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Csound Manual Meeting on Sunday January 17th 2020 19.00 hours GMT

Menno Knevel edited this page Jan 20, 2021 · 28 revisions
  1. review of committed examples to manual
  • possible release in a month or so, probably 2 months. Present condition of manual is ready to go.
  • hvs2 still has 2nd example FLTK. Shall we take that one out? Menno makes a video on the workings and we will make a decision based on that.
  • about musical fof example: different section for musical examples, link to them a new folder: examples/musical-examples
  • addition of 2 stereo samples to examples folder: better left right sample and midside sample
  1. how to deal with groups of opcodes and adding the same example to every member of this opcode, so that these opcodes can be compared
  • taking a "group" like floor/ceil/round in 1 example under their 3 names, so user can compare and make the right choice which opcode to pick. Same example gets the different names: floor.csd, ceil.csd and round.csd.
  • create a list of opcodes that are part of these groups
  1. how to deal with musical examples
  • tgrey adds new page in manual for these examples and add link from opcode to this musical example/musical
  1. future of Slack manual channel
  • Kevin is now maintainer of the Slack channel. What does this mean? Will other Csound channels be removed from Slack and #manual will be the only Slack Csound channel?
  • How do we keep relations with the other #documentation from Discord? Menno copypastes anything relevant that is mentioned in #documentation
  • Contact Michael by Menno: what is going on? Information on his this is done and
  1. time for a new request for musical examples
  • after changes have been made with new section.
  1. must the manual remain a 'scientific' model or can it - like FLOSS- show some unexpected examples as well
  • not a classroom tutorial, basic example, basic-advanced, or different same on the same level

Immediate Todo List:

  1. 2 new opcodes and manual pages have been added the 2 examples both use the virtual keyboard and thus FLTK. We should ask for clarity from the developers on how they stand regarding FLTK or else it is not needed to change all those examples... this feels like mopping the floor with the crane open- like they say here 🙂 (edited)
  2. MidSide: Stefano created 2 wavs and 1 csd I think the right place to put them is: mentioning MIdSide on the page What about the UDO from Steven Yi?