- #115: handle long text in delete modals (2f870d7), closes #115
- #117: add some delay before data reload on project-board (fe54ff9), closes #117
- #117: revert fe54ff9edf7ee5b59f1717d102d621bad960721a, remove delay before refreshing data (7e9b4ea), closes #117
- #11: change space action mennu button color to tertiary-dark (4744120), closes #11
- #129, #130: add margins to models table + remove scrollbar in empty files table (4be866e), closes #129 #130
- #12: change space creation card text color (19b2ab0), closes #12
- #136: case insensitive file extensions (c5386b3), closes #136
- #13: change input font-size on space creation card (05b6b36), closes #13
- #15: fix pseudorandom generation of space images to make them identical to already existing ones (on current platform) (8fdd4aa)
- #16: add ripple effect to space action menu toggle button (ecd8121), closes #16
- #18: navigate to dashboard on header-logo click (1c90dc2), closes #18
- #19: change view-container and header padding to 42px (c222e26), closes #19
- #19: fix elements alignment on spaces view (9b4bbfd)
- #211: add 2D button for DXF models (af3074c), closes #211
- #22: fix space image upload (7002634)
- #235: fix bcf filters behavior (f74eb05)
- #23: make project cards aligned on both left and right side in space-board (c1868e5), closes #23
- #240: improve tabs transition in space-users-manager (d9ce164), closes #240
- #242: reset group card on color update (2b4ba76), closes #242
- #248: avoid debounce forms submit (318e193), closes #248
- #24: update breadcrumb selector styles (ee9320e), closes #24
- #251: wait for subs to be loaded before display sub-status-banner (a965595), closes #251
- #255: remove orga import success text (39b3d72), closes #255
- #25: display number of projects on space card (374319a), closes #25
- #305: allow opening viewer whithout models (de6364d), closes #305
- #31,#32,#33: bugfixes on project card and project list (4fd423e)
- #320: some fixes and improvements on project-bcf (f62bfb6)
- #328: fix user-avatar positioning (741d041)
- #377: bugfix + update dependencies (d660ec5)
- #39: implement 'invite first user' feature (d9fb58e), closes #39
- #40: add project-models-overview title french translation (461cb01), closes #40
- #43,#44: in space users manager, only display invitation button on admin tabs + fix button text (edc8438)
- #435: allow multi file download regardless of user role / permissions (10cdf3d), closes #435
- #440: set archiveUrl in viewer config (f4e0034), closes #440
- #44: use colorized ifc logo in model name cell (a701083), closes #44
- #48: add go-back button to model-viewer view (268e9c4), closes #48
- #48: selection issue after creating a new folder (7a17875), closes #48
- #52: add margin to user-cards in project-users-manager (094b0f1), closes #52
- #8,#9: update layout styles (width/height) (586faf2), closes #8 #9
- access-management: display UI elements according to user permissions + some other minor fixes (590df45)
- access-management: update group permission selectors on folder permission change (da19764)
- actions: fix viewer-update job (5ed7db7)
- add a placeholder for empty orga spaces list (95b50f5)
- add bcf permissions to assigned (#434) (ad4f314)
- add credentials='include' to fetch option (#213) (1dc6ad4)
- add disable style to 'view' button on project-card (7d491e5)
- add english trad for file preview button (5d966d3)
- add env var in env.sh (0829659)
- add missing translation + use fullName utils (5419d0c)
- add old platform env in Dockerfile (89de55f)
- add point-cloud picto to models managers + remove GenericTable and use BIMDataTable from DS instead (3fd9f35)
- add project status env vars to etc files (6ab3ba4)
- auth: fix token refresh mechanism (13ff5ba)
- avoid app-link error on dashboard when subscription is disabled (1953aa7)
- avoid error when subscription disabled (again) (365e3a4)
- avoid unecessary request to private api when subscription is disabled (4f1c2b8)
- await backend before call api (0fae199)
- BCF import/export (56a6cbc)
- bcf service methods (2b40da0)
- bcf-components lib update (c0b74f4)
- bcf: adapt topic table (458d862)
- bcf: avoid keeping previous form data when opening topic creation form (915086d)
- bcf: bcf-comments feature (d466379)
- bcf: fix bcf topic update (ac9ef37)
- bcf: i18nize bcf metrics title (5a16d03)
- bcf: load bcf topics viewpoints with new service method (#357) (0c60114)
- bcf: minor fixes on styles and translations (6b8d1c8)
- bcf: rearrange import/export bcf feature (f0ed22e)
- bcf: remove grid/list toggle button, list view not yet available (07639a2)
- bcf: remove unecessary composables (ead7a50)
- bcf: select the right window/model when opening a BCF topic (ee72ea8)
