Fine, D=Diminutive, T=Tiny, S=Small, M=Medium, L=Large, H=Huge, G=Gargantuan, +#C=Colossal. + +#The EQMOD tag calls an equipment modifier to be applied to the base item before looking at other tags. You will need to use +#the equipment modifier's KEY with this tag, not it's name. diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/equip_magic_items.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/equip_magic_items.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..310f71a --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/equip_magic_items.lst @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Sat Nov 23 14:46:39 2013 -- reformated by prettylst.pl v1.50 (build 22134) +SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com SOURCEDATE:2008-01 + +#insert your data here + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Equipment File tags" to find +#out how the tags in the races file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical listing +#of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. +# +# +# +# +#####1st Example + +#Dagger PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Dagger TYPE:Weapon.Resizable.Melee.Finesseable.Ranged.Thrown.Simple.Standard.Piercing.Slashing.Dagger COST:2 WT:1 CRITMULT:x2 CRITRANGE:2 DAMAGE:1d4 EQMOD:STEEL WIELD:Light RANGE:10 SIZE:M + +##### +# +#####2nd Example + +#Saddlebags TYPE:Goods.Container.Mount.Resizable CONTAINS:UNLIM|Any=UNLIM COST:4 WT:8 SOURCEPAGE:Equipment + +##### +#The Dagger is an Example of a weapon, while the Saddlebags is an item that is set up to be used as a container for other +#items. The first field is the item's name and is required. +# +#The PROFICIENCY tag is only used with weapons, armor and shields. It tells PCGen what Weapon Proficiency name to use from the weapprofs.lst, armorprofs.lst or shieldprofs.lst file. +# +#The TYPE tag is used for many filtering and PRExxx tags. TYPE:Armor items should also have the type of SLOTS it uses. This +#is usually TYPE:Suit. TYPE:Container is a special type name. It activates the CONTAINS tag in the item. Every TYPE:Weapon +#item must be also have either TYPE:Melee or TYPE:Ranged (TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Foo). TYPE:Double is a special weapon tag. It +#activates three ALTxxx tags for the second head statistics. +# +#The CONTAINS tag is used to define how much and what a container can hold. Any object with CONTAINS must also be TYPE:Container +#for the CONTAINS tag to be activated. +# +#The COST tag sets the cost of the item. +# +#The WT tag is holding the item's weight. +# +#The SOURCEPAGE tag can be used to hold a reference to where you can find the item. This will be displayed in PCGen. +# +#CRITMULT, CRITRANGE, DAMAGE, WIELD, and RANGE are tags that are associated with weapons. They can be used to set up the +#various weapon stats. + +#The SIZE tag determines the size of the Item. F=Fine, D=Diminutive, T=Tiny, S=Small, M=Medium, L=Large, H=Huge, G=Gargantuan, +#C=Colossal. + +#The EQMOD tag calls an equipment modifier to be applied to the base item before looking at other tags. You will need to use +#the equipment modifier's KEY with this tag, not it's name. diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/equipmods.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/equipmods.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4ca08d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/equipmods.lst @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Sat Nov 23 14:46:39 2013 -- reformated by prettylst.pl v1.50 (build 22134) +SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com SOURCEDATE:2008-01 + +#insert your data here + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Equipment Modification File tags" +#to find out how the tags in the races file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical +#listing of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. +# +# +# +# +#####Example +# 6.05.3 Style +# Masterwork +# KEY:Masterwork (Weapon) +# COST:0 +# ITYPE:Masterwork +# VISIBLE:QUALIFY +# NAMEOPT:NORMAL +# SOURCEPAGE:p. +# PRETYPE:1,Weapon,Ammunition +# !PRETYPE:1,Masterwork,Mithral,Adamantine,Darkwood +# BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE=Ammunition|6 +# BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE=Weapon|300 +# BONUS:WEAPON|TOHIT|1|TYPE=Enhancement +# ASSIGNTOALL:YES + + +# Old Style +#Masterwork KEY:MWORKW TYPE:Ammunition.Weapon COST:0 VISIBLE:QUALIFY ITYPE:Masterwork NAMEOPT:NORMAL SOURCEPAGE:RSRD Equipment PRETYPE:1,Weapon,Ammunition !PRETYPE:1,Masterwork,Mithral,Adamantine,Darkwood BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE=Ammunition|6 BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE=Weapon|300 BONUS:WEAPON|TOHIT|1|TYPE=Enhancement ASSIGNTOALL:YES + +##### +#The first field in the equipmods.lst files must be the name of the modifier, after that, the tags do not need to be in any +#special order. In the Example the equipmod is named "Masterwork". +# +#The KEY tag is a unique descriptor for the modifier. It allows several modifiers to have the same name, which is useful +#if several are needed for different equipment types. KEY's must be universally unique. Make sure you don't use anything +#that's is used in any other source you load. +# +#The TYPE tag is different in equipmods than in the other files. It does not give the equipment modifier a TYPE that is used +#for selection, but holds a list of the TYPE's of equipment that the modifier can be applied to. +# +#The COST tag is normally used to hold a number or formula that is added to the item cost. In the Example this is 0, so +#nothing will be added there. This is because the Masterwork equipmod in the example is used for Ammunition and Weapons, which +#will result in different amounts to be added. The cost is instead handled in BONUS:ITEMCOST tags later in the line. +# +#The VISIBLE:QUALIFY tag is used, so this Equipment Modifier will only show up in the Item Customizer, when it is eligible +#for selection. +# +#The ITYPE tag can be used to grant further TYPEs to the item the equipment modifier gets applied to. +# +#The NAMEOPT tag is used to determine a naming convention. +# +#The SOURCEPAGE tag can be used to hold a reference to where you can find the equipment modifier. This will be displayed +#in PCGen. +# +#The PRETYPE tags are used to make the equipment modifier eligible only if the item has the TYPEs Weapon or Ammunition, but +#does not have the TYPEs Masterwork, Mithral, Adamantine, or Darkwood. There is a multitude of existing prerequiste tags in +#PCGen. If you are looking into the documentation under List File Tag Index, you can find them listed under the topic +#"PRExxx tags". +# +#The BONUS tags are a group of similar tags, that grant some form of Bonus to another already existing tag. To read a description +#of them, look in the List File Tag Index under the topic "Bonus tags". +# +#The ASSIGNTOALL tag is for double weapons only. If this tag is present then the modifiers will be applied to both heads. diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/feats.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/feats.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..969e743 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/feats.lst @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com SOURCEDATE:2008-01 + +#insert your data here + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Feat File tags" to find +#out how the tags in the feats file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical +#listing of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. +# +# +# +# +#####1st Example + +#Skill Focus CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General DESC:See Text MULT:YES CHOOSE:SKILLSNAMED|TYPE.Strength|TYPE.Dexterity|TYPE.Constitution|TYPE.Intelligence|TYPE.Wisdom|TYPE.Charisma BONUS:SKILL|LIST|3 SOURCEPAGE:Feats + +##### +#Each feat takes one line and the first field must be the feat's name. In the Example the name of the feat is Skill Focus. +#When naming feats you should only use parentheses at the end of the name if the name is not duplicated elsewhere. This is +#because of how PCGen names feats which can be taken multiple times. For example, the Feat Weapon Focus when taken will display +#as Weapon Focus(Dagger). Another example is Armor Proficiency (Light), there is no feat named Armor Proficiency so this name +#is fine. What is happening is when PCGen finds a feat with parentheses that duplicates the name of another feat it assumes +#that feat is an instance of the one without parentheses and does not display the one with parentheses. +# +#The TYPE tag is holding a . (period) delimited list of the types the feat is. +# +#The DESC tag is used to hold the description of the Feat. In our files we usually keep the description brief, so the user +#still need to own the book to make use of the data, but for your personal files can get as elaborate as you want there. +# +#The MULT tag determines if a feat can be taken multiple times. If the value is set to YES, then you MUST also use a CHOOSE +#tag. +# +#The CHOOSE tag must be paired with a MULT:YES tag in feats for it to work properly. It will display a popup window that asks +#for a selection according to what is being called for. There is a multitude of existing CHOOSE tags in PCGen. If you are +#looking into the documentation under List File Tag Index, you can find them listed under the topic "CHOOSE tags". +# +#The BONUS tags are a group of similar tags, that grant some form of Bonus to another already existing tag. To read a description +#of them, look in the List File Tag Index under the topic "Bonus tags". +# +#The SOURCEPAGE tag can be used to hold a reference to where you can find the feat. This will be displayed in PCGen. diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/kits.