Peptides v.2.4.4
- A warning related with Rcpp was solved
Peptides v.2.4.4
- An error in the mz function related with the aminoacid composition of the peptides used as input was solved
Peptides v.2.4.2
C++ code of Charge function was optimized by Luis Pedro Coelho [email protected]
aaList function was added by Richel Bilderbeek [email protected]
Peptides v.2.1
- Hidden objects in data files were removed following a CRAN maintainers suggestion
- A bug related with the spaces management in the readXVG function was solved. Thanks to @hongbo-zhu-cn.
Peptides v.2.4
- aaComp function now accepts character lists as input. Thanks to Hemílio Xafranski for their suggestion.
Peptides v.2.3
- A problem with the tScales and tsScales functions was solved. The problem made the return of the functions an empty list. Thanks to Fabian Tann [email protected] to report it.
Peptides v.2.2
- The Wimley-White hydrophobicity scales were added thanks to Alexander Komin [email protected] suggestion. WW scales can be used as:
- interfaceScale_pH2: White, Stephen (2006-06-29). "Experimentally Determined Hydrophobicity Scales". University of California, Irvine. Retrieved 2017-05-25
- interfaceScale_pH8: White, Stephen (2006-06-29). "Experimentally Determined Hydrophobicity Scales". University of California, Irvine. Retrieved 2017-05-25
- octanolScale_pH2: White, Stephen (2006-06-29). "Experimentally Determined Hydrophobicity Scales". University of California, Irvine. Retrieved 2017-05-25
- octanolScale_pH8: White, Stephen (2006-06-29). "Experimentally Determined Hydrophobicity Scales". University of California, Irvine. Retrieved 2017-05-25
- oiScale_pH2: White, Stephen (2006-06-29). "Experimentally Determined Hydrophobicity Scales". University of California, Irvine. Retrieved 2017-05-25
- oiScale_pH8: White, Stephen (2006-06-29). "Experimentally Determined Hydrophobicity Scales". University of California, Irvine. Retrieved 2017-05-25
Peptides v.2.1
The charge and pI functions were rewritten in C++ and an optimization approach was used thanks to Scott McCain (@jspmccain) and Timothée Poisot (@tpoisot) suggestion.
An error in zScales function data was solved. Q and E values were wrongly interchanged in v 2.0.
Peptides v.2.0.0
All datasets were unified into AAdata
All test were migrated to testthat
readXVG and plotXVG functions were improved by J. Sebastian Paez
kideraFactors output vector was renamed as KF#
Now all sequences are checked before to property calculation
aaDescriptos, fasgaiVectors, blosumIndices, mswhimScores, zScales, vhseScales, protFP, tScales and stScales functions were added
Peptides v.1.2.2
- crucianiProperties function was added.
Peptides v.1.2.1
Four new functions were added: autoCorrelation, autoCovariance, crossCovariance and crucianiProperties
Functions related with XVG files were updated.
Documentation was changed to roxygen2
Peptides v.1.1.2
All functions were re-vectorized to support set of peptides as input
Kidera function now returns all factors in a unique output
Peptides v.1.1.1
The mw function now computes the molecular weight using monoisotopic values
A problem with blank spaces was solved
Peptides v.1.1.0
- The kidera function and Kfactors dataset was included.
Peptides v.1.0.4
A instaindex function bug has been fixed.
A problem with line breaks in sequences was solved.
Peptides v.1.0.3
A membpos function bug has been fixed.
The results now are not rounded.
Peptides v.1.0.2
Hydrophobicity function now can compute the GRAVY index with one of the 38 scales includes in Peptides (*new):
- Aboderin: Aboderin, A. A. (1971). An empirical hydrophobicity scale for α-amino-acids and some of its applications. International Journal of Biochemistry, 2(11), 537-544.
- AbrahamLeo: Abraham D.J., Leo A.J. Hydrophobicity (delta G1/2 cal). Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics 2:130-152(1987).
- *Argos: Argos, P., Rao, J. K., & Hargrave, P. A. (1982). Structural Prediction of Membrane‐Bound Proteins. European Journal of Biochemistry, 128(2‐3), 565-575.
- BlackMould: Black S.D., Mould D.R. Hydrophobicity of physiological L-alpha amino acids. Anal. Biochem. 193:72-82(1991).
- BullBreese: Bull H.B., Breese K. Hydrophobicity (free energy of transfer to surface in kcal/mole). Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 161:665-670(1974).
- *Casari: Casari, G., & Sippl, M. J. (1992). Structure-derived hydrophobic potential: hydrophobic potential derived from X-ray structures of globular proteins is able to identify native folds. Journal of molecular biology, 224(3), 725-732.
- Chothia: Chothia, C. (1976). The nature of the accessible and buried surfaces in proteins. Journal of molecular biology, 105(1), 1-12.
- *Cid: Cid, H., Bunster, M., Canales, M., & Gazitúa, F. (1992). Hydrophobicity and structural classes in proteins. Protein engineering, 5(5), 373-375.
- Cowan3.4: Cowan R., Whittaker R.G. Hydrophobicity indices at pH 3.4 determined by HPLC. Peptide Research 3:75-80(1990).
- Cowan7.5: Cowan R., Whittaker R.G. Hydrophobicity indices at pH 7.5 determined by HPLC. Peptide Research 3:75-80(1990).
