diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/Description.md b/test/rml-in-memory/Description.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2003f2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/Description.md
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# In-Memory YARRRML
+Syntax proposal test cases for in-memory YARRRML.
+IMTC001: Pandas dataframe as source
+IMTC002: Pandas dataframe as source without specifying software characteristics
+IMTC003: Pandas dataframe as source without specifying software characteristics - short version
+IMTC004: Python dictionary as source
+IMTC005: Python dictionary as source without specifying software characteristics - short version
+IMTC006: Multiple Pandas dataframes as sources
+IMTC007: Multiple Python dictionaries as sources
+IMTC008: Combination of in-memory and localy stored source
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC001/mappings-new.rml.ttl b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC001/mappings-new.rml.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d48e50d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC001/mappings-new.rml.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+@prefix insta: .
+@prefix rml: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix xsd: .
+@prefix sd: .
+@prefix kg4di: .
+ a rml:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "output_dataframe";
+ sd:hasDataTransformation [
+ sd:hasSoftwareRequirements "pandas>=1.1.0";
+ sd:hasSourceCode [
+ sd:programmingLanguage "Python3.9";
+ ];
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:DataFrame;
+ ];
+ rml:subjectMap [
+ a rml:SubjectMap;
+ rml:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}";
+ ];
+ rml:predicateObjectMap [
+ rml:predicateMap [
+ a rml:PredicateMap;
+ rml:constant rdf:type;
+ ];
+ rml:objectMap [
+ a rml:ObjectMap;
+ rml:constant insta:User;
+ ];
+ ].
+ql:DataFrame a rml:ReferenceFormulation;
+ kg4di:definedBy "Pandas".
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC001/mappings.rml.ttl b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC001/mappings.rml.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab5a0bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC001/mappings.rml.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+@prefix insta: .
+@prefix rr: .
+@prefix rml: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix xsd: .
+@prefix sd: .
+@prefix kg4di: .
+ a rr:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "output_dataframe";
+ sd:hasDataTransformation [
+ sd:hasSoftwareRequirements "pandas>=1.1.0";
+ sd:hasSourceCode [
+ sd:programmingLanguage "Python3.9";
+ ];
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:DataFrame;
+ ];
+ rr:subjectMap [
+ a rr:SubjectMap;
+ rr:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}";
+ ];
+ rr:predicateObjectMap [
+ rr:predicateMap [
+ a rr:PredicateMap;
+ rr:constant rdf:type;
+ ];
+ rr:objectMap [
+ a rr:ObjectMap;
+ rr:constant insta:User;
+ ];
+ ].
+ql:DataFrame a rml:ReferenceFormulation;
+ kg4di:definedBy "Pandas".
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC001/mappings.yml b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC001/mappings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e236f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC001/mappings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ insta: "http://instagram.com/data/"
+ rr: "http://www.w3.org/ns/r2rml#"
+ rml: "http://semweb.mmlab.be/ns/rml#"
+ rdf: "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+ rdfs: "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"
+ xsd: "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#"
+ foaf: "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"
+ sd: "https://w3id.org/okn/o/sd/"
+ kg4di: "https://w3id.org/kg4di/"
+ df_map:
+ sources:
+ access: $(output_dataframe)
+ referenceFormulation: DataFrame
+ structureDefiner: Pandas
+ softwareSpecification:
+ programmingLanguage: Python3.9
+ softwareRequirements: “pandas>=1.1.0”
+ s: http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}
+ po:
+ - [a, insta:User]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC002/mappings-new.rml.ttl b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC002/mappings-new.rml.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a44182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC002/mappings-new.rml.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+@prefix insta: .
+@prefix rml: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix xsd: .
+@prefix sd: .
+@prefix kg4di: .
+ a rml:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "output_dataframe";
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:DataFrame;
+ ];
+ rml:subjectMap [
+ a rml:SubjectMap;
+ rml:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}";
+ ];
+ rml:predicateObjectMap [
+ rml:predicateMap [
+ a rml:PredicateMap;
+ rml:constant rdf:type;
+ ];
+ rml:objectMap [
+ a rml:ObjectMap;
+ rml:constant insta:User;
+ ];
+ ].
+ql:DataFrame a rml:ReferenceFormulation;
+ kg4di:definedBy "Pandas".
