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<pre class="sourcecodebox">/* File : AuntieDialog.cp Description : Free of the Dialog Manager at last! See: "AuntieDialog.html" Author : PCG Copyright : © Copyright 1999-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Disclaimer : IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE AND OPERATION ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF APPLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */#define DEBUG_REGION_STOP 0#define DEBUG_MOUSE_RGN 0#include "AuntieDialog.h"#ifdef __MWERKS__// includes for MetroWerks CodeWarrior#include <Debugging.h>#include <ControlDefinitions.h>#include <Resources.h>#include <Gestalt.h>#include <Sound.h>#endif#if PRAGMA_STRUCT_ALIGN #pragma options align=mac68k#elif PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACKPUSH #pragma pack(push, 2)#elif PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACK #pragma pack(2)#endiftypedef struct{ UInt32 placeHolder; Rect displayRect; UInt8 flags; unsigned char itemData [ ];}tDialogItem, *tDialogItemP, **tDialogItemH;typedef struct{ SInt16 count; tDialogItem items [ ];}tDialogItemList, *tDialogItemListP, **tDialogItemListH;typedef struct{ UInt16 itemType; ControlFontStyleRec itemData; unsigned char fontName [ ];}tDialogFontItem, *tDialogFontItemP, **tDialogFontItemH;typedef struct{ UInt16 version; UInt16 count; tDialogFontItem items [ ];}tDialogFontItemList, *tDialogFontItemListP, **tDialogFontItemListH;#if PRAGMA_STRUCT_ALIGN #pragma options align=reset#elif PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACKPUSH #pragma pack(pop)#elif PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACK #pragma pack()#endif#pragma mark PRIVATE TYPEStypedef struct RegionIsUnderMouseState *RegionIsUnderMouseStateP, **RegionIsUnderMouseStateH;struct RegionIsUnderMouseState{ RgnHandle mouseRgn; Point localWhere;};typedef struct AuntieDialogState *AuntieDialogStateP, **AuntieDialogStateH;struct AuntieDialogState{ AuntieDialogStateP next; RgnHandle mouseRgn;};static AuntieDialogState *gAuntieDialogState;#pragma mark -#if !DEBUG_MOUSE_RGN# define DebugRegion(w,r)#else static void DebugRegion (WindowRef window, RgnHandle rgn) { GrafPtr preservedPort; if (window) { GetPort (&preservedPort); SetPortWindowPort (window); } InvertRgn (rgn);#if DEBUG_REGION_STOP Debugger ( );#else UInt32 finalTicks; Delay (10,&finalTicks);#endif InvertRgn (rgn); if (window) { SetPort (preservedPort); } }#endifstatic OSStatus LocalToGlobalRgn (WindowRef window, RgnHandle rgn){ OSStatus err = noErr; GrafPtr preservedPort; if (window) { GetPort (&preservedPort); SetPortWindowPort (window); } Point offsetPoint = { 0, 0 }; LocalToGlobal (&offsetPoint); OffsetRgn (rgn,offsetPoint.h,offsetPoint.v); err = QDError ( ); if (window) { SetPort (preservedPort); } return err;}static void LocalToGlobalRect (Rect &rect){ Point offsetPoint = { 0, 0 }; LocalToGlobal (&offsetPoint); OffsetRect (&rect,offsetPoint.h,offsetPoint.v);}static void GlobalToLocalRegion (RgnHandle rgnH){ Point offsetPoint = { 0, 0 }; GlobalToLocal (&offsetPoint); OffsetRgn (rgnH,offsetPoint.h,offsetPoint.v);}#pragma mark -#define HandleStateHasLockBit(hs) (hs & 0x80 ? true : false)struct StHandleLocker{ Handle fHandle; SInt8 fHandleState; StHandleLocker (void *h, OSStatus &err); ~StHandleLocker (void);};StHandleLocker::StHandleLocker (void *h, OSStatus &err) : fHandle (nil){ if (!h) err = noErr; else { fHandleState = HGetState (Handle (h)); err = MemError ( ); if (!err && !HandleStateHasLockBit (fHandleState)) { MoveHHi (Handle (h)); err = MemError ( ); if (!err) { HLock (Handle (h)); err = MemError ( ); if (!err) { fHandle = Handle (h); } } } }}StHandleLocker::~StHandleLocker (void) // explicitly outline to avoid CW Pro 2 68K codegen bug{ if (fHandle && !HandleStateHasLockBit (fHandleState)) HUnlock (fHandle);}struct StRegion{ RgnHandle fRgn; StRegion (OSStatus &err); StRegion (OSStatus &err, RgnHandle rgn); StRegion (OSStatus &err, const Rect &); ~StRegion (void); operator RgnHandle (void) { return fRgn; }};StRegion::StRegion (OSStatus &err) : fRgn (NewRgn ( )){ err = fRgn ? noErr : QDError ( );}StRegion::StRegion (OSStatus &err, RgnHandle rgn) : fRgn (NewRgn ( )){ if (!rgn) { err = nilHandleErr; } else if (!fRgn) { err = QDError ( ); } else { CopyRgn (rgn,fRgn); err = QDError ( ); }}StRegion::StRegion (OSStatus &err, const Rect &rect) : fRgn (NewRgn ( )){ if (!fRgn) { err = QDError ( ); } else { RectRgn (fRgn,&rect); err = QDError ( ); }}StRegion::~StRegion (void) // explicitly outline to avoid CW Pro 2 68K codegen bug{ if (fRgn) DisposeRgn (fRgn);}struct StGWorld{ GWorldPtr fPreservedWorld; GDHandle fPreservedDevice; GWorldPtr fGWorld; Rect fBoundsRect; operator GWorldPtr (void) { return fGWorld; } StGWorld (const Rect &boundsRect, OSStatus &); ~StGWorld (void);};StGWorld::StGWorld (const Rect &boundsRect, OSStatus &err) : fGWorld (nil){ Rect globalRect = boundsRect; LocalToGlobalRect (globalRect); GDHandle maxDevice = GetMaxDevice (&globalRect); if (!maxDevice) err = QDError ( ); else { PixMapHandle gdPMap = (**maxDevice).gdPMap; short pixelSize = (**gdPMap).pixelSize; err = NewGWorld (&fGWorld, pixelSize, &boundsRect, nil, maxDevice, useTempMem | noNewDevice); if (!err) { PixMapHandle worldPix = GetGWorldPixMap (fGWorld); if (!LockPixels (worldPix)) { err = QDError ( ); DisposeGWorld (fGWorld); fGWorld = nil; } else { GetGWorld (&fPreservedWorld,&fPreservedDevice); StRegion preservedWorldClipRgn (err); if (!err) { StRegion preservedWorldVisRgn (err); if (!err) { GetPortClipRegion (fPreservedWorld,preservedWorldClipRgn); GetPortVisibleRegion (fPreservedWorld,preservedWorldVisRgn); fBoundsRect = boundsRect; RGBColor preservedForeColor, preservedBackColor; GetForeColor (&preservedForeColor); GetBackColor (&preservedBackColor); ForeColor (blackColor); BackColor (whiteColor); SetGWorld (fGWorld,nil); SetClip (preservedWorldClipRgn); SetPortVisibleRegion (fGWorld,preservedWorldVisRgn); ForeColor (blackColor); BackColor (whiteColor); Rect worldRect; GetPortBounds (fGWorld,&worldRect); PixMapHandle preservedPix = GetPortPixMap (fPreservedWorld); CopyBits ( BitMapPtr (*preservedPix), BitMapPtr (*worldPix), &boundsRect, &worldRect, srcCopy, nil ); RGBForeColor (&preservedForeColor); RGBBackColor (&preservedBackColor); SetGWorld (fPreservedWorld,fPreservedDevice); RGBForeColor (&preservedForeColor); RGBBackColor (&preservedBackColor); SetGWorld (fGWorld,nil); } } } } }}StGWorld::~StGWorld (void){ if (fGWorld) { SetGWorld (fGWorld,nil); ForeColor (blackColor); BackColor (whiteColor); SetGWorld (fPreservedWorld,fPreservedDevice); RGBColor preservedForeColor, preservedBackColor; GetForeColor (&preservedForeColor); GetBackColor (&preservedBackColor); ForeColor (blackColor); BackColor (whiteColor); Rect worldRect; GetPortBounds (fGWorld,&worldRect); PixMapHandle worldPix = GetGWorldPixMap (fGWorld); PixMapHandle preservedPix = GetPortPixMap (fPreservedWorld); CopyBits ( BitMapPtr (*worldPix), BitMapPtr (*preservedPix), &worldRect, &fBoundsRect, srcCopy, nil ); RGBForeColor (&preservedForeColor); RGBBackColor (&preservedBackColor); DisposeGWorld (fGWorld); fGWorld = nil; }}#pragma mark -static OSStatus ControlIsEditText (ControlRef control, Boolean &isEditText){ OSStatus err = noErr; UInt32 actualBufferSize; SInt16 procID; err = GetControlProperty (control,kAuntieDialogSignature,kAuntieDialogControlPropertyTagProcID,sizeof(procID),&actualBufferSize,&procID); if (err == controlPropertyNotFoundErr) { isEditText = false; err = noErr; } else if (!err) { if (sizeof (procID) != actualBufferSize) { err = controlPropertyInvalid; } else { procID &= 0xFFF0; // strip variant bits isEditText = (procID == kControlEditTextProc); } } return err;}static OSStatus ControlIsScrollBar (ControlRef control, Boolean &isScrollBar){ OSStatus err = noErr; UInt32 actualBufferSize; SInt16 procID; err = GetControlProperty (control,kAuntieDialogSignature,kAuntieDialogControlPropertyTagProcID,sizeof(procID),&actualBufferSize,&procID); if (err == controlPropertyNotFoundErr) { isScrollBar = false; err = noErr; } else if (!err) { if (sizeof (procID) != actualBufferSize) { err = controlPropertyInvalid; } else { procID &= 0xFFF0; // strip variant bits isScrollBar = (procID == kControlScrollBarProc || procID == scrollBarProc); } } return err;}static OSStatus ControlIsIcon (ControlRef control, Boolean &isIcon){ OSStatus err = noErr; UInt32 actualBufferSize; SInt16 procID; err = GetControlProperty (control,kAuntieDialogSignature,kAuntieDialogControlPropertyTagProcID,sizeof(procID),&actualBufferSize,&procID); if (err == controlPropertyNotFoundErr) { isIcon = false; err = noErr; } else if (!err) { if (sizeof (procID) != actualBufferSize) { err = controlPropertyInvalid; } else { procID &= 0xFFF0; // strip variant bits isIcon = (procID == kControlIconProc); } } return err;}static OSStatus SearchChildControls ( ControlRef parent, ControlHierarchySearchProcPtr chspp, ControlRef *found, void *userData ){ OSStatus err = noErr; ControlRef controlDummy; if (!found) found = &controlDummy; *found = nil; UInt16 index; err = CountSubControls (parent,&index); if (err == errControlIsNotEmbedder) err = noErr; else if (!err) while (index) { ControlRef child; err = GetIndexedSubControl (parent,index,&child); if (err) { if (err == errControlIsNotEmbedder) err = noErr; break; } // recur before calling back; clients depend on it *found = nil; err = SearchChildControls (child,chspp,found,userData); if (err || *found) break; Boolean stop = false; err = chspp (child,&stop,userData); if (err) break; if (stop) { *found = child; break; } --index; } return err;}static OSStatus AuntieDialogSetControlData (ControlRef control, DialogItemType itemType, ConstStr255Param itemData){ OSStatus err = noErr; switch (itemType) { case kStaticTextDialogItem : case kEditTextDialogItem : err = SetControlData (control, kControlEntireControl, 'text', *itemData, Ptr (itemData + 1)); break; } return err;}static OSStatus GetWholeControlRegion (ControlRef parent, RgnHandle parentRgn, Boolean includeChildren){ OSStatus err = noErr; // for calcCntlRgn, SendControlMessage should always return 0; // if it doesn't, the meaning is undefined; so ignore it#ifdef __MWERKS__ (void) SendControlMessage (parent, calcCntlRgn, (SInt32)parentRgn);#else (void) SendControlMessage (parent, calcCntlRgn, (void *)parentRgn);#endif if (includeChildren) do { StRegion childRgn (err); if (err) break; UInt16 index; err = CountSubControls (parent,&index); if (err == errControlIsNotEmbedder) { err = noErr; } else if (err) { break; } else while (index) { ControlRef child; err = GetIndexedSubControl (parent,index,&child); if (err) { if (err == errControlIsNotEmbedder) err = noErr; break; } err = GetWholeControlRegion (child,childRgn,includeChildren); if (err) break; UnionRgn (childRgn,parentRgn,parentRgn); --index; } } while (false); return err;}static OSStatus PostProcessNewlyCreatedControl (tDialogItemP item, tDialogFontItemP fontItem, DialogItemType itemType, SInt16 procID, WindowRef window, ControlRef control, Boolean invalidate, SInt32 suggestedID, ControlCreationProcPtr ccpp, void *ccppUserData){ OSStatus err = noErr; do { MoveControl (control,item->displayRect.left,item->; err = AutoEmbedControl (control,window); if (err) break; err = AuntieDialogSetControlData (control,itemType,item->itemData); if (err) break; err = SetControlProperty (control,kAuntieDialogSignature,kAuntieDialogControlPropertyTagProcID,sizeof(procID),&procID); if (err) break; if (kItemDisableBit & (item->flags)) { switch (itemType) { case kIconDialogItem : case kPictureDialogItem : case kStaticTextDialogItem : // do nothing; resource settings make no sense break; default : err = AuntieDialogDisableControl (control); break; } if (err) break; } if (fontItem && fontItem->itemType) { enum { kControlUseFontNameMask = kControlAddToMetaFontMask }; if (fontItem->itemData.flags & kControlUseFontNameMask) { GetFNum (fontItem->fontName, &(fontItem->itemData.font)); fontItem->itemData.flags |= kControlUseFontMask; } fontItem->itemData.flags &= ~kControlAddToMetaFontMask; err = SetControlData ( control, kControlEntireControl, kControlFontStyleTag, sizeof (fontItem->itemData), Ptr (&(fontItem->itemData)) ); if (err == errDataNotSupported) err = noErr; else if (err) break; } if (invalidate) { err = InvalControl (control,false); if (err) break; } ControlID controlID = { kAuntieDialogSignature, suggestedID }; err = SetControlID (control,&controlID); if (err) break; if (ccpp) { err = ccpp (control,ccppUserData); if (err) break; } } while (false); return err;}static OSStatus GetProcIDFromControlResource (SInt16 resID, SInt16 &procID){ OSStatus err = noErr; ControlTemplateHandle cth = ControlTemplateHandle (GetResource ('CNTL',resID)); if (!cth) { err = ResError ( ); if (!err) err = resNotFound; } else { procID = (**cth).controlDefProcID; // we assume the resource is purgeable, just like GetNewControl does } return err;}static OSStatus DetermineControlParameters ( tDialogItemP item, DialogItemType