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BAP Manual

BAP: An Overview

BAP is the CMU Binary Analysis Platform. BAP provides:

  • A plugin system for writing program analysis for binary code. Plugins can be co-dependent, and can take advantage of the underlying binary to do the common work of parsing file images, disassembling, and identifying functions.
  • A plugin system for specifying new back-ends for parsing executable file formats and instructions. We use LLVM by default, which gives you out-of-the-box support for disassembling over a dozen instruction formats and parsing common executable containers such as ELF and mach-o.
  • An unopinioned layered library. A common problem in binary analysis is managing assumptions: at each level of analysis from the raw bits to high level procedural abstractions we may either want a reasonable default (e.g., code resulting from a normal compiler), or to define our own analysis if the assumptions don’t hold (e.g., malware analysis). BAP solves this problem by layering modules. BAP modules provide abstractions that do not make decisions for the user, and tend to provide only one piece of functionality. By layering modules, BAP provides high-level abstractions for “normal” code, while still allowing a user to swap-in different analysis if our assumptions do not fit. Make no mistake: we strive to limit assumptions overall, but we also want to be reasonable.
  • A Binary Instruction Language (BIL) for specifying the side-effects of instructions, and a SSA intermediate language for writing program analysis called the Binary Intermediate Language (BIR). BIL is intended to make writing lifters easier, while BIR makes writing program analysis easier.
  • A set of executables for displaying recovered information from a binary, such as sections, symbols, BIL, and the BIR.
  • BAP is written in OCaml, a strongly typed functional language that results in fast analysis code. Our experience at CMU is that program analysis written in functional languages tends to have fewer bugs, and be more robust. BAP does provide limited and unsupported functionality for interfacing with other languages like Python, and adding more functionality is always an appreciated contribution.

David Brumley’s research group at CMU develops BAP, and uses it for program analysis research. BAP is also used in industry and government for writing analysis ranging from bug-finding to symbolic execution. BAP is distributed under an MIT license, does not depend on GPL-licensed components, therefore should be industry-friendly.

As a small favor, if you find BAP useful, please drop us a line; it helps us secure funding, which in turn helps us provide more great functionality to the community as a whole. Unfortunately do to how the world works, we cannot provide individual support without funding.

There are other great binary analysis toolkits, and BAP is but one piece of the puzzle. The key features of BAP are: a) it’s designed for program analysis, and b) BIL and BIR are well-tested, thus the semantics are generally trustworthy. We believe we have some of the best tested semantics out there. BAP in principle is similar to other great tools like BitBlaze in the focus on program analysis. BAP is conceptually different from tools like radare2 in that we are less interested in analyzing the semantics of assembly and scripting, and tools like IDA that are interactive. However, through the BAP plugin system you can interface with these tools, and BAP out-of-the-box provides several convenient features for working with IDA (e.g., for function discovery and for outputting IDA-python scripts).

In the rest of this manual, we provide a high-level overview of BAP, and then take a deep-dive into writing BAP plugins. Since it’s a research prototype, the most up to date information is always in the source-generated documentation. Serious BAP users should read bap.mli.

BIL, BIR, Syntax, and Semantics

Program analysis researchers carefully distinguish between syntax and semantics. Semantics tells us the meaning of the program. Syntax is a matter of the logical or grammatical form of sentences, rather than what they refer to or mean. In BAP, we care about both: we want to provide useful syntax constructs that allow you, the program analysis designer, to reason about the semantics of code.

For example, consider the syntax of the following C program fragment for the Euclidean algorithm:

// euclidean.c
  int euclidean(int a, int b)
    while(b != 0)
    if(a > b){ 
      a = a - b;
    else {
      b = b -a;
    return a;

The syntax of the above includes C identifiers like int, while, and so on. One of the first steps in compilation would be to create an abstract syntax tree (AST) for the program. ASTs represents the program in a structure much more convenient for downstream analysis than plain text. The AST of the above program may look something like (thanks to Wikipedia):


ASTs are useful: we can traverse the AST to find conditionals, loops, variables of a particular type, and so on.

In binary code, a typical syntactic representation of a program is assembly for an architecture, e.g., x86 assembly, ARM assembly, and so on. Assembly for your favorite platform can be produced by gcc as follows: #+NAME assembly-example

gcc -S euclidean.c -o -
	.section	__TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions
	.globl	_euclidean
	.align	4, 0x90
_euclidean:                             ## @euclidean
## BB#0:
	pushq	%rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
	.cfi_offset %rbp, -16
	movq	%rsp, %rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp
	movl	%edi, -4(%rbp)
	movl	%esi, -8(%rbp)
LBB0_1:                                 ## =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
	cmpl	$0, -8(%rbp)
	je	LBB0_6
## BB#2:                                ##   in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1
	movl	-4(%rbp), %eax
	cmpl	-8(%rbp), %eax
	jle	LBB0_4
## BB#3:                                ##   in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1
	movl	-4(%rbp), %eax
	subl	-8(%rbp), %eax
	movl	%eax, -4(%rbp)
	jmp	LBB0_5
LBB0_4:                                 ##   in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1
	movl	-8(%rbp), %eax
	subl	-4(%rbp), %eax
	movl	%eax, -8(%rbp)
LBB0_5:                                 ##   in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1
	jmp	LBB0_1
	movl	-4(%rbp), %eax
	popq	%rbp


The syntax above is useful for some purposes, but not others. For example, consider the subl instruction in BB#3. On x86, this is compiled to the string: 0x2b 0x45 0xf8. The string is one representation; we can also look at the assembly itself as another syntax. Assembly is useful in the sense it provides a mnemonic for what the instruction does. One would rightfully guess that the subl subtracts.

But subl does much more: it also computes status register flags, which in general are used for conditional control flow, e.g., to implement if, while, and other statements. The assembly syntax does not convey these side effects.

