[2023-01-19] v21.48 beta (experimental). Changes:
[Fix] Issue #67 Bug: in Node "Block".
[Fix] Issue #74 Bug: Block_mode CUSTOM changing to BLOCK_ALL @power off (remote controller).
[Fix] Issue #68 Bug: show logline only when 'Extend logging' is enabled.
[Fix] Issue #69 Bug: Correct function node "set.war_ot_wt".
[New] Added a link to changelog.md on dashboard System/About.
[2023-01-17] v21.47 beta (experimental). Changes:
[Fix] Fix SoftStart logging showed F_SS_old_correction with trailing zeros xx.0000000000003
[Fix] Reduced SoftStart logging when SP_Final < HEAT_SP_lower_limit.
[Fix] Label "Max MQTT-commands per day" Wasn't updating correctly, now fixed.
[New] Improvements made for extra (more) debugging info. (trailing *** in log) and highlights.
[Other] Code optimalisation in System Check, SS corr rounding etc.
[Fix] Fixed a small difference between function Compare new SP and function SoftStart.
[Optimalisation] Cleaned up code, removed unnecessary inject nodes (1/min).
[New] When defrosting show status on Home (@Operation mode, actual).
[Change] Increasing the max mqqt-messages/day now in bigger steps (10/2000).
[2023-01-15] v21.46 beta (experimental). Changes:
[New] Function RTC automation, give name to OM mode when changing Operation mode.
[Fix] RTC Turn power on/off & Change Operation mode was only executed after a room temp change.
[Fix] SoftStart Quietmode was setting wrong Quietmode even when switch was disabled.
[Fix] Status switch "Extend logging" was configured incorrectly.
[Change] Changed the way label of "Block MQTT commands" updating.
[Change] Better solution to update MQTT state and label by listening to command# topic.
[2023-01-13] v21.45 beta (experimental). Changes:
[Other] Removed some typos from changelog.
[New] Added source (origin) for most MQTT-commands in log
[New] Highlight mqqt-commands in log.
[Fix] Fixed Bock mode "custom" changing to "block all" after 1 min.
[New] Added actual block mode to label switch "Block MQTT commands".
[Fix] Fixed some typos.
[Other] Cleaned up code Function WAR2DIRECT (3rd pinout code obsolete).
[2023-01-12] v21.44 beta (experimental). Changes:
[Fix] Shutdown detection and response fixed.
[Fix] RTC turn power off/on working again (broken in v21.43)
[New] SoftStart timer: Not resetting at flow restart (when compressor was running).
[Add] Added SoftStart timers to System Check.
[Fix] Remember state of switch "Extend debugging".
[Fix] Remember state of switch "Block MQTT commands" at boot.
[Fix] Restore previous block_mode when disabling MQTT-Block.
[Fix] Fixed status button MQTT block on "Manual OFF button press detected" page.
[New] Added Home button to System navigation bar.
[2023-01-09] v21.43 beta (experimental). Changes:
[Changed] mqtt.block_mode defaulting to 1 after trigger mqtt.block_active.
[Changed] when mqtt.block_mode IS defaulting to 1, push this state to GUI.
[2023-01-09] v21.42 beta (experimental). Changes:
[Fix] Shutdown response now working (I think)
[NEW] added a button on the shutdown detection section
[2023-01-08] v21.41 beta (experimental). Changes:
[Fix] small fix for shutdown response improvement.
[Changed] Improved the System Check layout.
[Add] Label "Max MQTT-commands per day" now shows actual messages from current day.
[2023-01-08] v21.40 beta (experimental). Changes:
[Fix] Shutdown response improvement.
[2023-01-07] v21.39 beta (experimental). Changes:
[Fix] Shutdown response and popups now working again.
[2023-01-07] v21.38 beta (experimental). Changes:
[Fix] Crash/Freeze after turning on/off toggle .
[2023-01-06] v21.37 beta (experimental). Changes:
[-] continued with var renaming.
[New] Linking RTC roomtemperature setpoint to nightreduction roomsetpoint
[2023-01-05] v21.36 beta (experimental). Changes:
[Fix] fixed a small bug after renaming.
[Changed] moved check of mqtt stuff of of system check, into load on boot MQTT.
[Changed] Removed some of the automated node.warn() notifications
[2023-01-04] v21.35 beta (experimental). Changes:
[FIX] SoftStart was using Night reduction water temp correction when switch was'nt enabled.
[Other] started with new naming convention and code optimization.
(old variables will be removed, please check all function switches)
[2023-01-04] v21.34 beta (experimental). Changes:
[Fix] Added to System Check: repair wrong settings MQTT caused by older versions.
[Add] Added all night recduction variables to the System Check (debugging purposes).
[Add] Added more SoftStart logging to main log when switch "extend logging is enabled".
[2022-12-25] v21.32 beta (experimental). Changes:
[FIX] Typo in FILTER functions (2x) (Thanks sjampeter)
[2022-12-25] v21.32 beta (experimental). Changes:
[FIX] mqtt signals being blocked too often. Power on/off, Operating Mode, Quiet Mode etc.
[2022-12-24] v21.31 beta (experimental). Changes:
[Changed] Rework of block functionality. Rules around custom selection should be obayed now.
[Changed] RTC function, help and layout. Select the action you want to allow, on/off or heatmode changing only.
[Changed] RTC function, Booster renamed to incremental setpoints
[Changed] Scheduler function. Behaviour when other functions are activated.
[Changed] SoftStart. Now a toggle is present if you want the function to restart every time after a defrost.
[FIX] WAR function. TOP29 and TOP30 were flipped during import/export.
[FIX] Heatpump information updated propperly after firmware change. (Thank you xtr3me)
[2022-12-15] v21.30 beta (experimental). Changes:
[FIX] RTC on/off function. When no OperatingMode is stored, it would default back to Mode 0 (heat only)
[2022-12-13] v21.29 beta (experimental). Changes:
[NEW] Bypass Softstart Quietmode during defrost.
[Obsolete] RTC Booster fixed now. Use the switch on RTC dashboard to enable (default off).
[Obsolete] Removed layout from dashboard Hardware configuration (was for testing only)
[FIX] Nightreduction room temperature / Current status --> Manual on/off now working again.
[FIX] Removed log message (@startup) "Function - SoftStart Quietmode: OFF (restored to level 0)". (the restored part)
[FIX] Unneeded pumpspeed MQTT command (When enabled at a restart).
[Moved] Moved Function reduce pump speed to Settings page. Layout now improved.
[Changed] Replaced defrost toggle with button. Color status of button Red --> defrosting.
[FIX] RTC Room actual temperature didn't update frequently.
[Add] Added to System Check: RTC Booster, Function pump speed, MQTT-block settings and manual on/off settings.
[2022-12-12] v21.28 beta (experimental). Changes:
[ENHANCEMENT] Added toggle for NightReduction RoomSP in Scheduler screen.