This analysis requires tools
, parallel
, data.table
, devtools
, phyloRNA
and beter
Packages tools
and parallel
are part of standard install of R do not need to be installed manually.
Packages data.table
and devtools
are available from CRAN. First, start R
console by typing R
into terminal:
and now type:
Packages might have additional system requirements that will not be automatically installed by R. You would need to find them in the error log and install them manually. On ubuntu
, start terminal and run:
sudo apt install name-of-library
Alternatively, you could install these packages with the conda
, start terminal and type:
conda install r-devtools r-data.table
This should automatically install all required system libraries.
These packages are not available on CRAN. You can however easily install them directly from github using the devtools
package. Start the R
console and type:
this will automatically install these packages and required dependencies.
To install the pysam
package, simply type into the terminal:
pip install pysam