BIL is an abstract syntax that makes explicit all side effects of binary code. BIL is lower-level than assembly in that a single assembly instruction likely corresponds to multiple BIL instructions. For example, we can use the bap-mc command to print out the BIL for the instruction:

echo "0x2b 0x45 0xf8" | bap-mc --show-inst --show-bil
subl -0x8(%rbp), %eax
  t_1 := low:32[RAX]
  RAX := pad:64[(low:32[RAX]) - (mem64[RBP + 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8:64, el]:u32)]
  CF := t_1 < (mem64[RBP + 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8:64, el]:u32)
  OF := high:1[(t_1 ^ (mem64[RBP + 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8:64, el]:u32)) & (t_1 ^ (low:32[RAX]))]
  AF := 0x10:32 = (0x10:32 & (((low:32[RAX]) ^ t_1) ^ (mem64[RBP + 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8:64, el]:u32)))
  PF := ~(low:1[let acc_2 = ((low:32[RAX]) >> 0x4:32) ^ (low:32[RAX]) in
    let acc_2 = (acc_2 >> 0x2:32) ^ acc_2 in
    (acc_2 >> 0x1:32) ^ acc_2])
  SF := high:1[low:32[RAX]]
  ZF := 0x0:32 = (low:32[RAX])

The BIL statements are show in the curly brackets. BIL exposes the fact that subl computes the CF, OF, AF, PF, SF, and ZF register flags.

Each one of the lines above is a BIL statement. In OCaml, the type of BIL statements stmt is:

type stmt =
  | Move    of var * exp  (** assign value of expression to variable *)          |
  | Jmp     of exp        (** jump to absolute address *)                        |
  | Special of string     (** Statement with semantics not expressible in BIL *) |
  | While   of exp * stmt list (** while loops  *)                               |
  | If      of exp * stmt list * stmt list (** if/then/else statement  *)        |
  | CpuExn  of int                         (** CPU exception *)                  |

Note the type of stmt is recursive for While. This is intentional, and useful when specifying lifters. For example, the rep prefix adds the notion of iterating an instruction (the rep’ed instruction). In BIL, we create a while loop for the rep condition, where the body is a list of statements for the instruction.

When David started working on binary analysis many years ago, he thought that BIL was enough. Time has proven that notion incorrect. The problem is as follows. On the one hand we need loops to represent instructions like rep prefixed instructions. It makes sense to have an IL as a language to specify the semantics of such statements. However, the IL doesn’t quite match notions in compiler books of intermediate representations, and this caused considerable difficulty when writing analysis. For example, in analysis it’s a pain to deal with recursive statement types, we would like statements to have identifiers (e.g., to reference them), and having everything in single static assignment form (SSA) usually (but not always) makes many analysis conceptually cleaner.

To solve this conundrum, BAP introduces the notion of an intermediate representation (not language) BIR. BIR is derived from the BIL, and more appropriate for program analysis.

An example of BIR output is below:

echo "0x2b 0x45 0xf8" | bap-mc --show-inst --show-bir
subl -0x8(%rbp), %eax
00000002: t_1 := low:32[RAX]
00000003: RAX := pad:64[(low:32[RAX]) - (mem64[RBP - 0x8:64, el]:u32)]
00000004: CF := t_1 < (mem64[RBP - 0x8:64, el]:u32)
00000005: OF := high:1[(t_1 ^ (mem64[RBP - 0x8:64, el]:u32)) & (t_1 ^ (low:32[RAX]))]
00000006: AF := ((((low:32[RAX]) ^ t_1) ^ (mem64[RBP - 0x8:64, el]:u32)) & 0x10:32) = 0x10:32
00000007: PF := ~(low:1[let acc_2 = ((low:32[RAX]) >> 0x4:32) ^ (low:32[RAX]) in
let acc_2 = (acc_2 >> 0x2:32) ^ acc_2 in (acc_2 >> 0x1:32) ^ acc_2])
00000008: SF := high:1[low:32[RAX]]
00000009: ZF := (low:32[RAX]) = 0x0:32

Notice each statement is numbered, which allows us to easily index terms we care about. In a more complex example you would notice the variables are in single static assignment form. There are more features, but these two are quite compelling alone.

The above discussion focused on the syntax of binary analysis. In program analysis, the goal is to understand the semantics. Anyone writing a semantic analysis is going to either be hampered or helped by the syntax of the language. At a high level, BAP provides an appropriate syntax and library of features, while the analysis provides most of the semantics. For example, we typically would do type-checking (semantic analysis) over the AST (a convenient syntax) instead of the raw text file (an inconvenient syntax for analysis).

Overall, the differences between BIL and BIR include:

  • BIL is meant for people writing lifters that expose the side effects of instructions, BIR is intended for compiler analysis.
  • BIR is a representation of BIL;
  • BIR is more suitable for writing analysis;
  • BIR is concrete: where BIL represents abstract entities, that are unchangeable and permanent, BIR is a concrete representation suitable for, modifications.

The common parts between BIL and BIR are:

  • the same expression sub-language as BIL;
  • the same type system;
  • the same semantics (of course).

Sound-iness and Binary Analysis

BAP focuses on binary (aka executable) programs. Executable analysis is different than source code in that in that in binary analysis we must manage uncertainty about type and control flow abstractions, as well as stratify and manage the set of assumptions we are working with.

An executable program does not inherently contain high-level abstractions. We have no procedures, no local variables, no user types, and only primitive notions of control flow. A large part of binary analysis is recovering these abstractions in order to make analysis scale, and not produce trivial results. For example, while the notion of a function is useful for the programmer, it’s not terribly useful to the processor, thus not included in binary code. However, we may want to infer procedures from the binary to make downstream analysis scale, e.g., by considering function control flow graphs individually and then combining results instead of considering a larger whole-program control flow graph.

An important point is that compilation is lossy: given a binary, you cannot necessarily recover all high-level constructs as information may be lost. This bears worth repeating because it seems to be a common novice mistake. Compilation is not a bijection: you cannot necessarily infer from low-level binary abstractions the original high-level source abstractions.

Therefore a main challenge is designing techniques that can carefully make use of that incomplete information while not falling into a black-hole of unfounded assumptions. For example, in binary analysis we must cope with indirect (computed) jumps, which in turn means any control flow graph is likely incomplete. This is a funny state: the CFG is an over-approximation most places, but also simultaneously an under-approximation where we cannot resolve jumps. We may run analysis on the CFG (e.g., dead code analysis), later to find out that we missed an important target (e.g., that uses something we once thought dead). We may throw in an assumption, e.g., procedures start with a prologue, and all code that matches known prologue sequences indicates the start of a procedure. Careful management is needed indeed to make sure assumptions don’t cascade out of control, and that we really understand our results.

BAP’s foremost goal is to provide a useful library of tools for creating binary analysis. In order to achieve that goal, we have made various decisions. We’ve found it helpful to have a guiding philosophy for those decisions. We consciously have the philosophy of striving to make an environment where analysis “soundy”. Ramifications include things like not making decisions for the user, making sure we don’t hide errors, and so on.

