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File metadata and controls

998 lines (753 loc) · 31.3 KB

databricks_permissions Resource

This resource allows you to generically manage access control in Databricks workspaces. It ensures that only admins, authenticated principal and those declared within access_control blocks would have specified access. It is not possible to remove management rights from admins group.

~> This resource is authoritative for permissions on objects. Configuring this resource for an object will OVERWRITE any existing permissions of the same type unless imported, and changes made outside of Terraform will be reset.

-> It is not possible to lower permissions for admins, so Databricks Terraform Provider removes those access_control blocks automatically.

-> If multiple permission levels are specified for an identity (e.g. CAN_RESTART and CAN_MANAGE for a cluster), only the highest level permission is returned and will cause permanent drift.

~> To manage access control on service principals, use databricks_access_control_rule_set.

Cluster usage

It's possible to separate cluster access control to three different permission levels: CAN_ATTACH_TO, CAN_RESTART and CAN_MANAGE:

resource "databricks_group" "auto" {
  display_name = "Automation"

resource "databricks_group" "eng" {
  display_name = "Engineering"

resource "databricks_group" "ds" {
  display_name = "Data Science"

data "databricks_spark_version" "latest" {}

data "databricks_node_type" "smallest" {
  local_disk = true

resource "databricks_cluster" "shared_autoscaling" {
  cluster_name            = "Shared Autoscaling"
  spark_version           =
  node_type_id            =
  autotermination_minutes = 60
  autoscale {
    min_workers = 1
    max_workers = 10

resource "databricks_permissions" "cluster_usage" {
  cluster_id =

  access_control {
    group_name       =
    permission_level = "CAN_ATTACH_TO"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_RESTART"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.ds.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_MANAGE"

Cluster Policy usage

Cluster policies allow creation of clusters, that match given policy. It's possible to assign CAN_USE permission to users and groups:

resource "databricks_group" "ds" {
  display_name = "Data Science"

resource "databricks_group" "eng" {
  display_name = "Engineering"

resource "databricks_cluster_policy" "something_simple" {
  name = "Some simple policy"
  definition = jsonencode({
    "spark_conf.spark.hadoop.javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL" : {
      "type" : "forbidden"
    "spark_conf.spark.secondkey" : {
      "type" : "forbidden"

resource "databricks_permissions" "policy_usage" {
  cluster_policy_id =

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.ds.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_USE"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_USE"

Instance Pool usage

Instance Pools access control allows to assign CAN_ATTACH_TO and CAN_MANAGE permissions to users, service principals, and groups. It's also possible to grant creation of Instance Pools to individual groups and users, service principals.

resource "databricks_group" "auto" {
  display_name = "Automation"

resource "databricks_group" "eng" {
  display_name = "Engineering"

data "databricks_node_type" "smallest" {
  local_disk = true

resource "databricks_instance_pool" "this" {
  instance_pool_name                    = "Reserved Instances"
  idle_instance_autotermination_minutes = 60
  node_type_id                          =
  min_idle_instances                    = 0
  max_capacity                          = 10

resource "databricks_permissions" "pool_usage" {
  instance_pool_id =

  access_control {
    group_name       =
    permission_level = "CAN_ATTACH_TO"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_MANAGE"

Job usage

There are four assignable permission levels for databricks_job: CAN_VIEW, CAN_MANAGE_RUN, IS_OWNER, and CAN_MANAGE. Admins are granted the CAN_MANAGE permission by default, and they can assign that permission to non-admin users, and service principals.

  • The creator of a job has IS_OWNER permission. Destroying databricks_permissions resource for a job would revert ownership to the creator.
  • A job must have exactly one owner. If a resource is changed and no owner is specified, the currently authenticated principal would become the new owner of the job. Nothing would change, per se, if the job was created through Terraform.
  • A job cannot have a group as an owner.
  • Jobs triggered through Run Now assume the permissions of the job owner and not the user, and service principal who issued Run Now.
  • Read main documentation for additional detail.
resource "databricks_group" "auto" {
  display_name = "Automation"

resource "databricks_group" "eng" {
  display_name = "Engineering"

resource "databricks_service_principal" "aws_principal" {
  display_name = "main"

data "databricks_spark_version" "latest" {}

data "databricks_node_type" "smallest" {
  local_disk = true

resource "databricks_job" "this" {
  name                = "Featurization"
  max_concurrent_runs = 1

  task {
    task_key = "task1"

    new_cluster {
      num_workers   = 300
      spark_version =
      node_type_id  =

    notebook_task {
      notebook_path = "/Production/MakeFeatures"

resource "databricks_permissions" "job_usage" {
  job_id =

  access_control {
    group_name       = "users"
    permission_level = "CAN_VIEW"

  access_control {
    group_name       =
    permission_level = "CAN_MANAGE_RUN"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_MANAGE"

  access_control {
    service_principal_name = databricks_service_principal.aws_principal.application_id
    permission_level       = "IS_OWNER"