- bcf: some minor rewrite (f69253c)
- bcf: somme little fixes on bcf-topic-overview (0da0ccc)
- bcf: sort topics by index by default (58fef10)
- bcf: update bcf-components to latest version (d9f0ed4)
- bcf: update bcf-components version (6c8e268)
- billings-table: show subscription total price (including datapacks) (a5ad269)
- breadcrumb: fix error when clicking on current space name (project-board breadcrumb) (e3e56b3)
- breadcrumb: fix space/project selector behavior (8ce6355)
- breadcrumb: go to space when its name is clicked (on project-board) (359e720)
- bullet marks in pro-plan-info (97be1dc)
- bunch of mini-bugfix (a06e194)
- change 'remove pdf model' button text in models-manager (7ceaeab)
- change dashboard template when user has 4 projects / spaces (#419) (cabf3a7)
- change english wording for upgrade button (ce97918)
- change inactive projects color (eee7bd2)
- ci: trigger tests and deploy in parallel (temporary fix) (fad0272)
- ci: update actions version + remove deprecated 'set-ouput' command (#312) (7fd2405)
- close side-panel on before route leave (ae132d4)
- components: avoid error when user has no firstname or lastname (0a21f22)
- components: fix space-invitation-card root element class name (148aa18)
- config: add some debug logs (35874c4)
- config: disable zone editor plugin (dc95a68)
- config: fix subscription config for routing (75fc53f)
- config: put subscription config (from env) into a config module (9c02785)
- config: try to define a function to use subscription env value (7488454)
- config: try to use an iife to properly take subscription env value into account (when deployed) (7b553c9)
- dashboard: avoid vertical scrollbar when showing text-tooltip in space/project lists (a941048)
- dashboard: display 10 recent items (space/project) (f3f1d4e)
- dashboard: display only the 4 most recent projects (04b5a75)
- dashboard: limit recent spaces list to 7 elements (b43fd64)
- dashboard: show project-card viewer button on dashboard (34bfb04)
- dashboard: use BIMDataCarousel from DS for dashboard lists (a22d89b)
- datapack: ensure the currently active datapack is selected when updating (676c5e1)
- datapack: go back to previous view when datapack successfully created/updated (00e4ce0)
- datapack: wait for updated space size on datapack submit before routing to space-board (6454cbc)
- date: use new date formatting for payment features (375499e)
- disable groups test data (8aa2a8a)
- disable new ged features until validation (af99d6e)
- do not allow folder import if user does not have admin perm (f8efe41)
- empty-project: open ifc uploader when upload button is clicked (b889898)
- enable ViewerPlan plugin on platform (9a31148)
- env: change env object to ENV + update eslint config (#335) (3626ba1)
- env: set maptiler env var in Dockerfile + env.sh (2613675)
- errors: handle errors on image/file upload (8e93112)
- errors: use async/await in services methods in order to properly catch errors (4ac9631)
- file-manager: add hover effect and lighten selected background in file tree (fd7b39b)
- files-manager: add 'open in viewer' feature to ifc file action menu (c18665d)
- files-manager: add scrollbar for long file-tree (788205d)
- files-manager: display info tooltip when upload button is disabled (e3882c0)
- files-manager: ensure that models and files states stay in sync across operations (cd6bb52)
- files-manager: folder creation autofocus + only allow download for one document for now (9a98dec)
- files-manager: make files-table scrollable (2ee9e5f)
- files-table: move back click listener on button instead of icon (#195) (3577d28)
- files-table: set folder icon min width to 22px (b6213b5)
- files: apply search text filter to allFiles list (82eaad3)
- files: display all actions for model files in files-manager (8fb3ed1)
- files: fix file icon display (fbfebf2)
- files: fix file icon display (8b59ba1)
- files: load projects folder trees when file structure is empty (#352) (42b44c2)
- files: properly update displayed permissions when switching folders (bf9653b)
- files: show "mark as model" button for plan files (bbc1055)
- files: update bimdata-table to fix some styles (9fdff20)
- files: update FileIcon props name (1139be7)
- generic-table: reset page index on rows prop change (20a5beb)
- get document from request response in file-upload-card (91ce047)
- header: put a z-index of 10 to ensure header content overlap everything (1ad5d2a)
- header: set header z-inex to 1 (ac1d1a7)
- hide space-board subscription banner (aa6af8c)
- hide useless buttons (50c11a1)
- hide viewer version on platform (8409a62)
- i18n for paddle checkout + fix some styles (8559ba7)
- i18n: add en transaltions for missing text (479446e)
- i18n: add/fix some german translations (db0cc19)