Recall soundness means if the analysis says a fact is true, it must really be true. Sound analysis are invariably if-then statements: assuming x is true, I’ve proved y. Such statements are sound in the logical sense: if x is not true, y may or may not be true.

“Soundiness” is a term invented by Ben Livshitz, which we borrow to connotate the notion of making explicit (or make the user of the library make an explicit choice) what is in the “if” part of the statement. That is, BAP tries to make the set of assumptions clear, explicit, and modular so that the assumptions can be replaced or removed (say by better analysis) if desired.

Why OCaml?

BAP is written in OCaml. We recognize OCaml is typically not someone’s first programming language. Why not use a more main stream language?

BAP’s main goal is to provide a rigorous program analysis framework where the type system protects us from making mistakes when possible, and the resulting code is fast. There are a million ways you can shoot yourself in the foot. BAP’s goal is to remove bullets due to poor programming practices, leaving only bullets due to more fundamental algorithm issues. Part of this is about scientific integrity: we are constantly performing research and publishing papers, and we’re committed to making the BAP code available for those papers. Bugs could color the results, thus it makes sense to try and limit bugs by using programming best practices.

OCaml is just the right tool for the job. Binary analysis is tough enough without having to worry about run time errors and weak type systems. OCaml provides strong type safety guarantees, nice module system, and fast code. BAP uses what many call advanced programming features to achieve these benefits, and is written in the Jane Street Core-style of programming. We strive for “industry grade” code.

BAP’s primary design goal is not being easily approachable by novice programmers. We have a number of competing goals in BAP, with strong type safety (so we can use the type system to avoid bugs) being one of the highest priorities. We personally think BAP is convenient and readable, and BAP does boast massive documentation. However, we assume someone using BAP has functional programming experience.

We think once you gain experience in functional programming, writing analysis in a functional language like OCaml is a million times easier than in an imperative or scripting language. As an interesting anecdote, we’ve seen this play out even in the Carnegie Mellon University undergraduate compiler course. I was a graduate student TA’ing the class for Ed Clarke (Turing Award winner) and Peter Lee (then CS Department Head, now VP at Microsoft)in the early 2000’s. We allowed students to pick a language for their compiler: C, Java, or ML. There was a striking trend: those who picked ML generally received an A regardless of whether they knew ML before starting the class. Those who picked Java generally got a B: their code worked but their algorithms were not fast, and the code generated was lackluster. Those who picked C generally did very poorly, often struggling to get the end-to-end compiler from parsing to code generation working reliably. Today CMU does not let students pick a language: they have to use ML.

Don’t be scared if you don’t know OCaml. OCaml doesn’t let you be sloppy, so you may feel less productive, especially at first. This is just you become a more experienced programmer and better computer scientist.

Looking forward, we do hope to provide bindings to other languages, and there are some alpha-quality bindings to python already. However, we believe a more-than-casual user will likely always want to write directly in OCaml.

Installing BAP

BAP is distributed two ways:

  • Our major releases appear in the OCaml opam repository
  • The current development version is on GitHub

We recommend you use opam to install BAP regardless of whether you want the development or release versions. You should install opam either directly from the website, or through your favorite package manager.

Note: Please make sure you are running opam version 1.2 or greater. Many package managers include an outdated version of opam that doesn’t play nice.

Installing BAP dependencies

BAP depends on LLVM and the Clang compiler. BAP depends on LLVM 3.4. LLVM constantly updates their interface, and using BAP with any other version of LLVM is unsupported. (We picked LLVM 3.4 because it was the default version on Ubuntu Trusty, which is a LTS version of Ubuntu.)

We provide a file `apt.deps` that contains package names as they are in Ubuntu Trusty. Depending on your OS and distribution, you may need to adjust this names. On most Debian-based Linux distribution, this should work:

sudo apt-get install $(cat apt.deps)

If you wish to install the alpha and unsupported python bindings, also install Python and pip.

Installing BAP releases

To install the latest release of BAP, run:

opam update
opam install bap

If you’ve properly set up opam, you should now be able to run the bap program:

bap --version

Installing the latest development version from GitHub


Installing python bindings

If you’re interested in python bindings, then you can install them using pip. Note that the bindings are alpha, and may not support all features found in OCaml.

pip install git+git://

If you don’t like `pip` and you’ve installed from github, then you can just go to `bap/python` folder and copy-paste the contents to whatever place you like, and use it as desired. You may need to use sudo or to activate your virtualenv if you’re using one.

After bindings are properly installed, you can start to use it:

>>> import bap
>>> print '\n'.join(insn.asm for insn in bap.disasm("\x48\x83\xec\x08"))
    decl    %eax
    subl    $0x8, %esp

A more complex example:

>>> img = bap.image('coreutils_O0_ls')
>>> sym = img.get_symbol('main')
>>> print '\n'.join(insn.asm for insn in bap.disasm(sym))
    push    {r11, lr}
    add     r11, sp, #0x4
    sub     sp, sp, #0xc8
    ... <snip> ...

For more information, read builtin documentation, for example with ipython:

>>> bap?

Installing a development environment

If you plan on developing in BAP, we strongly advocate that you use emacs, tuareg, ocp-indent, and merlin. You can get things working for vim, but internally we frown on this and assume you are scared to learn a new text editor.

We recommend Emacs 24 or greater, and that you use the opam versions of tuareg-mode, ocp-indent, and merlin. The BAP wiki has examples on how to get this all set up properly. We will not accept pull requests with code not automatically and properly indentend with ocp-indent, and not adhering to our coding style.


There are a couple of common issues when installing:

  • You have problems linking against LLVM. Please make sure you have llvm-3.4 installed, and not some other version. Note later versions like llvm-3.5 do not work because LLVM keeps making incompatible updates to their interfaces, and we do not have time to support every version.
  • You did not install gmp if you are on OS X. We typically use port to install dependencies like this.
  • You are using an outdated version of opam. Please make sure you are running a version greater than 1.2

Running BAP

BAP consists of four logical components:

  1. A set of command line programs for basic binary analysis.
  2. A set of program analysis plugins, which can be run via the bap command line.
  3. A development environment for creating new program analysis. We recommend you use utop to get familiar with the interface.

In this section we briefly discuss (1), leave (2) for self-discovery, with (3) being the main focus of this document.

The main BAP binary is bap, and found in your opam bin directory. The command line options are documented with

bap --help

bap requires one argument: the file to analyze.

bap /bin/ls

You will notice no output. This is because we have no instructed bap what to print. To print, specify the -d option:

-d [VAL], --dump[=VAL] (default=asm)
    Print dump to standard output. Optional value defines output
    format, and can be one of `asm', `bil' or `bir'. You can specify
    this parameter several times, if you want both, for example.

