The first step I had to take was design a DRC clean inductor in the SKY130 process. Rather than doing it by hand I used openPCells to generate the design. It has a simple interface and ready made examples for spiral inductors of different shapes. I chose the square inductor with conductor width 6um, spacing 6um and three turns. A small modification of example to place the ports where I wanted them and a run through Klayout to fix a polygon bug resulted in the following design:
./opc -T skywater130 -I gds -C spiral_inductor --turns=3 --width=6 --spacing=6 --innerradius=25 --extension=25
git clone
cd FastHenry2
make all
export PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
To generate the FH2 input files, thankfully OPC has a debug interface that can be (ab)used to output an FH2 description.
fasthenry square_spiral_inductor_6_6_25.fh -f refined && zbuf zbuffile2 && evince
set expectation to check them in the tools
(universe with only an inductor) graph with matplotlib in svg?
fasthenry square_spiral_inductor_6_6_25.fh && ReadOutput Zc.mat
compare with graph above draw trendline for skin effect dependence
describe how slow it is with this many elements and introduce nonuniform ground
show the contribution of low silicon conductivity
show how to turn the output file into a spice netlist with mutual coupling setup the intuitive explanation for self resonance frequency and need for fastercap