- i18n: fix empty table text for billings and invoices (a242072)
- i18n: remove 'lorem ipsum' translations (00ffea1)
- i18n: remove dead translations (7cb396c)
- i18n: remove unused key for english translation (6db3a4b)
- i18n: remove useless translation key 'datapackText' (763a70b)
- i18n: reset translated variable names in nl/no translations (4634b23)
- icons: update design-system to 0.1.4 and use new icons (b255617)
- icons: update design-system version and use proper icons (ec0ec04)
- icons: update design-system version to 0.3.2 and set proper icons in models manager (ae63b5a)
- ignore extension case in GED (ae6e4b0)
- loaders: change BIMDataLoader to BIMDataSpinner for create/update/delete loading (b97c533)
- login when refresh token is expired (#59) (04de11c)
- make sure access token is available when calling login callback (89c7021)
- mapbox: catch and log error on mapbox initialization (8ce75d2)
- menu: remove acces to old platform from header menu (981ad38)
- model-location: change displayed model when model list is updated (6e8607e)
- model-location: fix location form styles (1183c3a)
- model-location: fix model location update (d23f01c)
- model-viewer: add loader on plugin loading + handle plugin registration error (bc75219)
- models-action: display models actions on top of table headers (ed63046)
- models-card: handle long text display (460a261)
- models-manager: add 'beta' badge to DWG and DXF tabs (395100e)
- models-manager: add ifc icon to name column (3555c52)
- models-manager: add key on dynamic tabs components (5da5b32)
- models-manager: always display models actions if project admin (e37a63c)
- models-manager: clear status check interval when model is updated (cbdfd0b)
- models-manager: fix labels in tab selection menu (213a87e)
- models-manager: fix model archive from action menu (75d9e0d)
- models-manager: fix rename model error (0a7eede)
- models-manager: fix rename model feature (1a7ff7b)
- models-manager: hide viewer button if model is not completed (86363cd)
- models-manager: open dxf window for DXF models (a780938)
- models-manager: push menu to the riht corner (a8edc06)
- models-manager: remove 'split' tab in DWG/PDF manager (#127) (3a1894c)
- models-manager: remove warnings/errors tooltip from model-status-badge (697edca)
- models-manager: set icon according to model type in models table (88ba6ff)
- models-manager: update api-client dependency and fix model archive feature (ad2f181)
- models-table: stop checking model status when it's deleted (3a42219)
- models: hide/disable point-cloud viewer features for prod deploy (5ca36d1)
- models: re-enable point cloud viewer (9dc0d7c)
- open the right model in viewer from project-card/models-card (217b36e)
- orga: fix some styles + orga spaces import (452e1e1)
- orga: in spaces import, replace submit button at the bottom of the list (9965a4c)
- orga: update orga spaces list when creating/updating/deleting a space (03a5280)
- package.json: update design-system version to 0.2.0 (609190a)
- payment: display loader instead of pro-plan-form success message + fix notif (4314526)
- pdf page selection in building maker (1c34a4c)
- perm: disable download model/file feature for readonly users (12a46f7)
- project-board: add background to active tab in project-board (74891e3)
- project-board: improve empty project board styles (84dbc89)
- project-board: use session storage to keep active view (6208330)
- project-card: change status badge text to 'Active' (8cc2c72)
- project-card: preview project first model if no main_model (ef1510f)
- project-card: update rename project form (74d61f4)
- project-groups: fix group management features and make sure everything works fine with real API calls (b5c51bb)
- projects: fix click handler on project creation card (713b9e4)
- projects: fix project name update (change status field to projectStatus) (90c2539)
- projects: make preview animation trigger on the whole card width (add7b75)
- projects: make project preview unselectable (ff73a3c)
- re-enable zone editor plugin (38c209f)
- reformat SpaceBoard component (5dacaf5)
- remove 'beta' badge on BCF tab (25a36f7)
- remove a piece of dead code (f0a00a4)
- remove obsolete bcf components (9ac2496)
- remove ptc-manager (not needed yet) (dc805f8)
- remove some useless styles (d5c2228)
- remove unwanted assignment in project-board useInterval callback (47e0267)
- remove useless file-icon component and file-icons assets (a1a4da7)
- remove useless import of design-system sass variables (4498087)
- replace deploy icon with chevron + rotate 90 (#442) (cbe20bc)
- request_uri field in space invitation request (f3e68c5)
- resolver: await loadSpaceProjects in space-board resolver (9c2e515)