itemType, ConstStr255Param &title, SInt16 &resID, SInt16 &procID, SInt16 &initialValue, SInt16 &minimumValue, SInt16 &maximumValue ){ OSStatus err = noErr; title = "\p"; resID = * (SInt16 *) (item->itemData + 1); procID = 0; initialValue = 0; minimumValue = 0; maximumValue = 0; switch (itemType) { case kResourceControlDialogItem : err = GetProcIDFromControlResource (resID,procID); break; case kIconDialogItem : title = "\picon"; // Note that we create enabled icon dialog items with // the tracking variant and disabled icon dialog items // without the tracking variant. We also track icon // controls carefully so as to avoid the old (icky) // Dialog Manager icon tracking behavior. See // ClickAuntieDialogInContent for note regarding the // behavior we avoid. if (kItemDisableBit & (item->flags)) { procID = kControlIconNoTrackProc; } else { procID = kControlIconProc; } initialValue = resID; break; case kPictureDialogItem : title = "\ppicture"; if (kItemDisableBit & (item->flags)) procID = kControlPictureNoTrackProc; else procID = kControlPictureProc; initialValue = resID; break; case kButtonDialogItem : title = item->itemData; procID = kControlPushButtonProc; maximumValue = 1; break; case kCheckBoxDialogItem : title = item->itemData; procID = kControlCheckBoxProc; maximumValue = 1; break; case kRadioButtonDialogItem : title = item->itemData; procID = kControlRadioButtonProc; maximumValue = 1; break; case kStaticTextDialogItem : title = "\pstatic text"; procID = kControlStaticTextProc; break; case kEditTextDialogItem : // // We boldly specify kControlEditTextInlineInputProc // instead of kControlEditTextProc because the extra // variant bits are ignored if they are not supported. // This means the AuntieDialog clients running under // versions of Mac OS prior to 8.5 simply and silently // do not get super-cool inline input support. Sorry! // There's not a lot this code can do without bloating. // title = "\pedit text"; procID = kControlEditTextInlineInputProc; break; case kUserDialogItem : title = "\puser item"; procID = kControlUserPaneProc; initialValue = kControlSupportsEmbedding; break; } return err;}static OSStatus AddAuntieDialogItem (tDialogItemP item, tDialogFontItemP fontItem, WindowRef window, Boolean invalidate, SInt32 suggestedID, ControlCreationProcPtr ccpp, void *ccppUserData){ OSStatus err = noErr; ConstStr255Param title; DialogItemType itemType = DialogItemType (~kItemDisableBit & (item->flags)); SInt16 resID, procID, initialValue, minimumValue, maximumValue; err = DetermineControlParameters (item,itemType,title,resID,procID,initialValue,minimumValue,maximumValue); if (!err) { ControlHandle control; if (kResourceControlDialogItem == itemType) { control = GetNewControl (resID,window); } else if (0 == procID) { err = paramErr; } else { control = NewControl ( window, &(item->displayRect), title, true, initialValue, minimumValue, maximumValue, procID, 0 ); } if (!err) { if (!control) { err = nilHandleErr; } else { err = PostProcessNewlyCreatedControl (item,fontItem,itemType,procID,window,control,invalidate,suggestedID,ccpp,ccppUserData); if (err) { DisposeControl (control); } } } } return err;}static tDialogItemP GetNextDialogItem (tDialogItemP item){ UInt8 itemDataLen = *(item->itemData); itemDataLen += itemDataLen % 2; return tDialogItemP (Ptr (item) + sizeof (*item) + itemDataLen);}static tDialogFontItemP GetNextDialogFontItem (tDialogFontItemP item){ if (!item) return nil; if (!(item->itemType)) return tDialogFontItemP (Ptr (item) + sizeof (item->itemType)); return tDialogFontItemP (Ptr (item) + sizeof (*item) + *(item->fontName) + 1);}static ThemeBrush ChooseInitialWindowThemeBrush (WindowRef window){ WindowRef front = FrontWindow ( ); if (!front || front == window) { return kThemeBrushDialogBackgroundActive; } return kThemeBrushDialogBackgroundInactive;}static Boolean AuntieWindowIsVisible (WindowRef window){ Boolean result = IsWindowVisible (window);#if !TARGET_CARBON // // This is only an optimization. Since Carbonating it // would cause us to do more work than Window Manager // would in inhibiting the unnecessary update event, // we simply skip the optimization. // if (result) if (EmptyRgn (window->visRgn)) result = false;#endif return result;}static OSStatus AppendControlsFromItemList (tDialogItemListP items, tDialogFontItemListP fontItems, WindowRef window, UInt16 controlIndexOffset, ControlCreationProcPtr ccpp, void *ccppUserData){ OSStatus err = noErr; if (items->count > -1) { Boolean windowIsVisible = AuntieWindowIsVisible (window); GrafPtr preservedPort; if (windowIsVisible) { GetPort (&preservedPort); SetPortWindowPort (window); HidePen ( ); } do { tDialogItemP item = items->items; tDialogFontItemP fontItem = fontItems ? fontItems->items : nil; SInt16 itemCount = SInt16 (items->count + 1), fontItemCount = SInt16 (fontItems ? fontItems->count : 0), count = (itemCount < fontItemCount) ? itemCount : fontItemCount, index = 1; do { SInt32 suggestedID = index + controlIndexOffset; err = AddAuntieDialogItem (item,fontItem,window,windowIsVisible,suggestedID,ccpp,ccppUserData); if (err) break; item = GetNextDialogItem (item); fontItem = GetNextDialogFontItem (fontItem); } while (++index <= count); if (err) break; while (index <= itemCount) { SInt32 suggestedID = index + controlIndexOffset; err = AddAuntieDialogItem (item,nil,window,windowIsVisible,suggestedID,ccpp,ccppUserData); if (err) break; item = GetNextDialogItem (item); ++index; } if (err) break; } while (false); if (windowIsVisible) { ShowPen ( ); SetPort (preservedPort); } } return err;}static Boolean IsAuntieDialogWindow (WindowRef window){ // pass Ptr (kBlessedBusErrorBait) because TradOS and CarbonLib implementations reject nil even when buffer size is 0 [Radar 2455997] return !GetWindowProperty (window, kAuntieDialogSignature, kAuntieDialogWindowPropertyTagIsAuntieDialog, 0, nil, Ptr (kBlessedBusErrorBait));}static OSStatus NewAuntieWindowFromDialogResource (short &resID, WindowRef behind, Boolean &shouldBeVisible, WindowRef *result){ OSStatus err = noErr; DialogTHndl dialogRes = DialogTHndl (GetResource ('DLOG',resID)); if (!dialogRes) { err = ResError ( ); if (!err) err = resNotFound; } else do { StHandleLocker dialogResLock (dialogRes,err); if (err) break; DialogTPtr dialog = *dialogRes; *result = NewCWindow ( nil, &(dialog->boundsRect), dialog->title, false, dialog->procID, behind, dialog->goAwayFlag, dialog->refCon ); if (!