We are happy to accept contributions to softlayer-python. Please follow the guidelines below.
Sign our contributor agreement (CLA) You can find the CLA here.
If you're contributing on behalf of your employer we'll need a signed copy of our corporate contributor agreement (CCLA) as well. You can find the CCLA here.
Fork the repo, make your changes, and open a pull request.
Additional infomration can be found in our contribution guide
Code is tested and style checked with tox, you can run the tox tests individually by doing tox -e <TEST>
autopep8 -r -v -i --max-line-length 119 SoftLayer/
autopep8 -r -v -i --max-line-length 119 tests/
tox -e analysis
tox -e py36
git commit --message="#<ISSUENUMBER> <whatever you did>
git push origin <issueBranch>
- create pull request
CLI command should have a more human readable style of documentation. Manager methods should have a decent docblock describing any parameters and what the method does.
Docs are generated with Sphinx and once Sphinx is setup, you can simply do
make html
in the softlayer-python/docs directory, which should generate the HTML in softlayer-python/docs/_build/html for testing.
All new features should be 100% code covered, and your pull request should at the very least increase total code overage.
To tests results from the API, we keep mock results in SoftLayer/fixtures/<SoftLayer_Service>/ with the method name matching the variable name.
Any call to a service that doesn't have a fixture will result in a TransportError
Adding your expected output in the fixtures file with a unique name is a good way to define a fixture that gets used frequently in a test.
from SoftLayer.fixtures import SoftLayer_Product_Package
def test_test(self):
amock = self.set_mock('SoftLayer_Product_Package', 'getAllObjects')
amock.return_value = fixtures.SoftLayer_Product_Package.RESERVED_CAPACITY
Otherwise defining it on the spot works too.
def test_test(self):
mock = self.set_mock('SoftLayer_Network_Storage', 'getObject')
mock.return_value = {
'billingItem': {'hourlyFlag': True, 'id': 449},
Testing your code to make sure it makes the correct API call is also very important.
The testing.TestCase class has a method call assert_called_with
which is pretty handy here.
'SoftLayer_Billing_Item', # Service
'cancelItem', # Method
args=(True, True, ''), # Args
identifier=449, # Id
mask=mock.ANY, # object Mask,
filter=mock.ANY, # object Filter
limit=0, # result Limit
offset=0 # result Offset
Making sure a API was NOT called
self.assertEqual([], self.calls('SoftLayer_Account', 'getObject'))
Making sure an API call has a specific arg, but you don't want to list out the entire API call (like with a place order test)
# Get the API Call signature
order_call = self.calls('SoftLayer_Product_Order', 'placeOrder')
# Get the args property of that API call, which is a tuple, with the first entry being our data.
order_args = getattr(order_call[0], 'args')[0]
# Test our specific argument value
self.assertEqual(123, order_args['hostId'])