Delta Live Tables usage

There are four assignable permission levels for databricks_pipeline: CAN_VIEW, CAN_RUN, CAN_MANAGE, and IS_OWNER. Admins are granted the CAN_MANAGE permission by default, and they can assign that permission to non-admin users, and service principals.

  • The creator of a DLT Pipeline has IS_OWNER permission. Destroying databricks_permissions resource for a pipeline would revert ownership to the creator.
  • A DLT pipeline must have exactly one owner. If a resource is changed and no owner is specified, the currently authenticated principal would become the new owner of the pipeline. Nothing would change, per se, if the pipeline was created through Terraform.
  • A DLT pipeline cannot have a group as an owner.
  • DLT Pipelines triggered through Start assume the permissions of the pipeline owner and not the user, and service principal who issued Run Now.
  • Read main documentation for additional detail.
data "databricks_current_user" "me" {}

resource "databricks_group" "eng" {
  display_name = "Engineering"

resource "databricks_notebook" "dlt_demo" {
  content_base64 = base64encode(<<-EOT
    import dlt
    json_path = "/databricks-datasets/wikipedia-datasets/data-001/clickstream/raw-uncompressed-json/2015_2_clickstream.json"
       comment="The raw wikipedia clickstream dataset, ingested from /databricks-datasets."
    def clickstream_raw():
        return ("json").load(json_path))
  language = "PYTHON"
  path     = "${}/DLT_Demo"

resource "databricks_pipeline" "this" {
  name    = "DLT Demo Pipeline (${})"
  storage = "/test/tf-pipeline"
  configuration = {
    key1 = "value1"
    key2 = "value2"

  library {
    notebook {
      path =

  continuous = false
  filters {
    include = ["com.databricks.include"]
    exclude = ["com.databricks.exclude"]

resource "databricks_permissions" "dlt_usage" {
  pipeline_id =

  access_control {
    group_name       = "users"
    permission_level = "CAN_VIEW"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_MANAGE"

Notebook usage

Valid permission levels for databricks_notebook are: CAN_READ, CAN_RUN, CAN_EDIT, and CAN_MANAGE.

A notebook could be specified by using either notebook_path or notebook_id attribute. The value for the notebook_id is the object ID of the resource in the Databricks Workspace that is exposed as object_id attribute of the databricks_notebook resource as shown below.

resource "databricks_group" "auto" {
  display_name = "Automation"

resource "databricks_group" "eng" {
  display_name = "Engineering"

resource "databricks_notebook" "this" {
  content_base64 = base64encode("# Welcome to your Python notebook")
  path           = "/Production/ETL/Features"
  language       = "PYTHON"

resource "databricks_permissions" "notebook_usage_by_path" {
  notebook_path = databricks_notebook.this.path

  access_control {
    group_name       = "users"
    permission_level = "CAN_READ"

  access_control {
    group_name       =
    permission_level = "CAN_RUN"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_EDIT"

resource "databricks_permissions" "notebook_usage_by_id" {
  notebook_id = databricks_notebook.this.object_id

  access_control {
    group_name       = "users"
    permission_level = "CAN_READ"

  access_control {
    group_name       =
    permission_level = "CAN_RUN"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_EDIT"

-> when importing a permissions resource, only the notebook_id is filled!

Workspace file usage

Valid permission levels for databricks_workspace_file are: CAN_READ, CAN_RUN, CAN_EDIT, and CAN_MANAGE.