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC002/mappings.rml.ttl b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC002/mappings.rml.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eb2920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC002/mappings.rml.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+@prefix insta: .
+@prefix rr: .
+@prefix rml: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix xsd: .
+@prefix sd: .
+@prefix kg4di: .
+ a rr:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "output_dataframe";
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:DataFrame;
+ ];
+ rr:subjectMap [
+ a rr:SubjectMap;
+ rr:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}";
+ ];
+ rr:predicateObjectMap [
+ rr:predicateMap [
+ a rr:PredicateMap;
+ rr:constant rdf:type;
+ ];
+ rr:objectMap [
+ a rr:ObjectMap;
+ rr:constant insta:User;
+ ];
+ ].
+ql:DataFrame a rml:ReferenceFormulation;
+ kg4di:definedBy "Pandas".
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC002/mappings.yml b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC002/mappings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbb281c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC002/mappings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ insta: "http://instagram.com/data/"
+ rr: "http://www.w3.org/ns/r2rml#"
+ rml: "http://semweb.mmlab.be/ns/rml#"
+ rdf: "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+ rdfs: "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"
+ xsd: "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#"
+ foaf: "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"
+ sd: "https://w3id.org/okn/o/sd/"
+ kg4di: "https://w3id.org/kg4di/"
+ df_map:
+ sources:
+ access: $(output_dataframe)
+ referenceFormulation: DataFrame
+ structureDefiner: Pandas
+ s: http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}
+ po:
+ - [a, insta:User]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC003/mappings-new.rml.ttl b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC003/mappings-new.rml.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a44182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC003/mappings-new.rml.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+@prefix insta: .
+@prefix rml: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix xsd: .
+@prefix sd: .
+@prefix kg4di: .
+ a rml:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "output_dataframe";
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:DataFrame;
+ ];
+ rml:subjectMap [
+ a rml:SubjectMap;
+ rml:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}";
+ ];
+ rml:predicateObjectMap [
+ rml:predicateMap [
+ a rml:PredicateMap;
+ rml:constant rdf:type;
+ ];
+ rml:objectMap [
+ a rml:ObjectMap;
+ rml:constant insta:User;
+ ];
+ ].
+ql:DataFrame a rml:ReferenceFormulation;
+ kg4di:definedBy "Pandas".
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC003/mappings.rml.ttl b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC003/mappings.rml.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eb2920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC003/mappings.rml.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+@prefix insta: .
+@prefix rr: .
+@prefix rml: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix xsd: .
+@prefix sd: .
+@prefix kg4di: .
+ a rr:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "output_dataframe";
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:DataFrame;
+ ];
+ rr:subjectMap [
+ a rr:SubjectMap;
+ rr:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}";
+ ];
+ rr:predicateObjectMap [
+ rr:predicateMap [
+ a rr:PredicateMap;
+ rr:constant rdf:type;
+ ];
+ rr:objectMap [
+ a rr:ObjectMap;
+ rr:constant insta:User;
+ ];
+ ].
+ql:DataFrame a rml:ReferenceFormulation;
+ kg4di:definedBy "Pandas".
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC003/mappings.yml b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC003/mappings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3928ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC003/mappings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ insta: "http://instagram.com/data/"
+ rr: "http://www.w3.org/ns/r2rml#"
+ rml: "http://semweb.mmlab.be/ns/rml#"
+ rdf: "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+ rdfs: "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"
+ xsd: "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#"
+ foaf: "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"
+ sd: "https://w3id.org/okn/o/sd/"
+ kg4di: "https://w3id.org/kg4di/"
+ df_map:
+ sources:
+ - [$(output_dataframe)~Pandas-DataFrame]
+ s: http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}
+ po:
+ - [a, insta:User]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC004/mappings-new.rml.ttl b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC004/mappings-new.rml.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2779035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC004/mappings-new.rml.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+@prefix insta: .
+@prefix rml: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix xsd: .
+@prefix sd: .
+@prefix kg4di: .
