Related Programs:
- Microcontroller: Egg Hatcher
- Computer Control: Egg Hatcher (this program)
The microcontroller and computer-control versions of this program are functionally identical.
Warning: Egg hatching on BDSP is currently unstable. Use at your own risk!
Hatch eggs from your boxes. This is the counterpart to EggFetcher.
- Text Speed: Fast
- Nicknaming: Off
- The menu cursor is over the Pokémon option.
- Your party must have exactly 1 Pokémon.
- The Pokémon in your party MUST be a flame body (or similar) Pokémon.
Place entire boxes filled with eggs consecutively.
- It is okay to have non-eggs mixed in with eggs.
- The only requirement is that first row of each box is occupied.
You must be on the first box of eggs.
- Boxes to Hatch: You MUST set this to the # of boxes you wish to hatch. Otherwise, you either won't hatch all the eggs you want, or the program goes crazy if you run out of eggs.
- Step Count: You MUST set this to the correct step-count for the Pokémon you are hatching. If this is set too small, the program will fail.
The program will hatch eggs in batches of 5 (one column at a time). Once a box is complete, it moves to the next box. It will continue until it has hatched N boxes where N is specified by "Boxes to Hatch".
- You are on your bike and in high gear.
- Stand in the following location.
- Start the program.
After the program finishes, go to the Switch Home to idle.
Hatch this many boxes of eggs.
The number of steps needed to hatch the eggs. Look up the value on Serebii.
These are advanced settings. You shouldn't need to touch these unless something isn't working and you're trying to debug it yourself.
Additional time added to the spinning. If any shinies are hatched, they will eat into this safety buffer along with any other unexpected slowdowns. Hatching a shiny takes 2 seconds longer than a non-shiny.
If you see that the program is going into Y-COMM or there is less than 5 seconds of extra spinning after the last egg in the batch, please report this as a bug. As a temporary work-around, you can increase this number.
Total animation time for hatching 5 eggs when there are no shinies.
- Author: Kuroneko/Mysticial
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