A game about delivering milk to ungrateful customers at high speed
"Do you know how ironic this is? I can't even drink milk, I'm dairy intolerant" - DiamondDev
- Godot 4.1.1 (Engine)
- C# / .NET (Language)
- paint.net (Art Creation)
- Goxel (Spritestack Generation)
- DiamondDev - Programming, Art, Game Design, Sound Design
- Nova_Quinn - Original Idea, Game Design, Moral Support, Beta Tester
- BBC: SFX (asset/audio/horn.wav)
This game and its original assets are all licensed under CC-BY-NC-4.0. All assets are original unless otherwise stated.
For queries, Feel free to DM me on Discord: diamonddevv
(C) DiamondDev, 2023.