Query web server and update data volumes used for testing.
- Added output variable
- Fixed bug that caused the disk to fill when creating many data volumes
- Added optional argument
- Initial version
DockerHub username used to push images.
DockerHub password used to push images.
Directory on DTC server to search for new data for a repo.
The text "dtcenter/" will be removed from the beginning of this value to allow the use of ${{ github.repository }} as the value.
Examples: MET or dtcenter/MET
Prefix of tgz files to search.
Examples: unit_test or sample_data
Name of branch that triggered logic.
Examples: develop, main_v4.1, feature_123_name, develop-ref, feature_123_name-PR
Path in Docker volume to put new data.
This is the top directory where data is added. The relative path specified in the volume_mount_directories file will be appended to this path to set as the mount point of the Docker data volume so that multiple volumes can be mounted to the same Docker container without conflict.
DockerHub repository to push development data volumes
Examples: met-data-dev, metplus-data-dev
DockerHub repository to push data volumes for official release versions.
Used for METplus because we provide users with the sample input data used to run the use cases using Docker and don't want to clutter the DockerHub repository that contains these data with development versions of test data.
If set to a value other than 'false', look for new data and Docker data volumes that are named after a feature branch. If left unset, use 'develop' data for any branches that are not main_v*.
Used for METplus to isolate new input data for a new use case. This is done to ensure that the data fits the criteria before adding it to the official sample dataset and to avoid corrupting or losing the existing data.
Maximum number of pages of DockerHub tags to search. Must be an integer. Defaults to 20.
Comma-separated list of data volumes associated with branch_name
- uses: dtcenter/metplus-action-data-update@v3
docker_name: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}
docker_pass: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}
repo_name: ${{ github.repository }}
data_prefix: unit_test
branch_name: ${{ needs.job_control.outputs.branch_name }}
docker_data_dir: /data/input/MET_test_data
data_repo_dev: met-data-dev
- uses: dtcenter/metplus-action-data-update@v3
docker_name: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}
docker_pass: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}
repo_name: ${{ github.repository }}
data_prefix: sample_data
branch_name: ${{ needs.job_control.outputs.branch_name }}
docker_data_dir: /data/input/METplus_Data
data_repo_dev: metplus-data-dev
data_repo_stable: metplus-data
use_feature_data: true
tag_max_pages: 15
docker build -t dtcenter/metplus-envs:metplus-action-data-update -f Dockerfile.env .
docker push dtcenter/metplus-envs:metplus-action-data-update
This should be regenerated periodically to obtain any security updates.