+ a rml:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "output_dict";
+ sd:hasDataTransformation [
+ sd:hasSourceCode [
+ sd:programmingLanguage "Python3.9";
+ ];
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:Dictionary;
+ rml:iterator "$.users[*]";
+ ];
+ rml:subjectMap [
+ a rml:SubjectMap;
+ rml:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{id}";
+ ];
+ rml:predicateObjectMap [
+ rml:predicateMap [
+ a rml:PredicateMap;
+ rml:constant rdf:type;
+ ];
+ rml:objectMap [
+ a rml:ObjectMap;
+ rml:constant insta:User;
+ ];
+ ].
+ql:Dictionary a rml:ReferenceFormulation;
+ kg4di:definedBy "Python".
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC004/mappings.rml.ttl b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC004/mappings.rml.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34c6e92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC004/mappings.rml.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+@prefix insta: .
+@prefix rr: .
+@prefix rml: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix xsd: .
+@prefix sd: .
+@prefix kg4di: .
+ a rr:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "output_dict";
+ sd:hasDataTransformation [
+ sd:hasSourceCode [
+ sd:programmingLanguage "Python3.9";
+ ];
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:Dictionary;
+ rml:iterator "$.users[*]";
+ ];
+ rr:subjectMap [
+ a rr:SubjectMap;
+ rr:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{id}";
+ ];
+ rr:predicateObjectMap [
+ rr:predicateMap [
+ a rr:PredicateMap;
+ rr:constant rdf:type;
+ ];
+ rr:objectMap [
+ a rr:ObjectMap;
+ rr:constant insta:User;
+ ];
+ ].
+ql:Dictionary a rml:ReferenceFormulation;
+ kg4di:definedBy "Python".
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC004/mappings.yml b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC004/mappings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80c8c15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC004/mappings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ insta: "http://instagram.com/data/"
+ rr: "http://www.w3.org/ns/r2rml#"
+ rml: "http://semweb.mmlab.be/ns/rml#"
+ rdf: "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+ rdfs: "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"
+ xsd: "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#"
+ foaf: "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"
+ sd: "https://w3id.org/okn/o/sd/"
+ kg4di: "https://w3id.org/kg4di/"
+ dict_map:
+ sources:
+ access: $(output_dict)
+ referenceFormulation: Dictionary
+ structureDefiner: Python
+ iterator: $.users[*]
+ softwareSpecification:
+ programmingLanguage: Python3.9
+ s: http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}
+ po:
+ - [a, insta:User]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC005/mappings-new.rml.ttl b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC005/mappings-new.rml.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3953d07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC005/mappings-new.rml.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+@prefix insta: .
+@prefix rml: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix xsd: .
+@prefix sd: .
+@prefix kg4di: .
+ a rml:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "output_dict";
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:Dictionary;
+ rml:iterator "$.users[*]";
+ ];
+ rml:subjectMap [
+ a rml:SubjectMap;
+ rml:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{id}";
+ ];
+ rml:predicateObjectMap [
+ rml:predicateMap [
+ a rml:PredicateMap;
+ rml:constant rdf:type;
+ ];
+ rml:objectMap [
+ a rml:ObjectMap;
+ rml:constant insta:User;
+ ];
+ ].
+ql:Dictionary a rml:ReferenceFormulation;
+ kg4di:definedBy "Python".
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC005/mappings.rml.ttl b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC005/mappings.rml.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a80e050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC005/mappings.rml.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+@prefix insta: .
+@prefix rr: .
+@prefix rml: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix xsd: .
+@prefix sd: .
+@prefix kg4di: .
+ a rr:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "output_dict";
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:Dictionary;
+ rml:iterator "$.users[*]";
+ ];
+ rr:subjectMap [
+ a rr:SubjectMap;
+ rr:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{id}";
+ ];
+ rr:predicateObjectMap [
+ rr:predicateMap [
+ a rr:PredicateMap;
+ rr:constant rdf:type;
+ ];
+ rr:objectMap [
+ a rr:ObjectMap;
+ rr:constant insta:User;
+ ];
+ ].
+ql:Dictionary a rml:ReferenceFormulation;
+ kg4di:definedBy "Python".