For example, to dump both BIL and BIR, run:

bap -d bil -d bir /bin/ls

BAP will intelligently combine both options to produce a unified output.

If you are analyzing C++ binaries, you likely also want to demangle any symbol names. BAP has an option for that:

--demangle[=VAL] (default=internal)
    Demangle C++ symbols, using either internal algorithm or a
    specified external tool, e.g. c++filt.

BAP can use two algorithms to identify functions (aka symbols): byteweight and IDA Pro. By default we use byteweight and IDA if installed. Byteweight requires a datafile to operate properly, and the latest version can be downloaded via the internet using:

bap-byteweight update

If you have IDA installed, BAP can use it as well. BAP uses locate to pick the default version of IDA, or you can specify a path to a particular version:

--use-ida[=VAL] (default=)
    Use IDA to extract symbols from file. You can optionally provide
    path to IDA executable,or executable name.

You can also disable byteweight by using the --no-byteweight flag. Therefore, by picking whether or not to disable byteweight, and specifying (or not specifying) IDA, you can pick and choose what methods or combination of methods you would like to use for function identification. Note that BAP will use the union of all symbols found, i.e., if you specify both IDA and byteweight, all analysis will be with respect to function names found by either method.

Starting with BAP Development

We recommend the following steps for becoming proficient in BAP. The first 5 are general background tasks that will bring you up to speed with the BAP development environment.

  1. Install emacs. You could work in vim, but we don’t know how. If you don’t know emacs, take this as an opportunity to expand your skill set to a tremendously good editor.
  2. Install opam.
  3. Install bap from opam.
  4. Configure emacs to work with opam merlin mode
  5. Become familiar with the BAP command line
  6. Read Real World OCaml Language Concepts. The first section of Real World OCaml (RWO) is called Language Concepts, and includes a thorough introduction to OCaml and modern OCaml idioms. We recommend that you actually type in all the examples by hand; you will learn more than by trying to just “read” the book.
  7. Become familiar using BAP from utop
  8. Read through bap.mli or the generated documentation. This should take a few hours at most.
  9. Start developing plugins
  10. Highly recommended: read up through Chapter 3 of Computer Systems: A Programmers Perspective (CS:APP). This will give you background on bits, assembly, and semantics of assembly instructions. You not read it away, but it’s great material to become familiar with.

We assume you’ve done steps 1-5 from previous sections, have done 6 on your own. The rest of this book starts on 7.

BAP and utop

It is a good idea to learn how to use our library by playing in an OCaml top-level. If you have installed utop, then you can just use our baptop script to run utop with bap extensions:


Now, you can play with BAP. For example:

utop # open Bap.Std;;
utop # let d = disassemble_file "ls";;
val d : t = <abstr>
utop # let insn = Disasm.insn_at_addr d (Addr.of_int32 0xa9dbl);;
val insn : (mem * insn) option = Some (0000a9d8: 01 00 00 0a , beq #0x4; Bcc(0x4,0x0,CPSR))
let blk = Disasm.blocks d |> Table.elements |> Seq.hd_exn;;
val blk : block = [991c, 9923]
utop # Block.leader blk;;
- : insn = push {r3, lr}; STMDB_UPD(SP,SP,0xe,Nil,R3,LR)
utop # Block.terminator blk |> Insn.bil;;
- : Bap_types.Std.bil = [LR = 0x9924:32; jmp 0x9ED4:32]

If you do not want to use baptop or utop, then you can execute the following in any OCaml top-level:

#use "topfind";;
#require "";;
open Bap.Std;;

And everything should work just out of box, i.e. it will load all the dependencies, install top-level printers, etc.

NOTE: You should never need to open anything outside of the Bap.Std heirarchy. We’ve set it up so you shouldn’t be able to do this. You can open modules below Bap.Std, but other things are intentionally left unaccessible so you don’t accidently violate abstractions.

BAP Plugins: An Overview

In the typical usage of BAP, an analyst would write an analysis after BAP has performed the following steps:

  1. Load the binary file. BAP can work with other images as well, but binary files are the norm.
  2. Disassemble the file. This step provides the syntax of the program.
  3. Lift the assembly into the semantics of the BAP Instruction Language (BIL). BIL makes all side effects of instructions explicit. For example, the subl instruction will have the subtraction plus 6 more BIL statements for the side effects.
  4. Translate BIL into BIR.

The analysis is performed on the resulting BAP abstractions. Note that there are three distinct languages: the assembly, BIL, and BIR. We expect robust analysis would be on BIR; working with raw assembly would be error-prone and specific to an architecture.

BAP has a layered architecture consisting of four layers. Although the layers are not really observable from outside of the library, they make it easier to learn the library, as they introduce new concepts sequentially. On top of this layers, the {{!section:project}Project} module is defined, that consolidates all information about target of an analysis. The Project module may be viewed as an entry point to the library.

| +--------+   +-----------------------------------+  |
| |        |   |                                   |  |
| |        |   |       Foundation Library          |  |
| |        |   |                                   |  |
| |        |   +-----------------------------------+  |
| |   P    |                                          |
| |        |   +-----------------------------------+  |
| |   R    |   |                                   |  |
| |        |   |          Memory Model             |  |
| |   O    |   |                                   |  |
| |        |   +-----------------------------------+  |
| |   J    |                                          |
| |        |   +-----------------------------------+  |
| |   E    |   |                                   |  |
| |        |   |           Disassembly             |  |
| |   C    |   |                                   |  |
| |        |   +-----------------------------------+  |
| |   T    |                                          |
| |        |   +-----------------------------------+  |
| |        |   |                                   |  |
| |        |   |        Semantic Analysis          |  |
| |        |   |                                   |  |
| +--------+   +-----------------------------------+  |

The Foundation library defines BAP Instruction language data types, as well as other useful data structures, like Value, Trie, Vector, etc. The Memory model layer is responsible for loading and parsing binary objects and representing them in computer memory. It also defines a few useful data structures that are used extensively by later layers, like Table and Memmap. The next layer performs disassembly and lifting to BIL. Finally, the semantic analysis layer transforms a binary into an IR representation, that is suitable for writing analysis.

