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221 lines (197 loc) · 10.3 KB

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221 lines (197 loc) · 10.3 KB

The last commit that supports CS:GO Legasy

GitHub 06d7b39 (Aug 1 2024)


  1. Open with Notepad addons/sourcemod/scripting/entwatch_csgo_dz.sp and comment out or uncomment the corresponding modules
  2. Compile plugin.
  3. Unzip everything into the appropriate folders. (Note that the colors are located in a different folder)
  4. Open with Notepad cfg/sourcemod/entwatch/scheme/classic.cfg and set your color values, defaults and server name
  5. Add a new section to addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg `(If you want to use mysql, manually create a new database)*
        "driver"            "sqlite"
        "host"              "localhost"
        "database"          "entwatch-sqlite"
        "user"              "root"
        "pass"              ""
        //"timeout"         "0"
        //"port"            "0"
  1. Restart Server


  • New Syntax
  • Removed some options from the config
  • The plugin uses a ArrayList and not an array
  • Has a module structure
  • Correct operation with multiple buttons
  • Possibly show cooldowns from game_ui(Right Click)
  • It is possible to transfer a discarded or not yet selected item
  • You can specify the reason for the eban
  • Allows you to keep a eban history
  • Allows you to change the cooldown and maximum amount of use right during the game
  • Allows admins to spawn an item
  • Has redesigned menus with detailed information
  • Allows you to use the item in the crowd
  • Allows highlighting items
  • Information output in HUD, which can be configured by each player separately
  • Block item pick up on E
  • Allows you to set the channel for the output of the HUD
  • Allows you to completely change the item
  • Allows you to eban a disconnected player
  • Allows you to track 2 buttons
  • Allows to lock item

List of Modules:

Modules Description
Chat Responsible for displaying chat special messages to players
Debug Helps to view the list of plugin variables
Eban Allows you to prevent players from pickuping items
Extended logs Logging all actions. Example pickup or use item and etc.
Forwards Forwards to communicate with other plugins
Glow (Deprecated) Responsible for highlighting special items on the map
Highlight Reworked glow system for weapons with more configurable options
Hud Responsible for displaying a list of items in the HUD
Menu Responsible for the Admin Menu of the Entwatch
Natives Natives to communicate with other plugins
Spawn Item Responsible for the possibility for admins to spawn an item
Transfer Responsible for transfer items to admins
Use Priority Responsible for the use of items regardless of the crowd or camera position.
Offline Eban Responsible for Eban a disconnected player

Commands and CVARs for modules:



Cvar Paramters Description
entwatch_mode_teamonly <0/1> Enable/Disable team only mode. (Default 1)
entwatch_delay_use <0.0-60.0> Change delay before use. (Default 3.0)
entwatch_scheme <name> The name of the scheme config. (Default "classic")
entwatch_blockepick <0/1> Enable/Disable blocking E-pickup. (Default 1)
entwatch_use_priority <0/1> Enable/Disable forced pressing of the button. (Default 1)
entwatch_globalblock <0/1> Blocks the pickup of any items by players. (Default 0)
Admin Command Description
sm_ew_reloadconfig Allows you to update the configuration
sm_setcooldown <hammerid> <cooldown> Allows you to change the item’s cooldown during the game
sm_setmaxuses <hammerid> <maxuses> [<even if over>] Allows you to change the maximum use of the item during the game, depending on whether the item was used to the end
sm_addmaxuses <hammerid> [<even if over>] Allows you to add 1 charge to the item, depending on whether the item was used to the end
sm_ewsetmode <hammerid> <newmode> <cooldown> <maxuses> [<even if over>] Allows you to completely change the item
sm_ewsetname <hammerid> <newname> Allows you to change the item’s name(Chat)
sm_ewsetshortname <hammerid> <newshortname> Allows you to change the item’s shortname(HUD)
sm_setcooldown2 <hammerid> <cooldown> Allows you to change the item’s cooldown on second button during the game
sm_setmaxuses2 <hammerid> <maxuses> [<even if over>] Allows you to change the maximum use of the item on second button during the game, depending on whether the item was used to the end
sm_addmaxuses2 <hammerid> [<even if over>] Allows you to add 1 charge to the item on second button, depending on whether the item was used to the end
sm_ewsetmode2 <hammerid> <newmode> <cooldown> <maxuses> [<even if over>] Allows you to completely change the item on second button
sm_ewblock <hammerid> <0/1> Allows you to block an item during the game. Similar to the "blockpickup" property
sm_ewlockbutton <hammerid> <0/1> Allows to lock item (first button)
sm_ewlockbutton2 <hammerid> <0/1> Allows to lock second button of item

Module Debug

Admin Command Description
sm_ewdebugconfig Allows you to view a list of configuration items
sm_ewdebugarray Allows you to view a list of items
sm_ewdebugscheme Allows you to view the configuration of the scheme

