class User {
id: ID!
address: Bytes!
firstTradeTimestamp: BigInt
ordersPlaced: [Order!]! @derivedFrom(field: "owner")
isSolver: Boolean!
numberOfTrades: Int!
solvedAmountEth: BigDecimal
solvedAmountUsd: BigDecimal
tradedAmountUsd: BigDecimal
tradedAmountEth: BigDecimal
User --o Order : ordersPlaced
class Token {
id: ID!
address: Bytes!
firstTradeTimestamp: BigInt
name: String!
symbol: String!
decimals: Int!
totalVolume: BigInt
priceEth: BigDecimal
priceUsd: BigDecimal
allowedPools: [BigInt!]!
history: [TokenTradingEvent!]! @derivedFrom(field: "token")
hourlyTotals: [TokenHourlyTotal!]! @derivedFrom(field: "token")
dailyTotals: [TokenDailyTotal!]! @derivedFrom(field: "token")
numberOfTrades: Int!
totalVolumeUsd: BigDecimal
totalVolumeEth: BigDecimal
Token --o TokenTradingEvent : History
Token --o TokenDailyTotal : dailyTotals
Token --o TokenHourlyTotal : hourlyTotals
class Order {
id: ID!
owner: User
tradesTimestamp: BigInt
invalidateTimestamp: BigInt
presignTimestamp: BigInt
trades: [Trade!] @derivedFrom(field: "order")
isSigned: Boolean
isValid: Boolean
Order --o Trade : trades
class Trade {
id: ID!
timestamp: BigInt!
gasPrice: BigInt!
feeAmount: BigInt!
txHash: Bytes!
settlement: Settlement!
buyAmount: BigInt!
sellAmount: BigInt!
sellToken: Token!
buyToken: Token!
order: Order!
buyAmountEth: BigDecimal
sellAmountEth: BigDecimal
buyAmountUsd: BigDecimal
sellAmountUsd: BigDecimal
Trade --o Token : buyToken
Trade --o Token : sellToken
Trade --o Order : order
Trade --o Settlement : settlement
class Settlement {
id: ID!
txHash: Bytes!
firstTradeTimestamp: BigInt!
trades: [Trade!] @derivedFrom(field: "settlement")
solver: User
Settlement --o Trade : trades
Settlement --o User : solver
class Total {
id: ID!
tokens: BigInt!
orders: BigInt!
traders: BigInt!
numberOfTrades: BigInt!
settlements: BigInt!
volumeUsd: BigDecimal
volumeEth: BigDecimal
feesUsd: BigDecimal
feesEth: BigDecimal
class DailyTotal {
id: ID!
timestamp: BigInt!
totalTokens: BigInt!
numberOfTrades: BigInt!
orders: BigInt!
settlements: BigInt!
volumeUsd: BigDecimal
volumeEth: BigDecimal
feesUsd: BigDecimal
feesEth: BigDecimal
tokens: [Token!]!
DailyTotal --o Token : tokens
class HourlyTotal {
id: ID!
timestamp: BigInt!
totalTokens: BigInt!
numberOfTrades: BigInt!
orders: BigInt!
settlements: BigInt!
volumeUsd: BigDecimal
volumeEth: BigDecimal
feesUsd: BigDecimal
feesEth: BigDecimal
tokens: [Token!]!
HourlyTotal --o Token : tokens
class TokenDailyTotal {
id: ID!
token: Token!
timestamp: BigInt!
totalVolume: BigInt!
totalVolumeUsd: BigDecimal!
totalVolumeEth: BigDecimal!
totalTrades: BigInt!
openPrice: BigDecimal!
closePrice: BigDecimal!
higherPrice: BigDecimal!
lowerPrice: BigDecimal!
averagePrice: BigDecimal!
class TokenHourlyTotal {
id: ID!
token: Token!
timestamp: BigInt!
totalVolume: BigInt!
totalVolumeUsd: BigDecimal!
totalVolumeEth: BigDecimal!
totalTrades: BigInt!
openPrice: BigDecimal!
closePrice: BigDecimal!
higherPrice: BigDecimal!
lowerPrice: BigDecimal!
averagePrice: BigDecimal!
class TokenTradingEvent {
id: ID!
token: Token!
trade: Trade!
timestamp: BigInt!
amountEth: BigDecimal!
amountUsd: BigDecimal!
TokenTradingEvent --o Token : token
class Pair {
id: ID!
token0: Token!
token1: Token!
token0Price: BigDecimal
token1Price: BigDecimal
token0relativePrice: BigDecimal
token1relativePrice: BigDecimal
volumeToken0: BigInt
volumeToken1: BigInt
volumeTradedEth: BigDecimal
volumeTradedUsd: BigDecimal
Pair --o Token : token0
Pair --o Token : token1
class PairDaily {
id: ID!
token0: Token!
token1: Token!
token0Price: BigDecimal
token1Price: BigDecimal
token0relativePrice: BigDecimal
token1relativePrice: BigDecimal
timestamp: BigInt
volumeToken0: BigInt
volumeToken1: BigInt
volumeTradedEth: BigDecimal
volumeTradedUsd: BigDecimal
PairDaily --o Token : token0
PairDaily --o Token : token1
class PairHourly {
id: ID!
token0: Token!
token1: Token!
token0Price: BigDecimal
token1Price: BigDecimal
token0relativePrice: BigDecimal
token1relativePrice: BigDecimal
timestamp: BigInt
volumeToken0: BigInt
volumeToken1: BigInt
volumeTradedEth: BigDecimal
volumeTradedUsd: BigDecimal
PairHourly --o Token : token0
PairHourly --o Token : token1
So far settlements are being created using txHash as ID and that hash is creating the relation between Settlement and Trade entities.
Notice order entity has 3 different timestamps. Each timestamp will be filled depending on the entry point that order passed.
Entrypoints are:
- On trade event
- On invalidate order event
- On pre sign event
In token entity you can find prices for each token. It's price it's being calculated using Honeyswap pools prices in gnosis chain or UniswapV3 in ethereum mainnet or rinkeby.
Totals is a singleton entity where it's aggregated information about how many different tokens had been traded, total traded volume in usd and eth, etc. You can find more detailed information in the subgraph schema. Please notice there's also a totals calculated by hour and by day.
Pairs are entities for a pair of tokens that had been traded on our platform. For keeping the tokens ordered in the same way, addresses are being sorted and token0 always stores the lower value and token1 the greater one. Please notice there's also a pairs entity by hour and by day.