*result) { err = nilHandleErr; break; } // pass Ptr (kBlessedBusErrorBait) because TradOS and CarbonLib implementations reject nil even when buffer size is 0 [Radar 2455997] err = SetWindowProperty (*result, kAuntieDialogSignature, kAuntieDialogWindowPropertyTagIsAuntieDialog, 0, Ptr (kBlessedBusErrorBait)); if (err) { DisposeWindow (*result); break; } shouldBeVisible = dialog->visible; resID = dialog->itemsID; } while (false); return err;}static OSStatus IsControlOurs (ControlRef control, Boolean &isOurs){ ControlID controlID; OSStatus err = GetControlID (control,&controlID); if (!err) { isOurs = (kAuntieDialogSignature == controlID.signature); } return err;}static OSStatus CountSubControlsDeep (ControlRef parent, UInt16 *deepCount){ OSStatus err = noErr; UInt16 shallowIndex; err = CountSubControls (parent,&shallowIndex); if (err == errControlIsNotEmbedder) err = noErr; else if (!err) { *deepCount += shallowIndex; while (shallowIndex) { ControlRef child; err = GetIndexedSubControl (parent,shallowIndex,&child); if (err) { if (err == errControlIsNotEmbedder) { *deepCount -= shallowIndex; err = noErr; } break; } Boolean isOurs; err = IsControlOurs (child,isOurs); if (err) break; if (!isOurs) { *deepCount -= 1; } else { err = CountSubControlsDeep (child,deepCount); if (err) break; } --shallowIndex; } } return err;}static OSStatus AppendDialogItemsAsControls (short resID, WindowRef window, ControlRef root, ControlCreationProcPtr ccpp, void *ccppUserData){ OSStatus err = noErr; do { tDialogItemListH items = tDialogItemListH (GetResource ('DITL',resID)); if (!items) { err = ResError ( ); if (err) break; } if (items) { tDialogFontItemListH fontItemsH = tDialogFontItemListH (GetResource ('dftb',resID)); if (!fontItemsH) { err = ResError ( ); if (err) break; } else if ((**fontItemsH).version != 0) { fontItemsH = nil; } StHandleLocker itemsLock (items,err); if (err) break; StHandleLocker fontItemsLock (fontItemsH,err); if (err) break; UInt16 controlCount = 0; err = CountSubControlsDeep (root,&controlCount); if (err) break; tDialogFontItemListP fontItemsP = fontItemsH ? *fontItemsH : nil; err = AppendControlsFromItemList (*items,fontItemsP,window,controlCount,ccpp,ccppUserData); if (err) break; } } while (false); return err;}static OSStatus ShouldDrawControlsOffScreen (WindowRef window, Boolean &canSupport){ OSStatus err = noErr; // Some day, when I'm really bored, I'll figure out all the compatibility nonsense // which will allow me to determine whether the controls within the visible region // of the given window are sufficiently unbuggy so as to support off-screen drawing. // (There are problems on older systems with the group box and edit text CDEFs.) For // now, we just determine whether the system is going to do the off-screen goo on our // behalf. canSupport = !QDIsPortBuffered (GetWindowPort (window)); return err;}static OSStatus UpdateAuntieDialog (WindowRef window){ OSStatus err = noErr; GrafPtr preservedPort; GetPort (&preservedPort); SetPortWindowPort (window); BeginUpdate (window); do { // // Our off-screen drawing scheme depends on DrawControlInCurrentPort. // Some older control definitions, however, do not properly support // drawing into ports other than their owners, so we're prepared to // do all our drawing on-screen even though it will flicker. // CGrafPtr windowPort = GetWindowPort (window); Boolean tryOffscreen = !QDIsPortBuffered (windowPort); if (tryOffscreen) { err = ShouldDrawControlsOffScreen (window,tryOffscreen); if (err) break; } StRegion visibleRegion (err); if (err) break; (void) GetPortVisibleRegion (windowPort, visibleRegion); if (tryOffscreen) { ControlRef rootControl; err = GetRootControl (window,&rootControl); if (err) break; Rect visibleRect; GetRegionBounds (visibleRegion,&visibleRect); StGWorld myGWorld (visibleRect,err); // don't bother to check err; better flicker than fail EraseRgn (visibleRegion); DrawControlInCurrentPort (rootControl); // StGWorld's destructor is called, blitting the window contents } else { // Many controls smash the GrafPort state because, // according to a secret report written by the // Control Manager engineer and obtained by our staff // from reliable sources, "they suck". We don't need to // save any state for the off-screen case because we // don't care if the off-screen port's state gets wibbled. EraseRgn (visibleRegion); ThemeDrawingState drawingState; err = GetThemeDrawingState (&drawingState); if (err) break; UpdateControls (window,visibleRegion); err = SetThemeDrawingState (drawingState,true); if (err) break; } } while (false); EndUpdate (window); SetPort (preservedPort); return err;}static OSStatus ActivateAuntieDialog (WindowRef window, Boolean becomingActive){ OSStatus err = noErr; do { ControlRef rootControl; err = GetRootControl (window,&rootControl); if (err) break; GrafPtr preservedPort; GetPort (&preservedPort); SetPortWindowPort (window); // We temporarily hide the pen so we can muck with the window non-atomically // and then redraw it all at once double-buffered with UpdateAuntieDialog // at the end. This is much sweeter than that flickery old Dialog Manager. // Too bad DeactivateControl doesn't know the right thing to do for scroll // bars and isn't perfect on older systems. HidePen ( ); if (becomingActive) { err = ActivateControl (rootControl); } else { err = DeactivateControl (rootControl); } if (err) { ShowPen ( ); SetPort (preservedPort); break; } ThemeBrush windowThemeBrush = becomingActive ? kThemeBrushDialogBackgroundActive : kThemeBrushDialogBackgroundInactive; err = SetThemeWindowBackground (window, windowThemeBrush, true); ShowPen ( ); SetPort (preservedPort); if (err) break; err = UpdateAuntieDialog (window); if (err) break; } while (false); return err;}static OSStatus ClickAuntieDialogInContent ( const EventRecord &event, WindowRef window, ControlRef &itemHit, FocusChangeValidationProcPtr fcvpp ){ OSStatus err = noErr; itemHit = nil; GrafPtr preservedPort; GetPort (&preservedPort); SetPortWindowPort (window); Point localWhere = event.where; GlobalToLocal (&localWhere); SetPort (preservedPort); ControlPartCode cpc = FindControl (localWhere,window,&itemHit); if (kControlNoPart == cpc) { // FindControl reports the control the mouse is over, // even when that control reports that none of its // parts are hit. We assume most developers don't // want to know when the user clicks inside a // control which claims it wasn't hit; for example, // the portion of a tabs controls which contains other // controls. itemHit = nil; } else do { ControlRef focus; err = GetKeyboardFocus (window,&focus); if (err) break; if (focus != itemHit) { UInt32 controlFeatures; err = GetControlFeatures (itemHit,&controlFeatures); if (err) break; if (kControlSupportsFocus & controlFeatures) { if (kControlGetsFocusOnClick & controlFeatures) { if (fcvpp) { Boolean allowFocusChange = true; err = fcvpp (focus,&allowFocusChange); if (err || !allowFocusChange) break; } err = SetKeyboardFocus (window,itemHit,cpc); if (err) break; } } } cpc = HandleControlClick (itemHit,localWhere,event.modifiers,ControlActionUPP(-1)); if (kControlNoPart == cpc) { itemHit = nil; } // We assume most developers do not want the icon CDEF // to cause a dialog item hit; it's just necessary because // of Dialog Manager history. Spoof away the icky behavior. // If the variant indicates tracking behavior, then we assume // the client really wants it. See DetermineControlParameters // for a note about the decisions we make while creating icon // dialog items; the no-track variants are actually quite // common without effort from developers. else if (kControlIconPart == cpc && (1 & GetControlVariant (itemHit))) { Boolean isIcon; err = ControlIsIcon (itemHit,isIcon); if (err) break; if (isIcon) { itemHit = nil; } } } while (false); return err;}static OSStatus ClickAuntieDialog ( const EventRecord &event, ControlRef &itemHit, FocusChangeValidationProcPtr fcvpp ){ OSStatus err = noErr; WindowRef window = nil; if (inContent == FindWindow (event.where, &window)) { err = ClickAuntieDialogInContent (event,window,itemHit,fcvpp); } return err;}static OSStatus IdleControlsInAllVisibleWindows (void){ OSStatus err = noErr; WindowRef window = FrontWindow ( ); if (window) { StRegion updateRgn (err); if (!err) do { if (IsWindowVisible (window)) if (IsAuntieDialogWindow (window)) if (!IsWindowUpdatePending (window)) IdleControls (window); window = GetNextWindow (window); } while (window); } return err;}static OSStatus KeyAuntieDialog (const EventRecord &event, FocusChangeValidationProcPtr fcvpp){ OSStatus err = noErr; WindowRef window = FrontWindow ( ); if (!window) err = paramErr; else do { ControlRef focus; err = GetKeyboardFocus (window,&focus); if (err) break; if ((event.message & charCodeMask) != '\t') { err = HandleControlKey (focus, SInt16 (event.message & keyCodeMask), SInt16 (event.message & charCodeMask), event.modifiers); if (err) break; } else if (focus) { if (fcvpp) { Boolean allowFocusChange = true; err = fcvpp (focus,&allowFocusChange); if (err || !allowFocusChange) break; } if (event.modifiers & shiftKey) { err = ReverseKeyboardFocus (window); } else { err = AdvanceKeyboardFocus (window); } if (err) break; } } while (false); return err;}static pascal OSStatus ControlHasDefaultTag (ControlRef candidate, Boolean *isDefault, void *){ Size actualSize; OSStatus err = GetControlData (candidate, kControlNoPart, kControlPushButtonDefaultTag, sizeof (*isDefault), Ptr (isDefault), &actualSize); if (err == errDataNotSupported) { *isDefault = false; err = noErr; } return err;}static OSStatus SetMinimalCursorRegion (Point where, RgnHandle rgn){ if (!rgn) return nilHandleErr; Rect cursorRect = { where.v, where.h, SInt16 (where.v + 1), SInt16 (where.h + 1) }; RectRgn (rgn,&cursorRect); return QDError ( );}static OSStatus SetAuntieDialogMouseRegionsEmpty (AuntieDialogStateP adStateP){ OSStatus err = noErr; if (adStateP) { err = SetAuntieDialogMouseRegionsEmpty (adStateP->next); if (!err && adStateP->mouseRgn) { SetEmptyRgn (adStateP->mouseRgn); err = QDError ( ); } } return err;}static pascal OSStatus RemoveChildRegion ( ControlRef control, Boolean *stop, void *userData ){ OSStatus err = noErr; do { StRegion controlRgn (err); if (err) break; err = GetWholeControlRegion (control,controlRgn,false); if (err) break; DiffRgn (RgnHandle (userData), controlRgn, RgnHandle (userData)); err = QDError ( ); if (err) break; *stop = false; } while (false); return err;}static pascal OSStatus RegionIsUnderMouse ( ControlRef control, Boolean *stop, void *userData ){ OSStatus err = noErr; do { StRegion controlRgn (err); if (err) break; err = GetWholeControlRegion (control,controlRgn,false); if (err) break; if (PtInRgn (RegionIsUnderMouseStateP (userData)->localWhere, controlRgn)) { if (RegionIsUnderMouseStateP (userData)->mouseRgn) { CopyRgn (controlRgn,RegionIsUnderMouseStateP (userData)->mouseRgn); err = QDError ( ); if (err) break; } *stop = true; break; } else if (RegionIsUnderMouseStateP (userData)->mouseRgn) { UnionRgn ( controlRgn, RegionIsUnderMouseStateP (userData)->mouseRgn, RegionIsUnderMouseStateP (userData)->mouseRgn ); err = QDError ( ); if (err) break; } *stop = false; } while (false); return err;}static pascal OSStatus MouseMovedOutsideFrontWindow (RgnHandle mouseRgn, WindowRef front){ OSStatus err = noErr; do { StRegion grayRgn (err, GetGrayRgn ( )); if (err) break; GDHandle mainDevice = GetMainDevice ( ); Rect mainDeviceRect = (**mainDevice).gdRect; StRegion mainDeviceRgn (err,mainDeviceRect); if (err) break; UnionRgn (grayRgn,mainDeviceRgn,mouseRgn); err = QDError ( ); if (err) break; StRegion contentRgn (err); if (err) break; err = GetWindowRegion (front,kWindowContentRgn,contentRgn); if (err) break; DiffRgn (mouseRgn,contentRgn,mouseRgn); err = QDError ( ); if (err) break;#if DEBUG_MOUSE_RGN ClipRect (&mainDeviceRect); DebugRegion (nil,mouseRgn);#endif } while (false); return err;}static pascal OSStatus MouseMovedInsideFrontWindow (Point where, RgnHandle mouseRgn, WindowRef window, Cursor &newCursorImage){ OSStatus err; GrafPtr preservedPort; GetPort (&preservedPort); SetPortWindowPort (window); Point localWhere = where; GlobalToLocal (&localWhere); SetPort (preservedPort); do { // // FindWindow reports inContent when the cursor is // inside the content region but outside the visible // region. This is too much of a corner case to bother // doing well. // StRegion visibleRegion (err); if (err) break; (void) GetPortVisibleRegion (GetWindowPort (window), visibleRegion); if (!PtInRgn (localWhere,visibleRegion)) { if (mouseRgn) { err = SetMinimalCursorRegion (where,mouseRgn); if (err) break; } } else { // Neither FindControl nor FindControlUnderMouse does // what we need; there's a gap between the area a default // button reports as hittable and the outer edge of the // region the control reports it occupies. There's no way // for us to get this region in the general case, so we // ignore hittability until after we determine which control // we're hovering over. If we're hovering over no control, // then the cursor region needs to be the area occupied // by no controls. RegionIsUnderMouse