- http://bit.ly/custom-message-bus
- bit.ly/web_worker_starter_pack
Too easy to block the UI / skip frames & be unresponsive to users
Means 16ms max to render a frame
~8ms needed for DOM updates
Many CPU/memory intensive operations
- application logic doesn't block the render thread
- run application across multiple windows or frames
- better compete performance-wise with native mobile apps
- test without the browser
- works with all modern browsers (IE 10+)
- more battery efficient
Do the work on the server side:
- if the data is on the device it doesn't make sense
- resources cost vs data plan usage costs
- L1 cache reference
- branch mispredict
- ...
- no DOM access
- no shared memory (message passing)
- serialization
- concurrency issues
Run everything in a WebWorker let Angular manage the UI.
- load the angular2/bundles/web_worker/ui.dev.js
- web worker
import {bootstrap} from "angular2/web_worker/ui";
- full access to angular APIs
- no DOM access
- should use data bindings instead of manipulating the DOM
- can inject Renderer to programmatically alter DOM elements
- subset of regular Angular 2 components
- create a custom element to run UI side code
- use lifecycle callbacks
- communicate back with Angular using DOM events
- limited to standard DOM events
- ...
- language agnostic API for communicating with Angular components across any runtime boundary
- supports multiplet
- all messages must be serializable
- Analog to a MessageQueue
MessageBus between UI and worker
Used when want to execute code on the opposite side (ui -> worker or worker -> ui)
- application -> registerMethod(m) -> ServiceMessageBroker
- function m ...
- ...
- one instance of an angular app
- use WebSocket to push data to all connected clients