- Submitter (Affiliation):
- Data Provider (Legal Entity):
- Homepage:
details about this geoparquet embeddings submission - organization, decisions made in structuring, goals, etc
details about what these embeddings are used for, what use cases the overall project is trying to solve
- URL: link to the full dataset
- Documentation: link to any documentation about the embeddings
- Projection:
- License:
- link to an actual geoparquet file with an embedding - ideally a copy in this same folder
- link to a json file that shows the metadata of the geoparquet file (can use the accompanying script) - ideally in this same folder
Field Name | Type | Description |
geometry | geometry | what the geometry represents |
field2 | string | description |
Details on how files are named and split up, and the range of how big they are
Any metadata that is stored in the GeoParquet footer as JSON, like the GeoParquet metadata. Specify the key, etc. If there is none then keep this section but state that there's no additional metadata beyond using geoparquet metdata
Field Name | Type | Description |
field1 | int | about field |
Include any other metadata structures
Things considered in the design of this, and any open questions of things you'd went back and forth on / would like to know what others did