Another important point of view is the BAP plugin architecture. Similar to GIMP or Frama-C, BAP features a pluggable architecture with a number of extension points. For example, even the LLVM disassembler is considered a type of plugin. Currently we support three such extension points in BAP:

  • loaders - to add new binary object loaders;
  • disassemblers - to add new disassemblers;
  • program analysis - to write analysis.

The latter category of plugins is most widely used. Therefore, when we use the term “plugin” without making a distinction, we refer to a program analysis plugin. The following figure provides an overview of the BAP system.

|  +----------------+    +-----------------+  |
|  |    Loader      |    |  Disassembler   |  |
|  |    Plugins     |    |    Plugins      |  |
|  +-------+--------+    +--------+--------+  |
|          |                      |           |
|  +-------+----------------------+--------+  |
|  |                                       |  |
|  |             BAP Library               |  |
|  |                                       |  |
|  +-------+-------------------------------+  |
|          ^                      ^           |
|          |                      |           |
|  +-------+--------+    +--------+--------+  |
|  |                |    |                 |  |
|  |  BAP toolkit   |<-->|   BAP Plugins   |  |
|  |                |    |                 |  |
|  +----------------+    +-----------------+  |

All plugins have full access to the library; an important consequence is that they can and should open Bap.Std. The BAP library uses backend loader and disassembler plugins to provide its services. Program analysis plugins are loaded by BAP toolkit utilities. These utilities extend plugin functionality by providing access to the state of the target of analysis or, in our parlance, to the project.

Other than library itself, and the BAP toolkit, there are two additional libraries that are bundled with BAP:

  • bap.plugins to dynamically load code into BAP;
  • bap.serialization to serialize BAP data structures in different formats.


Did you notice anything peculiar about that past section? If not, you likely did not read bap.mli, as suggested above. Please take a moment and read bap.mli.

Example program to analyze

We will be analyzing the following example, which is an (intentionally non-optimal) program that counts the frequency of letters in an input:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int count(char *str)
  int lettercount[26];
  int i, count, l;

  for(i=0; i < 26; i++) lettercount[i] = 0;
  i = 0;
  count = 0;

  while(str[i] != 0){
   l = tolower(str[i]);
   if(l >= (int)'a' && l <= (int)'z'){
      lettercount[l-(int)'a'] ++;
  for(i =0; i < 26; i++)
    printf("%c: %d ", i+'a', lettercount[i]);
  return count;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if(argc > 1) {
    return count(argv[1]);
  }  else {
    printf("Usage: %s <string>\n", argv[0]);
    printf("\tPrints a count for each letter in <string>\n");
    printf("\tReturns total number of characters counted.\n");
  return 0;

In this book, we’ve compiled the program as:

gcc -g  exe.c -o exe

BAP Plugin: An Example

Plugins interact with BAP via the Plugin module. All plugins must register with the BAP system. When you write a plugin, you specify a function that gets in a Plugin.t, which is filled in by BAP.

Let’s start a very basic plugin that just prints "Hello World". Call the file, and type in:

open Core_kernel.Std
open Bap.Std
let main p = 
  printf "Hello world!\n"

let () = Project.register_pass' "hello" main

Note: Notice the ' at the end of register_pass'. That is intentional.

Plugins must be registered with the BAP system. There are a few functions for registering passes. The one above registers a pass that returns unit (i.e., the pass will only be executed for side effects) that is called “hello” and uses the function main for the pass implementation.

Plugins are compiled with the BAP bapbuild command, which takes care of linking against the BAP libraries. bapbuild works like corebuild for the Jane Street Core library.

If the above Save the file as, then to compile it as a plugin you would run:

bapbuild simplehello.plugin

Plugins are run via the bap utility using the -l option. Here we are running the simple.plugin (note we can omit the .plugin suffix) on the file exe.arm:

Which should result in output that includes “Hello World!” at the end:

Hello world!

In the rest of this document we will go examples of using BAP via the plugin system. We will see how plugins can access the disassembly, see symbol tables, view the BAP IR, and more. We use the example ELF executable file exe as created above as our running example, and focus on static analysis of executable programs. Even if you want to analyze other sources (e.g., traces), understanding how executables on disk are analyzed is a good place to start.

Fix makefile that builds tangled examples

Subsequent Chapters

We’ll describe information using the following format:

  1. We first give a high level concept. Most of the time we will be focusing on a particular BAP module.
  2. We next provide an example plugin that exhibits the desired functionality.
  3. We provide a more detailed breakdown of the plugin code.
  4. We’ll provide a summary of the main concepts.

We start with very simple plugins showing the arch and disasm modules. These chapters are intended to give a feel for BAP, as well as give examples of the BAP (and sometimes Jane Street Core) way of doing things. We then jump to the program abstraction, which is where we believe most analysis will be written.

The Most Significant Bits

The most significant bits from this chapter are:

  • Plugins interact with BAP via the Plugin module.
  • Compile with the bapbuild system.
  • Plugins are run with the -l command line option.

arch: Interacting with architecture information

Binary analysis usually starts with understanding the basic architecture format. For example, suppose you want to specialize to ARM where your analysis assumes return values are in r0. Then as part of plugin initialization it would be good to check the architecture matches ARM. (Note that BAP provides basic inference for where arguments are returns are located, thus this example is somewhat moot. However, it illustrates the point.)

BAP currently support all llvm-3.4 architectures, including x86, x86-64, ARM (v4-v7, and thumb modes), ppc, spark, and more. The full set is listed in the Arch module in bap.mli. (We will reiterate many times you should get use to browsing the bap.mli file, which contains complete information on everything that BAP provides.)

Here is a simple example that checks the architecture, and prints out a message based on the architecture type:

(* *)
open Core_kernel.Std
open Bap.Std

let main p =
  let s = match Project.arch p with
    | #Arch.arm  -> "I found an ARM"
    | #Arch.x86  -> "I found x86"
    | _ -> "No match!"
  Printf.printf "%s\n" s

let () = Project.register_pass' "simplearch" main

We compile this:

bapbuild simplearch.plugin 

And run on an ARM executable:

bap -lsimplearch exe

This program highlights pattern matching on polymorphic variant types:

let s = match Project.arch p with
  | #Arch.arm  -> "I found an ARM"
  | #Arch.x86  -> "I found x86"
  | _ -> "No match!"
in ...