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC005/mappings.yml b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC005/mappings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38ed3f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC005/mappings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ insta: "http://instagram.com/data/"
+ rr: "http://www.w3.org/ns/r2rml#"
+ rml: "http://semweb.mmlab.be/ns/rml#"
+ rdf: "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+ rdfs: "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"
+ xsd: "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#"
+ foaf: "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"
+ sd: "https://w3id.org/okn/o/sd/"
+ kg4di: "https://w3id.org/kg4di/"
+ dict_map:
+ sources:
+ - [$(output_dict)~Python-Dictionary, "$.users[*]"]
+ s: http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}
+ po:
+ - [a, insta:User]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC006/mappings-new.rml.ttl b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC006/mappings-new.rml.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecc798e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC006/mappings-new.rml.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+@prefix insta: .
+@prefix rml: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix xsd: .
+@prefix sd: .
+@prefix kg4di: .
+ a rml:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "variable1";
+ sd:hasDataTransformation [
+ sd:hasSoftwareRequirements "pandas>=1.1.0";
+ sd:hasSourceCode [
+ sd:programmingLanguage "Python3.9";
+ ];
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:DataFrame;
+ ];
+ rml:subjectMap [
+ a rml:SubjectMap;
+ rml:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}";
+ ];
+ rml:predicateObjectMap [
+ rml:predicateMap [
+ a rml:PredicateMap;
+ rml:constant rdf:type;
+ ];
+ rml:objectMap [
+ a rml:ObjectMap;
+ rml:constant insta:User;
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:predicateObjectMap [
+ rml:predicateMap [
+ a rml:PredicateMap;
+ rml:constant insta:username;
+ ];
+ rml:objectMap [
+ a rml:ObjectMap;
+ rml:reference "Username";
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:predicateObjectMap [
+ rml:predicateMap [
+ a rml:PredicateMap;
+ rml:constant insta:name;
+ ];
+ rml:objectMap [
+ a rml:ObjectMap;
+ rml:template "{Name} {Surname}";
+ rml:datatype rdfs:Literal
+ ];
+ ].
+ a rml:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "variable2";
+ sd:hasDataTransformation [
+ sd:hasSoftwareRequirements "pandas>=1.1.0";
+ sd:hasSourceCode [
+ sd:programmingLanguage "Python3.9";
+ ];
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:DataFrame;
+ ];
+ rml:subjectMap [
+ a rml:SubjectMap;
+ rml:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}";
+ ];
+ rml:predicateObjectMap [
+ rml:predicateMap [
+ a rml:PredicateMap;
+ rml:constant insta:followersNumber;
+ ];
+ rml:objectMap [
+ a rml:ObjectMap;
+ rml:reference "Followers";
+ ];
+ ].
+ql:DataFrame a rml:ReferenceFormulation;
+ kg4di:definedBy "Pandas".
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC006/mappings.rml.ttl b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC006/mappings.rml.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5415dbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC006/mappings.rml.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+@prefix insta: .
+@prefix rr: .
+@prefix rml: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix xsd: .
+@prefix sd: .
+@prefix kg4di: .
+ a rr:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "variable1";
+ sd:hasDataTransformation [
+ sd:hasSoftwareRequirements "pandas>=1.1.0";
+ sd:hasSourceCode [
+ sd:programmingLanguage "Python3.9";
+ ];
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:DataFrame;
+ ];
+ rr:subjectMap [
+ a rr:SubjectMap;
+ rr:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}";
+ ];
+ rr:predicateObjectMap [
+ rr:predicateMap [
+ a rr:PredicateMap;
+ rr:constant rdf:type;
+ ];
+ rr:objectMap [
+ a rr:ObjectMap;
+ rr:constant insta:User;
+ ];
+ ];
+ rr:predicateObjectMap [
+ rr:predicateMap [
+ a rr:PredicateMap;
+ rr:constant insta:username;
+ ];
+ rr:objectMap [
+ a rr:ObjectMap;
+ rml:reference "Username";
+ ];
+ ];
+ rr:predicateObjectMap [
+ rr:predicateMap [
+ a rr:PredicateMap;
+ rr:constant insta:name;
+ ];
+ rr:objectMap [
+ a rr:ObjectMap;
+ rr:template "{Name} {Surname}";
+ rr:datatype rdfs:Literal
+ ];
+ ].
