0.0.99i5 is the current stable version.
Hypernode Version 0.0.99 is likely to be a required update soon
In any case, this is a major stability and performance improvement ovver 0.0.98, so you have to update.
What's new:
- updated companion plugin
- more requests done by the plugin, with custom commands in the node context. Smoother requests, less db stress.
- completely rewritten mempool, faster and less cpu intensive
- improved sql db structure, faster
- improved handling of stalled peers and inner locks
- improved fork resistance and stability of PoW reference point.
- added temporary cache to alleviate some heavy computation pressure.
- recommended python version is now 3.7, fixes some async python bugs.
If it's a new install on a dedicated Ubuntu vps, use the one liner:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bismuthfoundation/hypernode/beta99/auto-install/bis-install.sh|bash
If you have an auto install and want to auto upgrade, use the auto upgrade script:
rm hn_node_update.py
wget https://github.com/bismuthfoundation/util/raw/master/hn_node_update.py
python3 hn_node_update.py
The following is an overview for tech savy people.
Crucial steps are making sure your node is at latest , companions updated, as well as running hn_check
- If you follow the steps, you'll just get a few minutes down time, no impact
- At worst, say a full hour downtime, you'll just loose that hour (but others may, too, so same thing in the end)
- If you don't update, then you likely may fork and get stuck and get no more rewards.
(all takes place on the vps)
- Upgrade Python to 3.7
- Upgrade Bismuth Node to latest 4.4. branch
- install pre-requisites
- make sure to run
pip3 install -r requirements-node.txt
in Bismuth dir. - Stop HN
- Update HN code to beta99 branch
- make sure to run
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
in hypernode dir - Run hypernode/main/hn_check.py
- Restart regular node
- Edit cron1.py to make sure it uses python3.7 instead of python3
- Check it works
Now required
apt update
apt upgrade
apt install python3.7-dev python3-pip
Your default python still will be python3.6, you'll need to invoke 3.7 by python3.7
To run pip, you'll now use python3.7 -m pip ....
instead of pip3 ...
apt update
apt install build-essential libgmp3-dev unzip
libgmp and build-essential are required for fastecdsa module.
(on the vps)
I suppose you followed my advice and have bismuth installed under ~/Bismuth.
If you have bismuth into Bismuth-4.x.x/... then it's time to change to ease future upgrades.
- Fetch and extract the latest node code:
rm master.zip
wget https://github.com/bismuthfoundation/Bismuth/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
This extracts the code to "Bismuth-master"
- Optionally, make a backup:
mkdir Bismuth.bak
cp Bismuth/*.txt Bismuth.bak
cp Bismuth/*.der Bismuth.bak
(This includes your config.txt)
- Update the node code
cp -av Bismuth-master/. Bismuth/
rm -rd Bismuth-master
Impoertant: Make sure you delete the old polysign directory:
cd Bismuth
rm -rd polysign
- Optionnaly adjust your config.txt
(if you need specific setup, or this will be the default config)
nano Bismuth/config.txt
- Add the required plugins and cleanup install
Mandatory and important
This manually installs the required plugins and companions.
These steps suppose your bismuth dir is ~/Bismuth
cd Bismuth
cd plugins
mkdir 035_socket_client
cd 035_socket_client
rm __init__.py
wget https://github.com/bismuthfoundation/BismuthPlugins/raw/master/plugins/035_socket_client/__init__.py
cd ..
cd 500_hypernode
rm __init__.py
wget https://github.com/bismuthfoundation/hypernode/raw/beta99/node_plugin/__init__.py
cd Bismuth
rm ledger_queries.py
wget https://github.com/bismuthfoundation/hypernode/raw/beta99/node_plugin/ledger_queries.py
Make sure you have the correct dependencies:
cd Bismuth
python3.7 -m pip install -r requirements-node.txt
python3.7 -m pip install ipwhois
- Restart node with up to date code
screen -ls
will list all your screens if you forgot the node screen name.
I'll suppose it's "node"
screen -x node
to enter the screen
to kill the node
python3.7 node.py
to restart the node
Exit the screen ctrl-a d
(on the vps)
You can leave your HN running while upgrading, you'll restart it at the end.
unzip is nice to have: apt install unzip
(already installed from the node requirements)
Upgrade the code:
go in you home dir, where you installed the hypernode
check the hypernode dir is there
ls -al
should list a "hypernode" directory -
rm any previous archive
rm beta99.zip
fetch the latest code
wget https://github.com/bismuthfoundation/hypernode/archive/beta99.zip
extract the code
unzip beta99.zip
copy the files over
cp -av hypernode-beta99/. hypernode/
this will not overwrite your custom config.txt nor the settings you may have in it
rm -rd hypernode-beta99
go into the hn dir
cd hypernode
make sure the updated requirements are satisfied
python3.7 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
edit cron to use python3.7:
nano ~/hypernode/crontab/cron1.py
edit the line
so it readsPYTHON_EXECUTABLE='python3.7'
instead, then save: ctrl-x, y, enter.
- go into the main hypernode/main dir
cd;cd hypernode/main
- run the check
python3.7 hn_check.py
- it should be happy.
- enter the hypernode screen
screen -x hypernode
- stop the HN : ctrl-c
- you'll be kicked out of the screen, the cronjob sentinel will restart it in 1 minute.
- if you had no sentinel, restart it by hand.
To be completed with your questions.