- restore guest buttons (#417) (87500cb)
- rewrite some component template code (91cc92f)
- role: disallow User role to invite people in project (b5685c5)
- routing: check user is authenticated before loading data (4cf84b4)
- routing: define default previous views for go-back-button (b73b021)
- routing: redirect free plan to pro plan if user have already a free space (de7737b)
- set Paddle iframe iframe height to 660px (a71ca4a)
- sidePanel & visas table for open visa on mailing (#476) (30fae9e)
- some minor fixes (b944dff)
- space-board: disallow user management if not space admin (576f4de)
- space-card: avoid triggering nav on space name update with enter key (2240ab3)
- space-card: fix space-card-image-input tag name in space-card-action-menu template (1758375)
- space-card: make favorite btn available to non admin users (#426) (9d8f1fa)
- space-users: add role badge for users and guests (f2e0275)
- space: add fetch workaround to fix cloud image deletion feature (4d70eed)
- spaces/projects: add validation on space/project rename (658a3a4)
- spaces: fix space name update + add space delete guard + refactor space action menu component (4e7d7f1)
- spaces: keep 'isAdmin' value on space update and set it to true on space creation (65e3a79)
- state: do not try to load project groups if not admin (d57fdae)
- state: fix project model preview & user menu (7067a3e)
- state: remove caching mechanism as it is buggy for now... (248426c)
- state: set user 'isSelf' property based on 'user.userId' instead of 'user.id' (a6dbb2f)
- style: add white overlay on empty-user-manager when invitation-form is open (9f7ab9b)
- style: fix dashboard elements spacing (753328c)
- style: fix space/prject card overflow + disable 'view' button on project card when no models (317c5ca)
- styles: add bottom margin to breadcrumb toggle icons (6e3af8b)
- styles: add hover effect on organization cards (5972f81)
- styles: avoid 'flashing scrollbar' when clicking on user-action-menu button (f728c1c)
- styles: change action buttons color to tertiary-dark (78e4020)
- styles: dashboard responsive layout (a5f194f)
- styles: enhance models/files table style (aa99b73)
- styles: fix button icons margins on Firefox (07962e5)
- styles: fix group-card color-picker styles (930694d)
- styles: fix icon margin on dashboard info tile (2ec6e6b)
- styles: fix model selector font-size on model-viewer view (9575896)
- styles: fix models count badge in models-manager (ed91da4)
- styles: fix some UI quirks on firefox (5d9da80)
- styles: hide overflow on model-overview to avoid flashing scrollbars (eaf33cf)
- styles: improve styles structure + fix some css (554a7ea)
- styles: little fix on breadcrumb selector style (d8b6777)
- styles: minor style fix on user-subs view (2392d8e)
- styles: project-board responsive layout (4d6ec14)
- styles: rearrange space-action-menu styles (fb0e3c8)
- styles: reduce user-card margin in project user manager (2543256)
- styles: remove those painful scrollbars from project view (b05ffcf)
- styles: set colors according to Figma frames (1f7811b)
- styles: set select width in invitation form (08b7109)
- styles: some minor style updates (002cf82)
- styles: some various css fixes (d149fd3)
- styles: update color variables names for payment (9e27602)
- sub-pro: create orga on space name submition (db1fb53)
- subscription-pro: scroll to form when it loads (3a33004)
- subscription-pro: update view title (593f495)
- subscription-pro: wait for space to be upgraded before routing to space-board (701c068)
- subscription: adapt space-creator for free subscription scenario (8039ac3)
- subscription: avoid space duplication when upgrading a free space to pro plan (377a651)
- subscriptions: hide user-subs button in header menu when subs disabled (a0399b4)
- subscription: various fixes on styles, routing and components behavior (2287c6f)
- tests: fix file drag & drop in cypress (42f0867)
- transitions: make quicker input autofocus on form display (e8475d7)
- try to improve templates readability + some minor fixes (52c7bdf)
- typo in address-input component (4747efd)
- ui: handle long text properly in models/files managers (a037b55)
- ui: hide marketplace button if no url is sepcified (38afcc4)
- update bcf-components lib version (5a6a125)
- update bcf-components version to fix topic update (aaac86a)
- update bimdata-components (766fb04)
- update bimdata-components version (82d5d91)
- update building-maker version (fe621bf)
- update building-maker version (#332) (7ba33f2)
- update design-system version to fix bimdata-select (3b04bcd)
- use bcf-components package from npm instead of local dir (b1336d0)
- use building-maker from @bimdata/comonents (84d0ae0)
- user-subs: fix calls to fetch sub payments to display in invoices-table (959e11f)