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/kits.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4cdf8a --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/kits.lst @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Sat Nov 23 14:46:39 2013 -- reformated by prettylst.pl v1.50 (build 22134) +SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com SOURCEDATE:2008-01 + +#insert your data here + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Starting Kit File tags" to +#find out how the tags in the kits file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical +#listing of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. +# +# +# +# +#####Example + +#STARTPACK:Xill Default EQUIPBUY:0 PREMULT:1,[!PRERACE:1,%],[PRERACE:1,Xill] VISIBLE:QUALIFY +#RACE:Xill !PRERACE:1,% +#NAME:Xill +#ALIGN:2 +#SKILL:Climb RANK:8 +#SKILL:Escape Artist RANK:8 +#SKILL:Intimidate RANK:8 +#SKILL:Listen RANK:8 +#SKILL:Move Silently RANK:8 +#SKILL:Spot RANK:8 +#SKILL:Tumble RANK:8 +#SKILL:Sense Motive RANK:7 +#SKILL:Balance RANK:10 +#SKILL:Diplomacy RANK:2 +#FEAT:Improved Initiative +#FEAT:Multiattack +#FEAT:Multiweapon Fighting +#STAT:STR=11|CON=11|CHA=11|DEX=10|INT=10|WIS=10 +#GEAR:Longbow QTY:2 LOCATION:Carried SIZE:PC +#GEAR:Sword (Short) LOCATION:Primary Hand SIZE:PC +#GEAR:Sword (Short) LOCATION:Secondary Hand SIZE:PC + +##### +#The STARTPACK tag MUST be the FIRST line of a new kit definition. It starts creation of a new kit. All lines following this +#one are considered part of this kit until a new STARTPACK tag, or the end of the file, is encountered. It also defines the +#Kit's name. +# +#The EQUIPBUY tag sets the percentage that the total cost of all the gear in the kit is discounted (or inflated by). If set +#to 0 the gear is granted for free. EQUIPBUY must be used in lines that start with STARTPACK. +# +#The combination of PREMULT and PRERACE tags is used here to make sure that the kit can only be applied, when either no race +#has been selected yet or the race is one that can be used with this kit. There is a multitude of existing prerequiste tags +#in PCGen. If you are looking into the documentation under List File Tag Index, you can find them listed under the topic +#"PRExxx tags". +# +#The VISIBLE tag is used to filter when the kit will be displayed in PCGen. VISIBLE must be used in lines that start with +#STARTPACK. +# +#The RACE tag selects the race for the character. +# +#The NAME tag can be used to set the name for the character. +# +#The ALIGN tag will give the character the listed alignment. +# +#The SKILL and RANK combination will set the Skill rank for the skill, as long as there are sufficient skill points in the +#skill pool and rank is within the limits for or character of the given level. +# +#The FEAT tag will add listed feat, as long as there are sufficient feat points in the feat pool. +# +#The STAT line can be used to modify the stats of a character. In the example the stats are set, so the creature will have +#the values of the default creature that you can see in the RSRD. The given stats and stat bonuses from the race entry will +#add up to give the wanted results. +# +#The GEAR tag can be used to automatically give equipment to a character. It can be stuffed with additional tags, where QTY +#can be used to give multiple items, LOCATION will equip the item at the wante d location, as long as there is still free +#space, SIZE can be used to resize the Equipment. diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/languages.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/languages.