+ a rr:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "variable2";
+ sd:hasDataTransformation [
+ sd:hasSoftwareRequirements "pandas>=1.1.0";
+ sd:hasSourceCode [
+ sd:programmingLanguage "Python3.9";
+ ];
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:DataFrame;
+ ];
+ rr:subjectMap [
+ a rr:SubjectMap;
+ rr:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}";
+ ];
+ rr:predicateObjectMap [
+ rr:predicateMap [
+ a rr:PredicateMap;
+ rr:constant insta:followersNumber;
+ ];
+ rr:objectMap [
+ a rr:ObjectMap;
+ rml:reference "Followers";
+ ];
+ ].
+ql:DataFrame a rml:ReferenceFormulation;
+ kg4di:definedBy "Pandas".
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC006/mappings.yml b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC006/mappings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78ff649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC006/mappings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ insta: "http://instagram.com/data/"
+ rr: "http://www.w3.org/ns/r2rml#"
+ rml: "http://semweb.mmlab.be/ns/rml#"
+ rdf: "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+ rdfs: "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"
+ xsd: "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#"
+ foaf: "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"
+ sd: "https://w3id.org/okn/o/sd/"
+ kg4di: "https://w3id.org/kg4di/"
+ df_map:
+ sources:
+ - access: $(variable1)
+ referenceFormulation: DataFrame
+ structureDefiner: Pandas
+ softwareSpecification:
+ programmingLanguage: Python3.9
+ softwareRequirements: “pandas>=1.1.0”
+ - access: $(variable2)
+ referenceFormulation: DataFrame
+ structureDefiner: Pandas
+ softwareSpecification:
+ programmingLanguage: Python3.9
+ softwareRequirements: “pandas>=1.1.0”
+ s: http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}
+ po:
+ - [a, insta:User]
+ - [insta:username, $(Username)]
+ - [insta:name, "$(Name) $(Surname)"]
+ - [insta:followersNumber, $(Followers)]
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC007/mappings-new.rml.ttl b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC007/mappings-new.rml.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e4fb4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC007/mappings-new.rml.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+@prefix insta: .
+@prefix rml: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix xsd: .
+@prefix sd: .
+@prefix kg4di: .
+ a rml:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "variable1";
+ sd:hasDataTransformation [
+ sd:hasSourceCode [
+ sd:programmingLanguage "Python3.9";
+ ];
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:Dictionary;
+ rml:iterator "$.users[*]";
+ ];
+ rml:subjectMap [
+ a rml:SubjectMap;
+ rml:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}";
+ ];
+ rml:predicateObjectMap [
+ rml:predicateMap [
+ a rml:PredicateMap;
+ rml:constant rdf:type;
+ ];
+ rml:objectMap [
+ a rml:ObjectMap;
+ rml:constant insta:User;
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:predicateObjectMap [
+ rml:predicateMap [
+ a rml:PredicateMap;
+ rml:constant insta:username;
+ ];
+ rml:objectMap [
+ a rml:ObjectMap;
+ rml:reference "Username";
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:predicateObjectMap [
+ rml:predicateMap [
+ a rml:PredicateMap;
+ rml:constant insta:name;
+ ];
+ rml:objectMap [
+ a rml:ObjectMap;
+ rml:template "{Name} {Surname}";
+ rml:datatype rdfs:Literal
+ ];
+ ].
+ a rml:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "variable2";
+ sd:hasDataTransformation [
+ sd:hasSourceCode [
+ sd:programmingLanguage "Python3.9";
+ ];
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:Dictionary;
+ rml:iterator "$.followers[*]";
+ ];
+ rml:subjectMap [
+ a rml:SubjectMap;
+ rml:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}";
+ ];
+ rml:predicateObjectMap [
+ rml:predicateMap [
+ a rml:PredicateMap;
+ rml:constant insta:follows;
+ ];
+ rml:objectMap [
+ a rml:ObjectMap;
+ rml:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Follows}";
+ rml:termType rml:IRI
+ ];
+ ].
+ql:Dictionary a rml:ReferenceFormulation;
+ kg4di:definedBy "Python".
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC007/mappings.rml.ttl b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC007/mappings.rml.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54c6afe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC007/mappings.rml.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+@prefix insta: .
+@prefix rr: .
+@prefix rml: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix xsd: .
+@prefix sd: .
+@prefix kg4di: .