First, notice the #Arch.arm indicates a pattern match on something in the Arch module. If you look at Arch in bap.mli, you will notice that the type of arm looks something like:

type arm = [
  | `arm
  | `armeb
  | `armv4
  | `armv4t
  | `armv5
  | `armv6
  | `armv7
  | `thumb
  | `thumbeb
] with bin_io, compare, enumerate, sexp

First, look at the variant-looking type declaration `arm, `armeb, `armv4, etc. Notice the backtick. The backtick ` indicates that each item is a polymorphic variant type, which are discussed in Chapter 6 of RWO.

Here we are defining a pattern of polymorphic variants called arm. The match statement matches every variant in the pattern, and is shorthand for:

let s = match Project.arch p with
  | `Arch.armv4  -> "armv4"      
  | `Arch.armv5  -> "armv5"
  | ... 

Anti-example 1

What’s wrong with the following?

let s = match Project.arch p with
  | arm  -> "arm"      
  | x86  -> "x86"
  | _ -> "No match!"
in ...

Think about it for a second.

The important thing to notice is the match is against arm, not #arm. arm is a variable name, and will match everything. This is a bug: none of the other cases will ever be true. Contrast with the correct way earlier where we matched against the pattern #arm.

Printing, Common Functions, and Regular

Module Arch, like most in BAP, have a signature that includes Regular:

module Arch : sig
  include Regular with type t := t

This last line says that we are pulling in everything from the signature Regular. Regular is well-described in the bap documentation:

Most of the types implement the Regular interface. This interface is very similar to Core’s Identifiable, and is supposed to represent a type that is as common as a built-in type. One should expect to find any function that is implemented for such types as int, string, char, etc. Namely, this interface includes:

  • comparison functions: ([<, >, <= , >= , compare, between, …]);
  • each type defines a polymorphic [Map] with keys of type [t];
  • each type provides a [Set] with values of type [t];
  • hashtable is exposed via [Table] module;
  • hashset is available under [Hash_set] name
  • sexpable and binable interface;
  • [to_string], [str], [pp], [ppo], [pps] functions

for pretty-printing.

This means we can use existing functionality to do printing. Let’s say we want to print out the architecture for the binary we are analyzing. Here is a simple plugin to do just that:

(* *)
open Core_kernel.Std
open Bap.Std

let main p =
  printf "%a\n" Arch.pps (Project.arch p)

let () = Project.register_pass' "simplearch2" main

Why “%a”? If you come from a C background, you would probably gravitate towards printing as follows:

printf "%s\n" Arch.to_string (Project.arch p)

Both have the same end result: printing the architecture as a string. However, they are not equivalent.

The %s version first creates a string in memory, which is then passed to an output channel. This is fine, but can be very inefficient, especially for larger structures.

Arch.pps is a formatted output function for %a. While the actual semantics are a little complicated, the important feature is that %a will not create a separate string representation in memory, and works directly with the printer. =%a= is always preferred over =%s= when working with an output channel.

The High Bits

  • A project has information about the architecture, which can be used to parameterize a plugin specific to a particular architecture.
  • BAP uses polymorphic variants, and matching against classes is useful.
  • Be careful with matching. OCaml types help prevent mistakes, but don’t catch them all. RWO has an entire block at the end of Chapter 6 talking about the pros and cons of polymorphic variants.
  • Most types include Regular, which gives you common functionality printing, creating a string representation, comparison, and so on.
  • Use %a over %s as a general rule of thumb.

disasm: Disassembly

BAP disasm module provides access to disassembly and lifters. BAP calls LLVM on the back end for disassembly, thus supports out-of-the-box all architectures supported by LLVM. You can iterate over instructions (e.g., using Disasm.insns), get an instruction at an address (e.g., using Disasm.insn_at_addr), work with instruction tags (e.g., using Disasm.insn), and many other things. See the Disasm module inside bap.mli.

Let’s write two programs: one to print out all disassembled instructions with their addresses, and one to work with tags.

Disassembled instructions

In this project we print out the instructions in Project.disasm. Let’s first look at the code, then break down how it works.

(* *)
open Core_kernel.Std
open Bap.Std
let main p = 
  Seq.iter (Disasm.insns (Project.disasm p)) ~f:(fun (mem,insn) -> 
      Printf.printf "%a %s\n"
        Addr.pp (Memory.min_addr mem) (Insn.asm insn)

let () = Project.register_pass' "disasm" main

Let’s walk through the code. The overall skeleton is the same as our very first simple project where we register a function main as our plugin start.

First, we retrieve a sequence of instructions via:

Disasm.insns (Project.disasm p)

Next, we use Seq.iter to iterate over a sequence of (mem,insn) pairs, where insn is the instruction and mem is the memory where it appears.

Seq.iter (Disasm.insns (Project.disasm p)) ~f:(fun (mem,insn) -> 
 ... )

The insn is self explanatory: it’s the decoded instruction. You can view the assembly with Insn.asm insn.

The mem is a memory region for the particular instruction. Therefore, the min_addr is the start of the instruction, which is what we print out:

Printf.printf "%a %s\n"
   Addr.pp (Memory.min_addr mem) (Insn.asm insn)

If we wanted to find the length of the instruction we would use Memory.length mem, and you could hexdump the instruction with Memory.hexdump.


Here is another example of something that seems to print out the address.

(* *)
open Core_kernel.Std
open Bap.Std

let main p = 
  let module Target = (val target_of_arch (Project.arch p)) in 
  Seq.iter (Disasm.insns (Project.disasm p)) ~f:(fun (mem,insn) -> 
      Printf.printf "%s %s\n"
        (Bitvector.to_string (Target.CPU.addr_of_pc mem)) (Insn.asm insn)

let () = Project.register_pass' "disasm" main

This is very similar to above, except we’re passing mem to Target.CPU.addr_of_pc. However, the PC may not be pointing to the value of the instruction executed. For example, on ARM when CPU executes instruction at address A the value of PC register would be A+8, since at some point of time it had pipeline of two instructions: exec-load-fetch. In x86 it will point to the byte next to the instruction, i.e. PC = A + sizeof(insn), on MIPS it is also points somewhere, ahead.

Finding what you need in BAP

There is an important meta-point in the above description. As part of this tutorial was also want to help you figure out how to find what you need in BAP. For example, if this is the first time you are looking at BAP, perhaps you did not know what disasm was in the project, nor how to use it. This is where learning to read bap.mli is important.

We see type disasm in bap.mli, but what functions take this? A typical convention we follow is that for something of type foo we have a module Foo (note the upper-case). In this case Disasm is what you want.

Perusing the file, you would find the following function that looks about right: it takes a disasm and returns a sequence that includes insns.