- users: apply search filter to both users and invitations (#464) (0941f26)
- users: fix user deletion feature (for spaces and projects) (0017ad1)
- utils: do not throw an error when file-structure-handler is initialized without a valid structure (df228cd)
- utils: ensure that files (folders + documents) are uniquely identified in FileStructureHandler node map (5581a1c)
- utils: use 'nature' field instead of 'type' in FileStructureHandler (d61ccac)
- viewer: remove padding-top on model-viewer view (4eaa658)
- views: add go-back-button to user-subs view (e0ec91a)
- vite version (#326) (694522e)
- wording: change wording to be smart-files compliant (b47cb6e)
- #46: show readonlyFolder icon for readonly folders (d79c204), closes #46
- #47: add unarchive feature to models manager (2b48ca3), closes #47
- #50: add models count in models manager tabs + some little refacto (2c1b60b), closes #50
- access-management: implement folder access management feature (a771ae4)
- access-management: refactor folder-access-manager (50417e1)
- add access to platform v1 in app menu (b6b6d5c)
- add call to login callback (on platform-back) (780c02a)
- add Dockerfile and github action (#53) (8c929fa)
- add query param to open a topic with guid (#407) (10d496b)
- add query param when the topic side panel is open (#408) [skip e2e] (82821c3)
- api: use typescript-fetch-api-client to call API (5efbe81)
- auth: add basic auth system with vuex-oidc reactive state (88e52ba)
- auth: setup a basic oidc callback error view with retry button (931d5d0)
- auth: use oidc-client instead of vuex-oidc to manage authentication (3ed218b)
- bcf: activate bcfManagaer viewer plugin (ff2a98e)
- bcf: add 'beta' tag to bcf tab on project-board (0c008fc)
- bcf: add error handling for bcf import/export (f0c771c)
- bcf: display viewpoints icons in topic overview (c5ad61d)
- bcf: improve bcf filters (23c285c)
- bcf: re-enable grid/list switch (b99aaff)
- bcf: reload data on create/update/delete topic/extension (8b2443f)
- bcf: use bcf-components lib (3472bf4)
- bcf: use icons from design-system (bb6a1e6)
- bcf: use last bcf-components version with improve filters (52a7e33)
- billings-table: add 'Manage datapacks' button to billing action menu (4316f03)
- breadcrumb: create breadcrumb component (55c215f)
- breadcrumb: enhance project navigation (b71a5b7)
- breadcrumb: use a custom BreadcrumbSelector instead of BIMDataDropdownList (08c9298)
- components: create app-slot component and use it in project-board (fe043b4)
- components: improve progress bar by adding waringLimit and highLimit props (af8d05b)
- components: use BIMDataTextBox component from design-system (7b158e2)
- components: use design-system responsive-grid component (1cfb2a0)
- components: various improvment and some fixes (6bd93df)
- config: add all available model types to config (d666fb5)
- create cloud with platform-back to register webhook (#394) (64ab820)
- dashboard: add recent projects list to dashboard (475fb9b)
- dashboard: add subscribe card to dashboard (393f284)
- dashboard: create carousel component and use it for recent spaces (554b764)
- dashboard: create Dashboard view (v0) (63f3d34)
- dashboard: refactor dashboard view + add recent spaces list (f273dbf)
- datapack: add cancel button action + change view title (8c1a6cb)
- dates: take the current locale/language into accountwhen formatting dates (fc2877c)
- delete V2 from name (#63) (5b3af9b)
- design-system: add design-system dependency (7f0707d)
- enable drawing-tools + update dependencies (8b9cc5a)
- errors: add error handling for model management (293a4c8)
- errors: add global error handler + handle errors forspace & project management (217ead5)
- errors: handle fetch error (454f0a4)
- file-tree: enhance file selection in file-tree (672425e)
- file-upload: create project-file-uploader (WIP) (c6692b9)
- file-uploader: file-uploader is working + some minor fixes on models-manager (75d460d)
- file-uploader: finalize file uploader + add extension check (afa1a96)
- files-manager: add create folder feature (8fa01c0)
- files-manager: add delete and download file(s) features (b79e429)
- files-manager: add download archive feature (05d617c)
- files-manager: add file-upload feature + some fixes on file management (6ef006a)
- files-manager: add folder breadcrumb + handle folder selection (5278e12)
- files-manager: add move files feature (94bf08f)
- files-manager: add rename file feature (c0b9fc2)
- files-manager: create file-upload-button + fix file-icon (7737e89)
- files-manager: create files-action-bar and add events to file table (+ some refacto) (61976da)
- files-manager: display files properly in file table + fix file-icon component (4eb5738)