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee2af33 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/languages.lst @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Sat Nov 23 14:46:39 2013 -- reformated by prettylst.pl v1.50 (build 22134) +SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com SOURCEDATE:2008-01 + +#insert your data here +Morporkian TYPE:Spoken.Written.Read +Latatian TYPE:Spoken.Written.Read +Llamedosian TYPE:Spoken.Written.Read +Uberwaldean TYPE:Spoken.Written.Read +Quirmian TYPE:Spoken.Written.Read +Hublandish TYPE:Spoken.Written.Read +Klatchian TYPE:Spoken.Written.Read +Ephebian TYPE:Spoken.Written.Read +Agatean TYPE:Spoken.Written.Read +Brindisian TYPE:Spoken.Written.Read +Djelian TYPE:Spoken.Written.Read +Grunt TYPE:Spoken +Dwarfish TYPE:Spoken.Written.Read +Gnomish TYPE:Spoken.Written.Read +Komic TYPE:Spoken.Written.Read +Krullian TYPE:Spoken.Written.Read +Tsortean TYPE:Spoken.Written.Read + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > LST File Class > Lesson 10" to find +#out how the tags in the languages file work. +# +# +# +# +# +#####1st Example + +#Halfling TYPE:Spoken.Written.Read + +##### +# +#####2nd Example + +#Druidic TYPE:Spoken.Written.Read.Druid.Secret PREVARGTEQ:DruidicLanguage,1 + +##### +# +#Druidic and Halfling are language names. The name must be the first field on each line. Other LST files will reference a +#language by the name. Every language needs a name. +# +#The TYPE tag is used to set the type/group of the language. It may take multiple types delimited by periods. The types used +#are usually Spoken, Read, and Written. Every language should have at least one type. +# +#In the second Example the PREVARGTEQ tag is used to allow selection of the language only, if the character has the +#DruidicLanguage variable at a value of 1 or higher. The DruidicLanguage will only be set elsewhere, when a character becomes +#eligible to learn the language, for instance by acquiring the Druid class. There is a multitude of existing prerequiste tags +#in PCGen. If you are looking into the documentation under List File Tag Index, you can find them listed under the topic +#"PRExxx tags". diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/profs_armor.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/profs_armor.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9b4ce5 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/profs_armor.lst @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Sat Nov 23 14:46:39 2013 -- reformated by prettylst.pl v1.50 (build 22134) +SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com SOURCEDATE:2008-01 + +#insert your data here + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > LST File Class > Lesson #?" to learn more about +#the armorprofs file. +# +# +# +# +# +#####1st Example + +#Leather + +##### +#Leather is the name of the armor proficiency. This needs to be the same text that appears in the armor's PROFICIENCY tag. +# +# +# diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/profs_shield.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/profs_shield.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d06d7c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/profs_shield.lst @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Sat Nov 23 14:46:39 2013 -- reformated by prettylst.pl v1.50 (build 22134) +SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com SOURCEDATE:2008-01 + +#insert your data here + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > LST File Class > Lesson #?" to learn more about +#the shieldprofs file. +# +# +# +# +# +#####1st Example + +#Shield (Light) + +##### +#Shield (Light) is the name of the shield proficiency. This needs to be the same text that appears in the shield's PROFICIENCY tag. +# +# +# diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/profs_weapon.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/profs_weapon.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d707646 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/profs_weapon.lst @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Sat Nov 23 14:46:39 2013 -- reformated by prettylst.pl v1.50 (build 22134) +SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com SOURCEDATE:2008-01 + +#insert your data here + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > LST File Class > Lesson #9" to learn more about +#the weaponprofs file. +# +# +# +# +# +#####1st Example + +#Dagger TYPE:Simple + +##### +#Dagger is the name of the weapon proficiency. This needs to be the same text that appears in the weapon's PROFICIENCY tag. +#The TYPE tag defines what type of weapon proficiency group the weapon belongs to. +# +# +#####2nd Example + +#Greataxe TYPE:Martial HANDS:2 + +##### +#This example has an additional tag HANDS. HANDS:2 means that it must be wielded with 2 hands. Other than the name and the +#TYPE, the HANDS tag is not mandatory for a weapon proficiency. It can be used when necessary. +# HANDS is being PHASED OUT. Equipment should dictate number of Slots used. diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/races.