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1 Required Environment

cuda version: 11.1
python: 3.7
torch: 1.11.0
pyg (for conda) /torch_geometric (for pip): 2.0.4
tensorboardX: 2.8.0

To check whether your environment match the requirement, please run


If no errors occurs, then you can use ReG-NAS. ReG-NAS itself contains torch_geometric and torch.nn for we modified some files in it. However, you still need to install torch_geometric and torch in your environment

2. How to use

2.1 To run a single experiments

RegNAS offers several training pipelines for experiments. As listed below: Groundtruth training pipeline for ogbg-molhiv or other classification based groundturth task. Groundtruth training pipeline for ZINC or other regression based groundtruth task. Proxy training pipeline using Laplacian Matrix's eigenvectors as proxy task. Proxy training pipeline using Poorest Model generated vectors as proxy task. Proxy training pipeline using Randomly-Selected Model generated vectors as proxy task. (also applicable for GM based pipeline) Proxy training pipeline using Random generated vectors as proxy task

For example, if we want to run for 3 times with the configuration your_configs.yaml (stored in configs/pyg), simply use

python --cfg configs/your_configs.yaml --repeat 3 # graph classification

The result will be stored in results/, where you can analyze the training results

2.2 To run experiments in a search space

First you can define your search space in grids/, in which we offered some example files in it.

After defined you search space, the shell files listed below are designed for managing experiments in a search space: Classification-based groundtruth training Regression-based groundtruth training Proxy training

In these file, you can define your training configurations (hyper-parameter settings) in CONFIG, specify your search space file in GRID, define training pipeline in MAIN, and define max parallel jobs in ``MAX_JOBS''. Then simply use


to run the experiment.

2.3 Results analysis

All the functions for result analysis is in, which contains:

proxy_groundtruth_analysis: Analyzes proxy ranking and classification based groundtruth ranking. Computes rho and tau, draws scatter figure.
proxy_groundtruth_analysis_ZINC: Analyzes proxy ranking and  regression-based grdountruth ranking. Computes rho and tau, draws scatter figure.
proxy_groundtruth_analysis_epoch: Analyzes proxy ranking and classification based groundtruth ranking at each epoch. Computes rho and tau, draws scatter figure.
proxy_groundtruth_analysis_ZINC: Analyzes proxy ranking and regression-based grdountruth ranking at each epoch. Computes rho and tau, draws scatter figure.
similarity_analysis: Analyzes Ranking Stability for groundtruth ranking or proxy ranking. Computes rho and tau, draws scatter figure.
similarity_analysis_epoch: Analyzes Ranking Stability at each epoch. Computes rho and tau, draws scatter figure.

Simply add these function below if __name__ == '__main__': when you want to analyze experiment results. Before using, please change the file path contained in the function.