- Eisenberg: Eisenberg D., Schwarz E., Komarony M., Wall R. Normalized consensus hydrophobicity scale. J. Mol. Biol. 179:125-142(1984).
- *Engelman: Engelman, D. M., Steitz, T. A., & Goldman, A. (1986). Identifying nonpolar transbilayer helices in amino acid sequences of membrane proteins. Annual review of biophysics and biophysical chemistry, 15(1), 321-353.
- *Fasman: Fasman, G. D. (Ed.). (1989). Prediction of protein structure and the principles of protein conformation. Springer.
- Fauchere: Fauchere J.-L., Pliska V.E. Hydrophobicity scale (pi-r). Eur. J. Med. Chem. 18:369-375(1983).
- *Goldsack: Goldsack, D. E., & Chalifoux, R. C. (1973). Contribution of the free energy of mixing of hydrophobic side chains to the stability of the tertiary structure of proteins. Journal of theoretical biology, 39(3), 645-651.
- Guy: Guy H.R. Hydrophobicity scale based on free energy of transfer (kcal/mole). Biophys J. 47:61-70(1985).
- HoppWoods: Hopp T.P., Woods K.R. Hydrophilicity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78:3824-3828(1981).
- Janin: Janin J. Free energy of transfer from inside to outside of a globular protein. Nature 277:491-492(1979).
- *Jones: Jones, D. D. (1975). Amino acid properties and side-chain orientation in proteins: a cross correlation approach. Journal of theoretical biology, 50(1), 167-183.
- *Juretic: Juretic, D., Lucic, B., Zucic, D., & Trinajstic, N. (1998). Protein transmembrane structure: recognition and prediction by using hydrophobicity scales through preference functions. Theoretical and computational chemistry, 5, 405-445.
- *Kidera: Kidera, A., Konishi, Y., Oka, M., Ooi, T., & Scheraga, H. A. (1985). Statistical analysis of the physical properties of the 20 naturally occurring amino acids. Journal of Protein Chemistry, 4(1), 23-55.
- *Kuhn: Kuhn, L. A., Swanson, C. A., Pique, M. E., Tainer, J. A., & Getzoff, E. D. (1995). Atomic and residue hydrophilicity in the context of folded protein structures. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 23(4), 536-547.
- KyteDoolittle: Kyte J., Doolittle R.F. Hydropathicity. J. Mol. Biol. 157:105-132(1982).
- *Levitt: Levitt, M. (1976). A simplified representation of protein conformations for rapid simulation of protein folding. Journal of molecular biology, 104(1), 59-107.
- Manavalan: Manavalan P., Ponnuswamy Average surrounding hydrophobicity. P.K. Nature 275:673-674(1978).
- Miyazawa: Miyazawa S., Jernigen R.L. Hydrophobicity scale (contact energy derived from 3D data). Macromolecules 18:534-552(1985).
- Parker: Parker J.M.R., Guo D., Hodges R.S. Hydrophilicity scale derived from HPLC peptide retention times. Biochemistry 25:5425-5431(1986).
- *Ponnuswamy: Ponnuswamy, P. K. (1993). Hydrophobic charactesristics of folded proteins. Progress in biophysics and molecular biology, 59(1), 57-103.
- *Prabhakaran: Prabhakaran, M. (1990). The distribution of physical, chemical and conformational properties in signal and nascent peptides. Biochem. J, 269, 691-696.
- Rao: Rao M.J.K., Argos P. Membrane buried helix parameter. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 869:197-214(1986).
- Rose: Rose G.D., Geselowitz A.R., Lesser G.J., Lee R.H., Zehfus M.H. Mean fractional area loss (f) [average area buried/standard state area]. Science 229:834-838(1985)
- Roseman: Roseman M.A. Hydrophobicity scale (pi-r). J. Mol. Biol. 200:513-522(1988).
- Sweet: Sweet R.M., Eisenberg D. Optimized matching hydrophobicity (OMH). J. Mol. Biol. 171:479-488(1983).
- Tanford: Tanford C. Hydrophobicity scale (Contribution of hydrophobic interactions to the stability of the globular conformation of proteins). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 84:4240-4274(1962).
- Welling: Welling G.W., Weijer W.J., Van der Zee R., Welling-Wester S. Antigenicity value X 10. FEBS Lett. 188:215-218(1985).
- Wilson: Wilson K.J., Honegger A., Stotzel R.P., Hughes G.J. Hydrophobic constants derived from HPLC peptide retention times. Biochem. J. 199:31-41(1981).
- Wolfenden: Wolfenden R.V., Andersson L., Cullis P.M., Southgate C.C.F. Hydration potential (kcal/mole) at 25C. Biochemistry 20:849-855(1981).
- *Zimmerman: Zimmerman, J. M., Eliezer, N., & Simha, R. (1968). The characterization of amino acid sequences in proteins by statistical methods. Journal of theoretical biology, 21(2), 170-201.
The mw function has been fixed to give the same result as ExPASy pI/mw tool.
The hmoment function is now vectorized and allow adjust the windows size. (thanks to an anonymous reviewer of RJournal).
The pepdata dataset and the variable name are now unified to lowercases.
The seqinr package dependency was removed.