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/races.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..556268b --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/races.lst @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com SOURCEDATE:2008-01 + +# Blank Race Template +# SIZE: +# SOURCEPAGE:p. +# RACETYPE:yyy +# MONSTERCLASS:yyy: +# TYPE:yyy +# RACESUBTYPE: +# MOVE:Walk, +# BONUS:VAR|Manueverability| +# BONUS:VAR|AC_Natural_Armor|0|TYPE=Base +# FACE: +# REACH: +# LEGS: +# HANDS: +# STARTFEATS:1 +# NATURALATTACKS:Claw,Natural.Melee.Weapon,*1,1d4 +# NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Natural.Melee.Weapon,*1,1d6 +#OR NATURALATTACKS:Claw,Natural.Melee.Weapon,*1,1d4|Bite,Natural.Melee.Weapon,*1,1d6 +#OR ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Bite|Claw +# BONUS:STAT|STR| +# BONUS:STAT|DEX| +# BONUS:STAT|CON| +# BONUS:STAT|INT| +# BONUS:STAT|WIS| +# BONUS:STAT|CHA| +# ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Racial Traits ~ XXX +# CR: +# LEVELADJUSTMENT: //Only for systems where ECL/Level Adjustments are used. +# KIT:1|XXX Default +# HITDICEADVANCEMENT: //Only for systems where HD and size are set progression. +# FACT:IsPC|True //6.05.03 or higher only! + +#insert your data here + + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Race File tags" to find +#out how the tags in the races file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical +#listing of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. +# +#To learn the basics of coding a race, you can also visit "Help > Documentation > List Files > LST File Class > Lesson 3-6" +# +# +#####Example + +#Xill STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:M MOVE:Walk,40 FACE:5 REACH:5 VISION:Darkvision (60') PREALIGN:2 LANGAUTO:Infernal BONUS:COMBAT|AC|7|TYPE=NaturalArmor BONUS:STAT|STR|4 BONUS:STAT|DEX|6 BONUS:STAT|CON|4 BONUS:STAT|INT|2 BONUS:STAT|WIS|2 MONCSKILL:Balance|Climb|Diplomacy|Escape Artist|Intimidate|Listen|Move Silently|Sense Motive|Spot|Tumble|Use Rope AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Longbow|Sword (Short)|TYPE.Martial|TYPE.Simple LEGS:2 HANDS:4 NATURALATTACKS:Claw,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Piercing.Slashing,*2,1d4|Claw,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d4 SAB:Implant (Ex) SAB:Improved Grab (Ex) SAB:Paralysis (Ex) SAB:Planewalk (Su) SAB:Spell Resistance (Ex) SR:21 MONSTERCLASS:Outsider:5 RACETYPE:Outsider HITDICEADVANCEMENT:8,15 LEVELADJUSTMENT:4 CR:6 SOURCEPAGE:MonstersT-Z + +##### +#Xill is the name of the race. It must be the first field on each line, the remaining tags may be of any order. +# +#The STARTFEATS tag grants a number of free feats to the race at first level. +# +#The SIZE tag determines the size of the Race. (F=Fine, D=Diminutive, T=Tiny, S=Small, M=Medium, L=Large, H=Huge, G=Gargantuan, +#C=Colossal). Size is used in determining to-hit, AC, and affects some skills). +# +#The MOVE tag determines the Type and Speed of the different movement types the race has. +# +#The FACE tag Describes how much space the creature takes up. For 3.0 rules this tag is used for the Face statistic. For 3.5 +#rules this tag is used for the Space statistic. If only one number is used it is assumed to represent all sides. +# +#The REACH tag determines the reach of the Race. +# +#The VISION tag is used to grant the specified vision to the character. +# +#The PREALIGN tag is used, so it is required that you have a certain alignment to be able to select this race. There is a +#multitude of existing prerequiste tags in PCGen. If you are looking into the documentation under List File Tag Index, you +#can find them listed under the topic "PRExxx tags". +# +#The LANGAUTO tag is holding a list of languages that the character automatically gains. +# +#The BONUS tags are a group of similar tags, that grant some form of Bonus to another already existing tag. To read a description +#of them, look in the List File Tag Index under the topic "Bonus tags". +# +#The MONCSKILL tag is used to grant the listed skills as monster class skills. +# +#The AUTO:WEAPONPROF tag is holding a list of weapons that are granted as free weapon proficiencies. +# +#The LEGS and HANDS tags set the number of respective limbs that a creature has. The number of legs is used to determine the +#carrying capacity of a creature, while the number of hands is used for purposes of Multiattack and Multidexterity. +# +#The NATURALATTACKS tag defines the non-equipment attacks a race may possess. It follows a pattern of Attack