+ a rr:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "variable1";
+ sd:hasDataTransformation [
+ sd:hasSourceCode [
+ sd:programmingLanguage "Python3.9";
+ ];
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:Dictionary;
+ rml:iterator "$.users[*]";
+ ];
+ rr:subjectMap [
+ a rr:SubjectMap;
+ rr:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}";
+ ];
+ rr:predicateObjectMap [
+ rr:predicateMap [
+ a rr:PredicateMap;
+ rr:constant rdf:type;
+ ];
+ rr:objectMap [
+ a rr:ObjectMap;
+ rr:constant insta:User;
+ ];
+ ];
+ rr:predicateObjectMap [
+ rr:predicateMap [
+ a rr:PredicateMap;
+ rr:constant insta:username;
+ ];
+ rr:objectMap [
+ a rr:ObjectMap;
+ rml:reference "Username";
+ ];
+ ];
+ rr:predicateObjectMap [
+ rr:predicateMap [
+ a rr:PredicateMap;
+ rr:constant insta:name;
+ ];
+ rr:objectMap [
+ a rr:ObjectMap;
+ rr:template "{Name} {Surname}";
+ rr:datatype rdfs:Literal
+ ];
+ ].
+ a rr:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "variable2";
+ sd:hasDataTransformation [
+ sd:hasSourceCode [
+ sd:programmingLanguage "Python3.9";
+ ];
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:Dictionary;
+ rml:iterator "$.followers[*]";
+ ];
+ rr:subjectMap [
+ a rr:SubjectMap;
+ rr:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}";
+ ];
+ rr:predicateObjectMap [
+ rr:predicateMap [
+ a rr:PredicateMap;
+ rr:constant insta:follows;
+ ];
+ rr:objectMap [
+ a rr:ObjectMap;
+ rr:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Follows}";
+ rr:termType rr:IRI
+ ];
+ ].
+ql:Dictionary a rml:ReferenceFormulation;
+ kg4di:definedBy "Python".
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC007/mappings.yml b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC007/mappings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc5ec84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC007/mappings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ insta: "http://instagram.com/data/"
+ rr: "http://www.w3.org/ns/r2rml#"
+ rml: "http://semweb.mmlab.be/ns/rml#"
+ rdf: "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+ rdfs: "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"
+ xsd: "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#"
+ foaf: "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"
+ sd: "https://w3id.org/okn/o/sd/"
+ kg4di: "https://w3id.org/kg4di/"
+ df_map:
+ sources:
+ - access: $(variable1)
+ referenceFormulation: Dictionary
+ structureDefiner: Python
+ iterator: $.users[*]
+ softwareSpecification:
+ programmingLanguage: Python3.9
+ - access: $(variable2)
+ referenceFormulation: Dictionary
+ structureDefiner: Python
+ iterator: $.followers[*]
+ softwareSpecification:
+ programmingLanguage: Python3.9
+ s: http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}
+ po:
+ - [a, insta:User]
+ - [insta:username, $(Username)]
+ - [insta:name, "$(Name) $(Surname)"]
+ - [insta:follows, http://instagram.com/data/user${Follows}~iri]
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC008/mappings-new.rml.ttl b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC008/mappings-new.rml.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d66c7f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC008/mappings-new.rml.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+@prefix insta: .
+@prefix rml: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix xsd: .
+@prefix sd: .
+@prefix kg4di: .
+ a rml:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "variable1";
+ sd:hasDataTransformation [
+ sd:hasSourceCode [
+ sd:programmingLanguage "Python3.9";
+ ];
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:Dictionary;
+ rml:iterator "$.users[*]";
+ ];
+ rml:subjectMap [
+ a rml:SubjectMap;
+ rml:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}";
+ ];
+ rml:predicateObjectMap [
+ rml:predicateMap [
+ a rml:PredicateMap;
+ rml:constant rdf:type;
+ ];
+ rml:objectMap [
+ a rml:ObjectMap;
+ rml:constant insta:User;
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:predicateObjectMap [
+ rml:predicateMap [
+ a rml:PredicateMap;
+ rml:constant insta:username;
+ ];
+ rml:objectMap [
+ a rml:ObjectMap;
+ rml:reference "Username";
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:predicateObjectMap [
+ rml:predicateMap [
+ a rml:PredicateMap;
+ rml:constant insta:name;
+ ];
+ rml:objectMap [
+ a rml:ObjectMap;
+ rml:template "{Name} {Surname}";
+ rml:datatype rdfs:Literal
+ ];
+ ].
