- Bolts-Swift:Parse 和 Facebook 的内部库,现在开源出来了。Bolts 完整实现了 future/promise 机制,将异步操作按照任务(task)组织,帮助你更好地管理异步操作。Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier.
- brickkit-ios:讨人喜欢的布局库。With BrickKit, you can create complex and responsive layouts in a simple way. It's easy to use and easy to extend. Create your own reusable bricks and behaviors.
- Cache:Swift缓存库,支持 MemoryCache, DiskCache 以及前两项组合的 MultiCache。
- Cent:对一些Swift原生的类型添加扩展,以提高使用效率。Extensions for Swift Standard Types and Classes
- ClosuresKit:Swift 中的闭包小帮手,一些能想到能做到的贴近blockskit的常见方法,swift closures utilities inspired by BlocksKit
- Dollar:函数扩展,集成了许多常用的工具函数,比如检查元素是否在数组中、多次循环遍历数组等等。A functional tool-belt for Swift Language similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore.js in Javascript
- EPSignature:通过触摸屏或 Apple Pencil 签名的组件,Signature component for iOS in Swift
- EZSwiftExtensions:对Swift标准库, Foundation, UIKit 提供了很多高级扩展函数。How Swift standard types and classes were supposed to work.
- FeedbackKit:简单、实用的反馈工具库,This is useful tool to send feedback in ios app development.
- FileExplorer:在iOS中管理相关文件。FileExplorer is a powerful iOS file browser that allows its users to choose and remove files and/or directories
- Formatting:类型安全的函数式字符串格式化,可以自定义格式化函数,能够串联多个格式化函数,实现复杂的格式化逻辑。Type-safe, functional string formatting in Swift.
- IBLocalizable:UI 常用组件在 Interface Builder 内的本地化支持方案,Localize your views directly in Interface Builder with IBLocalizable
- Instructions:向导创建工具,Create walkthroughs and guided tours (using coach marks) in a simple way, using Swift.
- iOS-PDF-Reader:简单易用的轻量级 PDF 阅读器组件,PDF Reader for iOS written in Swift
- Lunar-Solar-Calendar-Converter:公历(阳历)农历(阴历)转换,支持时间段从1900-2100
- MissionControl-iOS:在目前苹果的审核机制下要想实现实时改动功能就必须从服务器端下发配置。这个库封装了各种远程配置常见的操作,可以在获取配置之后通知变动的配置项。Super powerful remote config utility written in Swift (iOS, watchOS, tvOS, OSX)
- Money:货币处理库,Swift value types for working with money & currency
- NXDrawKit:画板套件,NXDrawKit is a simple and easy but useful drawing kit for iPhone
- PhoneNumberKit:全球电话号码匹配转换,A Swift framework for parsing, formatting and validating international phone numbers. Inspired by Google's libphonenumber.
- PinpointKit:让用户发送反馈的工具,PinpointKit is an open-source iOS library in Swift that lets your testers and users send feedback with annotated screenshots and logs using a simple gesture.
- Surge:高性能数字计算库,A Swift library that uses the Accelerate framework to provide high-performance functions for matrix math, digital signal processing, and image manipulation.
- Swift-AI:机器学习库,Highly optimized Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning library written in Swift.
- swift-utils:常见的 Swift 工具函数,涉及 SVG 操作、图像操作、XML 操作、正则表达式等各多种内容。Generic swift utilities
- SwiftCop:表单验证工具,SwiftCop is a validation library fully written in Swift and inspired by the clarity of Ruby On Rails Active Record validations.
