Detailled step by step info in addition to the Readme.
This supposes the EthBridge Crystal is activated and Wallet was restarted once.
Crystal is active (notice the B x ETH logo showing)
- Click "Add to Metamask" to setup the custom token with its logo
- click "BIS->WBIS 1/2" to go to the transfer page
- Enter your ETH address, the one that will receive the wBIS token
- Enter the amount in BIS. 5 BIS fees will be deducted. 10 BIS is the minimal transfer amount.
- Click "send Bis..." and validate the transaction
- Go to the "swaps" page to monitor the swap.
- Once mined, your BIS transfer will show up. Just wait for it to go through the confirmations, then for the mint to be signed.
This can take a while depending on the timing and availability of the signers. Just be patient.
If your transaction is visible on the BIS chain, it will go through.
- Once signed, you'll get a new orange link to mint your wBIS yourself, click it.
You arrive on an already filled form.
Do not change anything in the params, or your transaction will fail.
- Check the default gas fees are correct. You are invited to check current recommended price on ethgasstation or a similar website.
- Proxy mint your wBIS
- Once the ETH transaction is validated, your wBIS balance is updated.