+ a rml:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source "followers.json";
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:JSONPath;
+ rml:iterator "$.followers[*]";
+ ];
+ rml:subjectMap [
+ a rml:SubjectMap;
+ rml:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}";
+ ];
+ rml:predicateObjectMap [
+ rml:predicateMap [
+ a rml:PredicateMap;
+ rml:constant insta:follows;
+ ];
+ rml:objectMap [
+ a rml:ObjectMap;
+ rml:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Follows}";
+ rml:termType rml:IRI
+ ];
+ ].
+ql:Dictionary a rml:ReferenceFormulation;
+ kg4di:definedBy "Python".
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC008/mappings.rml.ttl b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC008/mappings.rml.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e64944a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC008/mappings.rml.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+@prefix insta: .
+@prefix rr: .
+@prefix rml: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix xsd: .
+@prefix sd: .
+@prefix kg4di: .
+ a rr:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source [
+ a sd:DatasetSpecification;
+ sd:name "variable1";
+ sd:hasDataTransformation [
+ sd:hasSourceCode [
+ sd:programmingLanguage "Python3.9";
+ ];
+ ];
+ ];
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:Dictionary;
+ rml:iterator "$.users[*]";
+ ];
+ rr:subjectMap [
+ a rr:SubjectMap;
+ rr:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}";
+ ];
+ rr:predicateObjectMap [
+ rr:predicateMap [
+ a rr:PredicateMap;
+ rr:constant rdf:type;
+ ];
+ rr:objectMap [
+ a rr:ObjectMap;
+ rr:constant insta:User;
+ ];
+ ];
+ rr:predicateObjectMap [
+ rr:predicateMap [
+ a rr:PredicateMap;
+ rr:constant insta:username;
+ ];
+ rr:objectMap [
+ a rr:ObjectMap;
+ rml:reference "Username";
+ ];
+ ];
+ rr:predicateObjectMap [
+ rr:predicateMap [
+ a rr:PredicateMap;
+ rr:constant insta:name;
+ ];
+ rr:objectMap [
+ a rr:ObjectMap;
+ rr:template "{Name} {Surname}";
+ rr:datatype rdfs:Literal
+ ];
+ ].
+ a rr:TriplesMap;
+ rml:logicalSource [
+ a rml:LogicalSource;
+ rml:source "followers.json";
+ rml:referenceFormulation ql:JSONPath;
+ rml:iterator "$.followers[*]";
+ ];
+ rr:subjectMap [
+ a rr:SubjectMap;
+ rr:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}";
+ ];
+ rr:predicateObjectMap [
+ rr:predicateMap [
+ a rr:PredicateMap;
+ rr:constant insta:follows;
+ ];
+ rr:objectMap [
+ a rr:ObjectMap;
+ rr:template "http://instagram.com/data/user{Follows}";
+ rr:termType rr:IRI
+ ];
+ ].
+ql:Dictionary a rml:ReferenceFormulation;
+ kg4di:definedBy "Python".
diff --git a/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC008/mappings.yml b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC008/mappings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce19422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rml-in-memory/IMTC008/mappings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ insta: "http://instagram.com/data/"
+ rr: "http://www.w3.org/ns/r2rml#"
+ rml: "http://semweb.mmlab.be/ns/rml#"
+ rdf: "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+ rdfs: "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"
+ xsd: "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#"
+ foaf: "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"
+ sd: "https://w3id.org/okn/o/sd/"
+ kg4di: "https://w3id.org/kg4di/"
+ df_map:
+ sources:
+ - access: $(variable1)
+ referenceFormulation: Dictionary
+ structureDefiner: Python
+ iterator: $.users[*]
+ softwareSpecification:
+ programmingLanguage: Python3.9
+ - source: [followersperson.json~jsonpath, "$.followers[*]"]
+ s: http://instagram.com/data/user{Id}
+ po:
+ - [a, insta:User]
+ - [insta:username, $(Username)]
+ - [insta:name, "$(Name) $(Surname)"]
+ - [insta:follows, http://instagram.com/data/user${Follows}~iri]