- slides: g.co/ng/ac-dataflow
- Tactical: github.com/angular/tactical
Take user inputs
- clicks
- drags
- inputs
- ...
Transform them:
- filtering
- mapping
- fetching
And generate some output:
- rendering
- templates
- change detection
Think less:
- reasonable
- event flow
Prevent bugs:
- making the applications more predictable
- centralize state
- containment
Have a minimal runtime overhead
Used throughout the Angular 2 codebase. Comes from the RxJS library created by Microsoft and available in many different languages (e.g., Java, Scala, .NET, ...).
Idea of "collection over time".
- Observables are like Arrays
- Observables are like Promises but more powerful
- Observables are goind to be standardized as part of ES2016
- RxJS has hundreds of contributors
- RxJS has tons of utility methods that can manipulate the collection
An autocomplete can be implemented as follows using Angular 2:
// Template
<input type="text"
// Component
let searchText = this.searchText;
this.currentRequest = fetch(`/stocks?symbol=${searchText}`)
.then(res => res.json())
.then(tickers => this.tickers = tickers);
Problems with this approach:
- it isn't easy to implement throttling
- it isn't easy to cancel requests
- what if two requests are sent and the responses come in the wrong order or not at all?
In brief:
- out-of-band logic issues
- side effects
- more complexity
Same example but with Observables and streams.
First, know that forms are observable
// Template
<input type="text"
[ng-form-control]="searchText" // bind this input to the Control input on the controller
placeholder="ticker symbol"
// Component
export class TypeAhead{
searchText = new Control();
this.searchText.valueChanges // the Control object has a 'valueChanges' property which is an Observable of the valueChanges event on that component
.debounceTime(200) // wait at least 200ms before emitting values
.subscribe(...); // the subscription will receive events every time a character is typed in the input
Http also implements Observable
load(val: string): Observable<any[]> {
return this._http
.map(res => res.json());
The two examples above can be combined to make something more interesting. The switchMap RxJS operators does two things:
- take the input value and flatten it out: allows to treat the values as if those were synchronous (i.e., waits for the asynchronousness to resolve)
- if another response comes down the pipe while switchMap is flattening, then it will cancel the previous request
.switchMap(val => ticketLoader.load(val))
Can accept async values and subscribe to an observable and wait for them to emit values.
Example:{{ today | async | date }}
// Template
The current date is: {{today || async || date}}
// Component
export Class Today{
today: Promise<Date>;
constructor(ts: TimeService){
this.today = ts.getServerDate();
To continue with the previous example, a first solution to bind the results to the view could be to do the following in the template:
<li *ng-for="#tick of tickers"> ... </li>
Another possibility is to use the AsyncPipe:
// Template
<li *ng-for="#tick of tickers | async"> ... </li>
// Component
this.tickers = this.searchText.valueChanges
.switchMap(val => {
return tickerLoader.load(val);
The AsyncPipe will take care of the subscription, will get the result, return it then cancel the subscription.
- reduce boilerplate
- improve testability
- enable high performance
- plugin to transform Angular templates
- runs during compilation, on application load
// developer writes
// a transformer can generate
For app devs:
- better sugar for third party libraries
- create DSLs in templates
- optimize queries with view metadata
Transformers work on the AST used by the Angular compiler and the transformer produces a new tree
Data access library. Outside of Angular core.
Offline first approach:
- works against most APIs
- focus on user experience
- cache reads
- eventual consistency for writes
- client-side conflict resolution
- focus on user experience
Tactical uses observables:
- freshest available
- offline mutations with background sync
- first write wins guarantee
- server-side push if back-end supports it
Edge cases:
- List vs Get request
- Arbitrary searches
- Prefetching
- applications can integrate logic to extend the Tactical model
- add context to improve UX
- ...
Current state:
- in development
- offline reads/writes