A workspace file could be specified by using either workspace_file_path or workspace_file_id attribute. The value for the workspace_file_id is the object ID of the resource in the Databricks Workspace that is exposed as object_id attribute of the databricks_workspace_file resource as shown below.

resource "databricks_group" "auto" {
  display_name = "Automation"

resource "databricks_group" "eng" {
  display_name = "Engineering"

resource "databricks_workspace_file" "this" {
  content_base64 = base64encode("print('Hello World')")
  path           = "/Production/ETL/"

resource "databricks_permissions" "workspace_file_usage_by_path" {
  workspace_file_path = databricks_workspace_file.this.path

  access_control {
    group_name       = "users"
    permission_level = "CAN_READ"

  access_control {
    group_name       =
    permission_level = "CAN_RUN"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_EDIT"

resource "databricks_permissions" "workspace_file_usage_by_id" {
  workspace_file_id = databricks_workspace_file.this.object_id

  access_control {
    group_name       = "users"
    permission_level = "CAN_READ"

  access_control {
    group_name       =
    permission_level = "CAN_RUN"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_EDIT"

-> when importing a permissions resource, only the workspace_file_id is filled!

Folder usage

Valid permission levels for folders of databricks_directory are: CAN_READ, CAN_RUN, CAN_EDIT, and CAN_MANAGE. Notebooks and experiments in a folder inherit all permissions settings of that folder. For example, a user (or service principal) that has CAN_RUN permission on a folder has CAN_RUN permission on the notebooks in that folder.

  • All users can list items in the folder without any permissions.
  • All users (or service principals) have CAN_MANAGE permission for items in the Workspace > Shared Icon Shared folder. You can grant CAN_MANAGE permission to notebooks and folders by moving them to the Shared Icon Shared folder.
  • All users (or service principals) have CAN_MANAGE permission for objects the user creates.
  • User home directory - The user (or service principal) has CAN_MANAGE permission. All other users (or service principals) can list their directories.

A folder could be specified by using either directory_path or directory_id attribute. The value for the directory_id is the object ID of the resource in the Databricks Workspace that is exposed as object_id attribute of the databricks_directory resource as shown below.

resource "databricks_group" "auto" {
  display_name = "Automation"

resource "databricks_group" "eng" {
  display_name = "Engineering"

resource "databricks_directory" "this" {
  path = "/Production/ETL"

resource "databricks_permissions" "folder_usage_by_path" {
  directory_path = databricks_directory.this.path

  access_control {
    group_name       = "users"
    permission_level = "CAN_READ"

  access_control {
    group_name       =
    permission_level = "CAN_RUN"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_EDIT"

resource "databricks_permissions" "folder_usage_by_id" {
  directory_id = databricks_directory.this.object_id

  access_control {
    group_name       = "users"
    permission_level = "CAN_READ"

  access_control {
    group_name       =
    permission_level = "CAN_RUN"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_EDIT"

-> when importing a permissions resource, only the directory_id is filled!

Repos usage

Valid permission levels for databricks_repo are: CAN_READ, CAN_RUN, CAN_EDIT, and CAN_MANAGE.

resource "databricks_group" "auto" {
  display_name = "Automation"

resource "databricks_group" "eng" {
  display_name = "Engineering"

resource "databricks_repo" "this" {
  url = ""

resource "databricks_permissions" "repo_usage" {
  repo_id =

  access_control {
    group_name       = "users"
    permission_level = "CAN_READ"

  access_control {
    group_name       =
    permission_level = "CAN_RUN"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_EDIT"

MLflow Experiment usage

Valid permission levels for databricks_mlflow_experiment are: CAN_READ, CAN_EDIT, and CAN_MANAGE.

data "databricks_current_user" "me" {}

resource "databricks_mlflow_experiment" "this" {
  name              = "${}/Sample"
  artifact_location = "dbfs:/tmp/my-experiment"
  description       = "My MLflow experiment description"

resource "databricks_group" "auto" {
  display_name = "Automation"

resource "databricks_group" "eng" {
  display_name = "Engineering"

resource "databricks_permissions" "experiment_usage" {
  experiment_id =

  access_control {
    group_name       = "users"
    permission_level = "CAN_READ"

  access_control {
    group_name       =
    permission_level = "CAN_MANAGE"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_EDIT"

MLflow Model usage

Valid permission levels for databricks_mlflow_model are: CAN_READ, CAN_EDIT, CAN_MANAGE_STAGING_VERSIONS, CAN_MANAGE_PRODUCTION_VERSIONS, and CAN_MANAGE. You can also manage permissions for all MLflow models by registered_model_id = "root".

