An ontology specified in OWL is amenable to reasoning. Some of the uses of reasoning are:
- To check for inconsistencies in an ontology
- To classify the ontology (i.e. find all implied subClassOf/2 relationships)
- To classify instances using the ontology (i.e. find all implied classAssertion/2 relationships)
Thea2 offers a number of different options for reasoning. These can be broken down into the following categories:
- Use of an external reasoning engine
- Direct use of Prolog engine
There are 2 main ways of accessing external reasoning engines - via the Java OWLAPI (which requires the JPL bridge) or across a network via OWLLink. A third way is via an external Logic Programming engine.
The alternative to using an external reasoning engine is to reason using Prolog. See below.
- Module:
SWI-Prolog can interact with Java via the JPL library. The main OWL2 library for Java is the Manchester OWLAPI. One of the advantages of the OWLAPI is that it provides a common reasoner API that allows for seamless integration with powerful reasoners such as Pellet and FaCT++. Thea2 has a bridge to the OWLAPI called owl2_java_owlapi. This module exports predicates such as
- reasoner_classify/1
- reasoner_subClassOf/4
See the module documentation for more details
At this time the bridge is to v2 of the OWLAPI. At some point we will switch to v3, but this switch should be seamless to Thea users.
The implementation here should be complete and comprehensive - you should have access to the full power of these reasoners directly from Thea2. However, this has only been tested on a subset of ontologies which are of interest to the authors.
- Module:
This module implements the OWLLink standard. See
Currently this supports using Thea as a client to an external reasoner running as an OWLLink server. This implementation is complete In the future we may support using Thea as an OWLLink server too.
[VV]: See module documentation and owl2_owllink.txt
Perhaps this should also export more finer grained ask/tell predicates?
There are two opposing approaches here:
- Rewrite the ontology as a logic program
- Use rules in conjunction with Thea predicates
The first approach is based on rules defined by Grosof, and will rewrite axioms such as:
subClassOf(cat, mammal).
classAssertion(cat, mr_whiskers).
to programs such as:
mammal(X) :- cat(X).
module documentation for details.
This is useful for reasoning over ABoxes (individual), but not TBoxes.
A tabled Prolog is recommended here, to avoid non-termination.
The second approach can actually be further subdivided depending on whether backward chaining or a tabled prolog is used.
If you are using a tabled prolog, you can use the module
which defines rules such as this:
subClassOf(X,Y) :- subClassOf(X,Z),subClassOf(Z,Y).
The module
provides backwards chaining rules
for Prolog implementations without tabling. Caveat emptor: this module
is experimental, liable to change and could be non-terminating. See the
module docs for details.
Another implementation is provided in
. The module
implements OWL RL Rules with simple forward and backward chaining engines
See more in module documentation
Currently each of the modules described above provides their own particular predicates. This isn't ideal for the application programmer.
We have a prototype of a common API for all reasoning engines, see (not yet functional).
This will be analagous to, which provides load_axioms/2 and save_axioms/2 with different parsers/writers providing hooks for these.
The predicates exported might include:
- initialize_reasoner/3
- reasoner_tell/1
- reasoner_tell/2
- reasoner_ask/2
- reasoner_check_consistency/1
We are envisioning something whereby the application programmer can write:
[VV] Querying an external reasoner via OWLLink with non-ground queries is not trivial. OWLLink does not support variables in its Ask specification. One should write the logic on how the system should handle free variables: E.g. write something like the following:
reasoner_ask(owllink_external_reasoner(R),subClassOf(X,Y)) :-
owllink(R, getAllClasses(KB),classSet(CL),[]),
owllink(R, isClassSubsumedBy(KB,X,Y),response(true),[]).