- files-manager: improve file-tree (sort + selection behavior) (a39e47a)
- files-manager: improve file-tree and create file table cell components (1986bc0)
- files-manager: some fix on files renaming (0b98745)
- files-manager: sort files and add filter feature + create file action menu (d7e7ad6)
- files: add create folder feature for onboarding (93e7c7a)
- files: add drag & drop to specific folder (#363) (c8c50d7)
- files: add file upload feature for onboarding (7511624)
- files: create base components for folder access management (e48e034)
- files: create folder-creation-form component (8e03fd8)
- forms: trigger create/update on enter key for single input forms (space, project) (7b20ac0)
- generic-table: add pagination to generic-table (6d39685)
- generic-table: add placeholder and rowHeight props to generic-table (05d9ce4)
- groups: add group members selector panel (1f87966)
- groups: add group-creation-card and put project-groups on a separate app route (40291c3)
- groups: add remove member button on member cards (610c8e8)
- groups: create group card and setup basic group features (not yet connected to API) (c9a6272)
- groups: create group member management view (5d07b82)
- groups: fix and finish group members management features (7e34817)
- groups: prepare group state management to be link to API (WIP) (09a4395)
- i18n: add de, es and it translations (dc46c14)
- i18n: add i18n support (d922ce2)
- i18n: internationalize form error messages (d6bfcec)
- i18n: internationalize status name in billings table (0339369)
- i18n: make tabs and table columns labels translatable (2fe56b6)
- i18n: update en, es, de and it translations (payment wording) (6019857)
- i18n: use navigator language as default locale (50627f5)
- ifc-upload: notify user when trying to upload a non ifc file (b4e0561)
- improve folder access manager ui (#469) (de32efa)
- inject api client into bcf-components lib (38102f2)
- loaders: enhance view loaders display management (9c7ab10)
- loading: use provide/inject mechanism instead of loading context in action menus (0158e37)
- model-handler: first implementation trial (0aa29cd)
- model-location: add the ability to define an IFC Site on model (when it doesn't exist) (4ceb373)
- model-location: create address input and update model location form (9f73006)
- model-status: check model status periodically until it's completed or error (aefb913)
- models-manager: add models-manager menu (c2bd726)
- models-manager: add multi download feature (a305c59)
- models-manager: add rename model feature (doesn't work yet) (71d6a5e)
- models-manager: add rename model feature + setup events to handle (9a6d9c7)
- models-manager: add unarchive button to model-actions-cell menu (ffef73f)
- models-manager: add viewer link for DWG and PDF models (#147) (8e0bc09)
- models-manager: create generic table and display the list of models (71dfdf6)
- models-manager: create mamanger modal + add archive, download, merge and delete features (some bugs remain) (d7f20ff)
- models-manager: create model-action-bar and update model-action-menu (5d554b4)
- models-manager: create model-status-badge and model-action-menu (32ac19d)
- models-manager: dsipatch models into tabs + add warning and error messages (3307216)
- models-manager: set tabs models based on model type (currently only IFC) (7956420)
- models-manager: show archived models in 'Archive' tab (dc3bcc4)
- models-overview: create viewer card with model preview (39a6168)
- models-overview: create viewer-card and model-location (bafc9e3)
- models-table: display ifc version in models table (if available) (0126994)
- models: add dxf tab to models-manager (cdeb332)
- models: add point-cloud tab to models manager (#304) (e801149)
- models: dispatch models across tabs according to their type (85f8687)
- models: display dwg and pdf tables in models manager + only show ifcs overview (030b913)
- models: hide viewer buttons for dwg and pdf models (1259cd9)
- models: meta-building-structure integration (#446) (81c8cb6)
- models: refactor models-manager components (0cdb873)
- models: refactor ModelService and create ModelHandler (db28aa0)
- models: start new models-manager implementation (b4a33e6)
- nav: implement breadcrumb and add it to projects view (a5afbe5)
- notification: add notification system (f499926)
- open visa manager when a visa id is defined in query params (#418) (a9196fa)
- orga: create a mock impl for OrganizationDeleteGuard (6d3dbf2)
- orga: create orga form + orga spaces manager (wip) (7f815da)
- orga: create organization space import (7264f2f)
- orga: fix orga creation/update/import (7477a69)
- orga: handle create/update scenario in OrganizationForm (70f100f)
- organizations: create organization management panel on user spaces view (30e2ceb)