resource "databricks_mlflow_model" "this" {
  name = "SomePredictions"

resource "databricks_group" "auto" {
  display_name = "Automation"

resource "databricks_group" "eng" {
  display_name = "Engineering"

resource "databricks_permissions" "model_usage" {
  registered_model_id = databricks_mlflow_model.this.registered_model_id

  access_control {
    group_name       = "users"
    permission_level = "CAN_READ"

  access_control {
    group_name       =
    permission_level = "CAN_MANAGE_PRODUCTION_VERSIONS"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_MANAGE_STAGING_VERSIONS"

Model serving usage

Valid permission levels for databricks_model_serving are: CAN_VIEW, CAN_QUERY, and CAN_MANAGE.

resource "databricks_model_serving" "this" {
  name = "tf-test"
  config {
    served_models {
      name                  = "prod_model"
      model_name            = "test"
      model_version         = "1"
      workload_size         = "Small"
      scale_to_zero_enabled = true

resource "databricks_group" "auto" {
  display_name = "Automation"

resource "databricks_group" "eng" {
  display_name = "Engineering"

resource "databricks_permissions" "ml_serving_usage" {
  serving_endpoint_id = databricks_model_serving.this.serving_endpoint_id

  access_control {
    group_name       = "users"
    permission_level = "CAN_VIEW"

  access_control {
    group_name       =
    permission_level = "CAN_MANAGE"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_QUERY"

Mosaic AI Vector Search usage

Valid permission levels for databricks_vector_search_endpoint are: CAN_USE and CAN_MANAGE.

-> You need to use the endpoint_id attribute of databricks_vector_search_endpoint as value for vector_search_endpoint_id, not the id!

resource "databricks_vector_search_endpoint" "this" {
  name          = "vector-search-test"
  endpoint_type = "STANDARD"

resource "databricks_group" "eng" {
  display_name = "Engineering"

resource "databricks_permissions" "vector_search_endpoint_usage" {
  vector_search_endpoint_id = databricks_vector_search_endpoint.this.endpoint_id

  access_control {
    group_name       = "users"
    permission_level = "CAN_USE"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_MANAGE"

Passwords usage

By default on AWS deployments, all admin users can sign in to Databricks using either SSO or their username and password, and all API users can authenticate to the Databricks REST APIs using their username and password. As an admin, you can limit admin users’ and API users’ ability to authenticate with their username and password by configuring CAN_USE permissions using password access control.

resource "databricks_group" "guests" {
  display_name = "Guest Users"

resource "databricks_permissions" "password_usage" {
  authorization = "passwords"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.guests.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_USE"

Token usage

It is required to have at least 1 personal access token in the workspace before you can manage tokens permissions.

!> Warning There can be only one authorization = "tokens" permissions resource per workspace, otherwise there'll be a permanent configuration drift. After applying changes, users who previously had either CAN_USE or CAN_MANAGE permission but no longer have either permission have their access to token-based authentication revoked. Their active tokens are immediately deleted (revoked).

Only possible permission to assign to non-admin group is CAN_USE, where admins CAN_MANAGE all tokens:

resource "databricks_group" "auto" {
  display_name = "Automation"

resource "databricks_group" "eng" {
  display_name = "Engineering"

resource "databricks_permissions" "token_usage" {
  authorization = "tokens"

  access_control {
    group_name       =
    permission_level = "CAN_USE"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_USE"

SQL warehouse usage

SQL warehouses have four possible permissions: CAN_USE, CAN_MONITOR, CAN_MANAGE and IS_OWNER:

  • The creator of a warehouse has IS_OWNER permission. Destroying databricks_permissions resource for a warehouse would revert ownership to the creator.
  • A warehouse must have exactly one owner. If a resource is changed and no owner is specified, the currently authenticated principal would become the new owner of the warehouse. Nothing would change, per se, if the warehouse was created through Terraform.
  • A warehouse cannot have a group as an owner.
data "databricks_current_user" "me" {}

resource "databricks_group" "auto" {
  display_name = "Automation"

resource "databricks_group" "eng" {
  display_name = "Engineering"

resource "databricks_sql_endpoint" "this" {
  name             = "Endpoint of ${}"
  cluster_size     = "Small"
  max_num_clusters = 1

  tags {
    custom_tags {
      key   = "City"
      value = "Amsterdam"

resource "databricks_permissions" "endpoint_usage" {
  sql_endpoint_id =

  access_control {
    group_name       =
    permission_level = "CAN_USE"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_MANAGE"