- SwiftLocation:功能完善的位置管理及简单易用的 Beacon 监视器,Sexy Location Manager and Beacon Monitoring for Swift
- SwiftLuhn:验证信用卡号合法性,用 Luhn 算法验证卡号合法性,还可以判断卡片类型,能够识别包括 Visa 在内的六种卡片。Debit/Credit card validation port of the Luhn Algorithm in Swift
- SwiftOCR:图像识别库,针对单行字母数字文本做了优化,可以用来做屏幕取词这样的功能。Fast and simple OCR library written in Swift
- SwiftRandom:随机数据生成器,包括数字、字符串、颜色、日期、URL等等,A tiny generator of random data for swift
- SwiftSortUtils:排序函数集合,Useful functions and extensions for sorting in Swift
- SwViewCapture:一个iOS截图库,支持截取所有内容, 适用于所有ScrollView组成的视图, 包括WebView
- Track:使用 LRU 算法实现的线程安全缓存,支持硬盘缓存和内存缓存,并且不会死锁。Track is a thread safe cache write by Swift. Composed of DiskCache and MemoryCache which support LRU.
- Then:方便Swift类型初始化的一个扩展协议,Super sweet syntactic sugar for Swift initializers.
- tween-controller:易用、强大的交互式菜单及教程创建工具包类库,A toolkit for creating interactive menus and tutorials in Swift
- URLNavigator:URL Scheme 和 Universal Link 可以实现应用间和应用内跳转,但是基础的使用方法无法应对复杂的跳转需求。这个库可以让你声明 URL 及其对应行为,这样你就可以将重点放在行为开发而不是 URL 处理上
- Zip:A Swift framework for zipping and unzipping files. Simple and quick to use. Built on top of minizip.
- Lyft:一套面向 Lyft 开发者的 Swift API 类库。(Lyft是类似滴滴的打车公司)
- MonkeyKing:轻量级的 iOS 社交分享 SDK,MonkeyKing helps you post messages to Chinese Social Networks.
- SwiftDailyAPI:知乎日报的API(非官方)
- SwiftyOAuth:一个小巧的 OAuth 库,内置了几个常见的第三方服务,包括 GitHub 和 Dribbble。A small OAuth library with a built-in set of providers
- WechatKit:一款快速实现微信认证的框架(written in Swift)
- XestiMonitors:提供几十个易用使用的系统级公共事件的检测、响应封装库,An extensible monitoring framework written in Swift
- AudioKit:Audio工具套件,支持iOS, OSX, WatchOS等。Open-source audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform.
- BarcodeScanner:带状态控制的条码扫描库,支持处理相机权限、自定义颜色和提示信息,A simple and beautiful barcode scanner.
- EFQRCode:一个用 Swift 编写的用来创建和扫描二维码的库,基于系统二维码生成与识别进行开发。A tool to create colourful QRCode UIImage or scan QRCode from UIImage.
- EZPlayer:基于AVPlayer封装的视频播放器,功能丰富,快速集成,可定制性强。
- ImageFreeCut:任意选中范围切图工具,A UIView subclass lets you draw a path over an image and crops that part.
- lf.swift:通过 RTMP 和 HLS 实现的照相机和麦克风流库,Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP, HLS for iOS, macOS.
- SwiftySound:一个能够轻松处理Swift声音的简单的库。Swifty Sound is a simple library that lets you play sounds with a single line of code.
- swiftScan:A barcode and qr code scanner(二维码识别,生成,界面效果)
- SwiftyCam:简单的Snapchat式的iOS相机框架。SwiftyCam is a a simple, Snapchat-style iOS Camera framework for easy photo and video capture.
- TempiBeatDetection:Swift 语言写的音乐节奏节拍检测库。Swift library that performs real-time or static beat detection on audio.
- TuningFork:麦克风输入变声,A Simple Tuner for iOS
- Typist:简单、易用的 Keyboard 事件监听管理小类库,Small Swift UIKit keyboard manager for iOS apps.
- CryptoSwift:swift加密库, 支持md5,sha1,sha224,sha256...Crypto related functions and helpers for Swift implemented in Swift programming language
- SwCrypt:基于 CommonCrypto 开发,支持各种公钥密钥操作,支持加密解密数据。RSA public/private key generation, RSA, AES encryption/decryption, SEM encryption in Swift with CommonCrypto in iOS and OS X
- SwiftyRSA:加密,RSA public/private key encryption in Swift
- PokemonStickerPack:Pokémon 表情包