- This document tells you how to set up VMWare, MacOS, XCode step by step and how to import projects on iOS.
- If you can access VPN, you can download VM image from this path. This image already include VM and XCode. Jump to Import Project directly.
MacOS User: rdapp, password: 0000
YouCam Perfect iOS
- Windows
ftp://ncov_pf:[email protected]/IT/Antivirus/Windows/WIN64BIT/
- Mac OS 10.14 or earlier
- Mac OS 10.15 and later
- Windows
ftp://ncov_cl:[email protected]/ ftp://ncov_pf:[email protected]/
VPN Windows:
- Windows
ftp://ncov_pf:[email protected]/IT/VPN/Windows/PF%20Softether%20VPN%20Client%20install%20guide(Win).pdf
- iOS:
ftp://ncov_pf:[email protected]/IT/VPN/Mac%20OS%20X/How%20to%20configure%20VPN%20on%20Mac%20OS%20X%20(PF).pdf
- Windows
YouCam Perfect iOS
ssh://[email protected]/source/ycp-ios.git
YouCam Perfect Android
ssh://[email protected]/source/ycp.git
- Install and unlock VMware Workstation
- Enable Intel-vt.
- Download and Install VMWare Pro or Player. Offical Link
- Official VMWare locked MacOS feature, Need unlock.
- download Unlocker and unzip.
- run "VMware Unlocker 3.0.1" → "win-install.cmd" by Administrator.
- 如果遇到Intel-vt 關掉問題,可以參考文件開啟
- Install MacOS
準備MacOS最新版本的VMDK(Virtual Machine Disk的簡稱). Download from geekrar
Create a new VM and set disk to this VMDK.
Change Setting, "Virtual Machine Setting" → "USB controller" → "USB compatibility" to "USB 2.0". for connect iPhone.
Run VM and finish first time install flow.
Install WMware tools for screen resolution.
- Click on vmware toolbar, "VM" → "Install VMware Tools.."
- Click install vmware tools in MacOS.
- Allow permission from security.
- 螢幕的解析度如不正常運作
- VMware 可能沒安裝成功. 傳送門
- 如果VMware Tools有安裝並運作成功,在「關於設台 Mac」中應該要可以看到「顯示器 128MB」。注意「128MB」的部份,如果VMware Tools沒有運作成功,這個值會遠低於「128MB」哦!如果您有安裝VMware Tools卻還是無法成功運作的話,那就要再重新裝一次VMware Tools。
- 會有這個問題是因為在第一次安裝VMware Tools的時候,安裝程式要安裝的功能被macOS擋下來了。所以必須要在跳出「已阻擋系統延伸功能」的訊息,並做了「允許」的動作後,再跑一次安裝程式,才能真正完成VMware Tools的安裝。
- Autofit 沒打開 傳送門
- 修改一下 VMware 的整體設定 (Edit → Preference… → Display):
- 把 Autofit 的兩個選項都打勾 (Autofil window, Autofil guest)
- 還有 Full srceen 的選項, 請點選第一個選項 Autofit guest
- 修改一下 VMware 的整體設定 (Edit → Preference… → Display):
- VMware 可能沒安裝成功. 傳送門
請用公司的Email申請Apple ID. 並跟Ted報備, 設定後台.
Install "XCode" from App Store.
Install "Xcode command line tool" from Terminal
xcode-select --install
Install "Homebrew" from Terminal
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Install "git" from Terminal
brew install git
Install "git-lfs" from Terminal
brew install git-lfs git lfs install
Launch XCode, import certificate from "xcode → preference"
- 帳號管理已經實名化, 請用公司Email加入.
- 加入後應該要看到Team: "PERFECT CORP.", 如果沒有請重開XCode, 再沒有請跟Ted確認後台已加帳號.
- Click "Download Manual Profiles".
- Click "Manage Certificates…", 要看到有內容才正確.
如果手上的iOS devices沒註冊過,執行相關註冊流程 (找iOS team Jay)
Setup ssh on your Mac.
- Keygen 一組ssh keypair,將你的public key上傳到phabricator
clone project from git
pull git lfs for large file.
git lfs pull
happy build without errors!
- System maybe ask keychain password, input "local password" and click "always allow".