Name, Attack Types, +#Number of Attacks and Attack Damage. +# +#The SA tag is holding a text that will be displayed as Special Ability on the output sheet. +# +#The SR tag indicates the Spell Resistance this race bestows. +# +#The MONSTERCLASS tag determines the number of Monster Levels the race gets on start. The class must be TYPE:Monster and have a +#PRERACETYPE that matches the race. +# +#The RACETYPE tag defines the Type of creature the race is. This is important for matching up with Monster HD, and for references to +#race, such as the Rangers Favored Enemy. +# +#In the HITDICEADVANCEMENT tag the last number of this comma delimited list is the highest HD the creature can advance to, +#through HD advancement. All the numbers preceding the last number each indicate the highest number of HD the creature can have +#before its size increases by one category. +# +#The LEVELADJUSTMENT tag raises the Effective Character Level (ECL) of the creature by the number supplied. +# +#The CR tag sets the Challenge Rating of the creature. For CR's less than 1, fractions are used (1/2, 1/4, 1/8). Note: CR's using +#fractions must start with a "1/". Expressions such as CR:3/4 or CR:0.5 will not work. +# +#The SOURCEPAGE tag can be used to hold a reference to where you can find the race. This will be displayed in PCGen. + +#RACE ENTRY TEMPLATE + +#yyy +#SOURCEPAGE:p. +#KEY:xxx (yyy) +#SORTKEY:xxx +#MONSTERCLASS:zzz: +#RACETYPE:zzz +#TYPE:zzz +#RACESUBTYPE:xyz +#MOVE: +#FACE: +#REACH: +#BONUS:COMBAT|AC|xxy|TYPE=NaturalArmor +#BONUS:STAT|STR| +#BONUS:STAT|DEX| +#BONUS:STAT|CON| +#BONUS:STAT|INT| +#BONUS:STAT|WIS| +#BONUS:STAT|CHA| +#KIT:1|yyy Default +#ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ yyy +#LANGBONUS: +#AUTO:LANG| + +#yyy = Name of the Creature +#xxx = Group *(Demon, Devil, Herd Animal, etc)* +#zzz = Monster Type (Humanoid, Aberration, etc.) +#xyz = RACESUBTYPEs if applicable +#xxy = Number, great for double click selection to enter the number (Trust me) diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/skills.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/skills.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1bff0ba --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/skills.lst @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com SOURCEDATE:2008-01 + +# Pathfinder version of Skills and how we handle Skill Focus +#Skill Blank +# KEYSTAT: +# ACHECK:YES/NO +# TYPE:AttributeName.Base +# SOURCEPAGE:p.# +# BONUS:SKILL|Skill Blank|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Skill Blank|PRESKILL:1,Skill Blank=1 +#Skill Blank.MOD +# BONUS:SKILL|Skill Blank|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Skill Blank) +# BONUS:SKILL|Skill Blank|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Skill Blank)|PRESKILL:1,Skill Blank=10 + + +# Example of Acrobatics +#Acrobatics KEYSTAT:DEX ACHECK:YES TYPE:Dexterity.Base SOURCEPAGE:p.87 BONUS:SKILL|Acrobatics|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Acrobatics|PRESKILL:1,Acrobatics=1 +#Acrobatics.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Acrobatics|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Acrobatics) +#Acrobatics.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Acrobatics|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Acrobatics)|PRESKILL:1,Acrobatics=10 + + + +#insert your data here + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Skill File tags" to find +#out how the tags in the skills file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical +#listing of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. +# +# +# +# +#####Example + +#Sleight of Hand KEYSTAT:DEX USEUNTRAINED:NO ACHECK:YES TYPE:Dexterity BONUS:SKILL|Sleight of Hand|2|PRESKILL:1,Bluff=5|TYPE=Synergy.STACK SOURCEPAGE:SkillsII + +###Sample for Ability by Skill rules guide. +#Ability by Skill TYPE:NoStat VISIBLE:DISPLAY BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|AbilitybySkillPool|SKILL.Ability by Skill.RANK + +##### +#Sleight of Hand is the name of the skill. It will appear in the skills list on PCGen's Skills tab and will be used if a +#skill gets bonused or is declared a class skill. It must be the first entry on each line. +# +#The KEYSTAT tag sets what stat the skill draw any bonuses from. If the tag is left off, no Stat bonus will be automatically +#applied. +# +#The USEUNTRAINED tag indicates if this skill can be used untrained by the character. It can be left off if it is set to YES. +# +#The ACHECK tag applies the Armor check penalty to this skill. It can be left off if it is set to NO. +# +#BONUS tags are a group of similar tags, that grant some form of Bonus to another already existing tag. To read a description +#of them, look in the List File Tag Index under the topic "Bonus tags". +# +#The PRESKILL tag is used with the BONUS tag, so it is required that you have a certain skill at a certain level to benefit +#from this Bonus. There is a multitude of existing prerequiste tags in PCGen. If you are looking into the documentation under +#List File Tag Index, you can find them listed under the topic "PRExxx tags". +# +#The SOURCEPAGE tag can be used to hold a reference to where you can find the spell. This will be displayed in PCGen. diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/spells.