Query to look for existing options to search for courses. Returns a list of all schools (campuses), categories and googleplaces ids (cities, countries) thahave at least one course avilable
query {
offeringSearchFilterOptions(filter: OfferingSearchFilterOptionsFilter){
# OfferingSearchFilterOptionsResult
The query doesn’t have arguments other than schoolIds and doesn’t have pagination.
The following query will return all locations where a course is offered. You can change locations name by sending a different languageId
query offeringSearchFilterOptionsForLocation($languageId: Int) { offeringSearchFilterOptions { schoolGooglePlaces { googlePlaceId countryId cityName: translation(languageId: $languageId) country { countryName: nameTranslation(languageId: $languageId) } } } }
"languageId": 1