- orga: organization space import (33ec8ee)
- orga: organization update form (wip) (fb49728)
- orga: refactor component structure for OrganizationsManager (7921dd6)
- orga: some fixes in orga form and spaces import (fe9d792)
- orga: space-board access from orga manager (7f55a1d)
- payment: add ability to disable subscription features (afd25df)
- payment: add modal with organization selector to SpaceCreator (V2) (3d92701)
- payment: add space selection logic in Payment view (script only) (11594aa)
- payment: change dashboard subscriptions tile (177003e)
- payment: clean components and translations + some minor refactoring (6acc060)
- payment: create subscribe view to choose sub plan (96a1dae)
- payment: create subscription-free view (9b409e1)
- payment: dev on payment view (55f0022)
- payment: dev on payment view initialization (c4fec1b)
- payment: disable ifc/file upload when plan storage is fully used (4ec5eb6)
- payment: display price details on pro plan form (9415d65)
- payment: finalize platform subscription form (648bf1f)
- payment: finalize subscription-platform view (0a8cdc5)
- payment: finish routing integration + refactor space-creator (05c11bb)
- payment: fix and finish datapack sub form (b7feb00)
- payment: fix paddle setup + create subscription payment UI skeleton (ed2ffa9)
- payment: handle pre-selected organization (85d2fd9)
- payment: hide orga manager button when subscription is disabled (4e3c6b5)
- payment: implement datapack-sub-form + some refacto (e363ebc)
- payment: integrate creator/selector into payment views (6794e02)
- payment: put paddle config into env (27ff903)
- payment: put plans storage values into env + get price data from Paddle instead of hard coding them (6de3d9e)
- payment: rearrange payment view init (bd45981)
- payment: refactor + dev on user-subscriptions view (7984109)
- payment: refactor css on payment view (7b50dc3)
- payment: refactor SpaceCreator (still SpaceCCreatorV2 for now) (d0aca47)
- payment: rewrite platform-sub-info component (3b03134)
- payment: update wording, change 'organization' into 'billing account' (a8bcc0f)
- payment: update/fix/complete payment wording (7b314be)
- payment: use new space creation mechanism (0248112)
- perf: add loading='lazy' attribute to space/project card images (d2d47df)
- perf: avoid unecessary fetching of user, spaces end projects from api (a6a9377)
- perf: create app-loading component + refactor view resolvers (558e1c1)
- perf: lazy load project cards (#389) (4cf9ad2)
- project-board: add bcf trailer view (a948c53)
- project-board: add i18n (128dd1e)
- project-board: create breadcrumb project selector (288a7b7)
- project-board: create empty project board (adef200)
- project-board: create model overview component (b818ab0)
- project-board: create project-users-manager (4f18f79)
- project-board: create sub-view components and handle tab selection (7474342)
- project-board: extract models, users and files manager in seperate components (d7e8cb4)
- project-board: keep active tab when reloading page (5621195)
- project-files: create file manager, file-tree and file-table components (0374761)
- project-files: update a FileStructureHandler and provide it in ProjectBoard view (a47743c)
- project-users: add invite and search features to project-users-manager (dc29f4a)
- project-users: update users components to handle project users management (4a5e097)
- project: create project-status-badge component (9549ee6)
- project: display the right project status according to create/update date (b231fd1)
- project: integrate invitation user project to list (#90) (309575c)
- project: put env vars into config + set status on project creation (2097ecd)
- projects: add action menu to project card (f891706)
- projects: add image switcher to project model preview (cd39fac)
- projects: add model preview to project cards (default preview only) (0e8498a)
- projects: add projects state (cbfe955)
- projects: add ProjectService (edff0b0)
- project: save model tab into session storage (#365) (39add0e)
- projects: create base components to compose projects view (5ede977)
- projects: create project card structure (231e9b3)
- projects: create project feature (831686a)
- projects: create projects view component (aafb283)
- projects: create user projects view (33deb6f)
- projects: delete project feature (ae5619f)
- projects: fetch model preview image from API (0c850d4)
- projects: fix state + add projects and 'catch all' route definitions (b77ca36)
- projects: go to projects on space click (b679f05)
- projects: hide project action menu if not project admin (61aa061)
- projects: make flipable project cards (11c7813)
- projects: rename project feature (c15b010)
- projects: search/sort projects feature (48893c9)
- put group colors in config + create session state to manage session storage (2aeaa71)
- redirect to invitations page (#376) (9c8a65f)
- refactor permission handling (#466) (04a2345)
- Remove Uppy, Use XHR upload instead (#111) (d2f946d)
- router: extract auth guard in a seperate file (6b86f51)
- routing: add 404 not found error page for unknown routes (6676d3f)
- routing: add legacy URLs redirection (f799e0f)
- routing: add nav guard for project-board and group-board (2616b09)
- routing: add nav guard to space-board view + refactor routing files (5f125fa)
- routing: create route resolvers (faf0a51)
- routing: lazy load views (efe952b)
- routing: update go-back-button behavior + refactor resolvers (a1ecd84)
- routing: use router-link for navigation (09f66d5)
- space-board: add sub status banner (2019a63)
- space-board: create space-users-manager components (adab96b)
- space-board: disallow project creation if not space admin (e81016b)
- space-board: hide action menu if not space admin (4ea7c9c)
- space-board: little update on space-users-manager and project-model-preview (292c344)
- space-board: setup users manager interface (9045e70)
- space-board: show user list in space-users-manager (3c38380)
- space-users: add admin badge for admin users (ba36af0)
- space-users: add remove user feature + fix invitations (666cd41)
- space-users: add update/remove user functions to Services/state (85ff7fd)
- space-users: add user action menu to user card (51cec50)
- space-users: add user invitation feature (cc088a0)
- space-users: show pending invitations in space users list (fc63fb9)
- spaces/projects: add validation on space/project creation (5fa2b68)
- spaces: add appear transition on space list (72a8c3f)
- spaces: add loaders on create/update/delete (16d7588)
- spaces: add loaders while fetching spaces (d4d7a36)
- spaces: add space image management feature + some minor improvements (ff42037)
- spaces: create platform header and space management view (df5d282)
- spaces: create space management view (858a317)
- state: add root resolver to load user data (4cd7ee3)
- state: change state file names (f76c4ea)
- state: create organization service/state (430741a)
- state: little reword + load user organizations in root resolver (b88fe63)
- state: load space users when resolving SpaceBoard view (93eb56a)
- state: make states readonly in components (5d00974)
- state: no wait for login callback response (0fc2b5d)
- state: refactor states to avoid unecessary API calls (63796eb)
- state: rewrite state methods in a more readable fashion (fb2b95b)
- style: add spinner on OidcCallback view + rearrange css (0d886a4)
- style: create text-box component to handle long text (b05069a)
- style: set buttons min-width to improve UI (183e267)
- styles: refactor styles organization (0885486)
- styles: update design system to use ripple buttons (cf70d4f)
- styles: update design-system version and use button ripple effect (29a14fb)
- styles: use design system scrollbar styles (c0aa2ac)
- subscription: adapt Subscribe view to handle existing free space case (b435b61)
- subscription: add 'free badge' to free spaces cards (b7e8c47)
- subscription: enable free space creation when subscription is disabled (7f2e277)
- subscription: implement susbcribe guard (07fb2a4)
- update building maker and bimdata components (#383) (3eca433)
- update platform logo (662f535)
- upload: add retry capabilities to file uploader utils (#373) (87b19ff)
- use design-system plugin to globally import components and remove (98b2d1b)
- use model preview component from design-system (3f1532d)
- use polychrome icons (c73e612)
- user-menu: add language selector (3ba1e77)
- user-menu: create new user menu interface (ecf52bb)
- user-menu: use DS dropdown menu in UserMenu component (6e61de5)
- user-subs: access space-board from billing-table (a2555ee)
- user-subs: auto-select orga when coming from a space/project (9a87942)
- users: add update user role feature (daa25d1)
- users: show user profile pictures (7f555e9)
- users: sorts users by firstname + lastname (94d70da)
- utils: create some models utils (d7d9da4)
- utils: make snakeToCamel work for arrays and objects (c62ed04)
- viewer: add @bimdata/viewer dependencies (243dd23)
- viewer: add the ability to load multiple models at once (89e2a62)
- viewer: add viewer direct access from project-card (d669edd)
- viewer: create model-viewer view (still empty for now) (d580137)
- viewer: enable viewer (2D & 3D) access from model manager (4b4c3d3)
- viewer: load plugins from mapketplace apps (#57) (7223955)
- viewer: viewer integration finished in model-viewer view (01ca5e5)
- Revert "ci: test poeditor webhook" [skip ci] (285630b)