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Clojars Project Test

Tetris game logic.


The two motivations for creating this library were:

  1. Evaluating fulcro/guardrails whilst developing something non-trivial

  2. Creating a unit-tested and repurposable tetris.logic engine that can be used to build fully-fleshed out games using various Clojure-based UI frameworks and deployment targets (e.g. web, desktop, mobile)


The main API function is tetris.logic/handle-events which takes a ::game-state and a sequence of ::game-events, and returns a new ::game-state.

Optionally a play-next-tetrimino-fn can be passed to allow the changes that happen when a new tetrimino enters play to be overridden e.g. to support debouncing strategies or grace-periods specific to a particular embodiment of the game.


The Grid

The game-grid consists of 24 rows and 10 columns. The visible-grid is 20 rows indexed as (row, col) where row 0 corresponds to the first visible row in the grid.

Four lead-in rows exist with row indices -1..-4. When a new tetrimino enters play, it resides at a random column offset within the lead-in area, then automatically enters the visible-grid according to the cadence of the game.

Tetriminos are strictly contained by the game-grid. They cannot extend beyond the left and right edges, or travel beyond the baseline of the game-grid.


The game-grid consists of cells that are either empty 0 or contain a number 1..7 which represents the presence of a tetrimino cell at that location.


There are seven different tetrimino-shapes. Each tetrimino is defined as a vector of its unique rotational variants. E.g.


 :tetrimino/T [[[0 3 0]
                [3 3 3]]
               [[3 0]
                [3 3]
                [3 0]]
               [[3 3 3]
                [0 3 0]]
               [[0 3]
                [3 3]
                [0 3]]]

The component cells of each tetrimino are given a distinct number. For the case of :tetrimino/T that number is 3.


The only way the ::game-state changes is in response to ::game-events.

(s/def ::game-event #{::move-left

Game Cadence, Scoring, and Levels

Points are earned when rows filled with tetrimino cells are cleared. 100 pts are earned for every line cleared, up to a maximum of four lines and 400 pts.

The game cadence is initially one ::move-down per 1000ms, this corresponds to a level 1 of difficulty.

This level increments every time an additional difficulty-increment-in-pts are earned, which is currently hard-wired to 1000 pts.


During game play varying numbers of tetriminos will have accumulated into the game-grid. The peaks are 10 row indices corresponding to the 10 columns in the game grid, each representing the row index of the highest cell greater than the current playback row occupied by a tetrminino cell.

This information is essential for determining when the cells of tetrimino in play are adjacent to existing tetrimino cells.

Within a virgin game-grid that contains no tetriminos, the peaks are [20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20], ensuring that tetriminos never extend beyond the baseline of the game-grid.

Game Over

A game is over when the current player position (row) is on the first line of the visible-grid or within the lead-in area i.e. (<= row 0) and the current tetrmino piece is adjacent to peaks in the grid.


tetris-clj (main) bb tasks
The following tasks are available:


See it in action...

A simple example of usage can be found at tetris-reagent