Disasm.insns: t -> (mem * insn) seq

Next, you may not know what a sequence is, since they are often not covered in introductory OCaml books. In BAP, a sequence is a list of items generated lazily on demand (similar to Jane Street Core). Lazy generation has a couple of nice properties. First, we don’t need to keep the entire sequence in memory. Second, if generating each item is expensive, but we don’t think we’ll use all of them, we don’t need to pay the full expense. The main disadvantage is that sequences typically assume sequential access, e.g., you don’t go backward. In comparison, consider a non-lazy data structure like a List, where the entire data structure must be available in memory before it can be used.

If you’ve never seen seq before, you would use emacs (e.g., use C-c C-t and have merlin take you to it)) to jump to the signature for Seq:

(** Lazy sequence  *)
module Seq : sig
  type 'a t = 'a Sequence.t
  include module type of Sequence with type 'a t := 'a t
  val of_array : 'a array -> 'a t

  val cons : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t

  val is_empty : 'a t -> bool

So our Seq.t is defined in terms of Sequence.t. At this point you probably can’t jump to the definition of Sequent.t because it’s in Jane Street Core_kernel. It’s also worth pointing out the include module statement: it will bring in functions available from the included module.

At this point you would turn to the web and google for something like “sequence jane street core_kernel”. This is where you find you can iterate over it with iter. You will find other handy functions like maps and folds over sequences.


Instructions can also have tags. Write a plugin that uses the tag information.

ivg: check the self-study

The MSBs

The most significant bits in this section are:

  • Disasm is where you want to look for disassembly information
  • All executable code (segments/sections) are disassembled and available via project.
  • The PC isn’t the same as the address of the insn code.

Note we expect most people not to use disasm directly; these examples are given to get a “feel” for the BAP API, and show some common OCaml idioms.

program: The Program BIR

In this section we start working with the real power of BAP: BIR.

The program in IR is build of terms. In fact the program itself is also a term. There’re only 7 kinds of terms:

  1. program: the program in whole
  2. sub: subroutine
  3. arg: subroutine argument
  4. blk: A basic block
  5. def: A definition of a variable
  6. phi: An SSA phi node
  7. jmp: A transfer of control

Terms, can contain other terms. But unlike BIL expressions or statements, this relation is not truly recursive, since the structure of program term is fixed: arg, phi, def, jmp are leaf terms; sub can only contain arg’s or blk’s; blk consists of phi, def and jmp sequences of terms, as pictured in the figure below. Although, the term structure is closed to changes, you still can extend particular term with attributes, using set_attr and get_attr functions of the Term module. This functions are using extensible variant type to encode attributes.

The overall picture of a BIR program is:

|                +-------------------+                   |
|                |      program      |                   |
|                +---------+---------+                   |
|                          |*                            |
|                +---------+---------+                   |
|                |        sub        |                   |
|                +---------+---------+                   |
|                          |                             |
|        +-----------------+---------------+             |
|        |*                                |*            |
|  +-----+-------+                 +-------+-------+     |
|  |    arg      |                 |      blk      |     |
|  +-------------+                 +-------+-------+     |
|                                          |             |
|           +---------------+--------------+             |
|           |*              |*             | *           |
|     +-----+-----+   +-----+-----+   +----+-----+       |
|     |    phi    |   |    def    |   |   jmp    |       |
|     +-----------+   +-----------+   +----------+       |

BIR terms are concrete entities. In contrast, BIL statements are abstract entities. A concrete entity is an entity that can change in time and space, as well as come in and out of existence. Contrast with an abstract entity, which is eternal and unchangeable. Identity denotes the sameness of a concrete entity as it changes in time. Abstract entities don’t have an identity since they are immutable. program is built from concrete entities called terms. Terms have attributes that can change in time, without affecting the identity of a term. Attributes are abstract entities. In each particular point of space and time a term is represented by a snapshot of all its attributes, colloquially called value. Functions that change the value of a term in fact returns a new value with different set of attributes. For example, def term has two attributes: the left hand side (lhs) that associates definition with abstract variable, and the right hand side (rhs) that associates def with an abstract expression.

Suppose, that the definition was:

# let d_1 = Def.create x Bil.(var y + var z);;
val d_1 : Def.t = 00000001: x := y + z

To change the right hand side of a definition we use Def.with_rhs that returns the same definition but with different value:

# let d_2 = Def.with_rhs d_1 Bil.(int Word.b1);;
val d_2 : Def.t = 00000001: x := true

d_1 and d_2 are different values.

# Def.equal d_1 d_2;;
- : bool = false

of the same term

# Term.same d_1 d_2;;
- : bool = true

The identity of this terms is denoted by the term identifier tid. In the textual representation term identifiers are printed as ordinal numbers.

An example analysis: Call Graphs

The High Bits


Talk about memory vs symbols.

open Core_kernel.Std
open Bap.Std
open Format

let print_perms seg = 
 let r = if Image.Segment.is_readable seg then "r" else "-" in 
 let w = if Image.Segment.is_writable seg then "w" else "-" in
 let x = if Image.Segment.is_executable seg then "x" else "-" in

let print_sections p =
  Project.memory p |> Memmap.to_sequence |> Seq.iter ~f:(fun (mem,x) ->
      Option.iter (Value.get Image.segment x) ~f:(fun seg ->
          printf "Segment: %s: %s@." ( seg) (print_perms seg))
let () = Project.register_pass' "print-sections" print_sections
open Core_kernel.Std
open Bap.Std
open Format

let print_sections p =
  Project.memory p |> Memmap.to_sequence |> Seq.iter ~f:(fun (mem,x) ->
      Option.iter (Value.get Image.section x) ~f:(fun name ->
          printf "Section: %s@.%a@." name Memory.pp mem))

let () = Project.register_pass' "print-sections" print_sections

The High Bits

The rest

open Core_kernel.Std
open Bap.Std

let main p = 
  Printf.printf "Hello world!\n";

let () = Project.register_plugin main



Use program, not disasm

Highest level possible.

memory: Memory map and symbols

The memory data structure is the BAP memory model of the executable image. It includes tagged items like:

  • Image.region for memory regions that have a particular name, e.g., sections have names in ELF.
  • Image.section Binary images typically have sections (aka segments) will have the corresponding memory region marked. Sections provide access to permission information.
  • Image.symbol for annotating with symbol names.

In this example we will create a plugin that prints out all section names and permissions. First we will see the plugin, and then I’ll discuss the concepts.

