WindFarmer offers a comprehensive development environment for script editing, allowing users to manage scripts, compile and check syntax errors, and edit the user interface. Everything is available within WindFarmer itself, so there's no need to install anything else to run an existing script. The development environment provides the tools needed to create high-quality scripts quickly and easily.
Use the C# or Python programming languages to build your workbook, update parameters in the workbook and execute functionality, such as running calculations. You can learn more about the WindFarmer Automation module, and review code snippets and class reference documention in the WindFarmer online documentation
- One folder per script example
- Demo data within the example folder, unless the script can be run with reasonably complete workbook, or work with projects in the general DemoData folder.
- If there are any setup steps or paths to edit, indicate them in a file.
- Avoid saving example scripts within demo workbooks - this causes confusion if checked in versions ever supersed them.