does some tricky // stuff in concert with SearchControlHierarchy to make // this happen. if (mouseRgn) { SetEmptyRgn (mouseRgn); err = QDError ( ); if (err) break; } ControlRef control; RegionIsUnderMouseState riumState = { mouseRgn, localWhere }; // NB: RegionIsUnderMouse *must* be aware that the mouse region may be nil! // As of this writing, all appears well in this regard. err = SearchControlHierarchy (window,RegionIsUnderMouse,&control,&riumState); if (err) break; if (mouseRgn) { if (!control) { StRegion visibleRegion (err); if (err) break; (void) GetPortVisibleRegion (GetWindowPort (window), visibleRegion); DiffRgn (visibleRegion,mouseRgn,mouseRgn); err = QDError ( ); if (err) break;#if DEBUG_MOUSE_RGN DebugRegion (window,mouseRgn);#endif err = LocalToGlobalRgn (window,mouseRgn); if (err) break; } else { // Here we do a special hack for edit text controls. // We really need a way to send a message to a control // so it can set its own cursor, but, until we get that // message, we special-case this one control, because // it's the one we know needs an I-Beam cursor. But this // hack is even ickier than you would expect, since, as of // this writing, GetControlRegion returns errInvalidPartCode // when asked for kControlEditTextPart (Radar 2469443). // We're forced to fall back to the lame 1x1 cursor region. Boolean isEditText; err = ControlIsEditText (control,isEditText); if (err) break; if (isEditText) { err = SetMinimalCursorRegion (where,mouseRgn); if (err) break; if (TestControl (control, localWhere) == kControlEditTextPart) { newCursorImage = ** GetCursor (iBeamCursor); } } else { err = SearchChildControls (control,RemoveChildRegion,nil,mouseRgn); if (err) break; StRegion visibleRegion (err); if (err) break; (void) GetPortVisibleRegion (GetWindowPort (window), visibleRegion); (void) SectRgn (visibleRegion,mouseRgn,mouseRgn); err = QDError ( ); if (err) break;#if DEBUG_MOUSE_RGN DebugRegion (window,mouseRgn);#endif err = LocalToGlobalRgn (window,mouseRgn); if (err) break; } } } } } while (false); return err;}static OSStatus MouseMovedAuntieDialog (const EventRecord &event, WindowRef front, AuntieDialogState &adState){ OSStatus err = noErr; do { err = SetAuntieDialogMouseRegionsEmpty (; if (err) break; Cursor newCursorImage; (void) GetQDGlobalsArrow (&newCursorImage); if (!front || !IsAuntieDialogWindow (front)) { if (adState.mouseRgn) { err = SetMinimalCursorRegion (event.where,adState.mouseRgn); if (err) break; } } else { WindowRef window; short fwpc = FindWindow (event.where,&window); if (fwpc != inContent || window != front) { err = MouseMovedOutsideFrontWindow (adState.mouseRgn,front); if (err) break; } else { err = MouseMovedInsideFrontWindow (event.where,adState.mouseRgn,front,newCursorImage); if (err) break; } } SetCursor (&newCursorImage); } while (false); return err;}static OSStatus OSEventAuntieDialog (const EventRecord &event, AuntieDialogState &adState){ OSStatus err = noErr; WindowRef front = FrontWindow ( ); UInt8 osMessage = UInt8 ((osEvtMessageMask & event.message) >> 24); if (mouseMovedMessage == osMessage) { err = MouseMovedAuntieDialog (event,front,adState); } else if (suspendResumeMessage == osMessage) { if (front && IsAuntieDialogWindow (front)) { err = ActivateAuntieDialog (front, (resumeFlag & event.message) == resumeFlag); } } return err;}static OSStatus EstablishFirstFocusForFrontWindow (WindowRef window){ OSStatus err = noErr; window = FrontWindow ( ); if (window && IsAuntieDialogWindow (window)) do { ControlRef rootControl; err = GetRootControl (window,&rootControl); if (err) break; UInt32 actualSize; err = GetControlProperty ( rootControl, kAuntieDialogSignature, kAuntieDialogControlPropertyTagTriedFocus, 0, &actualSize, Ptr (kBlessedBusErrorBait)); if (err == controlPropertyNotFoundErr) { ControlRef focus; err = GetKeyboardFocus (window,&focus); if (err) break; if (!focus) { err = AdvanceKeyboardFocus (window); if (err == errCouldntSetFocus) { err = noErr; } else if (err) { break; } err = SetControlProperty ( rootControl, kAuntieDialogSignature, kAuntieDialogControlPropertyTagTriedFocus, 0, Ptr (kBlessedBusErrorBait) ); } } } while (false); return err;}static pascal OSStatus AuntieDialogSelectDispatch ( const EventRecord &event, ControlRef &itemHit, FocusChangeValidationProcPtr fcvpp, AuntieDialogState &adState ){ OSStatus err = noErr; static const ProcessSerialNumber myPSN = { 0, kCurrentProcess }; WindowRef window = nil; switch (event.what) { case keyDown : case autoKey : err = KeyAuntieDialog (event,fcvpp); break; case osEvt : err = OSEventAuntieDialog (event,adState); break; case activateEvt : err = ActivateAuntieDialog (WindowRef (event.message), event.modifiers & activeFlag ? true : false); break; case updateEvt : err = UpdateAuntieDialog (WindowRef (event.message)); if (err) break; // Force Process Manager to deliver one null // event as quickly as possible regardless // of the app's specified sleep tolerance // so that we'll get a chance to establish // focus a little more snappily than we // otherwise would. On a Quadra 800 running // 8.1 and no apps other than AuntieDialogTest // (I even quit the Finder), this makes us // up to 6 ticks snappier. If the machine is // actually doing something (I tested with // a large Finder copy), this can make us // an order of magnitude snappier (in other // words, it can buy us a whole second). err = WakeUpProcess (&myPSN); break; case mouseDown : err = ClickAuntieDialog (event,itemHit,fcvpp); break; case nullEvent : // Waiting to establish focus until now ensures // we will never draw a focus ring before its // owning control has been completely drawn. // Well, sort of. See Radar 2458453. err = EstablishFirstFocusForFrontWindow (window); break; } if (!err) { if (!window) { window = FrontWindow ( ); } while (window) { if (IsAuntieDialogWindow (window)) { ControlRef rootControl; err = GetRootControl (window,&rootControl); if (err) break; UInt32 ticksAtLastIdle, actualSize; err = GetControlProperty ( rootControl, kAuntieDialogSignature, kAuntieDialogControlPropertyTagTicksAtLastIdle, sizeof (ticksAtLastIdle), &actualSize, &ticksAtLastIdle ); if (err == controlPropertyNotFoundErr) { ticksAtLastIdle = 0; err = noErr; } else if (!err && actualSize != sizeof (ticksAtLastIdle)) { err = controlPropertyInvalid; } if (!err && TickCount ( ) > ticksAtLastIdle + AuntieDialogGetIdleInterval (window)) { err = IdleControlsInAllVisibleWindows ( ); if (!err) { ticksAtLastIdle = TickCount ( ); err = SetControlProperty ( rootControl, kAuntieDialogSignature, kAuntieDialogControlPropertyTagTicksAtLastIdle, sizeof (ticksAtLastIdle), &ticksAtLastIdle ); } } break; } do { window = GetNextWindow (window); } while (window && !IsWindowVisible (window)); } } return err;}static OSStatus AuntieModalDialogMouseUpDown ( WindowRef clientWindow, EventRecord *event, ControlRef &itemHit, FocusChangeValidationProcPtr fcvpp, AuntieDialogState &adState ){ OSStatus err = noErr; do { WindowRef window; err = IsAuntieDialogEvent (event,&window); if (err) break; if (window == clientWindow) { err = AuntieDialogSelectDispatch (*event,itemHit,fcvpp,adState); if (err) break; } else if (mouseDown == event->what) { if (window) { SysBeep (10); } else { Rect dragWindowBounds; switch (FindWindow (event->where,&window)) { case inMenuBar : SysBeep (10); break; case inDrag : if (window != clientWindow) SysBeep (10); else { BitMap screenBits; GetQDGlobalsScreenBits (&screenBits); dragWindowBounds = screenBits.bounds; InsetRect (&dragWindowBounds,4,4); DragWindow (window,event->where,&dragWindowBounds); } break; } } } } while (false); return err;}static pascal OSStatus ControlNeedsIdle (ControlRef candidate, Boolean *needsIdle, void *){ UInt32 features; OSStatus err = GetControlFeatures (candidate, &features); if (err) return err; *needsIdle = (kControlWantsIdle & features) == kControlWantsIdle; return err;}static OSStatus IsAuntieDialogNullEvent (WindowRef &window){ OSStatus err = noErr; WindowRef front = FrontWindow ( ); if (front) { if (IsAuntieDialogWindow (front)) do { ControlRef rootControl; err = GetRootControl (front,&rootControl); if (err) break; UInt32 actualSize; err = GetControlProperty ( rootControl, kAuntieDialogSignature, kAuntieDialogControlPropertyTagTriedFocus, 0, &actualSize, Ptr (kBlessedBusErrorBait)); if (err == controlPropertyNotFoundErr) { window = front; err = noErr; break; } if (err) break; } while (false); if (!err && !window) { WindowRef scanner = front; do { ControlRef needsIdle; err = SearchControlHierarchy (scanner,ControlNeedsIdle,&needsIdle,nil); if (err) break; if (needsIdle) { window = scanner; break; } do { scanner = GetNextWindow (scanner); } while (scanner && (!IsWindowVisible (scanner) || !IsAuntieDialogWindow (scanner))); } while (scanner); } } return err;}static pascal OSStatus ControlHasCommand (ControlRef control, Boolean *stop, void *key){ ControlID controlID; OSStatus err = GetControlID (control,&controlID); if (!err) { const ControlID *keyP = (const ControlID *) key; *stop = keyP->signature == controlID.signature && keyP->id ==; } return err;}static OSStatus ReestablishFocusOnNextNullEvent (ControlRef rootControl){ OSStatus err = RemoveControlProperty (rootControl,kAuntieDialogSignature,kAuntieDialogControlPropertyTagTriedFocus); if (err == controlPropertyNotFoundErr) { err = noErr; } return err;}////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#pragma mark -#pragma mark API ENTRY POINTS#pragma mark -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////pascal OSStatus AuntieDialogSelect ( const EventRecord *event, RgnHandle mouseRgn, ControlRef *itemHit, FocusChangeValidationProcPtr fcvpp ){ if (!event) return paramErr; OSStatus err = noErr; ControlRef dummyItemHit; if (!itemHit) itemHit = &dummyItemHit; *itemHit = nil; AuntieDialogState adState = { gAuntieDialogState, mouseRgn }; gAuntieDialogState = &adState; err = AuntieDialogSelectDispatch (*event,*itemHit,fcvpp,adState); gAuntieDialogState =; return err;}pascal OSStatus IsAuntieDialogEvent ( const EventRecord *event, WindowRef *window ){ if (!event) return paramErr; OSStatus err = noErr; WindowRef dummyWindow; if (!window) window = &dummyWindow; *window = nil; UInt8 osMessage; switch (event->what) { case nullEvent : err = IsAuntieDialogNullEvent (*window); break; case osEvt : osMessage = UInt8 ((osEvtMessageMask & event->message) >> 24); if (mouseMovedMessage != osMessage && suspendResumeMessage != osMessage) { break; } *window = FrontWindow ( ); if (*window) { if (!IsAuntieDialogWindow (*window)) { *window = nil; } } break; case keyDown : case autoKey : *window = FrontWindow ( ); if (*window) { if (!IsAuntieDialogWindow (*window)) { *window = nil; } else if (!IsWindowHilited (*window)) // background app? { *window = nil; } } break; case updateEvt : case activateEvt : *window = WindowRef (event->message); if (!IsAuntieDialogWindow (*window)) { *window = nil; } break; case mouseDown : case mouseUp : switch (FindWindow (event->where, window)) { case inContent : if (IsAuntieDialogWindow (*window)) break; if (FrontWindow ( ) == *window) break; // fall through default : *window = nil; break; } break; default : *window = nil; break; } return err;}pascal OSStatus StandardAuntieModalEventFilter ( WindowRef window, EventRecord *event, ControlRef *itemHit ){ OSStatus err = noErr; if (event->what == keyDown) { switch (charCodeMask & event->message) { case 0x03 : // enter case 0x0D : // return err = SearchControlHierarchy (window,ControlHasDefaultTag,itemHit,nil); if (err) break; if (*itemHit) { HiliteControl (*itemHit,1); UInt32 finalTicks; Delay (8,&finalTicks); HiliteControl (*itemHit,0); } break; } } return err;}pascal OSStatus AuntieModalDialog ( WindowRef clientWindow, ControlRef *itemHit, AuntieModalFilterProcPtr amfpp, FocusChangeValidationProcPtr fcvpp ){ OSStatus err = noErr; *itemHit = nil; StRegion mouseRgn (err); if (!err) { ControlRef dummyItemHit; if (!itemHit) { itemHit = &dummyItemHit; } if (!amfpp) { amfpp = StandardAuntieModalEventFilter; } SelectWindow (clientWindow); UInt32 caretTime = GetCaretTime ( ); AuntieDialogState adState = { gAuntieDialogState, mouseRgn }; gAuntieDialogState = &adState; do { EventRecord event; (void) WaitNextEvent (everyEvent,&event,caretTime,mouseRgn); *itemHit = nil; err = amfpp (clientWindow,&event,itemHit); if (err || *itemHit) break; if (event.what == mouseDown || event.what == mouseUp) { err = AuntieModalDialogMouseUpDown (clientWindow,&event,*itemHit,fcvpp,adState); } else { WindowRef window; err = IsAuntieDialogEvent (&event,&window); if (err) break; if (window) { err = AuntieDialogSelectDispatch (event,*itemHit,fcvpp,adState); if (err) break; } } } while (!