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/spells.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42a1d37 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/spells.lst @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com SOURCEDATE:2008-01 + +# +# Blank Spell Template +# SOURCEPAGE:p. +# SOURCESHORT: +# SOURCELONG: +# SCHOOL: +# SUBSCHOOL: +# DESCRIPTOR: +# CLASSES:x,x=y|x=y +# DOMAINS:x,x=y|x=y +# CASTTIME: +# COMPS: +# RANGE: +# TARGETAREA: +# DURATION: +# ITEM:POTION +# SAVEINFO: +# SPELLRES: +# DESC: +# TEMPBONUS:ANYPC|x|y + +#insert your data here + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Spell File tags" to find +#out how the tags in the spells file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical +#listing of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. +# +#To learn the basics of coding a spell, you can also visit "Help > Documentation > List Files > LST File Class > Lesson 7" +# +# +#####Example + +#Teleport CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5 DOMAINS:Travel=5 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Teleportation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal and touch TARGETAREA:You and touched objects or other touched willing creatures DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None and Will negates (object) SPELLRES:No and Yes (object) DESC:Instantly transports you as far as (CASTERLEVEL*100) miles. SOURCEPAGE:SpellsT-Z ITEM:Potion + +##### +#Teleport is the name of the spell. It will appear in the spells list on PCGen's Spells tab and will be used if a spell is +#added by use of the SPELLS tag. Every spell must have a name. +# +#The CLASSES tag indicates that this spell is the indicated level for the named class. It will appear in most spells, unless +#the spell is for some reason not associated with a class. +# +#The DOMAINS tag indicates that this spell is the indicated level for the named domain. It is only used with spells that +#belong to a domain. +# +#The SCHOOL tag lists the Schools the spell belongs to and is used for specialist wizards to determine their favored schools +#bonus spells. It should be used if the spell belongs to a school (which almost always is the case). +# +#The SUBSCHOOL tag lists the Sub-Schools the spell belongs to and is also used for specialist wizards to determine their +#favored schools bonus spells. You can usually find it in the books in parentheses after the School. If it exists, it should +#be used. +# +#The TYPE tag indicates what "types" are associated with the spell. Every spell should have it. +# +#COMPS, CASTTIME, RANGE, TARGETAREA, DURATION, SAVEINFO, SPELLRES, and DESC are the tags that actually describe the spell. +#Most if not all of them will be used in every spell. +# +#The SOURCEPAGE tag can be used to hold a reference to where you can find the spell. This will be displayed in PCGen and on +#the output sheet. +# +#The ITEM tag tells PCGen what types of items this spell can be used to make (Potions, wands, wondrous items, etc). diff --git a/data/homebrew/discworld/templates.lst b/data/homebrew/discworld/templates.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af199ac --- /dev/null +++ b/data/homebrew/discworld/templates.lst @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:My Pathfinder Campaign SOURCESHORT:MPC SOURCEWEB:http://www.mywebsite.com SOURCEDATE:2008-01 + +# Template Name Hit Dice Size Challenge Rating Damage Reduction Level Adjustment Define Required AL Modify VAR Ability Race Subtype +Ninja Monkey HITDIE:12 CR:2 DR:15/Epic LEVELADJUSTMENT:2 DEFINE:NinjaMonkeyEvilAura|0 PREALIGN:LE BONUS:VAR|NinjaMonkeyEvilAura|TL ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Dodge RACESUBTYPE:Extraplanar|Evil + + +#insert your data here + +#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up +#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. +# +#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Template