- Post-processing
- S0
- Had a mistake in S1
- wasnt using the CO2 stream until 1850
- Had a mistake in S2/S3
- needed ./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_END=2021
- restage 1901 restarts
- cp /glade/scratch/djk2120/archive/TRENDY2022_f09_S2/rest/1901-01-01-00000/* ./
- S2 and S3 crash
- at different points
- increasing S3 to 100 nodes
- rm S3 case
- qcmd -- ./S3.sh
- nixing the 1860 switchout for both
- S2 crashed coming out of 1900
- was not removing .bin files correctly
- create tx user.datm
- S2 is broken into 5 parts
- 1701-1850 (2x75) S2.sh
- 1851-1860 (10) S2_part2.sh
- 1861-1900 (40) ...
- 1901-1960 (60) ...
- 1961-2021 (61)
- /glade/u/home/djk2120/tether/tether.sh joblist.txt ../../cheyenne.template &> S2_part1.log &
- S3 is basically identical to S2
- except for flanduse in the user_nl_clm
- /glade/u/home/djk2120/tether/tether.sh joblist.txt ../../cheyenne.template &> S3_part1.log &
- spinup looking good
- <5% diseq (TOTECOSYSC 1g/m2)
- running S0:
- qcmd -- ./S0.sh > S0.log &
- running S1:
- qcmd -- ./S1.sh > S1.log & (creates,builds case)
- bash mjl.sh (makes joblist.txt)
- /glade/u/home/djk2120/tether/tether.sh joblist.txt ../../cheyenne.template &> S1_part1.log & (initiates 3job sequence)
Spinup is probably fine at 600yrs, will let it go overnight to 800
testing out S0 and S1 scripts
S1 is broken up into three parts
- 100 years S1.sh
- 49 years S1_part2.sh
- 2x86 years S1_part3.sh
configuring tether for S1
- /glade/u/home/djk2120/tether/tether.sh joblist.txt ../../cheyenne.template &> S1_part1.log &
- runs die overnight due to exceeding scratch quota
- went on an rm rampage
- deleted an important PPE file
- oops
- went on an rm rampage
- resubmitted
- progressing well
- spinPostAD is progressing
- <6% diseq after 200 years
- drift of 0.015 PgC/yr
- does seem to be spending a lot of time queued
- preparing S0 scripts
- scripts/S0.sh
- recycle 1901-20 climate, 321 years, 1701-2021
- made the executive decision to run from 1701, makes way more sense
- probably will pickup from year 300 of postAD
- preparing S1 scripts
- uses a transient compset
- double-check datm_in that taxmode='cycle'
- preparing co2 timeseries
- uses a transient compset
- spun up with the wrong co2
- accidentally used clm default 284.7
- switched to TRENDY PI at postAD year300
- ./xmlchange CLM_BLDNML_OPTS="-bgc bgc -crop -co2_ppmv 276.65"
- easier to use ./xmlchange CCSM_CO2_PPMV="276.65"
- resubmitted
- spinAD has progressed 600 years
- ~10% diseq at 1g/m2 (TOTECOSYSC)
- drift = -0.05 PgC/yr
- setting up postAD
- postad.sh
- qcmd -- ./postad.sh > postad.log &
- Erik and Peter generated fsurdat, flanduse
- performed fresh CLM checkout
- checkout.sh
- branch_tags/TRENDY-2019.n05_ctsm1.0.dev056
- configured and submitted spinAD
- spinad.sh
- namelists/spinad
- setting up git version control
- next up:
- monitor spinup progress
- configure spinPostAD
- Sean converted the input data to three stream
- downloading ndep data from ftp site
- converting ndep to CLM format via ndep.ipynb
- edit user_datm.streams to point to the new files
- also added direct/diffuse to solar
- user_datm.streams/PI