Module Eban


Cvar Parameters Description
entwatch_bantime <0-43200> Default ban time. 0 - Permanent. (Default 0)
entwatch_banreason <reason> Default ban reason. (Default "Trolling")
entwatch_keep_expired_ban <0/1> Enable/Disable keep expired bans. (Default 1)
entwatch_use_reason_menu <0/1> Enable/Disable menu if the admin has not indicated a reason
Admin Command Description
sm_eban <target> [<duration>] [<reason>] Allows you to restrict the player to pick up items
sm_eunban <target> [<reason>] Allows you to unrestrict the player to pick up items
sm_ebanlist Displays a list of Ebanned players
Overide Admin Command Description
sm_eban_perm Allows admins to issue and remove a permanent EBan
sm_eban_long Allows admins to issue a EBan for more than 12 hours
Client Command Description
sm_status [<target (admin only)>] Allows you to check player status

Module Glow (Deprecated)


Cvar Parameters Description
entwatch_glow <0/1> Enable/Disable the glow Global. (Default 1)
entwatch_glow_spawn <0/1> Enable/Disable the glow after Spawn Items. (Default 1)
entwatch_glow_spawn_type <1 to 3> Glow Type after Spawn Items, set -1 to stop glow. (Default 0)
entwatch_glow_drop_type <1 to 3> Glow Type after Drop Items, set -1 to stop glow. (Default 0)

Module HighLight


Cvar Parameters Description
entwatch_hl_wtype <0 to 6> Type of HighLighting of items. 0 - Disable, 1 - All, 2 - Team, 3 - Privilege All, 4 - Privilege Team, 5 - Admin and Privilege All, 6 - Admin and Privilege Team. (Default 1)
entwatch_hl_wcolor <0/1> Color of HighLighting of items. 0 - Color from Item, 1 - Rainbow. (Default 0)
entwatch_hl_ptype <0 to 6> Type of HighLighting of players that own the item. 0 - Disable, 1 - All, 2 - Team, 3 - Privilege All, 4 - Privilege Team, 5 - Admin and Privilege All, 6 - Admin and Privilege Team. (Default 0)
entwatch_hl_pcolor <0/1> Color of HighLighting of players that own the item. 0 - Color from Item, 1 - Rainbow. (Default 0)
sv_highlight_distance <integer> Distance of HighLighting. (Default 500)
sv_highlight_duration <float> Duration of HighLighting. (Default 3.5)

Module Chat


Cvar Parameters Description
entwatch_adminchat_mode <0-2> Change AdminChat Mode (0 - All Messages, 1 - Only Pickup/Drop Items, 2 - Nothing). (Default 0)

Module Hud


Cvar Parameters Description
entwatch_display_enable <0/1> Enable/Disable the display. (Default 1)
entwatch_display_cooldowns <0/1> Show/Hide the cooldowns on the display. (Default 1)
entwatch_admins_see <0/1> Enable/Disable admins see everything Items. (Default 1)
entwatch_hud_channel <0-5> Change HUD Channel/Group Dynamic channel. (Default 5)
entwatch_zm_noitem_pry <0/1> Enable/Disable zm pry human Items if zms without items. (Default 0)
Client Command Description
sm_hud Switches the player’s display of the HUD
sm_hudname Switches the display of player names in HUD
sm_hudpos <x> <y> Allows you to set the position of the HUD
sm_hudcolor <R> <G> <B> <A> Allows you to set the color of the HUD

Module Spawn Item

Admin Command Description
sm_espawnitem <receiver> <itemname> [<strip 0/1>] Allows admin to spawn item

Module Transfer

Admin Command Description
sm_etransfer <owner>/$<itemname> <receiver> Allows admin to transfer item

Module Offline Eban


Cvar Parameter Description
entwatch_offline_clear_time <1/240> Time during which data is stored. (Default 30)
Admin Command Description
sm_eoban Allows admin eban disconnected player


3.DZ.20 to 3.DZ.21

You need to run the following queries:


ALTER TABLE `EntWatch_Old_Eban` MODIFY COLUMN `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment;


ALTER TABLE `EntWatch_Old_Eban` RENAME TO `EntWatch_tmp`;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `EntWatch_Old_Eban`(	`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, `client_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `client_steamid` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `admin_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `admin_steamid` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `server` varchar(64), `duration` INTEGER NOT NULL, `timestamp_issued` INTEGER NOT NULL, `reason` varchar(64), `reason_unban` varchar(64), `admin_name_unban` varchar(32), `admin_steamid_unban` varchar(64), `timestamp_unban` INTEGER);
INSERT INTO `EntWatch_Old_Eban` SELECT * FROM `EntWatch_tmp`;
DROP TABLE `EntWatch_tmp`;

Recommended commands to add to bspconvar whitelist

sm_setcooldown 1
sm_setmaxuses 1
sm_addmaxuses 1
sm_ewsetmode 1
sm_ewsetname 1
sm_ewsetshortname 1
sm_setcooldown2 1
sm_setmaxuses2 1
sm_addmaxuses2 1
sm_ewsetmode2 1
sm_ewblock 1
sm_ewlockbutton 1
sm_ewlockbutton2 1