File tags to find +#out how the tags in the templates file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical +#listing of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. +# +# +# +# +#####Example + +#Vampire HITDIE:12 CR:2 DR:10/Silver and Magic LEVELADJUSTMENT:8 TEMPLATE:Undead TEMPLATE:CHOOSE:Slam (Fine)|Slam (Diminutive)|Slam (Tiny)|Slam (Small)|Slam (Medium)|Slam (Large)|Slam (Huge)|Slam (Gargantuan)|Slam (Colossal) SOURCEPAGE:MonstersT-Z SAB:Blood Drain (Ex) SAB:Children of the Night (Su) SAB:Dominate (Su) DC%|VampireAbilityDC SAB:Energy Drain (Su) SAB:Create Spawn (Su) SAB:Alternate Form (Su) SAB:Fast Healing 5 (Ex) SAB:Gaseous Form (Su) SAB:Energy Resistance Cold/Electricity 10 SAB:Turn Resistance +4 (Ex) SAB:Spider Climb (Ex) DEFINE:VampireAbilityDC|0 PREALIGN:2,5,8 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|6|TYPE=NaturalArmor.STACK BONUS:SKILL|Bluff,Hide,Listen,Move Silently,Search,Sense Motive,Spot|8|TYPE=Racial BONUS:STAT|STR|6 BONUS:STAT|DEX|4 BONUS:STAT|INT|2 BONUS:STAT|WIS|2 BONUS:STAT|CHA|4 BONUS:VAR|VampireAbilityDC|15+CHA RACETYPE:Undead +#Vampire Feat ABILITYLIST:Alertness,Combat Reflexes,Dodge,Improved Initiative,Lightning Reflexes + +##### +#Vampire is the name of the template. It will appear in the templates list on PCGen's Races tab and will be used if a template +#is added by use of the TEMPLATE tag. The name is the only entry that is mandatory in a template. The other tags are used +#as they are needed. +# +#The HITDIE tag can be used to specify the new Hit Dice size the template grants to the creature. +# +#The CR tag increases the Challenge Rating by the given amount. +# +#The DR tag defines the damage reduction this template bestows. +# +#The LEVELADJUSTMENT tag raises the Effective Character Level (ECL) of the creature by the number supplied, in this case 8. +# +#The TEMPLATE tag grants the supplied template to the character. In PCGen Templates are not only the templates as defined +#in the games, but we use them also as overlays when repetitive data applies to a group of creatures. In this case the Undead +#template applies the Undead traits to the character. +# +#TEMPLATE:CHOOSE will supply a popup window of the choices presented in the tag that are | (pipe) delimited (The user is allowed +#only ONE choice from the list). The given choices must be existing templates, or they will not be eligible. If only one +#choice is eligible, the TEMPLATE:CHOOSE tag will automatically select that one and no popup window will appear. +# +#The SOURCEPAGE tag can be used to hold a reference to where you can find the template. This will be displayed in PCGen. +# +#The SA tag is holding a text that will be displayed as Special Ability on the output sheet. You can have variables displayed +#in it. In "SAB:Dominate (Su) DC%|VampireAbilityDC" the text after the | (pipe) is a variable name. It will replace the % (percent) +#sign and display the value of the VampireAbilityDC variable there. +# +#The DEFINE tag creates a new variable and sets its initial value. +# +#The PREALIGN tag is used, so it is required that you have a certain alignment to be able to select this template. There is a +#multitude of existing prerequiste tags in PCGen. If you are looking into the documentation under List File Tag Index, you can +#find them listed under the topic "PRExxx tags". +# +#The BONUS tags are another group of similar tags, that grant some form of Bonus to another already existing tag. To read a +#description of them, look in the List File Tag Index under the topic "Bonus tags". +# +#The ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC tag gives an Ability as a Feat to the character. You can grant multiple Feats by listing them seperated by the | (pipe) +#delimiter. +# Format is: +# ABILITY:AbilityPool|AbilityNature|AbilityName1|AbilityName2 +# +#The RACETYPE tag changes the race type of the creature. Each race in PCGen has a RACETYPE tag, when another RACETYPE tag is encounter +#(such as when a RACETYPE tag exists in a template) the characters race type changes to the newly applied RACETYPE, a character can have only one race type at a time. +#(RACETYPE is used internally by PCGen for matching up with Monster HD, and for references to race, such as the Rangers Favored Enemy.) diff --git a/install.lst b/install.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd2a597 --- /dev/null +++ b/install.lst @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +CAMPAIGN:Discworld +MINVER:6.0.0 +MINDEVVER: 6.0.0 +DEST:VENDORDATA +COPYRIGHT: +INFOTEXT: +SOURCELONG:Discworld +SOURCESHORT:Discworld +SOURCEWEB: +PUBNAMELONG: +PUBNAMESHORT: