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DRLM - Disaster Recovery Linux Manager

Disaster Recovery Linux Manager (DRLM) is a Central Management Open Source Software for Linux Disaster Recovery and System Migrations, based on Relax-and-Recover (ReaR).

DRLM provides Central Management and Deployment from small to large Linux Disaster Recovery Implementations bringing a great Centralized Management Tool to Linux SysAdmins.

With DRLM SysAdmins can add/delete/modify networks and ReaR clients to manage, run backups and enable/disable Disaster Recovery system images to recovery through network.

Professional services and support are available.

For more detailed information about Disaster Recovery Linux Manager, please read the Disaster Recovery Linux Manager Project Web Page.


As DRLM has been solely written in the bash language we need the bash shell which is standard available on all GNU/Linux based systems.

Also requires some system services in order to work properly:

  • isc-dhcpd
  • nfs-server
  • rsync
  • tftpd
  • qemu-utils
  • sqlite3

All other required programs (like sort, dd, grep, etc.) are so common, that we don't list them as requirements. In case your specific workflow requires additional tools, Disaster Recovery Linux Manager will tell you.

DRLM is a tool to manage REAR systems, so all clients need REAR package and its dependencies to work properly.

For detailed documentation of DRLM and all system and software requirements, please visit:


It is assumed that you have performed a minimal installation of the selected distribution, dedicated exclusively to running the DRLM server to avoid interference with existing services.

To install DRLM, execute the following command in the terminal as the root user and follow the spteps. Once completed, you will have a fully functional DRLM server.

bash < <(curl -sSL

If the installation fails you can try the DRLM Step by Step Installation to find out where it fails and/or report the error to DRLM Contributing

For more information about Disaster Recovery Linux Manager installation, please read the Disaster Recovery Linux Manager Documentation Page.


To configure Disaster Recovery Linux Manager you have to edit the configuration files in '/etc/drlm/'. All '*.conf' files there are part of the configuration, but only 'local.conf' are intended for the user configuration.

For more information about Disaster Recovery Linux Manager configuration, please read the Disaster Recovery Linux Manager Documentation Page.


To use Disaster Recovery Linux Manager you always call the main script '/usr/sbin/drlm':

# drlm --help
Usage: drlm [-dDsSvV] COMMAND [-- ARGS...]

Disaster Recovery Linux Manager comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details
see The GNU General Public License at:

Available options:

 -d           debug mode; log debug messages
 -D           debugscript mode; log every function call
 -s           simulation mode; show what scripts drlm would include
 -S           step-by-step mode; acknowledge each script individually
 -v           verbose mode; show more output
 -V           version information

List of commands:

 addclient       register new client to DB.
 addjob          register new job to DB.
 addnetwork      register new network to DB.
 bkpmgr          manage DRLM backup states.
 delbackup       delete backup and unregister from DB.
 delclient       delete client from DB.
 deljob          delete job from DB.
 delnetwork      delete network from DB.
 expbackup       export backup from DB.
 impbackup       import backup from DB.
 instclient      install client from DRLM
 listbackup      list client backups.
 listclient      list registered clients.
 listjob         list planned jobs.
 listnetwork     list registered networks.
 modclient       modify client properties.
 modnetwork      modify network properties.
 runbackup       run backup and register to DB.
 sched           schedule planned jobs.

Use 'drlm COMMAND --help' for more advanced commands.