Printout sections and regions

This is terrible code and needs fixing.

open Core_kernel.Std
open Bap.Std
let main p = 
  let open Project in
  let print_region tag =
    match Value.get Image.region tag with
    | Some(r) -> Printf.printf "Region: %s\n" r
    | None -> ()
  let print_symbol tag =
    match Value.get Image.symbol tag with
    | Some(r) -> Printf.printf "Symbol: %s\n" r
    | None -> ()
  let print_section tag = 
    match Value.get Image.section tag with
    | Some(r) -> Printf.printf "Section: %s\n"
                   (Sexp.to_string (Image.Sec.sexp_of_t r))
    | None -> ()
  Memmap.iteri (p.memory) ~f:(fun (mem,value) ->
      match Value.get Image.region value with
      | Some ".rodata" ->  Memory.hexdump mem
      | None -> ()

let () = Project.register_plugin main

Add memmap iteri

Segment vs. Section

Among executable container formats, e.g., ELF, PE, etc., you will find the terms ‘segment’ and ‘section’ often used, but the definitions may be inconsistent across formats. For example, the ELF file format has segments, which are needed at runtime, and sections, which are used for linking and relocation. A segment may have zero or more sections. However, the PE file format talks only of sections, which serve both purposes.

It can get confusing. In BAP we use sections to refer to the part of the image that has permissions applied (e.g., segments in ELF), and used regions to denote concepts like sections in ELF.

Universal Values

The names are stored as universal types.

region and section in bap.mli both refer to sections

The documentation could be more helpful to a novice: Image.region refers to ELF sections, and Image.section refers to sections as segments. The document may be accurate, but reflects an internal understanding that is not made explicit.

What is the easiest way to get all memory regions?

For example, if you want to find the ro segments.

ask IVG about match on Universal values

It would seem somewhat natural to match on the value memmap, e.g., something like:

match Value.tag tag with
| Image.region -> do_something tag
| Image.section -> do_something tag
| Image.symbol -> do_something tag
| _ -> do_nothing()

What is the idiomatic way to do this?

print_section value = ( match Value.get section value with

Some x -> actuall print
None -> ()

); value |r

Memmap.iter (fun value -> print_section tag |> print_segment tag |> )

storage: User storage for analysis

open Core_kernel.Std
open Bap.Std

let main p = 
  Printf.printf "Hello world!\n";

let () = Project.register_plugin main


Assignment: Read Real World OCaml Language Concepts

The first section of Real World OCaml (RWO) is called Language Concepts, and includes a thorough introduction to OCaml and modern OCaml idioms.

Assignment: Set up BAP

Install BAP from opam. Make sure you pin against git. See the BAP wiki for instructions on how to do this.

Assignment: Set up emacs

If your first thought is “I’ll use vi/vim”, you are missing a fundamental opportunity to become a competent programmer. A competent programmer knows many tools. In particular, vi/vim and emacs are the two most popular editors. If you don’t know emacs, you don’t know half of what you should on a very basic topic.

Consult the BAP wiki for setting up emacs. In particular, you should set up:

  • Emacs
  • Tuareg mode using the opam version files (not melpa)
  • Merlin mode using the opam version (not melpa)

If you like you can also consult David’s Document Emacs configuration as an additional reference.

You will also want to consult documentation for using Tuareg and Merlin. On reference is the OCaml Tuareg Cheat Sheet. The following are essential keystrokes:

  • C-c C-l to jump to the mli file for a type.
  • C-c C-t to show the type of an expression.

Assignment: Find and read bap.mli

Recall in OCaml an mli file is an interface file. The file bap.mli contains a complete description of the BAP interface, including data types and all functions available.

Assignment: Write Basic Plugin

Write a BAP plugin that prints Hello World!.

The purpose of this plugin is:

  1. Ensure your environment is set up properly
  2. Check that you know how to write the most basic BAP code.
  3. Check that you can compile code.

Assignment: Matching Architecture

You are given two files: an x86 file called exe.x86 and an ARM file called exe.arm. Your goal is to write a plugin that when given an ARM file prints out “I found an ARM”, when given an x86 file prints out “I found an x86”, and when given any other type of file outputs “No match”.

The purpose of this plugin is:

  1. Look at the basic Project.t type
  2. Ensure you know how to pattern match against polymorphic variants.

Assignment: Print out the disassembly of a file

You are given a single exe file. Your goal is to write a plugin that prints out for each instruction a) its address in hex, and b) the assembly string.

Assignment: Write out all read-only sections in an executable file

You are given an ELF file called exe. Your goal is to write a plugin that prints out all sections marked as read-only, such as .rodata for elf, in hex.

Working with org mode notes

orgmode syntax:

#+NAME: foo

The language identifier for shell scripts is sh

Examples are put in monospace font. They can be inserted two ways:


or single line as such with a colon:


Easy templates:

s	#+BEGIN_SRC ... #+END_SRC 
l	#+BEGIN_LaTeX ... #+END_LaTeX 
L	#+LaTeX: 
H	#+HTML: 
i	#+INDEX: line 
I	#+INCLUDE: line 

Both in example and in src snippets, you can add a -n switch to the end of the BEGIN line, to get the lines of the example numbered. If you use a +n switch, the numbering from the previous numbered snippet will be continued in the current one. In literal examples, Org will interpret strings like (removed) as labels, and use them as targets for special hyperlinks like (removed) (i.e., the reference name enclosed in single parenthesis). In HTML, hovering the mouse over such a link will remote-highlight the corresponding code line, which is kind of cool.

You can also add a -r switch which removes the labels from the source code121. With the -n switch, links to these references will be labeled by the line numbers from the code listing, otherwise links will use the labels with no parentheses. Here is an example:

The :exports header argument can be used to specify export behavior:

Header arguments:

:exports code
The default in most languages. The body of the code block is exported, as described in Literal examples. 
:exports results
The code block will be evaluated and the results will be placed in the Org mode buffer for export, either updating previous results of the code block located anywhere in the buffer or, if no previous results exist, placing the results immediately after the code block. The body of the code block will not be exported. 
(save-excursion                  (ref:sc)
   (goto-char (point-min)))      (ref:jump)
In line [[(sc)]] we remember the current position.  [[(jump)][Line (jump)]]
jumps to point-min.

If the syntax for the label format conflicts with the language syntax, use a -l switch to change the format, for example ‘#+BEGIN_SRC pascal -n -r -l “((%s))”’. See also the variable org-coderef-label-format.

Call up the info with C-h i. Then call g (Info-goto-node). Enter (org) at the prompt.