Dashboard usage

Dashboards have four possible permissions: CAN_READ, CAN_RUN, CAN_EDIT and CAN_MANAGE:

resource "databricks_group" "auto" {
  display_name = "Automation"

resource "databricks_group" "eng" {
  display_name = "Engineering"

resource "databricks_dashboard" "dashboard" {
  display_name = "TF New Dashboard"
  # ...

resource "databricks_permissions" "dashboard_usage" {
  dashboard_id =

  access_control {
    group_name       =
    permission_level = "CAN_RUN"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_MANAGE"

Legacy SQL Dashboard usage

Legacy SQL dashboards have three possible permissions: CAN_VIEW, CAN_RUN and CAN_MANAGE:

resource "databricks_group" "auto" {
  display_name = "Automation"

resource "databricks_group" "eng" {
  display_name = "Engineering"

resource "databricks_permissions" "sql_dashboard_usage" {
  sql_dashboard_id = "3244325"

  access_control {
    group_name       =
    permission_level = "CAN_RUN"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_MANAGE"

SQL Query usage

SQL queries have three possible permissions: CAN_VIEW, CAN_RUN and CAN_MANAGE:

-> If you do not define an access_control block granting CAN_MANAGE explictly for the user calling this provider, Databricks Terraform Provider will add CAN_MANAGE permission for the caller. This is a failsafe to prevent situations where the caller is locked out from making changes to the targeted databricks_sql_query resource when backend API do not apply permission inheritance correctly.

resource "databricks_group" "auto" {
  display_name = "Automation"

resource "databricks_group" "eng" {
  display_name = "Engineering"

resource "databricks_permissions" "query_usage" {
  sql_query_id = "3244325"

  access_control {
    group_name       =
    permission_level = "CAN_RUN"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_MANAGE"

SQL Alert usage

SQL alerts have three possible permissions: CAN_VIEW, CAN_RUN and CAN_MANAGE:

resource "databricks_group" "auto" {
  display_name = "Automation"

resource "databricks_group" "eng" {
  display_name = "Engineering"

resource "databricks_permissions" "alert_usage" {
  sql_alert_id = "3244325"

  access_control {
    group_name       =
    permission_level = "CAN_RUN"

  access_control {
    group_name       = databricks_group.eng.display_name
    permission_level = "CAN_MANAGE"

Instance Profiles

Instance Profiles are not managed by General Permissions API and therefore databricks_group_instance_profile and databricks_user_instance_profile should be used to allow usage of specific AWS EC2 IAM roles to users or groups.


One can control access to databricks_secret through initial_manage_principal argument on databricks_secret_scope or databricks_secret_acl, so that users (or service principals) can READ, WRITE or MANAGE entries within secret scope.

Tables, Views and Databases

General Permissions API does not apply to access control for tables and they have to be managed separately using the databricks_sql_permissions resource, though you're encouraged to use Unity Catalog or migrate to it.

Data Access with Unity Catalog

Initially in Unity Catalog all users have no access to data, which has to be later assigned through databricks_grants or databricks_grant resource.

Argument Reference

One type argument and at least one access control block argument are required.

Type Argument

Exactly one of the following arguments is required:

Access Control Argument

One or more access_control blocks are required to actually set the permission levels:

access_control {
  group_name       = databricks_group.datascience.display_name
  permission_level = "CAN_USE"

Arguments for the access_control block are:

-> It is not possible to lower permissions for admins or your own user anywhere from CAN_MANAGE level, so Databricks Terraform Provider removes those access_control blocks automatically.

  • permission_level - (Required) permission level according to specific resource. See examples above for the reference.

Exactly one of the below arguments is required:

  • user_name - (Optional) name of the user.
  • service_principal_name - (Optional) Application ID of the service_principal.
  • group_name - (Optional) name of the group. We recommend setting permissions on groups.

Attribute Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - Canonical unique identifier for the permissions in form of /<object type>/<object id>.
  • object_type - type of permissions.


The resource permissions can be imported using the object id

terraform import databricks_permissions.this /<object type>/<object id>

Import Example

Configuration file:

resource "databricks_mlflow_model" "model" {
  name        = "example_model"
  description = "MLflow registered model"

resource "databricks_permissions" "model_usage" {
  registered_model_id = databricks_mlflow_model.model.registered_model_id

  access_control {
    group_name       = "users"
    permission_level = "CAN_READ"

Import command:

terraform import databricks_permissions.model_usage /registered-models/<registered_model_id>