*itemHit); gAuntieDialogState =; } return err;}pascal OSStatus CountControlsInWindow (WindowRef window, UInt16 *result){ OSStatus err = noErr; do { ControlRef root; err = GetRootControl (window,&root); if (err) break; *result = 0; err = CountSubControlsDeep (root,result); if (err) break; } while (false); return err;}pascal OSStatus ReestablishFocusOnNextNullEvent (WindowRef window){ OSStatus err = noErr; ControlRef rootControl; err = GetRootControl (window,&rootControl); if (!err) { err = ReestablishFocusOnNextNullEvent (rootControl); } return err;}pascal OSStatus DisposeChildControls (ControlRef parent){ // // Because of the wacky way in which some controls create // other controls (case in point: list box), we need to // be careful to delete only the "parent" controls and // let them delete their own "child" controls. (Under some // versions of Control Manager, the "child" controls are // not children according to the embedding hierarchy, // hence the scare quotes I'm using to describe them.) // In order to avoid knowing anything about how the "parent" // controls relate to the "child" controls within the // embedding hierarchy, we do some tricks with iteration. // // There's another tricky thing going on in this function. // (Sorry; I know that exceeds my per-function tricky thing // allotment, but there didn't seem to be an alternative.) // Instead of deleting the controls outright at the end, // we first gather up the regions of each control and all // of its children, mark each control as hidden without // allowing it to erase itself, and then invalidate the // gathered regions. This means all drawing which results // from the deletion of these controls will be done during // the next update event, which means we can erase the old // controls at the same time we draw the new ones, which // looks sweet if the drawing occurs off-screen. // OSStatus err = noErr; WindowRef parentWindow = GetControlOwner (parent); do { ControlRef focus; err = GetKeyboardFocus (parentWindow, &focus); if (err) break; StRegion controlsRgn (err); if (err) break; StRegion childRgn (err); if (err) break; UInt16 index; err = CountSubControls (parent,&index); if (err) break; while (index) { ControlRef child; err = GetIndexedSubControl (parent,index,&child); if (err) break; if (IsControlVisible (child)) { err = GetWholeControlRegion (child,childRgn,true); if (err) break; UnionRgn (childRgn,controlsRgn,controlsRgn); err = QDError ( ); if (err) break; err = SetControlVisibility (child,false,false); if (err) break; } Boolean controlIsOurs; err = IsControlOurs (child,controlIsOurs); if (err) break; if (!controlIsOurs) { --index; } else { DisposeControl (child); err = CountSubControls (parent,&index); if (err) break; } } if (err) break; // // Some controls (I won't name any names, Mr. List Box) // are in the habit of under-reporting their regions. // Rather than attempting to detect which ones lie and // which ones tell the truth, we assume they are all // lying. It's OK to invalidate a few pixels too many. // InsetRgn (controlsRgn,-1,-1); err = QDError ( ); if (err) break; InvalWindowRgn (parentWindow,controlsRgn); err = QDError ( ); if (err) break; err = ReestablishFocusOnNextNullEvent (parentWindow); if (err) break; } while (false); return err;}pascal OSStatus AppendDialogItemsAsControls ( short resID, WindowRef window, ControlCreationProcPtr ccpp, void *ccppUserData ){ OSStatus err = noErr; do { ControlRef rootControl; err = GetRootControl (window,&rootControl); if (err) break; err = AppendDialogItemsAsControls (resID,window,rootControl,ccpp,ccppUserData); if (err) break; err = ReestablishFocusOnNextNullEvent (rootControl); if (err) break; } while (false); return err;}pascal OSStatus NewAuntieDialog (short resID, WindowRef window, ControlCreationProcPtr ccpp, void *ccppUserData){ OSStatus err = noErr; do { ThemeBrush windowThemeBrush = ChooseInitialWindowThemeBrush (window); err = SetThemeWindowBackground (window, windowThemeBrush, false); if (err) break; GrafPtr preservedPort; GetPort (&preservedPort); SetPortWindowPort (window); TextFont (0); SetPort (preservedPort); ControlRef root; err = CreateRootControl (window,&root); if (err) break; SetControlTitle (root,"\proot"); err = AppendDialogItemsAsControls (resID,window,root,ccpp,ccppUserData); if (err) break; } while (false); return err;}pascal OSStatus GetAuntieDialog (short resID, WindowRef behind, ControlCreationProcPtr ccpp, void *ccppUserData, WindowRef *result){ OSStatus err = noErr; Boolean shouldBeVisible; err = NewAuntieWindowFromDialogResource (resID,behind,shouldBeVisible,result); if (!err) { err = NewAuntieDialog (resID,*result,ccpp,ccppUserData); if (err) { DisposeWindow (*result); *result = nil; } else if (shouldBeVisible) { ShowWindow (*result); } } return err;}pascal OSStatus SetDefaultControl (ControlRef control, Boolean willBeDefault){ OSStatus err = noErr; if (!control) { err = paramErr; } else { err = SetControlData (control, kControlNoPart, kControlPushButtonDefaultTag, sizeof (willBeDefault), Ptr (&willBeDefault)); } return err;}pascal OSStatus SearchControlHierarchy (WindowRef window, ControlHierarchySearchProcPtr chspp, ControlRef *found, void *userData){ if (!chspp) return paramErr; OSStatus err = noErr; do { ControlRef rootControl; err = GetRootControl (window,&rootControl); if (err) break; err = SearchChildControls (rootControl,chspp,found,userData); if (err) break; } while (false); return err;}pascal OSStatus InvalControl (ControlRef control, Boolean includeChildren){ OSStatus err = noErr; do { StRegion controlRgn (err); if (err) break; err = GetWholeControlRegion (control,controlRgn,includeChildren); if (err) break; // // Some controls (I won't name any names, Mr. List Box) // are in the habit of under-reporting their regions. // Rather than attempting to detect which ones lie and // which ones tell the truth, we assume they are all // lying. It's OK to invalidate a few pixels too many, // expecially if you have double-buffered updates. // InsetRgn (controlRgn,-1,-1); err = QDError ( ); if (err) break; InvalWindowRgn (GetControlOwner (control), controlRgn); err = QDError ( ); if (err) break; } while (false); return err;}pascal UInt32 AuntieDialogGetIdleInterval (WindowRef){ return GetCaretTime ( ) - 1;}pascal OSStatus AuntieDialogDisableControl (ControlRef control){ Boolean isScrollBar; OSStatus err = ControlIsScrollBar (control, isScrollBar); if (!err) { if (isScrollBar) { HiliteControl (control,254); } else { HiliteControl (control,255); } } return err;}pascal OSStatus AuntieDialogEnableControl (ControlRef control){ HiliteControl (control,0); return noErr;}pascal OSStatus AuntieDialogEnableDisableControl (ControlRef control, Boolean enableDisable){ return enableDisable ? AuntieDialogEnableControl (control) : AuntieDialogDisableControl (control);}</pre>
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